Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 23 by Proudpolygamist: 9:09am On Dec 07, 2023 |
It is very painful that after all this struggle I didn't get the account. Sorry about that bruv, i think they're deliberately doing it to limit the number of persons that they'll be issuing the accounts to |
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 23 by Proudpolygamist: 7:57am On Dec 07, 2023 |
OfficialP: Alpha rejected my NIN (ID Card), after days of struggling to register. Pls any other way around this, they're not even giving me opportunity to re-upload . |
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 23 by Proudpolygamist: 7:53am On Dec 07, 2023 |
I have the enhanced NIN but in soft copy and they rejected it. I don't know if I have to print it and how did you do with the back of the ID? Why don't you just download the NIMC app, register and proceed to Pay for the NIN slip/ID card online by yourself so that you can have it in PDF format and be using it anytime you want instead of the Rigmarole of paying for another ID card in the Cyber cafe with additional cost? PS: I just saw where u said u have it in SOFT copy. Its actually the same thing with what i was suggesting. but does your soft copy Premium NIN ID card has your birthday, pic and Barcode in it? cuz I'm wondering why they'd reject it when it is infact in the best format that can easily be reviewed by them OfficialP: Alpha rejected my NIN (ID Card), after days of struggling to register. Pls any other way around this, they're not even giving me opportunity to re-upload @Jef4u This goes to show that your NIN IDcard wasn't rejected because it is in Soft copy. 2 Likes |
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 23 by Proudpolygamist: 6:27pm On Nov 28, 2023 |
Fxwarrior: I started trading the account last week Monday, 20 and today is 28 November.
Status was on progress and now they marked it ended and finally passed after review; trading objectives completed.
Please help me and thank Boss infofirst. I celebrate him because he made this possible. His competition opened my eyes.
NB: Please even if you need to complete yours in 3 months, I encourage you to take your time. You'll get there too. I celebrate you in advance. Congrats bruv 2 Likes |
Crime / Re: Sexual Harassment Is A Corrupt Act, Attracts 7 Years Prison Term – ICPC Warns by Proudpolygamist: 5:54pm On Nov 24, 2023 |
Sexual Harrasment is Purnishable offense that attracts as much as 7yrs jail sentence, meanwhile ICPC fails to Criminalize paternity fraud. What a joke of an institution |
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 23 by Proudpolygamist: 6:01pm On Nov 22, 2023 |
infofirst: Buy Turkey, SL open TP 1123 🏃🏃🏃 😂😂😂😂 abheg make una follow me Buy Palestine SL -2pips , TP OPEN |
Romance / Re: “Nigerian Girls Go Into Relationship For Money” – South African Star Laments by Proudpolygamist: 7:59pm On Nov 17, 2023 |
SyrusdeHansome: All girls irrespective of country, race, religion, tribe nd ethnic background are the same. The only difference is in the value system nd not necessarily the counry they're frm. And as such any Nigerian guy that is fun of bashing nd condemning our girls in social media is a disgrace to every female member of his family. U can't be devaluing our women in public nd expect outsiders to value them nd that's what's giving this type of pple the boldness to say nonsense. Doesn't stop Nigerian women from being useless |
Romance / Re: “Nigerian Girls Go Into Relationship For Money” – South African Star Laments by Proudpolygamist: 7:56pm On Nov 17, 2023 |
Romance / Re: “Nigerian Girls Go Into Relationship For Money” – South African Star Laments by Proudpolygamist: 7:10pm On Nov 17, 2023 |
Samantha124: Even though I was advised to refrain from commenting on threads related to SA because of how toxic they can be, but I have something to say here.
SA ladies have no right to be talking negatively about Nigerian women, even if it's the bitter truth, they should just learn to mind their business... Same thing applies with Nigerian men, they too have no right to be talking negatively about SA men even if sometimes they're telling an honest truth.
This comparison is really not necessary.
Sometimes silence is the best answer because if we're to be honest, both SA men and Nigerian women are very much reserved and don't like being too forward, they like minding their business most of the time and staying in their countries.
I've never seen SA guys going to social media to bad mouth Nigerian men, same way I've never seen Nigerian women going to social media to bash SA ladies, or maybe it's because I'm not on social media, I don't know... But those Nigerian ladies that I watched on YouTube only had good things to say about SA ladies.
Nigerian ladies don't owe SA ladies a God damn thing and same thing applies with SA men, they don't owe Nigerian men anything. Shut up your mouth if you don't want me to Slap you. Nigerian women are useless, and Someone needs to talk sense into their heads. They need competitions and I'm happy women around the world, not just SA are coming out to speak up for Nigerian men We don't deserve illbred women with an overbloated self of entitlement to leech on us just because we're Hardworking. They're not the most beautiful women in Africa, not the most sexy, neither are they the most intelligent, so why are they the most demanding? 3 Likes |
Celebrities / Re: Ronaldo Is My Goat, Not Messi - Wizkid (Video) by Proudpolygamist: 1:09pm On Nov 17, 2023 |
Wizkid fans should NEVER associate him to Messi again in their Life 5 Likes |
Family / Re: Wives Battered 340 Husbands To Pulp In 1yr —lagos Govt by Proudpolygamist: 1:07pm On Nov 17, 2023 |
All the people calling the Men weak in this Thread are MAD. How many of you will believe the man if he retaliates and batters his wife in the Process of self defense? Will the society want to hear his side of the story or feminists will be calling for their heads to be chopped? 3 Likes |
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 23 by Proudpolygamist: 4:35pm On Nov 15, 2023 |
Ibrahimlagosian: Good afternoon bosses, @Samfelly and Infofirst 10% achieved  Congrats my gee✌️😋 Ahbeg nor let village people remote u trade that account o 1 Like 1 Share |
Romance / Re: Siya Kolisi Could Earn Huge On Onlyfans - SA Ladies (PICS) by Proudpolygamist: 12:23pm On Nov 13, 2023 |
Seun mynd44 dominique why do u guys keep pushing SA threads to frontpage? Can u see the insult being meted to Nigerians in this thread? Do you think something like this can Ever happen in South Africa without SAcans beheading Nigerians in broad day light? If this is your new strategy of garnering traffic then you're all a disappointment.
And how does 13million Rand equals #570billion? Can't you all see this is a deliberate ploy to Mock Nigerians? You guys are a disgrace to this Country 7 Likes 1 Share |