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!!!! by Idonweak: 11:58am On Nov 10, 2019
Re: !!!! by sweetonugbu: 12:06pm On Nov 10, 2019
Her kpomo


Re: !!!! by godofuck231: 12:07pm On Nov 10, 2019
Then they were pr*stitutes
Re: !!!! by Nobody: 12:07pm On Nov 10, 2019
I created a thread a long time ago about a girl who was seeking for job. I explained that she had no one to help and she also has issues concerning her school fees.
This is the thread https://www.nairaland.com/5393677/please-come-here

Well she message me this morning that she is going into prostitution. She told me not to look bad of her that she has no choice. Since no job or helper. I was devastated and tried convincing her but her mind was made up already. I really wish i could help her financially or help with something she can do. Our society is really fucke.d up. Now i understand why most girls turn to prostitution. Nobody wants to help without getting something in return. So sad sad
If she is a male will you be this concern about her?

36 Likes 1 Share

Re: !!!! by Idonweak: 12:13pm On Nov 10, 2019
If she is a male will you be this concern about her?

Yeah, I am concerned about my friends irrespective of gender. She's my best friend.

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Re: !!!! by Cutehector(m): 12:17pm On Nov 10, 2019

Yeah, I am concerned about my friends irrespective of gender. She's my best friend.
someone has replied
Re: !!!! by Idonweak: 12:17pm On Nov 10, 2019
The reason why I brought this up is because i want guys here to know that most of the girls into prostitution are not doing it for fun. The same guys bashing them are the ones also pushing them to prostitution in the name of "what will i get in return ". If you fvck prostitutes and bash them online you're nothing but a hypocrite. And i pity your daughter

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Re: !!!! by Nobody: 12:19pm On Nov 10, 2019
If you really care for her, talk to her. Spare no efforts to pass your message across, be mean if need be. I believe in tough love.


Re: !!!! by Belafonte(m): 12:20pm On Nov 10, 2019
The reason why I brought this up is because i want guys here to know that most of the girls into prostitution are not doing it for fun. The same guys bashing them are the ones also pushing them to prostitution in the name of "what will i get in return ". If you fvck prostitutes and bash them online you're nothing but a hypocrite. And i pity your daughter

Everyone is responsible for their choices in life irrespective of pressure. If a gun wasn't pointed in her direction, it's fully her fault and no one else's.


Re: !!!! by UnclePrincipal(m): 12:22pm On Nov 10, 2019

Everyone is responsible for their choices in life irrespective of pressure. If a gun wasn't pointed in her direction, it's fully her fault and no one else's.

Well you're right, there are external factors that determine our decisions too. Hope you know that?. A gun could be pointed to her head(figuratively) and she won't have no options.

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Re: !!!! by Idonweak: 12:23pm On Nov 10, 2019
If you really care for her, talk to her. Spare no efforts to pass your message across, be mean if need be. I believe in tough love.

I have talked to her. It's not advice she needs but help. Hope you understand?

1 Like

Re: !!!! by DonFreshmoney(m): 12:25pm On Nov 10, 2019
So you are giving up or what..

You cant draw her ears and konk her..

So all males that are broke should go into ritual and yahoo+...


Re: !!!! by Cutehector(m): 12:26pm On Nov 10, 2019

I have talked to her. It's not advice she needs but help. Hope you understand?
someone has offered help on that thread.
Re: !!!! by Nobody: 12:27pm On Nov 10, 2019
The truth is, you cant change her mind, she's got to do that by herself.
But you can influence her decision. If tough love doesnt work, sit her down and talk to her calmly. If she's at ease, the better. Dont make it seem like you are advising her, nor judging. You just want to listen. Ask indirect question. The moment she answers them, she'll realize she's making the wrong choice.
Dont reprimand her. The moment she gets self defensive..


Re: !!!! by Idonweak: 12:27pm On Nov 10, 2019
someone has offered help on that thread.

Alright, thanks i just saw it.
Re: !!!! by Cutehector(m): 12:28pm On Nov 10, 2019

Alright, thanks i just saw it.
great. I just hope the person offering to help doesn't regret his/her decisions. You better warn that girl not to steal from him/her. Cheers bro.

I would have offered to hep but naah, too many deceitful people out there these days.
Re: !!!! by Karleb(m): 12:31pm On Nov 10, 2019
Women go into prostitution to get easy money, you have to put a man in her shoe to understand this.
She has other options but those options are not just as easy as prostitution.

Some men are in worse situation than her's but will not prostitute because 'who go pay'?

It's her life and choice, I wish her a STD free market.


Re: !!!! by Nobody: 12:32pm On Nov 10, 2019

I have talked to her. It's not advice she needs but help. Hope you understand?
Both really. Life's tough. If every woman goes into prostitution when things are difficult...
She needs to understand that the easy way out, is always the best.
Besides, what if she get financial help today, is broke again later on and isnt lucky to find someone to assist her once more? undecided

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Re: !!!! by Idonweak: 12:35pm On Nov 10, 2019
great. I just hope the person offering to help doesn't regret his/her decisions. You better warn that girl not to steal from him/her. Cheers bro.

I would have offered to hep but naah, too many deceitful people out there these days.

I understand, she's a good girl and doesn't steal(i can guarantee this).
Re: !!!! by xhaka999(m): 12:35pm On Nov 10, 2019
Re: !!!! by Cutehector(m): 12:39pm On Nov 10, 2019

I understand, she's a good girl and doesn't steal(i can guarantee this).
ok then
Re: !!!! by teamforeveryoun: 12:50pm On Nov 10, 2019
Please advice her not to do that.
I know it might sound funny what am about to say and even funnier if she went to school to get a degree but please tell her there are other hard options.
She could try and see if this LAWMA people sweeping in their area will connect her to how they get the job, she can sweep in the mornings and still have the rest of the day free, its hard,,,yes but doable.

She could start informing people around her area or church/ mosque that she can wash clothes or clean houses,,,,its hard, but doable.

She can also try nanny job,,,,,talk to place of worship members or area people ,,,word of mouth does wonders,,,,,,,

She can even get employed by cleaning agents,,,,that clean companies, party and churches, at least salary comes monthly,,,very small but your integrity is intact and she can at least feed.

Prostitution is not the last option, in fact its not an option.

Trust me when I say so.


Re: !!!! by Idonweak: 12:56pm On Nov 10, 2019
ok then

Re: !!!! by chigoizie7(m): 1:00pm On Nov 10, 2019
Everyone has a choice
Re: !!!! by Coldie: 1:08pm On Nov 10, 2019
No need to advice her. The girl is just showing her true character. People have been unemployed for years they didn't commit crime or engage in prostitution, she's unemployed in less than a year and she jumps into prostitution because she doesn't have a helper.

That's very bad, I give her a cancel

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Re: !!!! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 1:10pm On Nov 10, 2019
That's her choice.

1 Like

Re: !!!! by IHate9jerianss(m): 1:14pm On Nov 10, 2019
"Don't save her.She don't wanna be saved"

"Don't save her.She don't wanna be saved"

J.Cole-No role modelz


Re: !!!! by boiz2men(m): 1:22pm On Nov 10, 2019
I created a thread a long time ago about a girl who was seeking for job. I explained that she had no one to help and she also has issues concerning her school fees.
This is the thread https://www.nairaland.com/5393677/please-come-here

Well she message me this morning that she is going into prostitution. She told me not to look bad of her that she has no choice. Since no job or helper. I was devastated and tried convincing her but her mind was made up already. I really wish i could help her financially or help with something she can do. Our society is really fucke.d up. Now i understand why most girls turn to prostitution. Nobody wants to help without getting something in return. So sad sad

Can she cook and does she have a hustling spirit?

1 Like

Re: !!!! by AfroKnight: 1:25pm On Nov 10, 2019
Then she’s a hóe. Simple.

Some snowflakes would take offence but that’s what she is, now. He is a doctor, he is a singer, he is a welder,... she is a hóe. Job description.

All the excuses and background story... trash. Embrace who you are.

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Re: !!!! by Coldie: 1:38pm On Nov 10, 2019
I was unemployed for over 4years. I as a guy didn't go to start robbing people despite my body build, I didn't kidnap people I didnt do yahoo.

Me that in the uni if I enter any venue its shutting down, always vvip.

After being unemployed and broke ex gfs started laughing at me, did I get frustrated and start commiting crime NO.

I manage myself one step at a timeat least I am not where I was yesterday.

You as girl, you are fine enough to say you want to go into prostitution because you don't have a helper but can't say u are fine enough to get a husband.

You have hoe tendencies, even if u get a job u would be sleeping with your boss for promotion SIMPLE


Re: !!!! by Originalsly: 1:49pm On Nov 10, 2019

The reason why I brought this up is because i want guys here to know that most of the girls into prostitution are not doing it for fun. The same guys bashing them are the ones also pushing them to prostitution in the name of "what will i get in return ". If you fvck prostitutes and bash them online you're nothing but a hypocrite. And i pity your daughter


you can take the horse to the water but you can'tmake him drink it

Don't be played. Whatever job she gets that can pay her enough to maintain... she will not do. Must she be an employee? Did you suggest to her to do some roadside selling?... that you will buy the stuff for her to start?...which isn't much? She can't tell you pride can't make her do so but pride can allow her to go into prostitution. She wants big money fast. She has seen prostitutes get rich quick.... and that is her goal... to be one of them.... to follow that path....her mind is made up... and she is letting you know. The most you can do ... is warn her that only a few end up being rich.... but what's the point in gaining the world and losing your soul?...and more likely she will not gain anything and lose her soul. You tried... let her be... a friend is to advise... not to force.

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