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Prettygoodie's Posts

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Celebrities / Re: Chuks Omalicha Proposes To His Girlfriend (Photos) by prettygoodie(f): 7:07pm On Jul 31, 2017
Don't know him sha, maybe na wakka pass actor, were they praying in the first pics?
yeye... Lol
Celebrities / Re: Lady Who Suffered Child Obesity Writes Letter To Seyi Law Over His Daughter by prettygoodie(f): 4:43am On Jul 16, 2017
Noted!!but I still think this is not fair on the little girl's side..her parents are not complaining and I don't think they are answerable to anyone about their daughter 's health status..!i know an obese child that does not like eating...so I don't think it's a feeding issue..*my opinion*.
Obesity is not necessarily a feeding disorder. It could be hereditary


Romance / Re: Having A Baby Out Of Wedlock by prettygoodie(f): 9:05am On Jun 27, 2017

A man who loves you won't put you in that position.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord.

I have seen many ladies fall prey to this lie and they ended up as single mothers with no man to marry them.

Most guys these days are just looking for women to bear one or two kids for them so they can eat their cake and have it.

That man doesn't love you, do things the way God ordained it from the beginning.

If you are not born again, repent of this way of life, let the Word of God be your guide and your manual and I promise you, you will not miss it.

Don't allow any man pressure you. Its easy to have sex and get pregnant, but what happens after you give birth to the child and this man leaves you?

A child born out of wedlock is a bastard, forget the sugar they are sprinkling on it to call it "baby mama or baby daddy".

Omo ale ni won pe.
my love for you eee....thanks
Romance / Re: Ladies, What's The 'ideal Male Body' You Admire So Much? by prettygoodie(f): 9:03am On Jun 27, 2017
what about the size of the their wallets and bank account? grin, i believe that's what women cares about nowadays. example Oshiomole and Lara.
Romance / Re: Ladies, What's The 'ideal Male Body' You Admire So Much? by prettygoodie(f): 9:03am On Jun 27, 2017
Packs ke?....who's looking at packs??...beard gang joor
Education / Re: 38 Nigerian Universities Increase Tuition Fees – ASUU by prettygoodie(f): 9:00am On Jun 27, 2017
ANSU has been paying 139,000 since 2014....so?
Religion / Life Just Isn't by prettygoodie(f): 10:23pm On Jun 20, 2017
some facts about life necessary irrespective of your religion....
life isn't about about keeping scores .Its not about how many people call you ,neither is it about your shoes ,hairs or clothes,color of your skin or where you go to school. life isn't about if you have lots of friends ,or if you're alone .life isn't just about that
But life is about those you hurt and those you love . it's about how you feel about yourself. Its about trust,happiness and compassion in anything you do. It's about replacing that inner hate with love. its about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. its about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all,life is about choosing to use your life to affect someone else in a way that it could never had been achieved otherwise .
These choices are obviously what life's all about irrespective of tribal/religious differences.

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