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Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Olamila: 12:25pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Let me not bore you guys with my relationship history but this girl is my first love, i met her while i was in school 300l. Ever since then i have always been there for her despite even having a low budget as student because I'm not from a wealthy home, even her parents has times10 more than my family. But despite that i try all i could to maintain my role in the relationship because i don't fancy myself asking anything from my girlfriend. Before anything else i need to tell little about my girlfriend, she is beautiful and nice. Almost every guy wants to woo her and all of that. Aside of that my girlfriend is very stingy to me, she can never allow her anything be in my possession, she doesn't have this idea that we could end up one day though she will always say something close to it only during fun time. But when she is at her leisures she will say how she fancy how husband to be and all of that which i no I'm not the person she could had been referring to. That not even my major issue. She always been cruel when she asks me for anything and i refuse to give her maybe i don't have or just don't see needs to do so. I also discovered that most of our fun times comes immediately money enters my hand. Because i remember when i was in school my first 800k i made was finished and squandered with her, i haven't dated anyother or even have another girl since i met her. Because i try to make her feel comfortable because i no how many guys wish her to be with her. So secondly i made another 1m i squandered it with her too. But when this money just finish guyz i always see hell in her. This was the ups an downs i was experiencing till i finished my school with her. It was a shame for me upon the money i made in school i graduated with zero account looking for money for my law school. I wasn't fortunate to get any help so i sat back to Hustle. Then i was begging looking for helper to assist me when i saw one big opportunity that i need to take but it the opportunity required money as my account was bleeding zero. I begged everyone including my girlfriend but she told me she doesn't have even if she happened to get money for me i will pay her interest. This words alone made me cry, did you no instead of helping me out she told me I'm not the only one that needs help she also need to invest on her self which she was right i believe her. She later invested her money in one fraudulent sheme which she lost the money. FastTrack to what is happening now, i later got help from someone who offered me 50k and my mum 20k making it 70k i picked myself up and started my Hustle again. Within three months i made 800k again. All this times i was giving her update about my business and earnings. Could you imagine she had the gut to ask for money despite her behaviors. Because of my nature i don't believe someone's bad nature should change my own nature so i still sent her some money because i also no she is broke. Since then i just forgot about what she did and all of those stuffs because my money kept coming and i don't keep grudges i keep taking care of her. Now i had issue with my business i want to fix something up i was also telling her. this girl went ahead to start asking me to send her money. I was really disappointed i protested because i noticed when i have money i become very careless. It seems money covers so many things. I just need advice because i think it is time to let her go coz with her nature and type of girl it might end in tears for me. All she do is stay on social media, snap and post and look for who will send her money. No skills, i have begged her several times to look for something to be doing she refused and tells me how her dad won't allow her. She doesn't listen to me, always feel like boss when little money enter her hand. Guys i really love her but i think it is time to seek help because i will regret if this continues. 37 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by madridguy(m): 12:31pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Aside of that my girlfriend is very stingy to me, she can never allow her anything be in my possession, she doesn't have this idea that we could end up one day though she will always say something close to it only during fun time. But when she is at her leisures she will say how she fancy how husband to be and all of that which i no I'm not the person she is could had been referring to. That not even my major issue. Wake up bro. 289 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by yomi007k(m): 12:36pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Is it not already ending in tears for you? Stop living in denial. 447 Likes 12 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by poshestmina(f): 12:38pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Are you sure she's dating you? Or using you as a mobile ATM ? ![]() 406 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by allen113: 12:41pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
op, you said you're from a poor home and she still agree to date you even when other guys are wooing her, when you were single you never made 800k, immediately you started dating her you've made over 2m, bros Abeg marry her, she get luck way dey follow her, as long as she is not cheating on you, forgive her stingy nature. 33 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Ahmed0336(m): 12:42pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Hey God which kind wahala b dis? Bros husbands dey run leave their families because of this kind thing and ordinary girlfriend you still dey contemplate? Be a man please..... Na pesin wey dey alive dey give history. 92 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Ningen(m): 12:46pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
That bitchy leech will keep bleeding you dry and one day, you will wake up to the realization that you're nothing but a carcass. Don't be a simp!! This is a woman that would rather leave you to die from your thirst than give you water to drink. Dump her! 110 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Olamila: 12:49pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
This is 5 yrs of being together poshestmina: 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by emmysolo2001(f): 12:49pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
guy let's be guided you can't keep fooling your self, cause you feel you are in a relationship with a woman you probably love but be honest with your self the girl doesn't love you.she may probably see you as her goody bag and you gotta wake up and realize your worth I probably won't be surprised if she has never gotten anything for you as a gift maybe something casual if she is there for only collecting and not giving then you have to leave her the relationship should be 50:50 if she is not ready to support you even in the smallest way possible then how can you see a future with her 41 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by chatinent: 12:50pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
The 'I want to fulfill my role' part got me laughing real hard. Bro, it's not your constitutional right to send money to any girlfriend, especially the ones feeling entitled. Judging from her audio life, she doesn't even have any futuristic plans with you. She sees you as a deposit slip. Take my advice, never date a lady who is not working, not to talk of a wife. And this girl, break up with her immediately before your life remains one bar. 118 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Nobody: 12:55pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
parasite every where... .how do guys even bring themselves to marry these days with the kind of girls outside . nature is so amazing...he created the love feeling so that human race can continue.... but marriage is an impressive arrangemnt cos it will open your eye.... 25 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by theTransporter: 12:58pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Olamila: Quite a lenghty one. Bro leave her, period. Her parents are rich, she should be the one even taking you out atimes, but no, she just shows up when you get cash. Lemme tell you a secret, if a lady loves you and sees a future with you, she will be the one even economising your money for you. She will be telling you not to spend so much on vain things. But yours is the opposite. And you just confirmed she doesn't see a future with you, meaning she just come to chop. But you self de extravagant oh, how can u spend over 1.8mill with a girl just like that and returned to ground zero. Wake up bro. You need to leave her and organize your life before going into another relationship. By the way if you don't mind kindly introduce me to this business you talked about, am a student in one of the unis 61 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Nobody: 1:04pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
emmysolo2001: 99% of women here in Nigeria see sex as their 50 in the 50/50 contribution.....the op too agrees with this....thats why he can't see a parasite is around him.. btw....ladies..... having sex with a man when he's still hustling is not being there for him when he had are just using him to cum just like he's using u....he can always cum elsewhere with 5k or less.... 76 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by yanabasee1(m): 1:04pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
allen113: OP, please don't listen to this guy..... I want to tell you that, I had this insecurities about a girl before, especially how she'd tell me how men ask her out and how they are very rich and everything would have been better but she will say she rejected them and wants to be with me.... Bros, she was entirely lying to me...The guys that came her way weren't the type of guys she wanted and when she sees her type, she will leave you..... You will not understand what you are doing and how you are missing out from real love until you set your mind to settle with another woman who will treat you better and manage your money for you... You need to forget about physical beauty.... Because, I used to look at physical beauty before, then I began to look at ladies that are making it in life, they're not mainly on the physical look, but have an average beauty but goo heart.... You need to wake up...You need you senses back to move to a better relationship that will have you value yourself and your worth and your class.... Good luck! 98 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Nobody: 1:06pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
theTransporter: hey y'all Nairalanders..come and look at this guy..... should we tell him....?? 3 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Olamila: 1:09pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Birthday cake emmysolo2001: |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Olamila: 1:11pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Guy please send me your number we need to talk yanabasee1: 1 Like |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by latexxbro(m): 1:14pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Olamila: PM. There is some factory reset we need to do on your brain if not, you will still be the even if you have broken up with her. 7 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by yanabasee1(m): 1:15pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Olamila: Drop your contact on your status and mention me..... |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Karlifate: 1:17pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
You're her ATM. C'est fini. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Kyngfarabale1(m): 1:17pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Olamila:everybody shout O. D. E.......oya everybody shout O.P.O.N.U.....oya everybody shout I NO GET SENSE....... Chai people dey dis life oooo....... someone is cheating and taking u for a fool but rather for u to discharge her... u jejely came online to gv us long epistle of rubbish..... use ur head...... Hahahahhahahha . Hahahahhahahha. . Hahhahahha. . . hahah 22 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Kemimarch16(f): 1:23pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
She's only after your money 1 Like |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Martinez39s(m): 1:36pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
I am so happy that I am a redpill guy; I am so happy that I am not a fool. As I have always said, it pays to take the redpill. Imagine making over ₦1.8M as a student only to squander it with a cruel leech of a lady all in the name of love/relationship. Despite her attitude towards you, you still helped her when you made an additional ₦800k. You aren't just a blue pill simp, you are immensely and abjectly foolish thanks to your heavy blue pill conditioning. ![]() You need the redpill. 57 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Olamila: 1:53pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
![]() ![]() Martinez39s: |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by UDUJ(m): 1:56pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
I refuse to contribute to a post where the op bluntly refuses to use his brain. Nonsense ![]() 43 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Amb1045(m): 2:27pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
A simp op. it will surely end in tears. this lady knows you love her that's why you're been treated like an option when you are the real guy. learn to play relationship game 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Lamanii22(f): 2:32pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
You don't have a girlfriend.... She cannot build with you she can only demolish you.... You better dialogue with your legs and stop dancing to her tunes.... 17 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by paulolee(m): 2:43pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
bad |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by SPOLO(m): 2:51pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
i just feel like giving u to vigilantee make dem wire u kobo... WTF are u saying? see better invest on yourself and stop this sending of money to her or shay she don jazz u ni... and again pls when last did u send and upkeep to ur mum or siblings? 21 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Kobicove(m): 2:51pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Olamila: You're a gold digger and the only reason why you're still hanging around is cos the lady is from a wealthy home and you're hoping that her father will set you up later ![]() 18 Likes |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by SPOLO(m): 2:53pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Martinez39s:How i wish i was the one that made such money i would have set up a business for my mum by now instead of wasting it on a hoe called gf 18 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! I Have Over Dependent Girlfriend Relationship Is Demoralizing Me by Davicl: 3:01pm On Jul 20, 2020 |
Nonsense.... Relationship with the opposite sex is always a game, the sooner you realize this the better for you. ![]() 5 Likes |
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