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Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? - Family - Nairaland

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Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Aflix(m): 6:25pm On Jan 26, 2021
Since they said that roles shouldn't be assigned according to gender, I was wondering if it's still the duty of the man to pay the bills. So, is it

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by helinues: 6:39pm On Jan 26, 2021
Who do you expect to pay your bills for you?

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Aflix(m): 6:42pm On Jan 26, 2021
Who do you expect to pay your bills for you?
I mean between man and wife.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by helinues: 6:44pm On Jan 26, 2021
I mean between man and wife.

According to black man, it is the sole responsibility of the man while according to white man, it should be shared between the husband and wife

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by illicit(m): 6:52pm On Jan 26, 2021
Put your money where your mouth is....

It means that if you don't drop money no food for u

Foot your bills, a wife is part of your bill because she is your liability already

A galfriend is a different thing tho because she is actually a friend, I don't buy things for my 'boyfriends' all the time

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Aflix(m): 6:57pm On Jan 26, 2021
Put your money where your mouth is....

It means that if you don't drop money no food for u

Foot your bills, a wife is part of your bill because she is your liability already

A galfriend is a different thing tho because she is actually a friend, I don't buy things for my 'boyfriends' all the time
Well, women are coming up with the mindset that they shouldn't be doing things that are considered duties of a wife. It cos of this reason I'm asking this question.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chrisj2(m): 6:58pm On Jan 26, 2021

According to black man, it is the sole responsibility of the man while according to white man, it should be shared between the husband and wife

Ha ha ha


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chii8(f): 7:00pm On Jan 26, 2021
In as much as a man should pay the bills,a woman should assist financially too.Make una no go kill person pikin all in the name of the head of the house.

Men...if the task is too much, speak up Biko, don't die in silence....

Modified: please all of una wey dey quote me, don't worry,frustrate the man and send him to an early grave,then you will know that being a man is not easy!

Please, make una turn these likes to cash, thank you tongue

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chrisj2(m): 7:03pm On Jan 26, 2021
With the mentality that men should foot all bills, it means men should always marry below themselves. Really?

If one's wife earns, let's say more than half of what the man earn; what is the woman to do with her money?

She keeps all her money while the man diminished his wealth; it will not be long before the woman is more wealthy than the man...

Given that the so-called minimum wage for civil servants in Nja is about #30,000 or less, many many men should date talkless of marrying if they have to pay for everything including in-laws...

Joke! Right??


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by SweetCunt97(f): 7:20pm On Jan 26, 2021

According to black man, it is the sole responsibility of the man while according to white man, it should be shared between the husband and wife
Baba don't say according to whites oo... That ideology was simply fought for by feminists. Before white women no dey work, they groom them to take care of their families.

Go to Italy, they still have that deep rooted culture of men being the head. Naso una go dey say whites whites

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by SweetCunt97(f): 7:22pm On Jan 26, 2021
With the mentality that men should foot all bills, it means men should always marry below themselves. Really?

If one's wife earns, let's say more than half of what the man earn; what is the woman to do with her money?

She keeps all her money while the man diminished his wealth; it will not be long before the woman is more wealthy than the man...

Given that the so-called minimum wage for civil servants in Nja is about #30,000 or less, many many men should date talkless of marrying if they have to pay for everything including in-laws...

Joke! Right??
She should support her home. It's common sense.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chrisj2(m): 7:38pm On Jan 26, 2021
From your previous reply, we are on the same track...

All these people including many many men that says the man is the head and has to pay all bills and much more are in a way sexist but they will dispute that.

What is wrong about 2 middle class people being married and sharing all responsibilities?

In this day and age, very few men can pay for everything and live at a high standard unless the person is already made and loaded and perhaps even older than the woman

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by JovialJune(f): 8:41pm On Jan 26, 2021
No it's not compulsory, be the househusband let your wife be the head and breadwinner of the family, simple.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by JovialJune(f): 8:45pm On Jan 26, 2021
From your previous reply, we are on the same track...

All these people including many many men that says the man is the head and has to pay all bills and much more are in a way sexist but they will dispute that.

What is wrong about 2 middle class people being married and sharing all responsibilities?

In this day and age, very few men can pay for everything and live at a high standard unless the person is already made and loaded and perhaps even older than the woman

Does the bolded include equally sharing of house chores, cooking, bathing, changing diapers for the kids, running little errands round the neighborhood and going to the market?

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Mecka: 8:48pm On Jan 26, 2021
Naturally, its the man's duty to take care of the bills however there is nothing bad in lending an helping hand when he's broke. Don't just be a liability, be an asset.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Saintmary(f): 8:49pm On Jan 26, 2021
This issue has been overflogged already.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 10:29pm On Jan 26, 2021
That depends. Do you expect your wife to respect and defer to you as the head of the family? Or do you want her to be dragging decisions with you as full partner and co-head of the family? With authority comes responsibility. Also prepare to cook, wash plates, breastfeed, carry pregnancy and wash baby shit.

Btw, in case you think to play a fast one and make her minority shareholder (by making her pay less) in order to retain control, know that women don't calculate share value. If she puts one naira one time into the home expenses upon your request, in her mind she's as equal a partner as if she put ten million for twenty years. Be warned.

Also don't believe if she says she's giving it freely.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by aderinsola75355: 10:40pm On Jan 26, 2021
Since they said that roles shouldn't be assigned according to gender, I was wondering if it's still the duty of the man to pay the bills. So, is it


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 10:43pm On Jan 26, 2021
Counter thread grin cheesy cheesy

Let me sit and read comments, this Toxicland is entertaining. grin grin


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chrisj2(m): 11:36pm On Jan 26, 2021

Does the bolded include equally sharing of house chores, cooking, bathing, changing diapers for the kids, running little errands round the neighborhood and going to the market?

Have you heard about division of labour? Yes, it does include all those things in bold except for breastfeeding bthatv be joining her mentioned previously...

I don't expect proper middle class wife to be running errands like house girl. However, if things have to be done, either of them can do it; including errands.

Like I said, it all depends on who the man wants to marry and whether he wanted a partner or a domestic.

Are you saying cleaning, cooking, bathing and reading to young ones, feeding them and clothing them is exclusively a woman's job.

The clue is in middle class and sharing! It does es not have to be all equal or not specialised...

A man marries a busy business woman, scientist, lecturer, engineer, doctor, lawyer and so on and then expect her to behave like a village girl. Come on!

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chrisj2(m): 11:38pm On Jan 26, 2021
Counter thread grin cheesy cheesy

Let me sit and read comments, this Toxicland is entertaining. grin grin

This is a bit of a nothing thread but you can still see the sexist, misogynist and backward arguments from both sexes.

Successful women no get joy for Nja o! I don't wish any of those sexists on my daughter


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 12:04am On Jan 27, 2021

This is a bit of a nothing thread but you can still see the sexist, misogynist and backward arguments from both sexes.

Successful women no get joy for Nja o! I don't wish any of those sexists on my daughter

Just train both your female and male kids rightly.

Most people learn through mistakes (I am one).


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by mosdii(m): 7:28am On Jan 27, 2021
Nigerian Girls Are Useless...All Of Them


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by LutanFyah: 9:59am On Jan 27, 2021
No, it's not compulsory for a man to pay the bills and take care of his family.

Making money is a basic survival skill that both a man and woman must have.

There a no gender roles and making money and paying bills is no exception.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by LutanFyah: 10:06am On Jan 27, 2021
Put your money where your mouth is....

It means that if you don't drop money no food for u

Foot your bills, a wife is part of your bill because she is your liability already

A galfriend is a different thing tho because she is actually a friend, I don't buy things for my 'boyfriends' all the time

Paying bills is not gender specific, therefore it's not compulsory for a man to pay the bills in the house.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by illicit(m): 11:33am On Jan 27, 2021

Paying bills is not gender specific, therefore it's not compulsory for a man to pay the bills in the house.

You are right, it's just our culture....

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Houseofglam7(f): 9:41pm On Jan 27, 2021
Just here for the comments.
It sure is gonna get nasty pretty pretty soon grin


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 9:46pm On Jan 27, 2021
It is, 100%. That role has not shifted. so tie your belt very tight and get ready to take it up when the time comes.

Ajuju 21st century.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by bukatyne(f): 9:47pm On Jan 27, 2021

You are right, it's just our culture....

The conferring of bills on men/husbands is not an 'African' thing.

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