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Rexben's Posts

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Politics / Re: Mukhtar Isa Hazo Impeached As Kaduna Deputy Speaker For 'Incompetence' by rexben(m): 4:03pm On Jun 11, 2020
It's obviously not incompetence, how many competent people are in the Nigerian government?
Computers / Re: HP Elitebook 8440p by rexben(m): 11:41pm On Jan 14, 2019
Pictures please
I'm finding it difficult to upload pictures here
Computers / HP Elitebook 8440p by rexben(m): 3:17pm On Jan 14, 2019
HP laptop for sale

Model: [/b]HP Elitebook 8440p

[b]Core: [/b]Core i5

[b] RAM

Hard Disk 250GB

Price 50k but negotiable

Reach me via DM

Lagos buyers only
Gaming / Re: Any Scrabble Center In Lagos by rexben(m): 7:30am On Sep 10, 2018
Bestman Games Limited organize Games Night every last thursday of the Month and you get to play Games like Monopoly, Scrabble, Puzzles, Card game etc. You can register to attend here and its even free (http://bestmangames.com/gamesnight)
Technology Market / Hp Dm 4 1060us As Scrap by rexben(m): 2:44am On Jul 19, 2018
I wanna sell Hp Dm 4 as scrap. The screen is bad and the casing is not good but the motherboard, HDD and RAM is working fine.
HDD 250gb
RAM 4gb
Processor core i5
Interested buyer should DM
Lagos residents only

Religion / Re: Dunamis Glory Sanctuary, The Lord’s Garden Abuja, The World's Biggest Auditorium by rexben(m): 4:56pm On Jul 09, 2018

If you had understand the reason why Jesus came, maybe you wouldn't have typed that
Tell me why Jesus came, let's start from there.
Religion / Re: Dunamis Glory Sanctuary, The Lord’s Garden Abuja, The World's Biggest Auditorium by rexben(m): 4:40pm On Jul 08, 2018
It's crystal clear that Christians and Christianity are anti-Jesus. Which temple did Jesus build.
Church business is a very profitable business. The pastor is only securing the life of his children and grandchildren

2 Likes 1 Share

Programming / Re: Which Programming Language Is Used For Android Applications? by rexben(m): 4:31pm On Jul 08, 2018

You're one if the people that discouraged me when I wanted to start developing apps, chai, 5 languages and you didn't even explain one or give him a preferred language.... You're wicked lol

As for the OP, Google should be your friend at all time, anyways go learn Java, its the basics for android dev
Hehehe. I only answered the question ooo. I listed so that the OP will pick one. Kotlin is the official programming language for Android, Java used to be. Kotlin is simpler than Java. So, if you wanna use Android studio, you either use Java or Kotlin or C++
For Xamarin, C++. You can build one App for three platforms, Android, iOS and Windows.
React Native for Android and iOS
Flutter for Android and iOS

Above all, before you can start programming, learn how to use Google search engine.


Programming / Re: Which Programming Language Is Used For Android Applications? by rexben(m): 6:49pm On Jul 07, 2018
Java, C++, React Native, Kotlin, Flutter
Technology Market / Re: Cheap Laptops From Core-i5 To Core-i7 With Graphics !! by rexben(m): 6:23pm On Jul 07, 2018
Do you do swapping? I want to swap my HP dm4
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Lagos Meetup For Youths by rexben(m): 6:55pm On Jul 06, 2018
Just went through. Thanks grin grin
Pls, do share with friends
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Lagos Meetup For Youths by rexben(m): 4:45pm On Jul 06, 2018
Still not opening.
https:// goo .gl /forms/vLY3fdNMCH9xz5N02

Just remove the extra spaces
Sports / Re: Uruguay Vs France: World Cup (0 - 2) - Full Time by rexben(m): 3:32pm On Jul 06, 2018
I hope Uruguay wins
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Lagos Meetup For Youths by rexben(m): 1:24pm On Jul 06, 2018
i can't access the site but am interested in the programme... how else do I register.. my number is 08037468534. .....email.. kellyweezie20@gmail.com
Pls, do remove the excess "/" in front of the https.It should be two and not three.Thanks
Technology Market / I Wanna Swap My HP DM4 by rexben(m): 12:25pm On Jul 06, 2018
I wanna swap my HP DM 4 for Dell latitude E6420.
The HP DM 4 is working perfectly, HDD 250gb, RAM 4gb, processor corei5 2.40GHz.
I reside in Lagos, if you have Dell latitude E6420 and you're ready to swap, pls drop your comment.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Lagos Meetup For Youths by rexben(m): 9:28am On Jul 06, 2018
Pls, do remove the excess "/" in front of the https. It should be two and not three.
Jobs/Vacancies / Lagos Meetup For Youths by rexben(m): 9:27am On Jul 06, 2018
An initiative for young people is seeking a"MEETUP" with 150 young people resident in Lagos who represent the target of the initiative and to promote a sense of ownership of the initiative. The "MEETUP" is an opportunity to interface with the direct targets and beneficiaries. To be eligible to attend you should be:
Tech savvy and social media active with strong online presence
Chatty enough to spark a trend on social media
Smart looking
An event junkie
A student or fresh graduate resident in Lagos
Does this sound like you?
Fill the form below and further details will be communicated to you. Deadline for form submission is July 14th 2018.
Here is the link to register https:// goo .gl/forms/vLY3fdNMCH9xz5N02
Remove the extra space in between the url
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Opportunity For Youth Especially Fresh Graduates by rexben(m): 9:03am On Jul 06, 2018
remove the extra "/" before the https, it should be two and not three. Thanks
Jobs/Vacancies / Opportunity For Youth Especially Fresh Graduates by rexben(m): 8:56am On Jul 06, 2018
An Opportunity for youths in Lagos, Abuja or Ekiti
An initiative for young people is seeking for5 youths resident in Lagos, Abuja or Ekiti with the following qualities: They should be
Between the ages of 19 - 24
Smart looking
Tech Savvy
Pre-NYSC or fresh unemployed graduates
Fast learners
Perks include a monthly stipend and an opportunity to become a part of the initiative as moderators of the initiative's communication channels.
Deadline for form submission is July 14th 2018.
NOTE: Invalid details or multiple entries will be discarded.
Register via this link https:// goo .gl/forms/84QC5xgcSh9JRX4q1
Pls, remove the spaces between the URL
Programming / Re: I Want To Learn Programming & I Don't Have A Pc. by rexben(m): 11:56am On May 28, 2018
You can check this post on medium https://medium.com/@rexben/your-smartphone-is-actually-smart-96a990284394
Several Android, iOS and Windows Mobile Apps that you can use to learn programming
Programming / Do You Wanna Earn Some Cool Cash As A Programmer? by rexben(m): 4:18pm On May 25, 2018
Hello guys, codeLagos is looking for facilitators from Ikorodu.
You must at least be able to teach any of these languages: Java, Python, CSS and HTML and WordPress.
Please send your CV to ronke@delphitechnologies.com
Truston@trustonailende.com as soon as possible.
You can DM me for more information.
State in your mail that you're from Ikorodu.
Your subject could look like this "Facilitator at CodeLagos from Ikorodu".
You are going to be paid, it's not free
CodeLagos is an initiative by the Lagos State Government to teach at least 1 million Lagosian how to code before 2019
Phones / Re: This is Why Tecno, Infinix Will Never Try Selling Its Models In US Or Europe! by rexben(m): 12:56pm On May 25, 2018
What is wrong with this guy Are you been paid to bring these phone brands down or what? Why do you keep creating threads to tarnish the image of these phone manufacturers?

Simply because you were unfortunate to purchase a defective unit from one of these manufacturers is not enough reason to come here and condemn all of them.... I can remember i bought one infinix some time in early 2015, and it's still working perfectly up till now even after falling severally. Although I have given it out and the person is still using it.
Tarnish image, how? The OP is saying nothing but the truth. If you're doubting, Google is your friend. Find out for yourself
Programming / Re: Check These Two Interesting Android Apps I Developed From Scratch by rexben(m): 11:32pm On May 21, 2018
Hello bro, I'd advice you upload the apps to a google drive. I tried downloading them but I couldn't because I do not have the amazon store app installed on my phone. Try and upload them to your google drive for easy downloading
If you don't mind, DM
Programming / Re: Check These Two Interesting Android Apps I Developed From Scratch by rexben(m): 5:49pm On May 16, 2018
Hello bro, I'd advice you upload the apps to a google drive. I tried downloading them but I couldn't because I do not have the amazon store app installed on my phone. Try and upload them to your google drive for easy downloading
Noted. I'll try that out.
Gaming / Any Scrabble Center In Lagos by rexben(m): 9:18pm On May 15, 2018
I'm a lover of Scrabble game. I play chess and monopoly too. Pls, where in Lagos can I get to play these board games. Are there gaming centers that offers playing board games?
Is there one in Ikorodu?

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Culture / Re: Baby Girl's Face Mutilated With Tribal Marks (Photo) by rexben(m): 10:43am On May 15, 2018
this is evil in the daylight. Most culture are evil
Programming / Check These Two Interesting Android Apps I Developed From Scratch by rexben(m): 10:01am On May 15, 2018
I believe the whole essence of programming is to solve problems and be creative. After I successfully completed my Android development courses on Udacity, I developed this two Android Apps from scratch.
I will love you to check it out. Tell me what you feel. It's a free App, you don't need to pay for anything.
Accounting Calculator — It is an App that helps you to calculate some accounting formulas.
Create ur CV — It is an App that helps and teach you how to create a professional CV.
When you download, pls, don't forget to drop your reviews.

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