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A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared - Romance - Nairaland

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A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by GidiRide(m): 12:22am On Feb 21, 2020
I’m 10 years older than her.

She’s an Nd holder but still want to get her Bachelor degree. We met in my eglise, she liked me and we started talking.

In few days we were already close, and it felt like we met in months ago.

She really loves me, She’s has shown traits of a good girl, well behaved, intelligent and loving. She’s from a good home, her siblings look forward to seeing me on Sunday.

As I’m typing she’s on WhatsApp call with me eulogizing ourselves with our sweet names.

I really do like her a lot, infact I love her truly but but I’m scared.

Pls note that I’m also a great guy, an entrepreneur, a dog lover, a. CEO etc but I’m SCARED.

I don’t want to jeopardize this relationship and sometimes I feel she’s smaller looking at the age gap.

What do you guys think?

20 Likes 5 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Nobody: 12:36am On Feb 21, 2020
Age is just a number. Go guy.

205 Likes 11 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Chuks9000: 12:37am On Feb 21, 2020
So, what do you want from her?
What does she want from you?
If your motives doesn't tally, you will both have issues later.
Better to be on same page before committing. Age is not an issue.

210 Likes 11 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Pierced(f): 12:53am On Feb 21, 2020
U are looking for who to control......beta leave her alone.

120 Likes 12 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Tonnexy: 12:53am On Feb 21, 2020

28 Likes 4 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by ifex370(m): 1:05am On Feb 21, 2020

I’m 10 years older than her.

She’s an Nd holder but still want to get her Bachelor degree.
We met in my eglise, she liked me and we started talking..
In few days we were already close, and it felt like we met in months ago.

She really loves me, She’s has shown traits of a good girl, well behaved, intelligent and loving. She’s from a good home, her siblings look forward to seeing me on Sunday.

As I’m typing she’s on WhatsApp call with me eulogizing ourselves with our sweet names.

I really do like her a lot, infact I love her truly but but I’m scared.
Pls note that I’m also a great guy, an entrepreneur, a dog lover, a. CEO etc but I’m SCARED.

I don’t want to jeopardize this relationship and sometimes I feel she’s smaller looking at the age gap.

What do you guys think?

you being a dog lover makes you so awesome.. wow..

The ego in that line alone was epic.

254 Likes 13 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by LosC: 1:39am On Feb 21, 2020
Dog lover indeed..
Loving human and animal at the same time...

Leave that Teenager alone and focus on your journey with God

205 Likes 13 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Toks2008(m): 1:41am On Feb 21, 2020

I’m 10 years older than her.

She’s an Nd holder but still want to get her Bachelor degree.
We met in my eglise, she liked me and we started talking..
In few days we were already close, and it felt like we met in months ago.

She really loves me, She’s has shown traits of a good girl, well behaved, intelligent and loving. She’s from a good home, her siblings look forward to seeing me on Sunday.

As I’m typing she’s on WhatsApp call with me eulogizing ourselves with our sweet names.

I really do like her a lot, infact I love her truly but but I’m scared.
Pls note that I’m also a great guy, an entrepreneur, a dog lover, a. CEO etc but I’m SCARED.

I don’t want to jeopardize this relationship and sometimes I feel she’s smaller looking at the age gap.

What do you guys think?

Perfect age gap. Infact i tell ladies to ensure they are about at least 8years younger than their guys if they can.

138 Likes 8 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by GidiRide(m): 1:42am On Feb 21, 2020
YOu think so?

Perfect age gap. Infact i tell ladies to ensure they are about at least 8years younger than their guys if they can.

6 Likes 2 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Undilutedme: 1:44am On Feb 21, 2020

I’m 10 years older than her.

She’s an Nd holder but still want to get her Bachelor degree.
We met in my eglise, she liked me and we started talking..
In few days we were already close, and it felt like we met in months ago.

She really loves me, She’s has shown traits of a good girl, well behaved, intelligent and loving. She’s from a good home, her siblings look forward to seeing me on Sunday.

As I’m typing she’s on WhatsApp call with me eulogizing ourselves with our sweet names.

I really do like her a lot, infact I love her truly but but I’m scared.
Pls note that I’m also a great guy, an entrepreneur, a dog lover, a. CEO etc but I’m SCARED.

I don’t want to jeopardize this relationship and sometimes I feel she’s smaller looking at the age gap.

What do you guys think?

How does being a dog lover fit into your description Now in this sense??...

145 Likes 7 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by GidiRide(m): 1:44am On Feb 21, 2020
Dog lover means I own dogs, I care for Pets, also means I have good heart ❤️

Dog lover indeed..
Loving human and animal at the same time...

Leave that Teenager alone and focus on your journey with God

155 Likes 10 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by GidiRide(m): 1:47am On Feb 21, 2020
You think so bro?
Age is just a number. Go guy.


Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by GidiRide(m): 1:50am On Feb 21, 2020
We both want a relationship that ll lead to marriage..
All she wants is My love, support And advice.
All I want from her is love too.
So, what do you want from her?
What does she want from you?
If your motives doesn't tally, you will both have issues later.
Better to be on same page before committing. Age is not an issue.
I think we are in same page bro..


Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by OlawaleBammie: 2:01am On Feb 21, 2020
U are looking for who to control......beta leave her alone.
Go and marry who wil control u, mumu

U tink everybody is as domineering and controlling as you are..Mtcheeew

115 Likes 3 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by OlawaleBammie: 2:03am On Feb 21, 2020

Perfect age gap. Infact i tell ladies to ensure they are about at least 8years younger than their guys if they can.
Bro even me dey reason that tin oo

I wil just b in my seventies and my boo wil stil b rocking it at sixties

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by LosC: 2:15am On Feb 21, 2020
Dog lover means I own dogs, I care for Pets, also means I have good heart ❤️



Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by ATTemi: 3:22am On Feb 21, 2020
She’s still naive about life, probably while u think she’s a good girl. Series of heart breaks go reformat the good girl.

But if your intentions are genuine, help her grow.

Pikin wey go die must die even if u give am 5Alive.

111 Likes 6 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Toks2008(m): 5:31am On Feb 21, 2020
YOu think so?

Don't you know that one the reasons young ladies cry of heartbreak is because they get involved with men too young to know what they really want?

Yes in some cases it is not about age but the truth is that age gap is a great factor.

A lady can be older than her man don't get me wrong and love is not about age but understanding and connection but nevertheless it is better for a young girl in her adult teens or early 20s to be with a man that is at least 8 or 10years older..

1. In most cases, the guy will adore her like a kid sis and will cope with her nastiness compared to a younger guy who is just about her age.

2. By the time the lady is in her mid 20s the guy is probably ready to take her home if she proves to be a good lady.

3. A 30 year old guy dating a 20 or 22year old lady will likely be stable enough financially, psychologically...to support the lady.

4. Ladies love to be pampered and they can get that easily from a guy who is quite older and not their peers that are probably still as childish as them.

5. Guys naturally get the kick when they know a girl is very younger than them and this spark will continue for a long time at least I am a testimony to this...

I can go on and on listing the benefits and guess what; the reason why ladies fall for married men easily is because married men are so mature mentally and they sure know how to take care of a woman and unfortunately ladies are wired to love a man that takes good care of them regardless of his marital status but the good thing is that girls experience same care from men who are considerably older than them.

My advise to adult teenage girls and those in their 20s is that they meticulously choose a guy who is at least 7 to 10years older or even more if they truly want to enjoy bliss.

This is my personal opinion and I think lalasticl.ala should consider this for front page so that young ladies can benefit from this no holds barr expose.

187 Likes 15 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Toks2008(m): 5:37am On Feb 21, 2020

I’m 10 years older than her.

She’s an Nd holder but still want to get her Bachelor degree.
We met in my eglise, she liked me and we started talking..
In few days we were already close, and it felt like we met in months ago.

She really loves me, She’s has shown traits of a good girl, well behaved, intelligent and loving. She’s from a good home, her siblings look forward to seeing me on Sunday.

As I’m typing she’s on WhatsApp call with me eulogizing ourselves with our sweet names.

I really do like her a lot, infact I love her truly but but I’m scared.
Pls note that I’m also a great guy, an entrepreneur, a dog lover, a. CEO etc but I’m SCARED.

I don’t want to jeopardize this relationship and sometimes I feel she’s smaller looking at the age gap.

What do you guys think?

Modify your title to "A 19year old girl is in love with me"

Please understand that if you are her first love, she may remain with you for life but be prepared to see her stray cos most ladies who never see outside will just want to explore but their heart will always gravitate towards the one she truly loves.

I'm writing from personal experience

21 Likes 1 Share

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by tobechi74: 5:55am On Feb 21, 2020
at such age, she does not know what love is..she is naive.


Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Tallesty1(m): 6:21am On Feb 21, 2020
Age is just a number. Go guy.
Exactly my brother.

Prison is just a room and wee-wee(Marijuana) is just grass.

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by femi4: 6:28am On Feb 21, 2020
How is being a dog lover make you a romantic person. Seun is a dog lover too yet.....

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Petyprincess(f): 6:38am On Feb 21, 2020

[s]Don't you know that one the reasons young ladies cry of heartbreak is because they get involved with men too young to know what they really want?

Yes in some cases it is not about age but the truth is that age gap is a great factor.

A lady can be older than her man don't get me wrong and love is not about age but understanding and connection but nevertheless it is better for a young girl in her adult teens or early 20s to be with a man that is at least 8 or 10years older..

1. In most cases, the guy will adore her like a kid sis and will cope with her nastiness compared to a younger guy who is just about her age.

2. By the time the lady is in her mid 20s the guy is probably ready to take her home if she proves to be a good lady.

3. A 30 year old guy dating a 20 or 22year old lady will likely be stable enough financially, psychologically...to support the lady.

4. Ladies love to be pampered and they can get that easily from a guy who is quite older and not their peers that are probably still as childish as them.

5. Guys naturally get the kick when they know a girl is very younger than them and this spark will continue for a long time at least I am a testimony to this...

I can go on and on listing the benefits and guess what; the reason why ladies fall for married men easily is because married men are so mature mentally and they sure know how to take care of a woman and unfortunately ladies are wired to love a man that takes good care of them regardless of his marital status but the good thing is that girls experience same care from men who are considerably older than them.

My advise to adult teenage girls and those in their 20s is that they meticulously choose a guy who is at least 7 to 10years older or even more if they truly want to enjoy bliss.

This is my personal opinion and I think lalasticlala should consider this for front page so that young ladies can benefit from this no holds barr expose.
Trash!!! Will you advice your teenager sister to date a man almost at his thirty? You guys will just be giving advice that you can't give to your sisters!!
Y'all like younger women because they are easy to manipulate nd exploit at the same time! What is stopping him from waiting for her for three more years by that time she will definitely know what she wants if She's truly interested in this age gap shit! A girl at that age have no mind of her own!!

50 Likes 6 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Petyprincess(f): 6:43am On Feb 21, 2020

Modify your title to "A 19year old girl is in love with me"

Please understand that if you are her first love, she may remain with you for life but be prepared to see her stray cos most ladies who never see outside will just want to explore but their heart will always gravitate towards the one she truly loves.

I'm writing from personal experience
Lol you really delusional!! You believe in this first love shit in this 21st century? No wonder you like them young nd naive!! Just give her three more years you d be surprised she will go for her age group even if he should be her first love as you call it cheesy


Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Petyprincess(f): 6:51am On Feb 21, 2020
We both want a relationship that ll lead to marriage..
All she wants is My love, support And advice.
All I want from her is love too.
I think we are in same page bro..
She doesn't know what she wants yet!! Mr supporter nd advicer so you can't do all that without dating her? A 19 years old can't give you love!! You should be like a older brother guiding her nd telling her to concentrate on her studies nd leave relationship for nw not hiding under the disguise of relationship to b dicking her!!
Go for someone of your age or wait for her period!!

25 Likes 3 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by ozodigboo(m): 7:06am On Feb 21, 2020
Trash!!! Will you advice your teenager sister to date a man almost at his thirty? You guys will just be giving advice that you can't give to your sisters!!
Y'all like younger women because they are easy to manipulate nd exploit at the same time! What is stopping him from waiting for her for three more years by that time she will definitely know what she wants if She's truly interested in this age gap shit! A girl at that age have no mind of her own!!
What are you saying.
You want to go and marry your age mate? Go ahead.
By the time you are rocking 40, as a mature, clean man, your wife at 38 or so, has completed 4 kids and now looks like an old woman
You'll now start looking outside
Problems begin.
Guy, we've seen it all. Forget

77 Likes 3 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by emerged01(m): 7:09am On Feb 21, 2020
Even puff puff seller is a CEO,so kini big deal?

13 Likes 1 Share

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by ednut1(m): 7:20am On Feb 21, 2020

Bro even me dey reason that tin oo

I wil just b in my seventies and my boo wil stil b rocking it at sixties
any guarantee u go reach that age lol

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by ednut1(m): 7:21am On Feb 21, 2020
Trash!!! Will you advice your teenager sister to date a man almost at his thirty? You guys will just be giving advice that you can't give to your sisters!!
Y'all like younger women because they are easy to manipulate nd exploit at the same time! What is stopping him from waiting for her for three more years by that time she will definitely know what she wants if She's truly interested in this age gap shit! A girl at that age have no mind of her own!!
omotola , amara kanu and aisha buhari married at 18. So wetin you dey yarn

68 Likes 3 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by OlawaleBammie: 7:35am On Feb 21, 2020
any guarantee u go reach that age lol
Ahh u dey craze? this early momo??

which kain tin b dis for monday monin naa??

Abeg abeg we no dey quick die for my family oo
And a no go die young in Jesus Name, i reject ur assertion sir.

this guy dey kolo oo, dis early momo

17 Likes 4 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by lasisi69: 7:39am On Feb 21, 2020
Teen love is useless... Once you get attached so much, she will dump you.. it’s a natural phenomenon.

23 Likes 3 Shares

Re: A 19-Year-Old Lady Is In Love With Me, I'm 10 Years Older. I'm Scared by Randy100: 7:47am On Feb 21, 2020
My brother, there is nothing wrong with that. This is ur time to mould her into what you want her to be.


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