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What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? - Jobs/Vacancies (3) - Nairaland

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Meritocracy: 9:07am On Mar 01, 2020
You're casual or contract worker and don't expect any promotion. They can only give you increment of salary if they like, they can send you to do any work they like and terminate your appointment anytime and can deny you if you have occupational accident. Take care.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Nobody: 9:10am On Mar 01, 2020
Nothing, in as much as your name is on the payroll. It gives you an added advantage over others that may be restricted by the codes of conduct in the letter; you can easily claim ignorance of the rules whenever you flout any of it

Sense will not kill you
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by pocohantas(f): 9:28am On Mar 01, 2020
I'll like to meet you one day. You radiate so much knowledge smiley

Thank you Sir. I hope so too. cheesy

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by tunize(m): 9:31am On Mar 01, 2020
Employer go just wake up sack person anytime without compensation nothing go happen...NO CASE
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by tunize(m): 9:41am On Mar 01, 2020
Nice question OP.. Let me put this out there too.

What action can one take when their employers asks them to sign an undertaking to say they are no longer entitled to annual leave after working for a year. Is that right?
Truth is that we don't have working labour laws here in our yeye country cope with the high level of unemployment so, sometimes employers just take undue advantage of all this stuff put together. Back to ur question is never right in as far as u were employed normally with ur appointment letter bros nor sign anything.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Juliearth(f): 9:50am On Mar 01, 2020
Must you demand for an appointment letter before starting work?

Appointment letters come in handy in case of litigation. You cannot sue your employer if your rights are trampled upon. They simply can deny you working for them. APLs are blueprints/employer-employee agreement. They State your salaries and other accruable benefits. That is to say, the lack of it may result to your salaries or benefits been truncated and you won't be able to seek legal action as you have no legal document backing you up.

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Juliearth(f): 9:52am On Mar 01, 2020
Nothing, in as much as your name is on the payroll. It gives you an added advantage over others that may be restricted by the codes of conduct in the letter; you can easily claim ignorance of the rules whenever you flout any of it

Another angle to it, but remember that this is a pendulum that swings both ways. Not having an APL can ultimately affect your welfare package as your employer can deliberately deny you some benefits and you can't cry fowl since there is no document backing you up.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Juliearth(f): 9:52am On Mar 01, 2020

And they can easily send him off anytime, or decide not to pay him fully. The disadvantages is much too

Yes, the demerits outweighs the merits.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by govomotors: 9:53am On Mar 01, 2020
You are working as a day labourer, your service can come to an end at any point in time.

A lady was dismissed from a job and she went to a lawyer to help recover her back pay.

The employer told the lawyer she was just being helped since she was idle and that there was no time she was given an employment by the company.

He said if there is any employment letter, she should produce it.

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by MOORCHMOORE(m): 10:04am On Mar 01, 2020
Must you demand for an appointment letter before starting work?
Always demand for it.
1. Appointment letter stipulates you job and position
2. It can even give you your job descriptions.
3. Most important, without Appointment letter you can wake up one day and tell you employer your no longer working for them or the other way round.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by breadtom: 10:04am On Mar 01, 2020
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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Juzec: 10:08am On Mar 01, 2020

Without an employment letter, you can get sacked with no warning or any entitlement. Infact you can be sacked on pay day without a dime.

You can also leave anyday anytime.

The main issue here is that you cannot sue the company nor report them to any authority.

They have plausible deniability on anything that concerns you.

They can send you to represent them but if things go south, you were never their staff.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by MrFly(m): 10:11am On Mar 01, 2020
its like marrying without paying a bride price

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by abdeiz(m): 10:17am On Mar 01, 2020

Truth is that we don't have working labour laws here in our yeye country cope with the high level of unemployment so, sometimes employers just take undue advantage of all this stuff put together. Back to ur question is never right in as far as u were employed normally with ur appointment letter bros nor sign anything.

I did under duress but plans are in place to leave soonest.. This country just tire person
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by ThefemaleKing: 10:57am On Mar 01, 2020
I remember teaching in a private school without an employment letter for over a year, prior to my resignation I ensured that I collected my appointment letter before leaving weeks later. It’s formal for you to have it.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by tunize(m): 11:10am On Mar 01, 2020

I did under duress but plans are in place to leave soonest.. This country just tire person
If u are certain but nxt time be careful and don't do things under duress.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by BruncleZuma: 11:18am On Mar 01, 2020
You're not an employee grin grin grin grin
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by MrNipplesLover(m): 11:34am On Mar 01, 2020
something more like a casual staff employment.
which doesn't always guaranty you a long time in the company.

u can be relieved at anytime, you also have the freewill to leave anytime if u are not pleased with the work, without any resignation letter from you.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Solatium(m): 11:49am On Mar 01, 2020

I said in as much as his name is on the payroll and of course he gets the agreed salary.

He gets the agreed salary,where was it agreed?
Where was it stated that he had be employed?
Volunteers,Nysc And the rest do get letter,talk more of a successful job applicant
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by abdeiz(m): 11:51am On Mar 01, 2020

If u are certain but nxt time be careful and don't do things under duress.

I understand you but sometimes it is better to mellow than to go to war

Who would help me out in the legal fight?

Advice kindly noted sha.. I'd ensure not to be so naive next time
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by justmi1: 12:06pm On Mar 01, 2020
A lot is disadvantages
1. You can be fired unjustly and you can't take legal action
2. You're not an Employee
3. If any issue occur between you and employer you can't take legal action
It's a two way thing, what if the "employee" steals and run, the company has no case too.

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by banio: 12:09pm On Mar 01, 2020
Up tiil now, oil multinationals via their proxies do employ with letters or ambiguous letters.

They can hire and fire at the least mistake.

It's well
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Actifed: 12:58pm On Mar 01, 2020
If you work in a private establishment where lot of juicy benefits and packages are involved then you may loose out on all cos you have nothing to justify your claims.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Bennycollins: 1:02pm On Mar 01, 2020
It is against labour laws to engage anyone without issuing him or her a letter of appointment. An employer can be suedby employee, provided you have been issued payslips for 3 months upwards or can provide salary alerts from your so called employer.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by chibjohn(m): 1:06pm On Mar 01, 2020

In my own place of work, you must work for less than 5 years before appointment letter would be given to you and after that you must work for another five years before leaving the company and have the benefit. We are in a country
Nawa o. What sort of company is that? I will advice you to leave.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by tunize(m): 1:08pm On Mar 01, 2020

I understand you but sometimes it is better to mellow than to go to war

Who would help me out in the legal fight?

Advice kindly noted sha.. I'd ensure not to be so naive next time
It has already be signed na to jst forgt the issue till bttr work come. But hope dey gave u an appointment letter shall? This wan wen dey mke person sign sey no more leave again.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by AceVentura: 1:10pm On Mar 01, 2020
You’re as good as an unemployed fellow.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by stevups(m): 1:18pm On Mar 01, 2020
Nothing, in as much as your name is on the payroll. It gives you an added advantage over others that may be restricted by the codes of conduct in the letter; you can easily claim ignorance of the rules whenever you flout any of it
You are correct.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by nobone(f): 1:36pm On Mar 01, 2020
I just resumed a job in January, and the director insists on not giving appointment letter. In her words "don't you know appointment letter is an agreement" she hires and fires at will. The pay isn't even fantastic, not up to half of what I was earning in my previous job. I just tire. The annoying thing is that within the short period I've worked, they've seen what I can do. I know the job even more than they that employed me. I am also working with my heart like say na NY father company. It is well.


Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by dicoms: 1:43pm On Mar 01, 2020
You can decide to quit your job without any formal proceedings.

Get a free .com domain name for your business. Check my signature for more details.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by eallstar: 1:48pm On Mar 01, 2020
It's just like you are working with the firm illegally,
No formal or official document to back up yourself as their staff.
U know the disadvantages
Or let's say you are a ghost worker.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by emmanuelewumi(m): 2:29pm On Mar 01, 2020
I just resumed a job in January, and the director insists on not giving appointment letter. In her words "don't you know appointment letter is an agreement" she hires and fires at will. The pay isn't even fantastic, not up to half of what I was earning in my previous job. I just tire. The annoying thing is that within the short period I've worked, they've seen what I can do. I know the job even more than they that employed me. I am also working with my heart like say na NY father company. It is well.

Why did you leave your former place of work, since the pay is better than the current one

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