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The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 7:10am On May 23, 2020
IN MY LIFETIME! (Matthew 16: 28)

Galatians 4: 1-2

Now I state that the Heir to the eternal throne of God and successor to Jesus Christ as God-incarnate, as long as He remains a child in understanding, differs nothing from a slave, even though He is the Lord of all creation.

But He is subjected below the level of stewards by principalities and powers ordained by God to persecute His life, until the day He understands and starts applying the Holy Spirit's instructions on how to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to start transforming into the visible likeness of God the Father.

2nd Corinthians 12: 7-8

And because of the abundance of my insight into the mystery of God, principalities and powers were instructed to harass my life. For this reason I must understand and apply all the three principles of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to manifest as God in the flesh, in order for the messengers of Satan to depart from me.

Psalm 51: 4-5

Against Your absolutely sinless nature as the only true God have I sinned by pursuing righteousness through the law, by which no human being shall be justified in Your sight.

Therefore You were right in directing principalities and powers to punish my ignorance, that Your judgement might be made manifest as blameless and impartial, because You did not spare the rod of discipline on Your Anointed One.

Behold, I have come to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in order to acquire Your perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law, irrespective of the fact that I was conceived through sexual intercourse, a sinner from my mother's womb.

1st Corinthians 15: 54-57

And so, when You understand and start applying the principles of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to manifest the glorious immortality of God in Your body, then this Scripture will be fulfilled which says:

Death has been swallowed up in victory!

O Death, where is your sting? O Grave, where is your victory?

The sting of death is sin, and sin derives its power from the law.

But thanks be to our God-elect, who will overcome the power of sin by continually fasting and feasting on the Word of God made flesh in His body to acquire God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law, and give all mankind eternal victory over death as He ascends to the eternal throne of God by continuously professing Jesus Christ as Lord.

1st Timothy 3: 16

The mystery of God is the greatest controversy of all time. He will come into the world as a sinful man born through sexual intercourse, yet He will be declared perfectly righteous by the Holy Spirit.

Angels will see exactly what God looks like for the very first time, even though like a stranger He will come from among the Gentiles.

He will exercise faith in Jesus Christ on behalf of the whole world, and ascend to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:51am On May 24, 2020

Romans 10: 6-9

Jesus was crucified to bring Christ down from above, so do not ask again who will raise up Christ from death.

Because I have made God's message very clear and easy for You to understand, so that You may believe that You are the God-incarnate whom the Holy Spirit has anointed to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body to resurrect the consciousness of Christ in You, and to confess Jesus as Lord with Your mouth for the salvation of all mankind.

2nd Corinthians 4: 5

For You have not come to preach Yourself, O Christ, but to proclaim Jesus as Lord, which is Your humble service as the God-incarnate appointed by the Holy Spirit to represent all mankind.

Philippians 2: 11

So that represented by You as Christ and God-incarnate, every tongue shall confess Jesus as Lord and be saved, to Your glory as You transform into the visible likeness of God the Father.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that the High Priest You have chosen from among them may believe in Himself as the main incarnation of God, the Christ whom You have sent to eat the sacrifice which Jesus Your preceding incarnation offered for the salvation of all mankind.

Romans 5: 21

So that, just as You are continually fasting to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body to access the infinite grace of God's absolute immunity over the law in order to destroy the power of sin, even so You may also exercise dominion over death and ascend in glorious immortality to the eternal throne of God as Christ by continually confessing Jesus as Lord on behalf of all mankind.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 3:14pm On May 24, 2020
1st Corinthians 2: 16

As it is written: Who has known the mind of God, so as to be His adviser?

Behold, You have the consciousness of Christ!

1st Corinthians 3: 21-23

So let no human being boast about anything before You, for all things were created for Your inheritance, which implies that You are Christ, and Christ is God.

Revelation 4: 11

You are worthy, O God, to reign over all creation, because You created all things for the pleasure of Your inheritance when You come into existence in the person of the Anointed One.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:37am On May 25, 2020

It was on this date 15 years ago that Liverpool came from 3 goals down to equalize 3-3 against a star-studded AC Milan team in the final of the 2005 edition of the Champions League staged in Istanbul, Turkey. They went on to win the trophy through penalties, what a comeback!

When Jesus Christ the previous incarnation of God was crucified to pay the penalty of sin for everyone, mankind came from the brink of defeat to equalize the scores with death after 3 days of our representative in the grave. And so God ascended back to Heaven waiting for the penalty kicks to start.

Now the victory of Liverpool in 2005 was preceded by the death of the Pope that year (The Pope is the Head of the biggest Christian denomination), and they won the Champions League trophy again last year 2019 after 14 years (2nd Corinthians 12: 2; I know that an impersonation of Christ died when they won the trophy fourteen years ago—whether he ascended to Heaven or descended into Hell I do not know, God knows).

Again, this year 2020 the same Liverpool is about to win the English Premier League after 30 years (Luke 3: 23; And after thirty years when they are about to win the league the Anointed One will start the ministry of God's glorious reincarnation), and in one of my previous messages I related their unassailable lead to the glorious reincarnation of God to defeat death through the penance of fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in His body.

As we know, the English Premier League has been temporarily suspended because of the coronavirus outbreak, which I have already implicated as Satan's failed attempt to abort the second incarnation of God. Yes, a failed attempt because like football, prophecy is not endless (1st Corinthians 13: 9; For now I know only in part, and prophesy only in part; but as I start transforming into the complete incarnation of God, the partial will come to an end).

And so after the answer of Jesus Christ's prayer through His sacrifice for the glorious reincarnation of God, the redemption of man will go down to the penalties of fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by the Anointed One. In God we win, as it is written:

Romans 5: 19

For just as by Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit all mankind were made sinners, even so by God-incarnate's obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will be made righteous.

Psalm 40: 6

You do not want any other sacrifice to take away the sins of all mankind, instead You have opened my ears to hear Your instructions on how to eat my flesh in acceptance of the sacrifice which Jesus Christ my predecessor offered for that purpose.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 2:29pm On May 25, 2020
Romans 4: 23-25

And when our God-elect eats the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to attain God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law, it will not be for Himself alone, because the righteousness of God will automatically be imputed to all mankind through His representation of exercising faith in our Lord Jesus, the previous incarnation of God who was crucified for our trespasses, and reincarnated in Him for our justification.

2nd Corinthians 4: 12

Therefore only You will suffer to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body, but all of us will enjoy the eternal life and infinite blessings of the glorious reincarnation of God in You!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:05pm On May 25, 2020

Genesis 14: 18

And King Melchizedek of Salem sacrificed bread and wine. He was a Priest of the Most High God.

Hebrews 8: 3

Since every High Priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices, it is necessary that our God-elect must have something to offer.

Psalm 45: 6-7

Your throne, O God-incarnate, is forever and ever. You will reign over all creation with absolute immunity and power.

For You have loved God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law by continually sacrificing physical bread in fasting to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body, and hated lawlessness by not drinking alcoholic wines, therefore Jesus Christ Your predecessor as God-incarnate has lavished You with the anointing of the Holy Spirit far more than any other human being.

Psalm 91: 1-2

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall break out from the shadow of death through the almighty Word of God. I will run into the safety of eating the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in my body, for He is my refuge and my fortress, I will put all my trust in Him.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that just as Adam ate the forbidden fruit to acquire the knowledge that he is a sinful man, even so the High Priest You have chosen from among them may acquire the knowledge that He is the main incarnation of God with absolute immunity over sin, by continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who was crucified as God's sacrifice of Himself to abolish the law and achieve an infinitely more glorious reincarnation of God in Him.

Romans 5: 19

For just as by Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit all mankind were made sinners, even so by God-incarnate's obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will be made righteous.

Romans 9: 28

A short work will God make upon the Earth. The Anointed One will finish the work of redemption of all mankind by following the shortcut of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ His predecessor in order to attain God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law.

Hebrews 10: 1-12

Since the Holy Communion is only a shadow of the good things to come and not the true form of the reality of God realization, it can never, by the same practice that has been observed for about 2,000 years, lead to the attainment of God's perfect righteousness in any of the adherents.

Otherwise, it would since have ceased long ago, because at least one of the worshippers would have by now accomplished it purpose, which is to attain God's absolute immunity over the law to abolish the consciousness of sin forever.

But what we observe in the practice of the Holy Communion is that the consciousness of sin has persisted after almost 2,000 years, because it is impossible for indulgence in physical bread and alcoholic wines to take away sins.

Consequently, when God was about to be reincarnated in the Anointed One to save the world, He said:

You do not want any other sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind, instead You have instructed me to be sacrificing my bread in fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Your Word made flesh in my body which You have chosen for Your glorious reincarnation.

With offers of tobacco smoking, alcoholic wines and all such You find no pleasure.

Behold, I have come to do Your Will, O God. In the volume of the Book it is written of me.

We notice that after saying that God is not pleased with alcoholic wines, which are offered as part of the Holy Communion, He then expressed His desire to obey God's instructions.

Accordingly, He abolishes intoxication with alcoholic wines in order to establish being filled with the Holy Spirit by eating the bread of God's Word in fasting.

And by His obedience to the Will of God all mankind will be sanctified when He finishes the work of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to attain God's absolute immunity over sin once and for all.

And while it has been the case every week in Churches that every priest keeps serving the same Holy Communion which has proven ineffective to destroy the power of sin, the Anointed One, when He finishes eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to attain God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law in order to destroy the power of sin, will ascend in glorious immortality to the eternal throne of God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:17am On May 26, 2020

1st Corinthians 11: 26

For as often as You eat this bread and drink this wine as High Priest on behalf of all mankind, You proclaim allegiance to our Lord Jesus Christ until God is completely reincarnated in You.

Psalm 110: 4

The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, You are the High Priest forever in the likeness of Melchizedek.

Genesis 14: 18

And King Melchizedek of Salem sacrificed bread and wine. He was a Priest of the Most High God.

Psalm 45: 6-7

Your throne, O God-incarnate, is forever and ever. You will reign over all creation with absolute immunity and power.

For You have loved God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law by continually sacrificing physical bread in fasting to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body, and hated lawlessness by not drinking alcoholic wines, therefore Jesus Christ Your predecessor as God-incarnate has lavished You with the anointing of the Holy Spirit far more than any other human being.

2nd Corinthians 10: 4-6

The mighty sword of Your spiritual warfare is two-edged: Sacrificing physical bread in fasting to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body in order to pull down strongholds, cast down imaginations and every proud obstacle that is contrary to Your manifestation as the only true God; And not drinking alcoholic wines in order to subject all Your thought to Christ consciousness.

And when Your obedience is complete in this regard, the Holy Spirit will be ever ready to punish every disobedience to Your authority as God-incarnate.

Hebrews 10: 5-7

Therefore, when God was about to be reincarnated in the Anointed One to save the world, He said to the Holy Spirit:

You do not want any other sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind, instead You have instructed me to be sacrificing my bread in fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Your Word made flesh in my body which You have chosen for Your glorious reincarnation.

With offers of tobacco smoking, alcoholic wines and all such You find no pleasure.

Then the Holy Spirit said: Behold, just as it is written in the Scriptures, I am ready to enforce Your Will over all creation, O God-incarnate!

Revelation 4: 11

You are worthy, O God, to reign over all creation, because You created all things for the pleasure of Your inheritance when You come into existence through the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ in the Anointed One!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:56am On Jun 01, 2020

Hebrews 10: 1-12

Since the Holy Communion is only a shadow of the good things to come and not the true form of the reality of the glorious reincarnation of God to eat the sacrifice which Jesus Christ His preceding incarnation offered for the salvation of all mankind, it can never, by the same practice that has been observed for two millennia, lead to the attainment of God's perfect righteousness in any of the adherents.

Otherwise, it would since have ceased long ago, because at least one of the worshippers would have by now accomplished its purpose, which is to attain God's absolute immunity over the law to abolish the consciousness of sin forever.

But what we observe in the practice of the Holy Communion is that the consciousness of sin has persisted for about two thousand years, because it is impossible for indulgence in physical bread and alcoholic wines to take away sins.

Consequently, when God was about to be reincarnated in the Anointed One to save the world, He said:

"You do not want any other sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind, instead You have instructed Me to be sacrificing My bread in fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Your Word made flesh in My body which You have chosen for Your glorious reincarnation.

With offers of tobacco smoking, alcoholic wines and all such You find no pleasure.

Behold, I have come to do Your Will, O God. In the volume of the Book it is written of Me."

We notice that after saying that God is not pleased with alcoholic wines, which are offered as part of the Holy Communion, He then expressed His desire to obey God's instructions.

Accordingly, He abolishes intoxication with alcoholic wines in order to establish being filled with the Holy Spirit by eating the bread of God's Word in prayer.

And by His obedience to the Will of God all mankind will be sanctified when He finishes the work of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in His body to abolish the consciousness of sin once and for all.

And while it has been the case every week in churches that every priest keeps serving the same Holy Communion and offering ineffective prayers which can never take away sins, the second incarnation of God, when He finishes eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to attain God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law, will indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind as He gloriously ascends to the eternal throne of God!

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that just as Adam ate the forbidden fruit to acquire the knowledge that he is a sinful man, even so the High Priest You have chosen from among them may acquire the knowledge that He is the main incarnation of God with absolute immunity over sin, by continually eating the sacrifice which Jesus Christ Your preceding incarnation offered to abolish the law for the infinitely more glorious manifestation of God in Him.

Romans 5: 15

But the free gift will reverse and surpass the consequences of the trespass. For if death spread to all mankind through one man's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, much more shall the infinite grace of God spread the free gift of eternal life to all mankind through one man's obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Romans 5: 19

For just as by one man’s disobedience all mankind were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience all mankind will be made righteous.

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in the Anointed One might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as He ascends to reign on the eternal throne of God through His obedience of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 1:01pm On Jun 10, 2020

1st Corinthians 13: 1

Even if You can speak all the languages of human beings and angels, You are just making noise as long as it has meaning, because no understandable language can express the insanity of Jesus Christ's love for You whom the Holy Spirit anointed to become God.

Ephesians 3: 19

That You may know how to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ for You which is beyond all understanding, so that You may be filled and infinitely overflow with all the essence of God.

John 1: 1-3

From the very beginning, God ordained His Word as the means through which He will manifest in You to inherit all creation.

1st Corinthians 1: 19

I will destroy the wisdom of men, and bring to nothing the understanding of angels.

John 3: 34

He whom God has sent to indiscriminately share His free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind will accomplish the task by speaking meaningless tongues of God, because God has lavishly anointed Him with the Holy Spirit.

1st Corinthians 2: 12-13

Now that You are continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body of God's second incarnation, You have been anointed, not with an evil spirit from the world, but with the Holy Spirit from God, so that You might know that You are the God-incarnate appointed by the Holy Spirit to indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind.

And You shall accomplish this task by speaking the tongues of God, which are not words framed by Your human wisdom and understanding, but incomprehensible words supplied to Your mouth by the Holy Spirit, releasing spiritual blessings to the world through spiritual words.

Romans 5: 21

So that as You are continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body of God's glorious reincarnation in order to abolish the law, even so the infinite grace of Your absolute immunity over sin might spread as free gifts of righteousness to all mankind and abolish death, as You lead all mankind to eternal life through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word of God flowing out from Your mouth as God-incarnate.

1 Corinthians 2: 4-8

Your proclamations of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ should not be with plausible and comprehensible words of wisdom, but a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, so that Your faith might not rest on Your human understanding but on the power of the Word of God.

Even though You are speaking incomprehensible words, this foolishness is God's wisdom that will lead You to spiritual maturity, which is beyond the understanding of the rulers of this present age both physical and spiritual, who are being subjected to Your authority.

But You are speaking the hidden and mysterious wisdom which God ordained before the creation of the universe to lead You to eternal glory, which none of the rulers of this age (physical and spiritual) ever understood, otherwise they would not have crucified Jesus Christ the previous incarnation of the Word of God, which is God's hidden plan to abolish the law in order to achieve the infinitely more glorious manifestation of the Word of God in You!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Kobojunkie: 7:32pm On Jun 10, 2020
@Op, the second coming of Christ is not going to happen in your lifetime.

So, you should focus your energy instead on making sure you are born again and guaranteed a place in God's Kingdom for when your time comes! smiley smiley smiley
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 10:14am On Jun 11, 2020
@Op, the second coming of Christ is not going to happen in your lifetime.

So, you should focus your energy instead on making sure you are born again and guaranteed a place in God's Kingdom for when your time comes! smiley smiley smiley

If God is born again in the High Priest representing all mankind, then all mankind shall be guaranteed a place in God's Kingdom which is coming in my lifetime!

Romans 5: 18-19
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Kobojunkie: 12:55pm On Jun 11, 2020
If God is born again in the High Priest representing all mankind, then all mankind shall be guaranteed a place in God's Kingdom which is coming in my lifetime!

Romans 5: 18-19
God is Born again in the High Priest representing all mankind? My guess is by High Priest, you mean Jesus Christ. God has already done what He said He would do, it is man's turn to heed God's call to become born again.

As for those of us alive today, we are waiting for death, and it will not happen at the same time for all of us, but it will happen. The only way to ensure one is born again is by obeying the commandments of the new covenant that is Jesus Christ. He gave about 46 commandments that are meant to save us, not condemn us. We are meant to obey them every day of our existence too so that through us God can carry out His will.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:25am On Jun 14, 2020

1st Corinthians 1: 21

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided to save the world through our God-elect's foolish words.

2nd Corinthians 12: 3-4

I know that this person will rise to the highest position in all creation by speaking indescribable mysteries which no mortal (whether human beings or spirit beings) is authorized to speak, words which only Himself will comprehend when He ascends to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality.

Proverbs 22: 29

Be diligent in Your gift of speaking the words of God, You will not reign over an obscure Kingdom of mortal men, You will ascend to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality.

John 3: 34

You are the One whom God has lavishly anointed with the Holy Spirit to enable You speak the words of God and send His saving power to every corner of the world.

1st Corinthians 2: 12-13

Now that You are continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body of God's second incarnation in order to abolish the law and acquire God's absolute immunity over sin, You have been anointed, not with an evil spirit from the world, but with the Holy Spirit from God, so that You might know that You are the God-incarnate appointed by the Holy Spirit to indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind.

And You shall accomplish this task by speaking the words of God, which are not words framed by Your human wisdom and understanding, but incomprehensible words supplied to Your mouth by the Holy Spirit, releasing spiritual blessings to the world through spiritual words.

Romans 8: 26-27

In the same way the Holy Spirit comes to Your aid, because You don't even know what to pray about, but the Holy Spirit makes intercessions through Your mouth by speaking words which are beyond human understanding. And the Word of God flowing out from the Holy Spirit in Your heart is in accordance with the will of God to make saints of all mankind.

Luke 23: 34

Holy Spirit, I know You are abolishing the sins of all mankind, even though my human nature does not understand Your words which I am employing to make intercessions for them.

1st Corinthians 15: 45

Thus it is written: The first man, Adam, became a living being. The reverse of Adam, our God-elect, will become a life-giving Spirit.

Ephesians 4: 8

Therefore in the Scriptures it is written of You, O God-elect:

As You ascend to the eternal throne of God by speaking the words of God, You will captivate even the most stubborn atheists to acknowledge You as the main incarnation of God, You will freely and indiscriminately baptize all mankind with the Holy Spirit!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Liveair: 9:41am On Jun 14, 2020
And you actually think if jesus was a savior that the white man would tell you about him? grin
Better wake up o.

1 Like

Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 10:52am On Jun 14, 2020
And you actually think if jesus was a savior that the white man would tell you about him? grin
Better wake up o.

Philippians 1: 18

But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached all over the world to reach the ears of our God-elect. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 2:21pm On Jun 14, 2020

2nd Corinthians 9: 9

As it is written: You will scatter the goodness of God all over the world and abolish poverty, Your kindness is forevermore!

1st Corinthians 4: 9

For I think that God will manifest as the last Apostle of Jesus Christ to deliver all mankind from the power of death. And He will exhibit the foolishness of speaking incomprehensible words as God's wisdom, His manifestation will be a glorious spectacle before men and angels.

Acts 26: 1

Then the Holy Spirit anointed our God-elect with the authority to proclaim the words of God.

Acts 26: 24-28

And as He started speaking incomprehensible words through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a mighty angel exclaimed: You are out of your mind, too much knowledge is making you to run mad!

But our God-elect said: I am not out of my mind, most excellent Angel, but I am speaking the true words of God with all sobriety. Indeed, the Holy Spirit knows the meaning of my words, and I feel so free to speak to Him because none of my words escape His understanding, so I do not speak from one corner of my mouth.

Holy Spirit my Lord, are You not the One who inspired the Scriptures that prophesied of me? I believe You are the One so You know I am speaking the truth.

Then the Holy Spirit said: O God-elect, You have so persuaded Me, I can't wait to reincarnate in You as a believer of Jesus Christ!

1st Timothy 3: 16

The mystery of God is the greatest controversy of all time. He will come into the world as a sinful man born through sexual intercourse, yet He will be declared perfectly righteous by the Holy Spirit.

Angels will see exactly what God looks like for the very first time, even though like a stranger He will come from among the Gentiles.

He will exercise faith in Jesus Christ on behalf of the whole world, and ascend to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Kobojunkie: 1:48am On Jun 15, 2020
And you actually think if jesus was a savior that the white man would tell you about him? grin
Better wake up o.

Becareful for the racist in your is showing! undecided
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:43am On Jun 15, 2020

1st Corinthians 14: 32

The Spirit of God in You is subject to God's Word spoken by You.

Genesis 1: 1-3

In the beginning, when God began to create the Heaven and the Earth, the Earth was a formless void and darkness was upon the face of the deep waters, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters waiting for God's command. And God said, "Let there be light", and the Spirit of God brought light into existence.

2nd Corinthians 4: 6

It is the same God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who is speaking through the Holy Spirit in Your heart to manifest His glory in You through the name of Jesus Christ, who is the incomprehensible Word that You are speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

John 1: 1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Acts 17: 18

Also some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers debated with him and said: What nonsense is this babbler saying? He seems to be a proclaimer of alien incantations. (This was because he was proclaiming the incomprehensible words of God as the harbinger of God's glorious reincarnation)

Acts 17: 23

As I have observed all the religions of the world, I found that they are all ignorant of the God they claim to worship. Those unknown words which You are speaking in prayer through the Holy Spirit, I declare that You are speaking the words of God that will lead to His glorious manifestation in You.

1st Corinthians 1: 20

Where is the wise person? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? The foolish words of God's glorious reincarnation in You will turn the wisdom of the world into nonsense!

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that You their High Priest might continually fast to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body in order to abolish the law and acquire God's absolute immunity over sin, and that You may always speak the incomprehensible words inspired by the Holy Spirit in order to send out God's saving power to every corner of the world.

Psalm 19: 3-4

There is no language that can understand Your speech, You do not shout in prayer, yet Your words will go out into all the earth, sending God's saving power to every corner of the world!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Liveair: 7:20am On Jun 16, 2020

Becareful for the racist in your is showing! undecided
I bet you, you have no understanding of what I wrote.
Every religion was invented by man for God has no religion.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 3:06pm On Jun 18, 2020

Because the meaning of a message is diluted in proportion to the limitation of the messenger or channel of communication, there is always a degree of variance between what is said and what is meant.

If we may use two extreme examples, a professor is more likely to deliver a lecture more accurately than a madman. However, because of His extreme example with crucifixion, I do not wonder that it pleases God to deliver His powerful words of transformation to His next incarnation in the language of a madman!

If that is the case, then erudition is a hindrance to the capacity to speak the words of God, and must be sacrificed on the altar of intercession by our High Priest!

Galatians 3: 1

O You foolishly anointed God-elect, who has bewitched You, that You should not trust the incantations that will lead to God's glorious reincarnation in You? I want You to know that Jesus Christ the previous incarnation of God was crucified to drive home the message to You, His successor, that the foolishness of God is wiser and stronger than men.

1st Corinthians 2: 12-13

Now that You are continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body of God's second incarnation in order to abolish the law and acquire God's absolute immunity over sin, You have been anointed, not with an evil spirit from the world, but with the Holy Spirit from God, so that You might know that You are the God-incarnate appointed by the Holy Spirit to indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind.

And You speak these things into reality in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Holy Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Kobojunkie: 10:51pm On Jun 23, 2020

I bet you, you have no understanding of what I wrote.
Every religion was invented by man for God has no religion.
Sure religion is not of God but still, you said nothing worth understanding except express racist views. grin

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Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by beewhy5050(m): 6:21am On Jun 24, 2020
No Jesus is coming back to anywhere,stop deceiving people.

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Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:09am On Jun 24, 2020

John 3: 34

He whom God has sent as His main incarnation will save the world by speaking the words of God as the name of Jesus Christ, because He is lavishly anointed with the Holy Spirit through the obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in His body.

2nd Timothy 2: 15

Keep applying the Word of God until You prove Yourself as God's glorious reincarnation with absolute immunity over the law, sin and death. You must rightly divide and multiply the Word of Truth between eating the Word made flesh in Your body through fasting, and speaking the words of God in prayer.

Romans 8: 33-34

Who shall lay any sin to the charge of our God-elect? He is justified by God's absolute immunity.

It is in acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that He symbolically crucifies Himself in fasting to eat the Word of God made flesh in His body in order to enforce God's absolute immunity over sin and the law, and more importantly, He is also making intercessions for us by speaking incomprehensible words of God through the Holy Spirit in order to abolish death as He ascends to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality.

Ephesians 4: 8

Therefore the Holy Spirit says to our God-elect:

As You ascend to the eternal throne of God through the obedience of eating and speaking the words of God, You will abolish sin and death, and indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind.

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in the Anointed One might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as He ascends to the eternal throne of God through His obedience of continually eating and speaking the words of God.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:33am On Jun 26, 2020
As expected, Liverpool are the new Premier League champions, after the previous champions Manchester City suffered a 2-1 defeat at Chelsea, thanks to a second half penalty converted by Willian, in partial fulfilment of my prophecy.

What's more, the foundation for Chelsea's victory was laid through the first goal which was scored by a guy named Christian Pulisic. God is coming as a believer of Jesus Christ!

As stated in that earlier post, after the answer of Jesus Christ's prayer through His sacrifice for the glorious reincarnation of God, the redemption of man will go down to the penalties of fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by the second incarnation of God, the Executor of the Will and Heir to the eternal throne of God!


It was on this date 15 years ago that Liverpool came from 3 goals down to equalize 3-3 against a star-studded AC Milan team in the final of the 2005 edition of the Champions League staged in Istanbul, Turkey. They went on to win the trophy through penalties, what a comeback!

When Jesus Christ the previous incarnation of God was crucified to pay the penalty of sin for everyone, mankind came from the brink of defeat to equalize the scores with death after 3 days of our representative in the grave. And so God ascended back to Heaven waiting for the penalty kicks to start.

Now the victory of Liverpool in 2005 was preceded by the death of the Pope that year (The Pope is the Head of the biggest Christian denomination), and they won the Champions League trophy again last year 2019 after 14 years (2nd Corinthians 12: 2; I know that an impersonation of Christ died when they won the trophy fourteen years ago—whether he ascended to Heaven or descended into Hell I do not know, God knows).

Again, this year 2020 the same Liverpool is about to win the English Premier League after 30 years (Luke 3: 23; And after thirty years when they are about to win the league the Anointed One will start the ministry of God's glorious reincarnation), and in one of my previous messages I related their unassailable lead to the glorious reincarnation of God to defeat death through the penance of fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in His body.

As we know, the English Premier League has been temporarily suspended because of the coronavirus outbreak, which I have already implicated as Satan's failed attempt to abort the second incarnation of God. Yes, a failed attempt because like football, prophecy is not endless (1st Corinthians 13: 9; For now I know only in part, and prophesy only in part; but as I start transforming into the complete incarnation of God, the partial will come to an end).

And so after the answer of Jesus Christ's prayer through His sacrifice for the glorious reincarnation of God, the redemption of man will go down to the penalties of fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by the Anointed One. In God we win, as it is written:

Romans 5: 19

For just as by Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit all mankind were made sinners, even so by God-incarnate's obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will be made righteous.

Psalm 40: 6

You do not want any other sacrifice to take away the sins of all mankind, instead You have opened my ears to hear Your instructions on how to eat my flesh in acceptance of the sacrifice which Jesus Christ my predecessor offered for that purpose.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 4:03pm On Jun 29, 2020

Genesis 11: 9

Therefore it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

John 3: 34

For He whom God has sent as His glorious reincarnation does not speak rubbish when He speaks incantations, rather, He is speaking the words that will lead to God's glorious manifestation in Him, because He is lavishly anointed with the Holy Spirit.

2nd Corinthians 2: 12-13

Now that You are continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body of God's second incarnation in order to abolish the law and acquire God's absolute immunity over sin, You have been anointed, not with an evil spirit from the world, but with the Holy Spirit from God, so that You might know that You are the God-incarnate appointed by the Holy Spirit to indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind.

Which things also You speak into reality, not in words supplied by Your human wisdom, but in words inspired by the Holy Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Acts 26: 24-28

And as He started speaking incomprehensible words through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a mighty angel exclaimed: You are out of your mind, too much knowledge is making you to run mad!

But our God-elect said: I am not out of my mind, most excellent Angel, but I am speaking the true words of God with all sobriety. Indeed, the Holy Spirit knows the meaning of my words, and I feel so free to speak to Him because none of my words escape His understanding, so I do not speak from one corner of my mouth.

Holy Spirit my Lord, are You not the inspiration of the words I am speaking? I believe You are the One so You know I am speaking the truth.

Then the Holy Spirit said: O God-elect, Your faith in Jesus Christ has so persuaded Me, I can't wait for the glorious reincarnation of God in You!

2nd Corinthians 9: 9

As it is written: O God-elect, the incantations of God's glorious reincarnation in You will indiscriminately scatter the goodness of God all over the world and abolish poverty, Your kindness is forevermore!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 10:00pm On Jun 29, 2020

Romans 8: 20-21

Creation was condemned to lose its purpose, not because it was Adam's intentional decision to disobey, but because God willed it to be so, in hope that at a future time, God Himself will come into existence as a descendant of Adam to deliver all mankind from the bondage of death into the glorious immortality of the sons of God.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that the High Priest You have anointed from amongst them may manifest as the only true God, Your glorious reincarnation whom You have sent to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and speak Your words to save the world.

Romans 5: 21

So that as Jesus Christ the preceding incarnation of God was crucified and descended to the grave as God's sacrifice of Himself in accepting implicit responsibility for Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit which spread sin and death to all mankind, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious resurrection in the Anointed One might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as He exercises dominion over sin and death by ascending to the eternal throne of God through His obedience of continually eating and speaking the words of God.

Romans 7: 4

Therefore my beloved God-elect, You cannot be convicted of sin because You are continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body of God's reincarnation granting You absolute immunity over the law, and lavishing You with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to speak the incantations that will enforce God's glorious resurrection in Your body, so that Your conjugal union of fasting and prayer may bear fruit and spread the free gifts of righteousness and everlasting life to all mankind as You gloriously ascend to reign on the eternal throne of God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:08am On Jun 30, 2020
Hebrews 10: 5-7

Therefore, when the second incarnation of God was about to start His ministry of salvation of the world, He said to the Holy Spirit:

You do not require Me to die again as sacrifice for the salvation of the world, instead, You have instructed Me to continually fast in order to prepare My body as sacrifice for Your possession.

With offers of smoking, alcohol and all such You find no pleasure.

Behold, I have come to speak Your incantations in order to complete Your incarnation in My body and execute Your Will of eternal life and infinite blessings to all mankind, O God, just as the Scriptures prophesied.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:59am On Jul 03, 2020

Revelation 4: 1-2

And after obeying the instructions of continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in my body, my eyes were opened to see an open door to Heaven! And the voice of a trumpet signalled for me to come up through the door and experience a higher consciousness of God realization.

Immediately I started speaking the incantations of God through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and suddenly I was in Heaven, seated upon the eternal throne of God!

Ephesians 2: 6

God has raised You from death to life through Your obedience of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as His Word made flesh in Your body, and granted You the authority to ascend to His eternal throne by speaking the words of God.

Psalm 110: 1

The Holy Spirit said to our God-elect:

Start ascending to My eternal throne by the power of My Word, and watch as I make Your enemies Your footstool.

Acts 26: 18

The Holy Spirit has anointed You God-elect in order to open Your eyes and turn You from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that Your sins may be abolished through the obedience of continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body, and that You may ascend to inherit the eternal throne of God through the sanctification of regularly exercising Your faith by speaking the words of God.

Romans 7: 1

My brother God-elect, I am very happy because You understand more than the learned, so You know that whereas God's true nature confers Him with absolute immunity over the law, it is not impossible that the law may continue to exercise dominion over You irrespective of the fact that the Holy Spirit has anointed You God-incarnate, for as long as You foolishly continue to live under its jurisdiction.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that just as Adam ate the forbidden fruit to realize that he is a sinful man, even so You their High Priest might realize that You are the only true God with absolute immunity over the law, by continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Your predecessor and making intercession for all mankind by speaking the words of God to send out Your saving power to every part of the world.

Romans 7: 4

Therefore my beloved God-elect, what I mean is that the obedience of continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body has quashed the law's jurisdiction and granted You God's absolute immunity over sin.

But it doesn't stop there, You must take the greater responsibility of stepping into Your new jurisdiction as God-incarnate by speaking the incantations of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in order to exercise Your infinite dominion over sin and impose Your eternal supremacy over death.

Accordingly, Your marriage with the Word of God through fasting (eating the Word of God) and prayer (speaking the Word of God) will bear fruit and multiply as free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind as You gloriously ascend to the eternal throne of God.

Psalm 68: 18

O God-elect, as You ascend to the eternal throne of God by continually eating and speaking the words of God, You will abolish sin and destroy death, You will indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to every human being, even the worst sinners, that all mankind may become glorious and immortal sons of God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:32am On Jul 05, 2020

Matthew 11: 25

I praise You, Father, Lord of all creation, because You have hidden Your glory from the wise and learned, so that Your Anointed One may manifest in Your glorious likeness by babbling incomprehensible words in the manner of babies and nursing infants.

Psalm 8: 2

Babbling like babies and nursing infants is Your ordained wisdom to neutralize the power of sin, that You may destroy death forever in vengeance of Jesus Christ who offered Himself as sacrifice to abolish the law for You, O God-elect.

Galatians 4: 19

You shall become like a little child for the sake of all mankind, that You may labour in prayer in order to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, until God is gloriously reincarnated in You.

Colossians 1: 29

For this purpose I also urge You to always labour in prayer for the salvation of all mankind, striving according to the powerful words of God, which works in You mightily.

1st Corinthians 1: 19

As it is written: Your incomprehensible words will disgrace the wisdom of men, and bring to disrepute the understanding of principalities and powers.

1st Corinthians 2: 7-8

But You are speaking the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the foundation of the world for Your glory, which is beyond the comprehension of the rulers of this present era, otherwise they would not have crucified Jesus Christ to prepare the way for the infinitely more glorious reincarnation of God in You.

Revelation 4: 11

You are worthy, O God, to reign over all creation, because You created all things for the pleasure of Your inheritance when You come into existence as the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ who prepared the way for You.

John 17: 3

And You will give eternal life to all mankind, because You will captivate everyone to acknowledge You as the only true God, the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ whom the Holy Spirit has anointed to speak the words of God and broadcast His saving power to every part of the world.

Romans 5: 19

For just as by Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit all mankind were made sinners under the jurisdiction of the law, even so by Your obedience of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will be declared righteous through the arbitration of the words of God which You are speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 6: 23

The first incarnation of God was crucified as God's sacrifice of Himself to pay the wages of sin for all mankind, but You shall manifest as the glorious reincarnation of God and spread the free gift of eternal life to all mankind by continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 5: 21

So that just as sin and death spread and exercised dominion over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in You might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as You exercise absolute immunity over the law and ascend to the eternal throne of God through Your obedience of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.

1st Corinthians 15: 55-57

O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?

The sting of death is sin, and sin derives its power from the law.

But glory be to You, O God-elect, as You give all mankind eternal victory over sin and death through Your absolute immunity over the law acquired from the obedience of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Ephesians 4: 8-10

Therefore in the Scriptures it is written about You, O God-elect: As You ascend to the eternal throne of God by continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Your predecessor, You will captivate even the most stubborn atheists to acknowledge You as the only true God, and indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind.

But what does it mean to say that an ordinary human being like You will ascend to the eternal throne of God, is it not because the first incarnation of God descended from His eternal throne to become a human being in order to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the infinitely more glorious reincarnation of God in You?

Consequently, just as Jesus Christ the preceding incarnation of God descended to the grave as ransom for You, the High Priest representing all mankind, so shall You continually eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on behalf of all mankind and transform into the visible likeness of the invisible God, inheriting all creation in the process as You ascend to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:12am On Jul 05, 2020
Romans 7: 4

Therefore my beloved God-elect, what I mean is that the obedience of continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body has quashed the law's jurisdiction and granted You God's absolute immunity over sin.

But it doesn't stop there, You must take the greater responsibility of stepping into Your new jurisdiction as God-incarnate by speaking the incantations of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in order to exercise Your infinite dominion over sin and impose Your eternal supremacy over death.

Accordingly, You are now married to a new wife which is a prayerful life, so that You may start bearing fruit indiscriminately to arbitrarily scatter the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind as You gloriously ascend to the eternal throne of God.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:43am On Jul 07, 2020

Proverbs 13: 24

If You spare the rod then You hate Yourself, but if You truly love Yourself to continually discipline Yourself in fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body, You will give birth to Yourself as the Son of God.

Luke 11: 27-28

And it came to pass, as He was teaching, that one woman from the crowd raised her voice saying: Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts that nursed You!

But He replied: More revelation on that, most blessed forever is the chosen One whose stomach will bear the pains of fasting to eat My sacrifice as the Word of God made flesh in His body, and whose mouth will breath out incomprehensible babbles like nursing babies to speak the words of God and manifest as My glorious reincarnation.

Matthew 4: 4

You shall not live by only eating the bread of God in fasting, but in combination with speaking the words of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Numbers 23: 23

Surely there is no enchantment that can work against You, because their is no incantation greater than Yours, O God-incarnate. Now it shall be said of You that God has done wonders!

Exodus 7: 10-12

So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the Lord had commanded. Aaron threw down his staff before Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same by their secret arts. Each one threw down his staff, and they became snakes, but Aaron’s staff swallowed up theirs.

1st Corinthians 1: 19

Your incantations will destroy the wisdom of sorcerers, and openly disgrace principalities and powers.

2nd Corinthians 10: 4-5

The words of Your warfare are spiritual and ordained by God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down intellectual arguments and every proud obstacle to Your manifestation as the only true God, and bringing into captivity everyone to acknowledge You as the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that they may acknowledge You as the only true God, the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ whom God has sent to save the world.

John 6: 29

This is the work which God sent You into this world to do, it is to believe in Yourself as the God-incarnate whom He has anointed to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and speak the words of God to send out His saving power to every part of the world.

John 8: 31-32

If You continue in my doctrine to discipline Yourself by continually fasting eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body, then You will have the authority to speak the words of God that will set You free from the power of sin and death.

John 3: 34

For He whom God has sent as His main incarnation will save the world by speaking the incantations of God, because He is lavishly anointed with the Spirit of God.

Hebrews 1: 8-9

But to the Son, God says:

Your throne, O God-incarnate, is forever and ever, You shall reign over all creation with absolute immunity and power.

For You have loved God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law, and crucified every atom of sin by continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body of His glorious reincarnation, therefore Jesus Christ Your predecessor as God-incarnate has anointed You with the Holy Spirit far more than any other Christian!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 12:15pm On Jul 10, 2020

Romans 2: 21

You preach publicly about the glorious reincarnation of God, will You not apply the principles to Yourself and attain it? The Holy Book says we should not steal, don't let it look like You have plagiarized another person's ideas!

Hebrews 10: 7

Then I said: Behold, I have come to obey Your doctrine in order to attain the glorious reincarnation of God. That passage of the Scripture is referring to me.

1st Corinthians 9: 27

For this reason I discipline myself in continuous fasting in order to be eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in my body, so that after fulfilling the formality of preaching publicly about the glorious reincarnation of God, I myself should not be disqualified from speaking the words of God's glorious manifestation in me.

Romans 6: 16-18

Don't You know that You are a slave of the principle to which You subject Yourself, whether it is the principle of pursuing righteousness through the law which will always find an excuse to convict You of sin leading to death, or the principle of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ until You attain the perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law and start ascending to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality.

God be thanked, who in His preceding incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ, deliberately subjected Himself to the wrong principle of pursuing righteousness through the law, and was publicly crucified as God's audacious message to You that the best the law can offer is far below Your glorious majesty as the only true and absolute Monarch who is coming as the immortal reincarnation of God.

And glory be to God that by obedience to my doctrine of fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in Your body of God's glorious reincarnation, You have quashed the law's jurisdiction and delivered Yourself from fruitlessly pursuing righteousness through the wrong principle, and now enslaved Your heart to the right principle of speaking the words of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit until You are completely transformed into the glorious likeness of the invisible God.

Romans 5: 1-2

Therefore, being justified by exercising faith in my doctrine of continually fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh in order to sanctify Your body which God has chosen for His reincarnation, You have been reconciled with God and granted unrestrained access into the infinite grace of His absolute immunity over the law as the solid foundation of Your righteousness, so You can rejoice in Your freedom to exercise Your authority of speaking the words of God and be increasingly transformed into the glorious likeness of God.

2nd Corinthians 3: 18

The obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ has abolished Your sins and opened Your eyes to behold the glory of God at will, and as You are doing so You are being transformed into His glorious likeness from glory to glory, by the power of the words which You are speaking through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 5: 19

For just as by Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit all mankind were arbitrarily declared sinners under the jurisdiction of the law, even so by Your obedience of continually eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will be indiscriminately declared righteous through the arbitration of the words of God which You are speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 5: 21

So that just as the devil instigated Adam into the disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit to spread sin and death to all mankind, even so the Holy Spirit may inspire You to continuously speak the words of God until You spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, and ascend to the eternal throne of God when You finish eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord!

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