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10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases - Health (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases (68270 Views)

51 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total 493. 17 deaths. 159 discharged / 8 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 232 Confirmed Cases / 23 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria, Total Of 174 Confirmed Cases (2) (3) (4)

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Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Angelfrost(m): 8:59pm On Apr 02, 2020
Jack Ma's testing kits ar faulty. They give positive result to negative individuals.

Nah... Tell yourself the truth... How can a nation thrice the population of South Africa with influx of foreign based nationals still ongoing as at this week, have less than 200 against South Africa's over 1000??!...

Just pray this our "luck" or "miracle" doesn't run out!!!


Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nobody: 9:03pm On Apr 02, 2020

Please, your tiny font puts a needless strain on the eyes, It's unnecessary.

And No, they are not "hyper deflated" - [s]Stop regurgitating those tired old lines.[/s] We all know the figures are not the reflection of the total number of cases based on the testing capacity of the NCDC and the slothful contact tracing of the agency. It's simple common sense not some grand scheme or conspiracy.

angry angry angry

You are full of points, but you still regurgitated the same old facts.
Mr common sense

1 Like

Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by babapraise(m): 9:09pm On Apr 02, 2020
God let ur will be done. Show how mighty u are in dis season. Answer our prayers in Time of trouble. Only U, we put out trust in.
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by AureliusWolf: 9:09pm On Apr 02, 2020

angry angry angry

You are full of points, but you still regurgitated the same old facts.
Mr common sense

Since you guys have yielded to keep dragging the NCDC through the shenanigans of mindless machinations, we have to keep beating the common sense into you lots like drums.
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nobody: 9:12pm On Apr 02, 2020

Since you guys have yielded to keep dragging the NCDC through the shenanigans of mindless machinations, we have to keep beating the common sense into you lots like drums.

angry angry angry

Seems you work for NCDC. Alright it is understandable. Now you can rest. cheesy
You can't take away barking from a dog.

Oops!! A wolf!!


Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by adeowo84(m): 9:15pm On Apr 02, 2020
Coronavirus all I know be say your days are numbered

Its a done deal...gone for ever

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Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by gozie4real: 9:15pm On Apr 02, 2020
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by pat077: 9:16pm On Apr 02, 2020
When will corona hit bokoharam camp

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Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by promotervickky(m): 9:19pm On Apr 02, 2020
Thank God for the discharged
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Skmoda(m): 9:27pm On Apr 02, 2020
We will definitely see the end of Coronavirus.
hello geologist, are you mafic or felsic beauty?
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by wasi9ice: 9:27pm On Apr 02, 2020
This pandemic can never be eradicated in the history of mankind
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Eastlink(m): 9:33pm On Apr 02, 2020
Who noticed the population of Kano & Sokoto provinces, compared to Lagos province ?.
The northern population has always been a scam. The south is more populous than the North.

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Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by itu404(m): 9:33pm On Apr 02, 2020
Yes , unfortunately, it has to get worse before it gets better. the only help you and i can render is to isolate, social distance wash our hands with sanitizer, sneeze into your elbow . we can beat thing thing, we can with God's help
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by spiritmasquerad(m): 9:33pm On Apr 02, 2020
angry angry angry
Figures from NCDC are as reliable as fu**k!!! Any thinking man should know that these figures are hyper deflated

You are on your own in a country like this!! angry
You that have the real figures please tell us. Nonsence
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nobody: 9:35pm On Apr 02, 2020

You that have the real figures please tell us. Nonsence

angry angry angry

Nonsense you mean??
Masquerades are hardly sensible. Let alone a spritmasqurad. It is emptiness at full capacity

Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by victoriaifeanyi: 9:36pm On Apr 02, 2020
20 discharged! glory be to God. It is well with Nigeria
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by victoriaifeanyi: 9:39pm On Apr 02, 2020
I can't with to get over this phase. If not hunger will begin to kill those who are not infected.
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by spiritmasquerad(m): 9:39pm On Apr 02, 2020

angry angry angry

Nonsense you mean??
Masquerades are hardly sensibly. Let alone a spritmasqurad. It is emptiness at full capacity

We are not argueing just show me the real figures since you are more sensible with proof
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nobody: 9:44pm On Apr 02, 2020

We are not argueing just show me the real figures since you are more sensible with proof

angry angry angry

Of course, I'm far more sensible than a spritmasquerad. Far from comparison.

But let the masquerad deal with his vocabulary first because arguing is better than argueing

Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Bullet01(f): 9:45pm On Apr 02, 2020

Six (6) New Cases in Ondo state

It has been confirmed that we have another six new cases in Ondo state ... Two in Akure and another two at Oba-ile, and yet another two in Ondo town ...

The cases in Akure are land dispute cases and the ones in Oba-ile are divorce cases ... All cases are in Court now ....

The two cases in Ondo town ... are suitcase and briefcase. Both carried by Jehovah's Witness.

They have just reported one case in kwara


Stay SAFE.

Abeg the fear is too much, A little laughter at this time is quite soothing

Thank you.

1 Like

Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nairalandmonika: 9:47pm On Apr 02, 2020
Spanish flu was more deadly and we survived. We will survive this one too
Spanish flu wasn't much deadly. It has the same mortality rate as this covid 19
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by spiritmasquerad(m): 9:51pm On Apr 02, 2020

angry angry angry

Of course, I'm far more sensible than a spritmasquerad. Far from comparison.

But let the masquerad deal with his vocabulary first because arguing is better than argueing

So you have no proof? Sad that you have nothing better to do than spread propaganda. Shame
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nobody: 9:55pm On Apr 02, 2020

So you have no proof? Sad that you have nothing better to do than spread propaganda. Shame
angry angry angry

Indeed a thing of shame. That settles it cheesy

Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by shogsman(m): 9:59pm On Apr 02, 2020
I know Nigeria will win the war against covid-19. With the rate if recovery we are not doing that bad.
Rate of what?first action towards ending this virus is getting tested and Nigeria is not conducting any test.other countries have carried out millions of test Nigerian hasn't carry out up to 1000.how do you treat a sickness when you don't even know who is infected.
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Ayomivic(m): 10:00pm On Apr 02, 2020



This is getting worst day by day . I think the federal government should
look for another ways to cutail this. they should prevent movement of people from affected state to another state.

what we need to do is to ensure that the victims of coronavirus should not have a contact with another person. this in not the matter of self insolation. they should make sure they provide a very large place that can occupied people and announced that anybody that have contact with a coronavirus victims in between 1 to 14 days should report there to the place depends on the symptoms the person are seen .

if you have contacts with a coronavirus victims and you have not see any symptoms report at so so place .

if you have seen one or two symptoms report at this so so place

government should quarantine those that have not seen any symptoms for some days and tested them.

they should tested those that have seen one or two the symptoms also to be assured of their condition

they need a kind of place that can container them separately so that they would protect the people that are coming from other people because if someone have contacs with the coronavirus victims and not seen the symptoms may not want to come to where he or she would expose to the virus again if they are not protected

I think the federal Government should channel the Money they wanted to lavish any how on that .

all what the other states that have no record of coronavirus need to do is to prevent people from entering from affected states and any body who had contact with victims of coronavirus but refused to report himself after the federal government had made announcement should be taking as criminal after he had been treated

if we allowed the numbers to be increased on daily basis it may got to the point that it would be out of control

if possible the federal Government should announced the name of the victims , the area they are living for those that had contacted with them to be aware this nothing to hide this is matter of life and death we shouldn't play politics with it. mentioned your name your address doesn't mean anything to me if that can save guard the others
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by spiritmasquerad(m): 10:01pm On Apr 02, 2020

angry angry angry

Nonsense you mean??
Masquerades are hardly sensibly. Let alone a spritmasqurad. It is emptiness at full capacity

PS it's sensible not sensibly
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by adenigga(m): 10:01pm On Apr 02, 2020
With this corona ish and constant suffering of mankind, i think i got off on the wrong planet. Beam me up Seun, lacastica, there is no rational life here. sad cool

Bros! Relocate to Mars..
We just started Land allocation over there. lol!!!
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Raphael1992(m): 10:03pm On Apr 02, 2020
Breaking News!!!

A new virus have been founded in Nigeria, Which Started on 31st of March, 2020. The virus is called Hunger Virus (Huvid20).
It's caused by the Federal Government of Nigeria, because of their inability to provide food for the ordinary man who can't afford to buy due to the total shut down of everything.
The symptoms are numerous, it's starts with mild thinking, then later generate to severe thinking, then Headache, Stomach rumbling, Children crying of severe Stomach bites, worms in the belly, protesting for food. Ulcer rate increases by 400% within 24 hours.
It's kills faster than Covid19, within 5 days, if nothing is done to help the poor masses, 40% of the population will be gone if there is no intervention.
When I say intervention, it's not 3 bag of rice for each ward ooo.
If Nepa Bill can reach each house why not intervention?
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by thatigboman: 10:05pm On Apr 02, 2020
The ones reported in Osun state nko..?
they are there naa
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by Nobody: 10:05pm On Apr 02, 2020

PS it's sensible not sensibly

angry angry angry

Yeah... Taken, accepted and fixed. After all, the bashing is still for you.

Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by spiritmasquerad(m): 10:18pm On Apr 02, 2020

angry angry angry
Yeah... Taken, accepted and fixed. After all, the bashing is still for you.
Re: 10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria. Total Of 184 Confirmed Cases by IYANGBALI: 10:19pm On Apr 02, 2020
That is official figure. The actual figure is 184×5=920

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