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Romance / Re: Forex Traders Abeg Help Me by r31gn: 8:52am On Jun 10, 2021
If you are a beginner and want to learn forex trading read this article https://thetraderinyou.com/forex-trading-in-nigeria-for-beginners/

For $30, XM or Tickmill offers a free $30 account for new clients.

But it's pointless to get this money if you don't know how to trade.

Please any forex trader in this platform
Should help me learn trading Even if na only signal you dey give me
Abeg 30$ for a day is enough for me for a start abeg make una help my life
All of us for here na like brothers and sisters forget say we dey fight na normal thing even husband and wife dey fight and settle
Abeg help a brother....... thank you

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Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by r31gn: 7:52pm On Jul 23, 2020
You can get the XM no deposit bonus.
You get free $30
Trade a minimum of 0.3 lot size.
Withdraw unlimited profits.

So far I think it's the best no deposit bonus out there.

There is also FBS - it gives you $100 but you can withdraw a maximum $100
Trade for at least 30days.
Minimum 5 Lots.

You can read the terms here - https://thetraderinyou.com/forex-no-deposit-bonus/

Brothers in the house. I greet everybody.

I have an issue that I need you to help me with. I used to work in a school and it's been over 3 months I have not been paid. It's only God that has been sustaining me with His favour.

I need capital to start trading forex even if it's $50. Is there a site offering withdrawable NO Deposit account without any conditions regarding trading a particular lotsize or other bogus conditions. I trade, make profits, withdraw and it enters my account.

Do you have any such site? I appreciate your response. Please treat as URGENT.
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by r31gn: 7:35pm On Jul 23, 2020
HotForex is a reliable broker. I've traded with them for over 5 years.

You can read their review here - https://thetraderinyou.com/forex-brokers-nigeria/

good day guys,I would like to start trading on forex with a demo account but I'm looking for a good broker,I've heard about hotforex broker I just want to know if its good for a starter like me
Investment / Re: MBA Investors Forum by r31gn: 5:01pm On Apr 29, 2020
Greetings to fellow Nigerians.
I am not here market MBA forex, or to market training, I don't do those things. But to share my experience so far in forex trading. I learnt about FX in 2013 and since then I have been an active trader for a good 5 yrs. The first three years was not interesting but I because of my passion for it, I kept on learning from your tubes and reading forex journals, and books. In short, I made it my hubby. I spend my leisure time on studying the forex market and analysing, gaining experience in forex. There is nothing good like someone being able to trade and understand how the system works. Forex is not a system where a novice enter to make money in one night. I open an account with a legitimate broker 5 years ago in naira, I started with 80k, with my experience as a trader, I have constant profit of 5% monthly which I see to be a good profit for me. Imagine investing 5m and make a profit of 250k monthly.
Forex is good and profitable if you can pay the price to learn it yourself. Forex as been existing for donkey years and it will still be existing even after some generation has left. It is good to learn about the system. Giving people money to trade, both the trader and the investor stand at 50/50 chances of loosing or making profit. Forex has a good season to trade. Many traders even the so-called pro, trade at the bad season just to pay investors based on payment terms. In this process, they loose your money.

If you are the boss, trade when it is good, and get out when it is not profitable.

Forex training is free, search you tubes, free journal, past published books on trading, learn, be patient and you shall be your own boss.

I can tell you from personal experience if you invest 3 years learning and studying the forex, it worth it. I learn it all with free online materials.

Please don't curse me. This is just a personal opinion.

There are lots of free resources on the internet for learning to trade forex. Some people are just too lazy to do the work.

babypips.com is a great place to start.

For journaling tips, here is a resource - https://thetraderinyou.com/forex-trading-journal/
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by r31gn: 4:57pm On Apr 29, 2020

The markets are there and open to everyone. Start trading and you will see not everyone can make consistent profits from trading.

Majority blow accounts due to their emotions. Eg
1) Fear: After taking a loss, you are afriad of taking the next trade
2) Greed: you are winning then you risked 50%
3) Hope: you didn’t obey your plan while taking a trade then you hoping on God saying: Please God, let me breakeven and I won’t repeat such mistakes again’

If you are a trader like this, you need help in mastering your emotions.
Here are few tips:
1) Have a personal trading room
2) Meditation for clear mind
3) Exercise.
4) Journal

Any more suggestions?

I hope this helps.


Well said... if one needs help with creating a journal, here is a guide - https://thetraderinyou.com/forex-trading-journal/
Investment / Re: Do You Do Scalping In Forex? by r31gn: 4:50pm On Apr 29, 2020
Scalping when there is no movement in the market is a bad idea.

Scalpers make money from the quick bursts in price movement...
Business / Re: Beware Of The Money Doubling Online Scams In The Name Of Investments by r31gn: 4:44pm On Apr 29, 2020
anyone who think they can double their money just like that NEED TO BE DEFRAUDED for being greedy brainless people... thats the only way they will learn.

Like they say, a fool will soon part with his money.

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Phones / Re: What Good Phone Can Be Gotten With #30,000? by r31gn: 1:41pm On Apr 06, 2020

HELLO, I'm interested in that forex thingy. You fit teach me for free?

Most people who claim to teach forex will scam you.
You are better off going to a free site like www.babypips.com to learn how to trade forex. If you have questions about forex, you can go to https://thetraderinyou.com/forex-trading-questions/

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