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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Investment / MBA Investors Forum (1235314 Views)
MBA Investors (MAGAS) / Binary Income Group - Investors Forum - Advice Needed / Mba Investors Here (2) (3) (4)
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Re: MBA Investors Forum by adexdollar(m): 9:16pm On Dec 01, 2019 |
gamaliel9:No need for that again bcoz, have already done that b4 I started , Am also a Profitable forex trader But diversified my profit in other to have 7 figures income, everything is all about taking a calculated risk, no business or investment that's 100% risk free |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by PrinceMario(m): 10:16pm On Dec 01, 2019 |
adexdollar:This certificate here is fake. Poor graphics job. 3 Likes |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Bukurlastical(f): 10:07am On Dec 02, 2019 |
Nosa111: |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by pimpo: 5:06pm On Dec 02, 2019 |
Has anyone here gone through the 6 months and requested and got their capital back? |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by aremso(m): 5:40pm On Dec 02, 2019 |
pimpo: ask @ phoenixideas, he has been with them going to 1yr now since the time of 20% roi |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by odindirindi: 7:20pm On Dec 02, 2019 |
captainking: Till date MBA forex still pays,but now 15% |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by TheWatchDog(m): 7:41pm On Dec 02, 2019 |
pimpo:If am getting my ROI on a constant basis, what is the need to withdraw my investment capital? That's my second source of earnings. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by gamaliel9: 8:09pm On Dec 02, 2019 |
I woke up very early to see my alert...gbagaaan...i get paid every 1st day of the month.. 2 down...4 to go Aremso is next ![]() 1 Like |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by phoenixideas: 7:32pm On Dec 03, 2019 |
aremso: I've not considered closing my account yet, but one time, I told them I'd like to close my account and I was told that I'd receive an e-mail with a form that I'd fill up and revert. But I quickly told the lady on the LIVE chat to forget bout it. So I believe that if you want to close your account, you can, at the end of the 6th month, according to the agreement, you've to inform them on the 5th month, then your money should be ready the following month(After the 6th). In the space of 1yr, I've received my initial capital and received an additional 180% as ROI, so there's no need for me to withdraw because they've done well. Please, I'd like to ask y'all, why is there so much insult and hatred for one another on this Thread? The purpose of this thread is to enquire bout the legitimacy of MBA FOREX, if you disagree with what someone said, can't you air your own view(s) without insulting or cursing another person? What then is the use of talking bout investment if your mindset is disgustingly dirty? And that reminds me, for those of you emailing me and asking me for money to invest in MBA, it's not that I ignored you, just that, I don't even know how I'm supposed to respond to such requests when I don't even know you, so my answer to y'all emailing me concerning this, is a profound NO!, please stop reminding me bout it, I don't owe you. If you need financial help, you should get in touch with your family and friends, not in an online forum!. Thank you, peace out! 9 Likes |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by aremso(m): 8:05pm On Dec 03, 2019 |
phoenixideas: oga i gbadun you whatever anyone say, i never borrowed money to invest so i owe no man any explanation and by God grace i will meet my target |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by pimpo: 9:53am On Dec 04, 2019 |
TheWatchDog:It will be a confirmation of their authenticity. Your answer is the natural thing anyone would be expected to do and that is what someone planning to run a scam will bank on. In 6 months, your accumulated ROI will not have surpassed your investment. IF you request to pull out your investment and you receive it without issues, then that is a good sign in my opinion. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Nobody: 6:05pm On Dec 04, 2019 |
Abeg o how does one start investing in this MBA Forex � |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by TheWatchDog(m): 9:10pm On Dec 04, 2019 |
pimpo:Bro do not say what your don' know. There is nothing like accumulated ROI. Your ROI is paid at the end of every 30 days for the next 6 months. If u wish to continue or not after the 6th months, they don't care. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Gazelle22: 5:43pm On Dec 05, 2019 |
Has anybody received payment yesterday or today? Their appear to be an issue, and MBA is not communicating. Just wish it will be resolved fast. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by aremso(m): 6:11pm On Dec 05, 2019 |
Gazelle22: yes is like they have minor issues because we have a watsaap group opened by our account officer and she always do follow up with investors under her care. she said they had network issues that we should calm down that alert would land. Around 04:59:56pm i got the alert from my bank 1 Like |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Chinyeremaka: 8:24pm On Dec 05, 2019 |
What date is yours please, mine is 4th and no alert yet but someone with 5th got his alert today. aremso: |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by aremso(m): 8:29pm On Dec 05, 2019 |
Chinyeremaka: 4TH |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Gazelle22: 9:39pm On Dec 05, 2019 |
Gazelle22: I can confirm it's a minor network issue. Alerts were received today. Panic button successfully deactivated! 1 Like |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by George603(m): 6:14am On Dec 06, 2019 |
adexdollar: Omega pro?? � green CAC cert lmao... |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by George603(m): 6:28am On Dec 06, 2019 |
Iwanttoto1: My guy, you don't know what is scam. It seems you are new to online business. They say put in new money and get a little percent of the old one meaning that if you don't put in new money, your old money is gone. How long do you think you can continue putting in new money to collect your complete old money? They will crash again and this time it will be deadly. They have managed to deceive people from going to petition them amd they have switched to bitcoin. When they fly this time, it's bye bye o.. lol. Cause you can't petition crypto wallet. There is no regulation over bitcoin. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Iwanttoto1: 8:02am On Dec 06, 2019 |
George603: I am not disputing what u r saying. But they r currently paying. It is all about your risk appetite. I had some money in the naira account and I reinvested and recovered my old money within 1month. Now they are doing 18percent return on old money. I have cleared my old balance and left a little amount I can afford to loose in their system to continue growing. It's all about your risk appetite bro. Reinvesting 50dollars or 100dollars to clear your old balance is a little sacrifice to make in order to recover your money. Otherwise leave it with them. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by ufotty2001: 8:12am On Dec 06, 2019 |
aremso:Bet me... This nonsense group u people are forming is d major causes of rumors and panic |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Iwanttoto1: 9:03am On Dec 06, 2019 |
ufotty2001: I don't know what the purpose of the group they r forming is.. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by pimpo: 9:11am On Dec 06, 2019 |
TheWatchDog:Never mind. It's obvious you are not getting my point. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by aremso(m): 9:51am On Dec 06, 2019 |
ufotty2001: i never created any group it was the MBA lady that did that for people under her. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Bbbwings: 12:59pm On Dec 06, 2019 |
scam no record of it on corporate affairs commission. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Iwanttoto: 2:08pm On Dec 07, 2019 |
300k monthly MBA alert received. Xmas is bae 2 Likes |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Iwanttoto: 2:11pm On Dec 07, 2019 |
Bbbwings: |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by bizgenera: 3:27pm On Dec 07, 2019 |
We are now reducing our Investment club membership to 6 and the investment to 110k. 100k pooled to 600k and invested with MBA. 10k as fund management fee. With 600k, MBA will be paying 90k monthly. This profit will be shared in a thrift like arrangement. The first 3 to register gets 30k each for month 1. The rest 3 will get theirs in month 2. By month 3, the order will change. The group who collected last will be the first to collect. Like that till the joint investment terminates. Like I said, access to my Facebook contacts by investors is more than enough security because 600k is not enough for my integrity to be tarnished amongst my family and friends. So long as MBA is paying, members will get paid. I am doing this to create records to convince my friends abroad to invest. They too want to see records before they invest big time. |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Iwanttoto: 3:30pm On Dec 07, 2019 |
bizgenera: Oga, introduce this to members of your family. No body here will entrust his capital into a stranger's hand 14 Likes |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by bizgenera: 3:43pm On Dec 07, 2019 |
Iwanttoto: The offer is not for you. Besides, I am only offering this to those with an investment mind set. If you don't have 360k or you are still afraid whether MBA would sustain this or not, then this package is for you. Even with MBA, some people still have trust issues. Go with your gut feelings. A nairalander has already contacted me to indicate interest . If you are not interested, why even waste energy to comment? |
Re: MBA Investors Forum by Ogonsbaba: 1:19pm On Dec 08, 2019 |
bizgenera: You are just looking for gullible person to scam. 2 Likes |
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