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How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us - Religion (11) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us (56959 Views)

Why Jehovah's Witnesses Are The Most United And Peaceful Religion In The World / Examining Talk That Jehovah's Witnesses Are The Only Ones Preaching Out There / Five Things You Never Knew About Jehovah's Witnesses. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 7:31pm On Oct 20, 2019
yeah. they are very good at putting a show. you won't know their true colour until u've gone close to them.

Fallacy of generalization.....
Oya clap for yourself.
Educated bigot.
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by sacramento1212: 7:41pm On Oct 20, 2019

Can a man and woman be married to each other except they agree ?
Will Jesus Christ recommend his followers to marry a Pharisee?

Will you give your daughter's hand in marriage to an atheist ,Buddhist or Muslim?
Are you not a hypocrite?

What religion does JW practice? Islam, Buddhist, Atheist all have separate beliefs as they are classed as separate religion.

Except JW isn't under Christianity as a religion then i can understand.
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by freeman1010: 7:45pm On Oct 20, 2019
Try asked them to pray for you in Jeaus name and hear their response to know if they are preaching Christ or not

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by 1Sharon(f): 7:47pm On Oct 20, 2019

Which Bible do you think is the correct one?

The Coptic bible
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 7:47pm On Oct 20, 2019
they err from the doctrine of the bible. being obedient to lies doesn't make the lie to be true. that what I can say.

Obedient to which lie?

You're an idol worshipping celebrant of a pagan feast...(according to your fellow body in Christ Pharisees).
You want proof?
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 7:52pm On Oct 20, 2019

What religion does JW practice? Islam, Buddhist, Atheist all have separate beliefs as they are classed as separate religion.

Except JW isn't under Christianity as a religion then i can understand.
I'm a JW, servant of the God of Abraham and my Messiah, Jesus Christ. Exodus 3:14,15 Acts 3:13 . Rev3:12-14. Isaiah 42:10-12 . What about you?
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Emescot(m): 8:01pm On Oct 20, 2019

The Coptic bible
Will study about it later
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 8:02pm On Oct 20, 2019
Try asked them to pray for you in Jeaus name and hear their response to know if they are preaching Christ or not
You already have prejudice and you are not ready to listen to the good news of God's kingdom.
JWs have nothing to prove to you.... We don't force anyone to listen to the gospel of God's kingdom which Jesus Christ preached.

Our mission is not to woo you with prayers.
Jesus Christ never did.

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by sacramento1212: 8:02pm On Oct 20, 2019

I'm a JW, servant of the God of Abraham and my Messiah, Jesus Christ. Exodus 3:14,15 Acts 3:13 . Rev3:12-14. Isaiah 42:10-12 . What about you?

Okay sir, what religion do Jehovah witness practise Sir?
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by TemmyT002(m): 8:05pm On Oct 20, 2019
yeah. they are very good at putting a show. you won't know their true colour until u've gone close to them.

Everyone does the same
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by TemmyT002(m): 8:05pm On Oct 20, 2019

Can a man and woman be married to each other except they agree ?
Will Jesus Christ recommend his followers to marry a Pharisee?

Will you give your daughter's hand in marriage to an atheist ,Buddhist or Muslim?
Are you not a hypocrite?

This is deep
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Alanchewo: 8:07pm On Oct 20, 2019
I agree with this.....they have the better understanding of the bible

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by malvisguy212: 8:26pm On Oct 20, 2019

Obedient to which lie?

You're an idol worshipping celebrant of a pagan feast...(according to your fellow body in Christ Pharisees).
You want proof?
obedient to the lie that the holy spirit is an active FORCE.

any prove apart from the Bible is lies.
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by HighPriest26: 8:34pm On Oct 20, 2019
Thanks for writing a beautiful nonsense. Join them if you like them and stop disturbing us. Even Occult love themselves, are organised and don't make noise like u said other churches are doing. What you call evangelism is actually initiation and false indoctrination of weak and feeble in faith like you. I know what I'm saying and none of them can stand to discuss weightier matters of the kingdom and not their baby doctrine of heaven on Earth where you'll use snake as belt


Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by achorladey: 8:49pm On Oct 20, 2019
Taking Nigeria as a case study, if you are not a Jehovah’s Witness, you must have heard from some pastors or some other Christians like you about how the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the wrong gospel. You must have heard them say that they use the wrong Bible. They must have told you to kick them out of your house or never let them in. They might have even told you that listening to them could lead you to Hell Fire.

My view about them changed when I related with one of them during an external tutorial class. There was a single guy among the rest in a mixed class of Christians and Muslims. This guy was the only Jehovah’s Witness. We all had a lot of fun bullying him. We made jest of his bag and made jest of the fact that he was a Jehovah’s Witness.

Despite all these bullying, he never retaliated. We were still kids back then and our knowledge of the Bible was what we were taught in our different churches. We argued over some verses in the bible and the guy took pains to explain some topics based on what he had been taught. We all shut him down, of course.

Years later, I had the opportunity to visit one of their Kingdom Halls. I had read a lot of their FREE publications and I wanted to see what they did there. I was wowed. I have been to many other churches but this Kingdom Hall was different.

The surprising part was that after the service, I met this guy again and he was so happy to see me. I was surprised. I thought he would make jest of me and ask why I was there. Instead, he and the other people there showed me love.

How are the Jehovah’s Witnesses better Christians than the rest of us?


The Bible says “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”- Matthew 5:10

John 15:18- “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

2 Timothy 3:12 – “Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.”

You will agree with me that Christians in Nigeria also get persecuted but the persecutions occur mostly in the Northern part of Nigeria. Jehovah’s Witnesses, however, are many all over the world and they are persecuted more than all other Christians of different denominations. The recent one occurred in Russia.

The Southwestern part of Nigeria, which is full of the Yorubas is considered to be full of people who are tolerant and accept you into their society no matter your status or religion. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses still get persecuted there most of the time.

I watched an American movie about the Second World War and at the end of the movie, some statistics were listed based on the number of people who were killed by Hitler’s Soldiers. Apart from the Jews, the homosexuals, and blacks, I was surprised to see Jehovah’s Witnesses listed among them too.


Unlike in other Christian churches where people are forced or even threatened to make donations, donations in Kingdom Halls of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are quite voluntary. When you walk into one of their Halls, you will see a box right at the entrance calling you to make voluntary donations.

In other churches, publications are not free. Pastors and General Overseers write a lot of books. Some churches even produce a lot of books for the benefit of their congregations but these books are not free. This is different with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In each Kingdom Hall, at least the ones I have been to, there is a special place where lots of books and publications are arranged. You can pick any book depending on the language you want for free.

You might have seen them giving out books on the streets and they would never ask you to buy them. They would instead ask you to make voluntary donations. Even if you don’t have money, you can go ahead and pick. They are more interested in making sure you gain the knowledge of God’s word.


Do you know a Jehovah’s Witness who doesn’t ‘preach’ on social media? When Jesus was leaving the earth, he asked his disciples to go all over the world and preach the gospel.

Thankfully, we are in the jet age where you can share information that can reach people all over the world. Unfortunately, today’s Christians rarely make use of this opportunity to preach the gospel.

There are lots of Christians who have huge followers on different social media platforms but unless they are pastors, you would rarely see them post anything related to the gospel on their accounts. Instead of sermons you will see them posting their beautiful pictures.

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ members post different topics on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on. Whatever they learn in their Kingdom Halls or conventions, they make sure they share them online.

Other Christians prefer to share nonsensical topics and topics that won’t touch your life positively in anyway. They are supposed to share the sermons they learn from their different churches every Sunday but they would rather share posts concerning Big Brother Nigeria or other nonsense.


This is one of the things they are known for. Apart from the social media, radio and other modes of evangelism, the Jehovah’s Witnesses preach the gospel by walking from house to house.

Despite the fact that a lot of people reject them, they still keep on. Everything in their minds is looking for one or two people whose lives they can touch positively. You see them walking in the sun, with their umbrellas and bags, with no shame. They prefer to follow God’s instructions and they do this at least twice in a week, walking long distances.


Their testimonies are different from those of other Christians. While other Christians give testimonies about what God has done in their lives, most of the testimonies usually involve material things of the world. This is good but there is always something missing.

Other Christians testify about the new cars they just purchased, the new child they just had, the new house they just built and so on. The testimonies of Jehovah’s Witnesses involve turning over a new leaf, giving their lives to Jesus and becoming a model example.

They have different stories on testimonies like these. When you read about people changing and turning over a new leaf, you will be encouraged and you will want to have the same experience. In one of their publications, I read about a Japanese Kamikaze soldier who fought in World War Two and then became a Jehovah’s Witness and began to preach the gospel. I was wowed.


Have you ever walked into a Kingdom Hall? As you approach the place, you would believe they are not holding any program because you won’t hear anything. It is only when you enter into the Hall that you will realize that there is a program going on after all.

Other churches love the use of loud speakers. You could be far away and you would hear the different speakers from different churches booming and screaming. Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Kingdom Halls do not pollute the air with noises.

During their programs, they never compete for Bible reading. We all know this. In Pentecostal churches, when the pastor calls a Bible verse, you see fifty people trying to read the same verse at the same time. You would think the fastest reader would be paid for it.

The ‘winner’ is usually the fastest reader. This usually causes fracas among the readers after church services and you may sometimes see two ‘readers’ keeping malice against each other.

The reverse is the case in Kingdom Halls. When a Bible verse is called or when a question is asked, people would raise their hands in order to respond. Everything is calm and quiet. You feel peace in your heart. You forget your problems.


Many churches in Nigeria love to welcome newcomers. Some churches serve them foods and drinks and collect their phone numbers. The choir members sing a song of welcome and then some top leaders of different groups walk over to the newcomers to shake their hands and welcome. That’s all.

At the end of the program, everyone leaves and forget the newcomer. This occurs in most churches. When a newcomer’s phone number is gotten, all the church want to do is to make sure the newcomer becomes a member and comes always.

In Kingdom Halls, this is different. After the service, almost everyone walks over to you to shake your hand and welcome you with beautiful smiles. Then they politely ask if you would want free Bible study.

There are so many other ways by which the Jehovah’s Witnesses are better Christians than the rest of us and we need to emulate these qualities. There is a very big difference if we are being sincere with ourselves.

Showing love to one another is the key to peaceful nation. Despite the number of churches in Nigeria, in different states and in different streets, corruption is still rampant. Ethnic bigotry and tribalism is till rampant. Something is wrong somewhere and it is all in our hands to change things.

Emulating the qualities of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the key.

SOURCE: https://opinionsandstories.com/how-the-jehovahs-witnesses-are-better-christians-than-the-rest-of-us/

The words of a musical artist......
If you COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS, you may become VAIN and BITTER; for always there will be GREATER and LESSER persons than YOURSELF.

The interesting thing about this quote above when applied to the title of your thread by rewriting the TITLE of your THREAD this way "HOW OTHER RELIGIOUS denominations are BETTER than the JWS".

Will the JWS readily accept that OTHER religious denominations are better than them? Your answer I believe is already out there in the numerous pages that this thread spreads across.

This brings us to this that came out of a discussion.....

From a JW..............

"guess that's why the religious leaders of Christendom(Catholics, and other religious denominations apart from the JWS included) always warn their members not to allow Jehovah's Witnesses to say a word whenever they come preaching at their doors!"

MY response to the above......

"Guess that's why the Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses always warn their members not to allow or collect leaflets or fliers or other materials (including website and internet pages by EX members of JW) from "CHRISTENDOM" members and its leaders whenever they COME PREACHING."

Yet the the following is stated clearly in the Bible

Matthew 7:12...... In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets.

Even within the community of JWS some members are better than other members therefore within the religious denominations at large there will be lesser and greater ones.

Only that I don't believe the JWS will agree that there is ONE religious denominations better than them.

The other part from the same musical artist is the below....


How do I believe you can do this? STATISTICS.

All of the ways you have highlighted, STATISTICS would have made your CASE very QUIET and CLEAR. The moment you state JWS are better than OTHERS, you should know what you are UP against STATISTICALLY.

Take the below as an example and after reading, can you tell how many JWS will be included in the below?.....

"It warned the religion "is at risk of disappearing" in some parts of the world, pointing to figures which claimed Christians in Palestine represent less than 1.5% of the population, while in Iraq they had fallen from 1.5 million before 2003 to less than 120,000."

For more see below address


Statistics as applied in the way CHRISTIANS face PERSECUTION can be equally be applied to all other points expressed by you.

The need to avoid to unnecessary COMPARISON can be further EXPLAINED below.....

" The probable response by the organization to this would be that Jehovah’s Witnesses are SUPERIOR in that they take action against wrongdoers and disfellowship those they find to be unrepentant, thus maintaining a “clean organization.” No one can fail to appreciate a concern to act where wrongdoing is manifest..........

.......Mere punishment of WRONGDOING does not of itself make any organization “CLEAN” or SUPERIOR in its CLEANNESS to other organizations. A government might consistently exile allthose disagreeing with its decisions and rule. But that would not prove that the country was free of dissidence or discontent—not if the exiling continued to go on year after year. Nor would the practice of executing all criminals mean that a country was FREE of CRIME and SUPERIOR to other countries in enjoying a crime-free ENVIRONMENT, particularly not if CRIMES (and subsequent executions) continued to occur at essentially the SAME RATE as always.
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by spayor(m): 8:51pm On Oct 20, 2019

Hello, Look at the area i highlighted in Yellow, That is where the entire problem in your question came from.

Read Genesis 22:12 , after God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son, and Abraham obeyed, He said in that verse ' FOR NOW [presently] I KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOD - FEARING '

Please think again about the phrase Now I know , does that sound like he programmed men to act a certain way ? Clearly his power to know things doesnt mean he used that power at all times, like in this case, He allow Abraham exercise his freewill . dont forget it would be a lie to say Now i know, if he knew beforehand , and yes He cant lie... Hence now answer all your question: God doesnt over ride our freewill ,He instead allow each person including Adam and Eve to exercise their freewill

For more explanation , check this article : YOUR FUTURE PREDESTINED?

thanks..good contribution


Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 8:55pm On Oct 20, 2019
Please keep quayet I dated one for 5 yrs, she does preach on social media. She is like every other slayqueen that went to uniport.
I won't go into plenty analysis else you won't even greet them if you come across them.
They are the biggest pretenders and hypocrites.
Most of them are not dedicated Jws while the dedicated ones are "living in bondage".
A JW lady isn't permitted to mak love to her JW fiance before wedding night even after introduction but can bleep a non JW.
Very confused set of people if you ask me

You and a young woman not your wife dey do sex, which your own copy of the Bible calls a sin, yet she's the hypocrite but you are not.
Bros, you dey deceive yourself.
What a typical male chauvinist !
"...JW lady isn't permitted to mak love to her JW fiance before wedding night even after introduction but can bleep a non JW.
Very confused set of people if you ask me"
[/DonBenny quote]

So, for your mind, you and your "hypocrite" girlfriend are not "living in bondage"....
Oturugbeke !!!!!

Shuooo !!!!
Your hypocrisy tie wrapper. .

Contrary to your fallacious claims, every honest hearted person here can distinguish who is actually "confused" and "living in bondage"

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 9:00pm On Oct 20, 2019
Thanks for writing a beautiful nonsense. Join them if you like them and stop disturbing us. Even Occult love themselves, are organised and don't make noise like u said other churches are doing. What you call evangelism is actually initiation and false indoctrination of weak and feeble in faith like you. I know what I'm saying and none of them can stand to discuss weightier matters of the kingdom and not their baby doctrine of heaven on Earth where you'll use snake as belt
Well packaged fiction masquerading as fact.
Pastorpreneur ,how your market today?
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by grandstar(m): 9:03pm On Oct 20, 2019
The JWs are not allowed to think for themselves or question the rules because outside thoughts are said to be from the devil.
JWs have to disown family or friends whoever leave the faith and cut them off completely.
They have also had a lot of failed prophecies.
JWs members are banned from reading religious texts from other beliefs but will gladly teach people of other faiths about theirs.
The watchtower group claims politics is evil but they are aligned with the UN.

i am a Jehovah's Witness and I will only focus on your last point.

I would like you to show me proof that we are aligned with the United Nations. I will really appreciate it. Just one proof.

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 9:05pm On Oct 20, 2019
obedient to the lie that the holy spirit is an active FORCE.

any prove apart from the Bible is lies.
You worship 3 person, triune Godhead.
Jehovah commanded Jesus Christ to sit at his right hand....
where did Jehovah install the holy spirit to sit ?


Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 9:17pm On Oct 20, 2019
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 9:17pm On Oct 20, 2019

Okay sir, what religion do Jehovah witness practise Sir?
I'm a JW, servant of the God of
Abraham and my Messiah, Jesus
Christ. Exodus 3:14,15 Acts 3:13 .
Rev3:12-14. Isaiah 42:10-12 .
Sir,please search the Scriptures above and share what you found out with everyone on this thread.
Please respond to my question:

*** What about you ,na which church you dey pay your membership fee/dues?
Thank you.
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by OkCornel(m): 9:19pm On Oct 20, 2019

Please ask rotten if his parents are still distributing trash and jargons because the last time i checked it's like they are also members of Jehovah's Witnesses organization! wink

Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 9:28pm On Oct 20, 2019

These are truths.

And I'm surprised to see many JWs attack your person rather than try to counter the points you raised.

I for one know that nothing gets a Jehovah's Witness hard like condemning the Catholic Church. It gives them the ultimate erection. And I'm Catholic. I read their tracts. I see the sneak disses. I just laugh.. Childish.

What I like is their voluntary nature. Something similar to Catholicism. But they are quite pompous. An evidence to that fact is the topic of this thread. Quite unnecessary and very infantile.

You are not very honest....
First of all, the OP of this thread is not a JW. Where is the pomposity?
please, see my response to Edybleketara, and Others too...
What in particular ,have JWs said about Catholics that you don't agree with?
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by paltielx: 9:33pm On Oct 20, 2019
Though what you post is your opinion, that very true, they way those people are zealous for find works are worthy of imitation if you can't emulate. But I still wonder why many religious leaders try to stop their members from DISCUSSING the Bible's message with then after all their message is based on BIBLE
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by martjay(m): 9:34pm On Oct 20, 2019
They may be nice with visitors and peoples that doesn't know them. When you have close relationship with them, then you'll have a proper definition of hypocrisy. (1) If you are not their member, no matter how diligent and hardworking you are, your efforts are futile, if you are working in an establishment owned by one of them. (2) it is only their organization that is right religiously, other churches or denominations are evil worshippers or idolaters. (3) if you like be as intelligence as Albert Einstein, if you are not their member, you are a dullard. (4) stigmatization to non members are glaring, for instance, they can never listen to gospel music, but preferred secular music with dirty lyrics and would never listen to any sermon apart from their teachings. (5) they don't believe that Jesus is God, instead regarded Jesus as one the angels and was created by God. (6) in their Bible, John 1:1, they changed God to god which is Jesus. (7) they believed that there is no hell fire where sinners shall be punished and could not explain the story of Lazarus and a rich man in Luke 16:20-24 and motive of that story. (cool you can never differentiate between their female members and so the called worldly ladies in terms of dressing and attitudes. Etc

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by onmyowncj: 9:39pm On Oct 20, 2019
This thread carry crowd o,ppl in general are becoming independently reasonable and balanced in analysis,gone are the time ppl stick to what they hear,rather they ask intelligent question,op UR topic is logically realistic and a fact,ppl can't help but to agree with you even non witnesses

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Nobody: 9:40pm On Oct 20, 2019

Fruits as represented there are the results and qualities expected from a repented soul. It is enumerated in Galatians 5

While sometimes people can be under a good teaching and not bear the expected fruit, my focus is on the teaching and doctrine.

Well that's a lie! wink

Even Apostle Paul have repented of his sin yet he still struggle with works of the flesh! Roman 7:21-25

My friend, the only person who could cultivate all those nine qualities is Jesus (God's only begotten son) who is perfect. The only way that could be noticed amongst humans is a thorough examination of the congregation where the perfect teacher (Jesus) is leading them!

If you try to examine each and every member of the Christian congregation, you'll never find one single individual who has all those nine qualities.
But as a BODY they will bear all those qualities as a group, that's what the OP is saying! John 17:20-23 wink


Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 9:42pm On Oct 20, 2019

In every 12 nwanne there must be a Judas oo
We dey pursue members because of misconduct It’s called disfellowship the guy mentioned it in the post, we try our best to keep jehovahs organization clean
If Dey catch that your babe grin grin

DonBenny dey cast him partner in fornication after he done form love to deceive.., yet he's not a hypocrite.
To the carnally minded, Sharing in the sin of others is not hypocrisy.
Let him continue to deceive himself joor.

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Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Janosky: 10:08pm On Oct 20, 2019
They may be nice with visitors and peoples that doesn't know them. When you have close relationship with them, then you'll have a proper definition of hypocrisy. (1) If you are not their member, no matter how diligent and hardworking you are, your efforts are futile if you are working in an establishment owned by one of them. (2) it is only their organization that is right religiously, other churches or denominations are evil worshippers or idolaters. (3) if you like be as intelligence as Albert Einstein, if you are not their member, you are a dullard. (4) stigmatization to non members are glaring, for instance, they can never listen to gospel music, but preferred secular music with dirty lyrics and would never listen to any sermon apart from their teachings.
Fallacy of generalization.... your points 1-3.
JWs are not perfect. It's not impossible that his employee may be treated unfairly. On the other hand, what an employee may call 'unfair treatment' is actually not the case.
My biz firm is not a charity organization. It's wicked to take advantage of your Boss humane disposition simply because he's a JW.
That your point 3 , big LIE !
4). JWs condemn lewd music. Why would a JW play any song in praise of Trinity AKA 'your praise & worship stuff? Besides, I'm not imposing my music tastes on you, why impose yours on me? JW go buy & play pastorpreneur sermons? For where!!!
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by potent5(m): 10:40pm On Oct 20, 2019

If your false claims were true, the OP who is NOT a JW,won't post this thread.

You worship the "triune Godhead" whereas Jesus Christ said his God and Father is the only true God in heaven and earth. John17:3. Rev 3:5,12. John20:17.
You dey there dey deceive yourself.
I know you know Op very well to know he's not a JW. I am entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to yours. Witnesses are hypocrites, discriminators, teach half-truths, etc. What can you do about my opinion?
Re: How The Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Better Christians Than The Rest Of Us by Acrobatics01: 10:43pm On Oct 20, 2019

Why wouldn't you people follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ as he prayed when Lazarus died? Did he pray in his heart?

It is noteworthy that we also make public prayers.
Eg. in our public meetings, we start and end them with prayers.

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