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Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by LutanFyah: 11:41pm On Jan 27, 2021
It is, 100%. That role has not shifted. so tie your belt very tight and get ready to take it up when the time comes.

Ajuju 21st century.
Making money and paying bills is not gender specific.

A man is not meant to be paying bills cos everybody must learn how to make money and pay their bills, it's basic survival skill (same way, a woman cannot cook cos it's basic survival skill)

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 11:45pm On Jan 27, 2021
Making money and paying bills is not gender specific.

A man is not meant to be paying bills cos everybody must learn how to make money and pay their bills, it's basic survival skill (same way, a woman cannot cook cos it's basic survival skill)

Orie nti.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by omoharry(f): 12:07am On Jan 28, 2021
Well, majority of Nigerian men are male-chauvinist ..to them the women should do thier duties of giving birth and taking care of the home and the family even when they know they are equally career women . Men also believe that they are the head of the family and most times, decisions about the home is carried out by him alone with very little contribution from his wife that is if he permit it .Now will this kind of man agree to marry an independent and career woman ? I doubt . So it all depend on the personality of the man in question .
If he is a liberal person that believe that marriage is all about partnership. Then both couple can contribute to the bills of the house and make decision together. And at thesame time, respect each other's views in decision making .
On the other hand, if the man in question is authocratic in his view to marriage, then he must work very hard to pay the bills and provide for his family- so that he can exact his authority over his dependent & submissive wife, who he might have also told not to work but stay at home or do business, so that she can have time for the home .So which ever works for the men in question .
Ideally, it depend on who earns more ..If it's the woman , then she can contribute majorly to the running of the house hold but the problem is that such a woman must have a voice in the decision making of that home and can never be a door mat .

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Aflix(m): 9:27am On Jan 28, 2021
lalasticlala fp abeg
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by beehivedata(m): 10:21am On Jan 28, 2021
Lol... I'll read comments on this one grin grin
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by anonymous1759(m): 10:23am On Jan 28, 2021
As an African Man ( MEN) but my wife or babe should give maximum Respect. If you want to Form Feminist we split the bills .
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by PrimadonnaO(f): 10:24am On Jan 28, 2021
Since they said that roles shouldn't be assigned according to gender, I was wondering if it's still the duty of the man to pay the bills. So, is it

Men with identity crisis.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Olayetan(m): 10:25am On Jan 28, 2021
What makes a man a man is the responsibility he takes and part of the responsibility is paying of bills, if a man can't pay his bills, then he shouldn't consider himself a man....


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by NaijaGoBetter20: 10:25am On Jan 28, 2021
Real man pays bill......unless you prayed to be ruled by woman


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Omezif(m): 10:26am On Jan 28, 2021
I don't know why some people keep deceiving themselves as if they have ever practice what they are teaching.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by DEMZEE(m): 10:28am On Jan 28, 2021

According to black man, it is the sole responsibility of the man while according to white man, it should be shared between the husband and wife

No wonder divorce is rampant amongst the whites
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Olayetan(m): 10:28am On Jan 28, 2021
In as much as a man should pay the bills,a woman should assist financially too.Make una no go kill person pikin all in the name of the head of the house.

Men...if the task is too much, speak up Biko, don't die in silence....

That's why they said cut your coat according to your size, no task is too much if you stay within your capacity unless you go born born and rent expensive apartment...
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by DEMZEE(m): 10:29am On Jan 28, 2021
In as much as a man should pay the bills,a woman should assist financially too.Make una no go kill person pikin all in the name of the head of the house.

Men...if the task is too much, speak up Biko, don't die in silence....

What's is tasking in providing for ur own family as the man??

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by MrNipplesLover(m): 10:29am On Jan 28, 2021
Over to the nairaland feminists. cheesy

Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by ppogba: 10:30am On Jan 28, 2021
This issue has been overflogged already.

There are many of such issues here.

Soon, maybe before the day ends, you will see someone asking what difference exists between six and half a dozen.

Kids everywhere you go.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 10:32am On Jan 28, 2021
I mean between man and wife.

Don't mind those who find delight and fulfillment in distorting the fact between husband and wife, because nature itself already laid its foundation.

Meanwhile, the Man should pay the bills (majority, if he is unable to pay all), and for goodness sake, HE SHOULD BE EXCITED about it, same way he is excited about being called a Man. The lady (wife) should be readily supportive (financially) though. This is why a guy should marry his "size" financially so as not to appear silly in the marriage. To be a Man does not just equate to having a "third leg". Gosh! Where are these kind of questions coming from? angry

N.B.: "Man" as described in this reply, exclusively refers to a married man, and not an unmarried man. So it is not compulsory for an unmarried man to pay any bill that is not his.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by bigjackass: 10:32am On Jan 28, 2021
If you are not ready for that responsibility just be on your own. No man with his head screwed right should be waiting around for his woman to pick up the bills just to prove a stupid point. She can pay if she likes but I won't even allow it be a frequent thing

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by sweetmelanin(f): 10:32am On Jan 28, 2021
Everyone is quick to remind men of their responsibility to provide but if you dare remind a woman of her responsibilities in the home, you are branded a misogynist..

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by DEMZEE(m): 10:33am On Jan 28, 2021
As a traditional polygamist I believe men should be in charge of the bills

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by sylve11: 10:33am On Jan 28, 2021
Make una no go kill person pikin all in the name of the head of the house.

Men...if the task is too much, speak up Biko, don't die in silence....

hehehe wink cheesy cool
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by 1x2x3: 10:35am On Jan 28, 2021

Does the bolded include equally sharing of house chores, cooking, bathing, changing diapers for the kids, running little errands round the neighborhood and going to the market?

In this era of house helps, a man can take up the responsibility of cooking, cleaning, running errands and chores by paying a maid to do all those I listed. Him paying someone to do it for him means he is indirectly sharing in household duties. What next?

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by OKVALLY: 10:35am On Jan 28, 2021
It is a pride for a Man to have capacity to pay his bills, that is what makes him a man,
don't wait for a woman to pay the bills for you. It is glorifying that you are doing it without stress.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Originalsly: 10:35am On Jan 28, 2021

Since they said that roles shouldn't be assigned according to gender, I was wondering if it's still the duty of the man to pay the bills. So, is it

When you become a man you will know what to do... no need to ask.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Canvass: 10:36am On Jan 28, 2021
Nothing is compulsory in this world. If you don't want to eat, you go fasting. If you don't want to pay tax, don't work. If you don't want to die, don't be born.

If you don't want to pay the bills, keep.your gbola in your pants, don't get married, don't bear kids and go live in the wilderness where nature gives all amenities freely.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by bluefilm: 10:37am On Jan 28, 2021
Since they said that roles shouldn't be assigned according to gender, I was wondering if it's still the duty of the man to pay the bills. So, is it

I'm sure this is related to the upcoming Valentine's Day.

That's why guyman is indirectly asking for SMAN membership.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by josephft2000: 10:37am On Jan 28, 2021
If the man has the wherewithal to pay the bills, it's in order, if not, responsibilities may be shared.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by 1x2x3: 10:37am On Jan 28, 2021
It is a pride for a Man to have capacity to pay his bills, that is what makes him a man,
don't wait for a woman to pay the bills for you. It is glorifying that you are doing it without stress.

What is the pride of a woman?
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Cousin9999: 10:38am On Jan 28, 2021
Couples decide what works for them. But I think most people expect to have a partner in life to share responsibilities with. And both parties should be prepared to step in and be a breadwinner when necessary. I mean, that's assuming you love your partner and family.

That said, few men's egos can handle not being king of their castle.

But some men are enlightened enough to appreciate having a successful partner. Their accomplished wife fills them with pride and makes them feel like they're winning even more because they're both bosses. They also like that they're able to do certain things financially as a couple that would be risky, stressful, or impossible with one breadwinner.

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