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My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl - Romance (7) - Nairaland

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by PrinceMajestic: 3:34pm On Feb 07, 2021
Chima no need for explanation. Prepare yourself against the bastard trying to harm you over a witchy hoe. Try get gun, find the bastard and kill him b4 he kill you. I mean it if your story is true,any guy that fight over a woman is not worthy of being a man any man that tries to kill for a hoe should butchered non stop until his blood clot are thick enough for blood meal


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Osedagal(f): 3:34pm On Feb 07, 2021
You are very wrong. You should have slept with her. Did she force you? You had the intention to sleep with her that is why you couldn't control yourself. I have seen more than this even when I was into games. Not all pussies are pussies. Some are trap just like fishing net. When you know this you are a man. You have to go ask for his forgiveness.

Not always true... All these ppl making baseless assertations, I pray you don't get this kind of temptation... If woman mean you she must get you, except you get truckload of Holy spirit.. Yeah I said that

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Nobody: 3:35pm On Feb 07, 2021

My last reply for you

U claimed she made advances towards u, you didn't report to me, u know she was cheating on me, you kept cool... Do I take u back to memory lane where I caught you rocking my ex gf in school and u claimed u were under influence of alcohol, I forgave u but never forgot, u disgusted me now.... Why don't u name all the friends nah, bastard lier, u have been exposed.. Now that I have leave the girl for u, goan marry her nah, as for all those stupid screenshots WhatsApp chats you sent to, they're all trash, you will hear from me soon
so this is not the first time.Why is the op interested in the women in your life? From ex to your current fiancee?

I must say you are not a good judge of people to have trusted him again and insist your fiancee stay in his house for one week after what happened in the past. You will share from the blame too.


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by cybarinem(m): 3:36pm On Feb 07, 2021
Idiot. You are lucky the nigga didn't kill you. Useless imp.
You are a dirty bastard. May God never give me a selfish betrayer like you as a friend.
Your friends Fiancee not just girlfriend . A girl he intends to marry? You see you, you are a wicked somebody. And you have the guts to say he's your best friend and you slept with his future wife just like that.
Even if the girl is a LovePeddler, you should have acted like a brother by revealing the true nature of his girl to him, not going ahead to be very wicked and tasting his girl.
And the annoying thing is idiot as you came here to seek sympathy while you are the betrayer.

I pity your friend, he has a wicked snake like you as a friend. All these immature idiots wearing beards as if they are the shit in town. Wicked idiot

And I guess you would be very mad if one of your own friends sleeps with your fiancee. A girl you know he's been with 2016 - 2020 maybe even more.

God punish you and I pray God permit that your friend to fulfill his revenge on you to his satisfaction. Bastard

I think your judgement is very wrong... If at all he was tempted or seduced.. you will believe me it's better to avoid this than to face it. and if his story is true, y don't u look at the fiancee that want to have him by all means prosecute him if she can't have him? My point is that girl no deserve any man to brake water bottle over.


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by iamL(f): 3:36pm On Feb 07, 2021

My last reply for you

U claimed she made advances towards u, you didn't report to me, u know she was cheating on me, you kept cool... Do I take u back to memory lane where I caught you rocking my ex gf in school and u claimed u were under influence of alcohol, I forgave u but never forgot, u disgusted me now....

So he has betrayed You before. He is a sad piece of a bad friend.

Is this story true self?
Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by DarkCaesar(m): 3:37pm On Feb 07, 2021

Na u get ur mouth, I will expose u soon bastard, just keep ranting, after raping an innocent girl, u come here come pretend to be a best friend? Best friend wil kill u there anuofia
make the idiot pay, leave him with a permanent scar or acid scar. Let him live life a walking corpse, that’s what people like him deserves

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by tunize(m): 3:37pm On Feb 07, 2021
That is what is bound to happen wen you are over familiar with a friends girlfriend/fiancee or even friends female family member. You messed up shall weda consentual or rape for f*cking ur guys fiancee. what if it was his wife?shebi na same story of i dont know what came over me u for still talk. Even me nor believe you or her cos i nor dey there it could have been rape, it could also be consentual only God knows.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by dachisom(m): 3:38pm On Feb 07, 2021
@op I don't know your age but you seems to be quite young and naive (that age of thinking you are Ramsey Noah), nevertheless, we learn everyday.

that your OG self dey craze...why will he suggest his fiancee to go spend days in a guys place.

one of my personal rule: don't bleep a girl/lady you have no relationship with and is chasing you. there is always a catch. if you must, ensure both intentions are clear and agreed. I prefer to bleep those I want and chase.

My advice: tender the nude pics and chats you guys had if you still have them, na the only thing wey go safe you except you self commit for the chat.


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by PrinceMajestic: 3:38pm On Feb 07, 2021
You shouldn't have involved lawyer at all. Just arrange men to map the sick bastrd. 20k is enough for you to take the idiot down. But you fuvk up fvckin that hoe but that doesn't mean the pussy nigga has to harm you. Kill him b4 he kills you,withdraw case from lawyer and use street credibility. Also cripple his bitch when you catch her. Great Spirits of Kings guide and protect you,nothing will happen to you but u must revenge what the bastrds did to you

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by iamL(f): 3:39pm On Feb 07, 2021

Not always true... All these ppl making baseless assertations, I pray you don't get this kind of temptation... If woman mean you she must get you, except you get truckload of Holy spirit.. Yeah I said that

Not true. Am a lady but I have seen even wayward guys turning fresh babes down. Who yeye don yeye.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Periklis: 3:40pm On Feb 07, 2021
There is this saying.. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

I believe you still have feelings for her hence I will blame you.

To be honest you would have avoided her coming to Lagos case closed.

Is better to be called wicked and selfish than to be caught in this situation.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by tonididdy(m): 3:40pm On Feb 07, 2021
Nairalanders I need your advise, please pardon my grammar and my typographical errors as I am under pressure, I will try and make this story short in order not to bore you guys

I finished school 2016 and went for NYSC on Abuja 2017. Unfortunately for me, I ran into my best friend supposed fiancée since I know her too well, we bonded till one day she asked to know where I stay in Abuja, but because I was staying with my aunty, I couldn't take her to my place....

One Friday morning I got a call from my bestie that his girl is down, that I should take her to hospital, I left whatever I was doing and rushed down to Apo resettlement. When I got there her fiancée was in good condition to my greatest surprise, she begged me not to let my friend know, that she needed attention and all that. She didn't know it will got to this extent, and I agreed with her and bid her a goodbye but she wouldn't let me go until I kiss her.... I swear I had no option if that would make her free me because she was creating a lot of drama already. I kept cool and avoided this girl till I left abuja after NYSC and never mentioned anything that happened between her and I to my friend.

Fast forward to October 2020, my friend called me that her fiancée has an event to attend in Yaba Lagos for a week and want me to accommodate her since I stay in two bedroom apparent alone, I refused and suggested it was better he get a hotel room for her, my friend said the girl have not been to Lagos that it would be better she stays with someone who's familiar with Lagos. I contacted a female friend I know to see if she can stay with her, but my friend's fiancée' complained the place will be far from where the event would be taking place, my best friend was now seeing me as wicked person and I don't wanna help his girl. I had no option than to allow her to come stay with me, I made sure I invited my sister to stay with me for the one week, to avoid temptation. But my sister couldn't stay for a week because of some personal issues, that's how I was left with my best friend fiancée, I don't wanna talk about what I pass through staying with her alone but I ended up having sex with her which I regretted bitterly, when she left Lagos back to anambra I pleaded with her not to chat me nor call me, but she wouldn't listen. She's always chatty and sending me nude which I finally blocked her.

A week ago, my bestie called me that he was in Lagos and would want us to meet, I was reluctant, because I can't stand him after what happened between me and his fiancée, when I got to the bar (venue) the face I saw around his table were kinda strange aside one of our old friend who was with them. Uncle no even allow me finish greeting before I know it a broken bottle have landed on my hand, his target was my face but thank God I defended on time, that's how my blood spilled everywhere and his friends tried to calm him down while other ones was giving me general beating like a common criminal. Thank God police arrived on time, I might have been a dead man today over a girl I never wanted to help.

Please I need help on how to go about this and clear myself from whatever this girl told my bestie, from the little I heard, she claimed I raped her during her stayed with me. Although I have got a lawyer now who is handling this issue but I still wanna clear myself before my friends, none of them believes me maybe because of my lifestyle back in school. Even my family are aware of this ugly issue and are calling me bumper to bumper, because me and my bestie are from the same village and we are like family friends. I don't know how to clear my name. Please help me. I am depressed already, I can't believe my OG tried killing me.
This looks like a plan to blackmail you in exchange for ransom (money).

First your guy calls you to check on his sick gf, then he insist bitterly she should stay with you for over a week.
Is she the event organiser that she has to be in Lagos many weeks before the event?

Bro think am, them want play you


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by SenecaTheYonger: 3:42pm On Feb 07, 2021

Guy man day girl no mean you. See ehn girl almost destroy me n my gee... Omo, pray make u nor experience bad thing like this Sha..

Except you no get self control, the girl dey baff waka pass me naked but she only does it when my friend no Dey house.

If by “the girl no mean you” is you saying she didn’t try to rape me, then yes. She only give very clear indicators.

The OP wanted to Bleep the girl. It’s as simple as that.


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Babyboyforeal(m): 3:43pm On Feb 07, 2021

My last reply for you

U claimed she made advances towards u, you didn't report to me, u know she was cheating on me, you kept cool... Do I take u back to memory lane where I caught you rocking my ex gf in school and u claimed u were under influence of alcohol, I forgave u but never forgot, u disgusted me now.... Why don't u name all the friends nah, bastard lier, u have been exposed.. Now that I have leave the girl for u, goan marry her nah, as for all those stupid screenshots WhatsApp chats you sent to, they're all trash, you will hear from me soon
my brother I know it hurt but u got to apply wisdom, if anything happen to one of you u might end up in prison before you come out the girl don marry born children " let be guided"


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by seunny4lif(m): 3:43pm On Feb 07, 2021
Joke of the year.
If a woman want Sex and the guy said no
Will the girl force the guy, if both of them are nor alone? No unless the guy want the girl as well
All the comments I have read above are quite disappointing. Even some so called guys castigating that Chuma nigger una matter tire me. Why not look at the situation from that Chuma's guy perspective. If a woman wants a thing she gets it! No matter what .. The other guy should just listen to his friend and logically think the whole situation through. Remember how a girl did this same thing to cause enmity between me and my blood. But guess what, me and my blood we are still friends.. Sometimes as a guy we think we can handle things, not until they get out of hand... Chuma friend listen to Chuma with an open mind... Bleep all this nairalander hypocrite.. Una comments vex me tire... Bunch of nicomopops


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Nnatuu: 3:43pm On Feb 07, 2021
You people moved from being friends to her telling her fiancée(your friend) that you raped her?

As far as I am concerned, she wasn’t the one that initiated the sex.

I know women, a woman whose your friends fiancée cannot be so Hot she’s dragging your boxers with you.

I have lived with a woman, my friends friend in same condition for over a year and I can’t remember her entering my room to sit let alone sex.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Nobody: 3:43pm On Feb 07, 2021
Crap angry
Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Rubbiish(m): 3:43pm On Feb 07, 2021
Maybe she got pregnant and had to lie about the rape
But u Bleep up sha, if your no is no u won't be looking for our advise.
One thing that keeps me going is I am never close or friendly with brothers or friends girlfriend. E not dey reach gist at all.

Well as it Don happen now u don't have evidence to refute the fact that she lied about the rape. But asking your sister to come around is a little defence because she did not stay all through, also if you have chat evidence it will help.

God help u, next time keep your penis u not go die, worst-case carry one babe to act as your girl for period she will be around. U were no serious about not wanting to touch her, the thing hungry u n u not get control
God bless u @bold
Op also wanted to sleep with her
If he was serious about not wanting her, he would have been able to avoid her coming to his place. I knew the kind of person he is, when he said he kissed her so the girl can free her? What a weak man he is!
What happens to lying u won't be around, when u know d type of person she is? Op is a bad friend.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Nobody: 3:44pm On Feb 07, 2021
cry But you slept with her or you raped her You didn't think of that before you accommodated her alone in the house, who does that? Who be the mumu lady self Your friend want to kill you because of public toilet lipsrsealed lipsrsealed All of you are lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed I just pity the useless goat sleeping with two friends, haba! Wonders shall never cease undecided It's a matter of time, your friend will soon come down if she never used juju on him. Go far away from your friend's area for now.

Babe you no go understand. this is how some girl from the east side behave. I understand this guy very well. It would be difficult for him to man up to his friend. Extremely difficult to find that anger emotions even though his life is in danger. Family and villagers won't believe him


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by purples25(f): 3:44pm On Feb 07, 2021

You see that emboldened part? I have experienced it firsthand. He got tired of his girlfriend, or at least it seemed so, and he was trying to push her to me. They were having issues almost on a daily basis. At a point, we both got close and got chatting frequently but there were certainly no strings attached.

He kept telling me she liked me and used all sorts of reverse psychology on me, but I didn't yield. I defended myself and made him believe I wouldn't do that to him even if they were officially separated. Thank God I stood my ground and made him see that they needed to sort themselves out. Now they are back, stronger and rarely disagree. I wonder what would have been the case if I had given in to the pressure.

God saved you o. What is wrong with that your friend sef?

Hmm. Look at it. My own friend kept saying she needed me to stay with her, in her bfs place. She insisted and insisted that I always be around.

I didn't ever have any business with that boyfriend of hers. I was just friendly. It's nasty but when issues came up, for a long time she believed I was the cause. The said bf even told her stories.

Later when she knew the truth, she apologized to me. Still, she has her doubts. I've promised myself never to be around anyone's significant other again.

Its really bad, the OP told his friend no, the friend still forced him to accommodate his gf. Now the troublesome friend is still crying. People should stop forcing their gf/bf on others.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by elipheleh(m): 3:45pm On Feb 07, 2021
is like person don nack your woman before grin
No my brother. I am the one who is always opportune to even knack people women. But I as a man always decline the offer. let young guys learn not to allow their wealth or looks puff them up

Do not covet your neighbours property, nor his wife, nor his men servants, nor his maid servant, no his lands, nor Cattles, nor anything that belongs to him.

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. "
Exodus 20:17

E get why God say this. This is the basis for peace and Human Relationships. Nothing spiritual, just for our own benefit

Haa Nigerians too like coveting others belongings

Youth covet youths wife
Fulani herdsmen covet people's land
Government covet people's money
Friends covets friends positions
Colegue covet fellow coleagues job
Girls covet others husband
Yahoo buys covet peoples money
And so forth.

That shit is crazy


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Dreyton36: 3:45pm On Feb 07, 2021
From my weed eye shey make I Yan some wisdom grin?

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Positivity(m): 3:45pm On Feb 07, 2021
All parties, please sheath your swords. The girl is no longer in your lives.

Don't start beefing each other over a babe that might presently be rocking another dude to sleep. . .

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Osedagal(f): 3:46pm On Feb 07, 2021

Not true. Am a lady but I have seen even wayward guys turning fresh babes down. Who yeye don yeye.

Not a guy that wants to achieve something mischievous.. A girl once did shit just to make me and my blood enemies. I overreacted not until I gave my blood a benefit of doubt.. if girl mean you no level.. if you like u be Kumuyi


Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Alaigbopress: 3:46pm On Feb 07, 2021
Chima you know I don't talk much, I don't care about your lame excuse nor believe you... U can get de whole lawyers in Nigeria but I what I will do is what I will do, nobody can stop me... You can't mess my relationship up & go free. I swear u will pay.... u didn't even tell me all things as brother, you come here to yarn trash, we shall see

Oga relax
Your friend messed up for not informing you that your fiancee is making advances on him. He also made a mistake for sleeping with her but then you should also hear his own side of the story. I have faced a similar situation before but never allow the olosho pitch me against my friend. Many of these girls you see out there don't mind bleeping anybody they see on the way, na the one you know you know. Why not calm your quivered vain and try to settle this issue with your friend.

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by kponkedenge(m): 3:46pm On Feb 07, 2021
Idiot. You are lucky the nigga didn't kill you. Useless imp.
You are a dirty bastard. May God never give me a selfish betrayer like you as a friend.
Your friends Fiancee not just girlfriend . A girl he intends to marry? You see you, you are a wicked somebody. And you have the guts to say he's your best friend and you slept with his future wife just like that.
Even if the girl is a LovePeddler, you should have acted like a brother by revealing the true nature of his girl to him, not going ahead to be very wicked and tasting his girl.
And the annoying thing is idiot as you came here to seek sympathy while you are the betrayer.

I pity your friend, he has a wicked snake like you as a friend. All these immature idiots wearing beards as if they are the shit in town. Wicked idiot

And I guess you would be very mad if one of your own friends sleeps with your fiancee. A girl you know he's been with 2016 - 2020 maybe even more.

God punish you and I pray God permit that your friend to fulfill his revenge on you to his satisfaction. Bastard

The girl is also to blame.... His best friend shouldn't even marry that girl.... A girl that sends nudes to another guy while being engaged to someone else isn't going to make a good wife.
Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Nobody: 3:47pm On Feb 07, 2021

Make good of your threat, I will be waiting to hear from you, is obvious your mind is made up. Let it be on record that I tried maintaining a decorum but you chose your part of destruction. And don't bring Esther into this because you were high and for peace to reign our friends pressured me to accept and plead with you with hope when your eye clear we will explain better. But your strong head will not allow you listen. Noted that we were playing truth or dare and she's dared to rock a guy of her choice and she picked me, so I don't understand where all this one is coming from. Seems something is wrong somewhere, this is not the KENNEDY I used to know.... What is eating you up man

OK, my eyes are on you, your betrayal is eating me up, at the right time you will hear from me

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by Osedagal(f): 3:48pm On Feb 07, 2021

Except you no get self control, the girl dey baff waka pass me naked but she only does it when my friend no Dey house.

If by “the girl no mean you” is you saying she didn’t try to rape me, then yes. She only give very clear indicators.

The OP wanted to Bleep the girl. It’s as simple as that.

Bro na lie.. If that girl mean you na she go Bleep you... No green light yen yen ... Na me tell you.. That op experience don occur before with me and my blood...

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by seunny4lif(m): 3:50pm On Feb 07, 2021
One week for what?
Simple NO would have saved all this nonsense

This looks like a plan to blackmail you in exchange for ransom (money).

First your guy calls you to check on his sick gf, then he insist bitterly she should stay with you for over a week.
Is she the event organiser that she has to be in Lagos many weeks before the event?

Bro think am, them want play you
Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by elisho: 3:50pm On Feb 07, 2021
guy just take those chat and show them
Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by openmine(m): 3:52pm On Feb 07, 2021
I remember very well how a friend who stays in a state close to the one i reside wanted his babe to spend a week at my apartment for a program!
I instantly told him it wasn't going to be possible and i concocted a genuine excuse so that i'm not seen as being inconsiderate!
OP,It was obvious that your best friend's fiancé had an eye for you and was looking for a way to have sex with you esp when she tried to kiss you....that should have been a warning but you did heed to it....You should have insisted on not having her stay at your place!
Yes maybe you would have quarreled with your best pal but it would have been better than what just happened!
Like someone rightly put it,let your yes be yes and let your no be no!
You can later ask for forgiveness from your now estranged bestie but please stay away from him(as in distance yourself from him as much as possible) and have no dealings with him again!
Even if he says he has forgiven and forgotten, please keep your distance! e get why! sad

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Re: My Best Friend Tried To Kill Me Because Of A Girl by SenecaTheYonger: 3:52pm On Feb 07, 2021

Bro na lie.. If that girl mean you na she go Bleep you... No green light yen yen ... Na me tell you.. That op experience don occur before with me and my blood...

So who go commot the dick put for her pussy? If na she overpower you, then that one no be bleep. Na rape them rape you dude. As a guy, you no even suppose dey voice this kind fuckup

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