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Word Of The Day! Quondam [ kwon-duhm, -dam ] :- former; onetime E.g; 1. The quondam beauty queen was much more exotic than the one currently being crowned. · WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF QUONDAM? The Latin adverb quondam, “formerly, anciently, once (upon a time),” has been used in English as a noun, “the former holder of an office,” as an adverb meaning “formerly, at one time,” and, currently and solely, as an adjective meaning “former, onetime.” All three usages in English occur close together in the first half of the 16th century. Quondam breaks down to the adverbial conjunction cum or quom “at the time that, when.” The particle –dam, however, is of uncertain origin.
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'CHOOSING A SUITABLE CASE STUDY FOR YOUR RESEARCH' Choosing a suitable case study for a research is an essential part of the process of carrying out a research or study. A case study simply put is that geographical location or kind of data that would make your research to be judged powerful. A research is said to be powerful if the case study of that research reflects the hypothesis for the topic under study. In choosing a suitable case study for your research or study, one has to consider: Read More>>>
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Word Of The Day! Clement [ klem-uhnt ] :- mild or merciful in disposition or character; lenient; compassionate. E.g: I know you are more clement than vile men Who of their broken debtors take a third … WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF CLEMENT? Clement, “mild in disposition, merciful,” comes from Latin clēmēns (inflectional stem clēment-) “merciful, lenient, mild (of weather), calm (of water).” Clēmēns has no reliable etymology; its most common derivative is the noun clēmentia “clemency, leniency.” The phrase “clemency of Caesar” is not much used nowadays: It comes from Latin Clēmentia Caesaris, which first appears as part of an inscription on a Roman coin dating to 44 b.c., therefore shortly before Caesar’s assassination, and a nice bit of propaganda in his honor. Clement entered English in the late 15th century.
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Researchclue is a web-based company that provides well researched project guides/Tips, Data Analysis softwares, research/writing jobs and research project materials. With our vast data base, students can have access to numerous term papers, Seminar papers, essays and project topics and materials in accounting and finance, business administration, business management, engineering, science and many more in Nigeria, Ghana and other African countries.
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Word Of The Day! Diction [ dik-shuhn ] :- style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words. E.g; 1. His diction mirrors the emotional gravity in each scene, which, combined with raw honesty, is what makes his writing so relatable. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF DICTION? Diction ultimately comes from Latin dictiō (inflectional stem dictiōn-) “speaking, act of speaking, (oracular) utterance, word, expression,” a derivative of the verb dīcere “to say, speak, talk.” Dictiō, though a word in general Latin vocabulary, is naturally connected very closely with rhetoric and law, two very important professions among the Romans. Dīcere, earlier deicere, comes from the very common Proto-Indo-European root deik- (also deig-), dik- (dig-) “to show, point out,” and appears in Greek deíknysthai “to show, point out,” Gothic ga-teihan “to show, make clear,” and German zeigen “to show.” The 13th-century English philologist, grammarian, and university professor John of Garland coined the word dictiōnārius as the title for one of his Latin textbooks in which he grouped lexical items thematically. Garland explained that his dictiōnārius was not based on the sense of dictiō as a single word, but dictiō in the sense of connected discourse. In the 14th century the Benedictine monk, translator, and encyclopedist Pierre Bersuire used the term dictiōnārium as the title for an alphabetical encyclopedia of the Vulgate (St. Jerome’s version of the Latin Bible, completed at the end of the 4th century). By the 15th century, dictiōnārium acquired the generalized sense “alphabetized wordbook.” Diction entered English in the 15th century.
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Word Of The Day! Susurration [ soo-suh-rey-shuhn ] :- a soft murmur; whisper. E.g: 1. It must be the whisper of time as it bends over the horizon, a susurration of mortality none can escape. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF SUSURRATION? Susurration, “a murmur, whisper,” ultimately comes from the Latin noun susurrātiō (inflectional stem susurrātiōn-), “a murmur, whisper, soft rustling,” a derivative of susurrāt(us), the past participle of the verb susurrāre. Unsurprisingly, susurrāre (and all its derivatives) is onomatopoeic not only in Latin, but also in other Indo-European languages, from the Proto-Indo-European root swer-, swor-, swṛ– “to buzz, hum.” The same root supplies the name of small animals: for instance, the root variant swor– is the source of Latin sōrex (stem sōric-) “shrew, shrew mouse,” Greek hýrax (stem hýrak-) “shrew, shrew mouse, hyrax” and Greek hýron “beehive, swarm (of bees).” The Germanic form swar– (from swor-) supplies English swirl and swarm, Old Norse svarmr “uproar, tumult,” and German schwirren “to buzz (of an insect), whirr (of an arrow).” Susurration entered English in the first half of the 15th century.
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GEOGRAPHY project topics and materials. 1. EARTH-SPACE RAIN ATTENTUATION PREDICTION FOR LAGOS AT KU BRAND. for more topics, visit,
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Word Of The Day! Whillikers [ hwil-i-kerz, wil- ] :-(used as an intensive after gee or golly gee to express astonishment, delight, etc.) E.g: 1. “Why,” she gasped, “It’s money!” “Gee whillikers—ten bucks!” Jason echoed. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF WHILLIKERS? Whillikers and its variant whillikens are used only in the exclamatory phrase (golly) gee whillikers (whillikens). There is no satisfactory etymology for whillikers or whillikens. Gee whillikens first appeared in print in 1851.
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WELL-RESEARCHED 'PURCHASING AND SUPPLY' PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS. 'EFFECTIVE CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION AS A STRATEGIC TOOLS IN PURCHASING OF TECHNICAL GOODS A CASE STUDY OF JEWACO ELECTRONICS' ARTICLE..... How to Write A Research Synopsis A research synopsis is a short outline of what your research thesis is and all the steps you propose to follow in order to achieve them. It gives you and your supervisor a clear view of what the research aims at achieving and within what time frame. It also helps you stay focused and makes the research work generally less tedious. This explains why your synopsis should be approached with clarity, systematically with unambiguous sentences. Read More>>>
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Word Of The Day! doddle [ dod-l ] :-something easily done, fixed, etc. Sentence: 1. He was really worried about my finishing the fence repairs on my own, but it was a doddle. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF DODDLE? Doddle, “something easy to do or fix,” is a British colloquialism of uncertain origin. Some say it comes from Scottish doddle “a small lump of toffee” (and therefore attractive and easy to make away with). Some say doddle may come from the verb dawdle “to waste time, idle.” Doddle may also be a variant of the verb toddle “to move with short unsteady steps” (as a toddler does). Doddle entered English in the first half of the 20th century.
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RC Reference Manager Our Reference manager will aid you to properly cite articles and other sources. To get started, Visit and click on 'Research Tools' and 'Explore'
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Word Of The Day.... limn :- to portray in words; describe. E.G; 1. The creators of the blog Tom and Lorenzo limn the reality show “RuPaul’s Drag Race” as a window into gay culture and history. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF LIMN? Limn is not a misspelling of another word. It comes from the late Middle English verb lymne(n) (also limnen, liminen, limpnen, luminen) “to illuminate (a book, manuscript, or rubric),” a shortening of enlumine, from the Old French verb enluminer. Enluminer comes from Latin illūmināre or inlūmināre “to give light to, brighten, illuminate.” The root of the Latin verb is the noun lūmen (inflectional stem lūmin-) “light, radiance, rays of light,” from an unrecorded louksmen. Louksmen is derived from the common Proto-Indo-European root leuk-, louk-, luk– “white, bright,” which is also the source of Latin lūx (stem lūc-) “a light,” lūna “moon (from louksnā, which is also the source of Russian luná “moon”), Greek leukós “white, bright,” amphilýkē “twilight,” and Old English lēoht, līht (English light). Limn entered English in the first half of the 15th century.
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