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Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 8:16am On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: You're already born with salvation, so you don't need to get it from a European. You're already free!! You did not commit an ''original sin'', therefore, you don't need to be saved. All that are chains put on your mind to control you. I am already saved. It is you that need to free yourself from the religious prison that has made you such a good slave. Free your mind!!. Release yourself!! 2 Likes |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by Nobody: 8:43am On Nov 24, 2019 |
Autobot45: Hmmmm... True. Very true. That's one of my favorite occult sayings. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by fortran12: 12:41pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: That is why he has a genealogy, since Jesus was a popular name, he was called Jesus the Christ to distinguish him from the rest Tacitus that you earlier dismissed lived between 56 and 120 AD (not 117 AD as you claimed), and he is considered to be one of the greatest Roman historians. He mentions about Jesus Christ or you want to deny this claim too? First we prove if Jesus existed, leave his miracles etc out of it. When we establish that we can go to the rest. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 12:45pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: Ok, let’s compare you and me: 1) I am free to do anything u r free to do, meaning I am exactly as free as u r EXCEPT I have other freedoms u don’t have. 2) I have called on the name of the Lord Jesus while under attack and miracles happened. You can’t do that - u don’t have that freedom. 3) I have a solid basis for faith in anything in I’m about to embark on, I can have the sense that I have a real almighty partner walking with me - u can’t 4) I have a sense of someone I can go to with my problems. You don’t 5) I have a sense of someone I can pour out my heart to, much like a psychiatrist, except better because he is almighty. You don’t. 6) If I want community I can join a church. I have an already made society I can join anytime I wish. You don’t 7) In a fight, I can have the sense that I can’t lose because I have an almighty person fighting with me. You can’t 08) In a thing I think supernatural attack or things I don’t understand, I AM NOT AFRAID AT ALL because I have sense I have someone greater than it. You don’t ![]() 9 I can have peace of mind that I have someone watching over me and nothing that bad will ever happen to me. You can’t 10) I can have a sense of pleasing someone by doing good or being good - which can actually keep one out of prison. U can’t have that. 11) I can have a sense of being TOTALLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY LOVED by someone who lives within me. You can’t 12) Finally, since we have no way of knowing the true nature of the universe (we don’t even know if it is rea), anything is possible - if it turns out that salvation through acceptance of Christ is true, I also have that on top of all those other benefits. Now tell me, what do u have?? I’m FREE to do and access all those things, u r not. Now tell me, who is more free?? ** BTW your assertion that there are mistakes and inconsistencies in the Bible proves it was NOT written by Constantine, or he would have made sure there are no mistakes and inconsistencies in it! |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 2:31pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: A Muslim also has such faith. African spiritual system provide more assurance for such faith. A bhudist also has such faith. Therefore, you don't need Jesus to have such faith. However, such blind faith in the supernatural has put us so much in poverty in third world countries because it makes you abdicate from your power and give it to an unknown entity. About me? I don't need to pass through any medium to have such faith because I am already equal to your Jesus. I and Jesus are one. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 2:44pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
fortran12: When I said about 117 AD, it covers anything within that range. Historians call it circa, which means thereabout. There's no mention of ''Jesus Christ'' in any of your submissions yet, even in the different Jesus I provided, none was called Jesus Christ. In fact, there's no mention of the name ''Jesus Christ'' in any historical text for over 100 years after he supposedly lived. Any mention of ''Jesus Christ'' began to appear much much later after the Greeks and Romans entered the scene and began manufacturing the myth. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 2:45pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: I am comparing you and me, not anybody else. I have Lord Jesus. You have nothing. I believe he died for my sins and intercedes for me with God the father. I believe he is a living spirit within me and with whom I solidly belong. You belong nowhere. All countries that are the most advanced as well as democratic are all Christian countries |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 2:53pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: The other religions also believe theirs will also save them. Again, I am already equal to Jesus and don't need to believe it. I cannot reduce myself to beliving Jesus. You can as well believe in me. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by fortran12: 3:04pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: The Romans were pagans so am sure they did not give much thought to a Jewish messiah. Jesus Christ is an English word, they referred to him in their writings as Christus etc so am sure you will not find the words Jesus Christ written in there. The point is there was a historical figure called Jesus who was known by his followers as the messiah. Whether his claims of being the real messiah is true of not, the point is that he existed and pagan historians wrote about him |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by Ghokes(m): 3:07pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
But for my work, I would have been in attendance. The more knowledgeable you are, the better you become. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 3:10pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: But I can - that’s what makes me more free and stronger than u r. BTW all countries that are the most advanced and most innovative as well as democratic are all Christian and not any of these other religions u keep citing. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 3:14pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
Ghokes: Forget work. This is more important. But wait o, whose side would u have been on? |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 3:29pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
fortran12: Of course, you cannot show me, so all you can do is explain it away. His bame would have been ''Jeshua Messiah'' in Hebrew. Show me a historical text with that name. In Greek, his name would've been ''Iisous Christus.'' Show me a historical text that mentioned that name within the dates you provided. I've researched and the name doesn't exist in history. Do you know why? Because the myth wasn't manufactured yet. ![]() |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 3:42pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: I am more free because I am equal to your Jesus. So, you actually believe me. The three wealthiest countries are:- USA- Christianity. China- Confuciunism. Japan- Shintoism. As you can see, nothing is special about Christianity. And the reason they developed inspite of religion is because those religions evolved through their voluntary direct partcipation in nature. But yours was imposed on you and has actually destroyed your organic spirituality that would've allowed you be the best. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 3:54pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: I said AND DEMOCRATIC! Besides, name one app u r using that is from Japan, or any innovation for that matter. Not true. They resisted and tried to nip Christianity in the bud, just like Africans, b4 succumbing to it. It wasn’t homegrown, it came from abroad |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 4:01pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: There're more Apps in Chinese than English. No, China and Japan never succumbed to the disease called Christianity. And that's why they developed. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 4:02pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: Here is one definite proof. There are many others
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 4:15pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: Please maintain your argument and let me discuss with the other guy. You're so deparate that you can believe anything to prove Jesus. Zoom in on the image and show me where they wrote Jesus Christ in any language. What you've shown is the Nag hamadi and other Gnostic materials hiden away when Constantine and other Roman Emperors were killing the Gnostics and burning their books. As said previously that religion has already been destroyed. And there's no Jesus Christ writen on it. The figure mentioned in the papers was a militant and a religious fundamentalist such as boko harams, fighting for liberation from occupation of their lands. You can actually see it at the end of the document. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 4:37pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: You know full well China is no democracy. It is a totalitarian third world country whose nationals try to get into US just like Nigerians. Japan can’t innovate because Shintoism won’t let them. You must admit there is something clean and FREE about Christianity. All these other religions require all sorts of rituals and are are under all sorts of yolks and laws, not Christians-only one requirement - accept Christ. That’s it! |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 4:45pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: Bro, at this point I have to leave you becuse I've realized I can't help someone understand something that only themselves can understand. You're very much asleep now. Hopefully, you'll wake up in the future. See you later. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 4:46pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: My man, there is nothing we can know 4 sure. That’s the nature of our universe. You cannot prove 100^ that Washington was a real person. Heck, u can’t even prove that YOU exist. It is only in Jesus’ that u require 109% proof! Here’s another proof, as written by Tacitus. Note the bolded: [N]either human effort nor the emperor’s generosity nor the placating of the gods ended the scandalous belief that the fire had been ordered [by Nero]. Therefore, to put down the rumor, Nero substituted as culprits and punished in the most unusual ways those hated for their shameful acts … whom the crowd called “Chrestians.” The founder of this name, Christ [Christus in Latin], had been executed in the reign of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate … Suppressed for a time, the deadly superstition erupted again not only in Judea, the origin of this evil, but also in the city [Rome], where all things horrible and shameful from everywhere come together and become popular.5
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 4:51pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: It tells you clearly that he was refering to a ''deadly superstition'' And that's what Christianity is. Do you want me to believe that a superstition is reality? |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by fortran12: 4:57pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: It's in the bible you will find that. Do you expect people who do not believe in him to support his claim? All they do is mention him as part of history. It's like asking me to mention about sat guru maharaji. I will just tell you about his house in bodija ibadan how he loves the color red and flowers and how his followers dress weird. Since I don't believe in him I do not put so much attention to him. Same way the earlier historians treated Jesus. He was popular among his followers and not the Romans who penned the history. Jesus had brothers had parents too. So if you claim he did not exist do you doubt their existence too? And note his parents genealogy were provided too. Jesus was his name, the title messiah was given to him by his followers so you don't expect the pagans to call him that, even the Qur'an denies such claim but they do not deny his existence. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 5:00pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: I thought u said it was never mentioned. See, u have been tricked, and by your own admission, YOU LOST! Just as you lost by pointing out there are obvious mistakes and inconsistencies in the Bible - not knowing u r thereby admitting it couldn’t have been written by Constantine. YOU LOST AGAIN! Accept the FREE salvation offered to you and stop arguing things you have no way of knowing and will never have any way of knowing for sure. Ciao! |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 5:10pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
fortran12: You still miissed the point. Historians don't deny there was someone called ''Yeshua'' Again, that was the most popular male child name in Palestine at that time. Its like you coming to Yorubaland and asking about Ade who lived 2000 years ago. Of course, they'll be thousands of late historical Ade's. But if you come looking for Ade who was born by a virgin, walked on water, resurrected from the dead, you won't find that Ade because he didn't exist in reality but in a book. The more I think about it, the more I realize Christians have to even be out of their minds not to realize such a Jesus can only be a work of fiction. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by CanadaOrBust: 5:18pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: Here is someone who doesn’t know where he is because he thinks the world can only be perceived through the 5 senses telling someone who KNOWS what he is following that he is asleep. Here’s is something u don’t know: you don’t need the Bible at all to know Christ. You know Christ through direct experience - you just KNOW and it’s clearer to u than anything u have ever known. St. Paul never read the Bible, he regarded Christians worse than Tacitus UNTILL like thunderbolt he had direct encounter with the Spirit. After that he became the most fanatical of the same Christians he was out to kill! Here’s wishing you one day have such encounter yourself. Take care |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 5:30pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
CanadaOrBust: When I was a Christian I also used to feel same way as yourself. And I had more faith in Jesus than anybody you know, until one day my eyes opened to the fraud I was participating in. I can't believe I was stupid enough to be a Christian. Hopefully, your eyes would open one day. 1 Like |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by Emes101(m): 7:36pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
Neroiam: Ignorance you said ? |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by Emes101(m): 7:39pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
Mshad662: Nope, God "chukwu okike" is the creator |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by Emes101(m): 7:40pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
paparazi1: Thank you for mentioning God and not Jesus. |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by fortran12: 8:56pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
musicwriter: Separate the two. First did Jesus the messiah exist. That's the debate leave his miracles out. That is another topic |
Re: UNN Stops An Academic Conference On Witchcraft (Photos) by musicwriter(m): 10:46pm On Nov 24, 2019 |
fortran12: No, the Jesus described in the bible did not exist. Its a fictional character like in any other work of literature. Its a myth that evolved before the age of science but which people still believe. It was created by the Roman empire to control their subjects under one religion. But it would eventually die a natural death as people become more rational. IMPORTANT: The Jesus of the bible CANNOT be separated from his miracle, otherwise, we would be talking about someone else who probably existed. I already showed many JesusES. |
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