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Religion / Re: The Husband Should Not Be The Head Of The Wife by rexben(m): 12:10pm On Oct 05, 2016
Now rexben, would you like to correct Peter here:

That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
ACts 1: 25,26

Remember that there were 120 people in that upper room.
I don't care about what Peter said. All i care about is what Jesus said, Peter will even be judged by what Jesus said.
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 12:07pm On Oct 05, 2016
Lol... You must know everyone in the world then? What you doing in Nigeria tho? You should work with the CIA... That way you'd rid the world of crime since you know everything.
The configuration of a pastor makes him or her to collect tithes and offerings in the name of God.
Most pastors don't know that what they are doing is wrong. God did not ask anybody to exploit anybody. Giving should be done out of free will and even to the poor, those that can't pay you back.
Religion / Re: To Be A Christian You Must Believed In At Least One Of These Men Of God by rexben(m): 12:45pm On Oct 04, 2016

I will advice you to take your bible and start reading afresh...He made his disciples fishers of men
Fishers of man and shepherding sheep are not alike.
A fisherman don't not tends or rear fishes but a shepherd tends His sheep
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 12:43pm On Oct 04, 2016
hmmm, interesting... U know i understand what u are sayin perfectly. Christianity has been really messed by faboyancy, jealousy, greed, wrong doctrines, church doctrines etc
Each day i move away from d church but i dont know what a person like myself would be called because i dont enjoy d christian title anymore, its been seriously dented.
Religion / Re: Whose Rib Is Actually Missing? by rexben(m): 12:14pm On Oct 04, 2016

Prof. I hail oo! Pls which dictionary are u using? It's HELPMATE and not HELP MEET. Pls check the number and dial again (in MTN voice). Learning is continuous process.
I don't why people correct blindly.
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Gen 2:20 KJV
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 12:11pm On Oct 04, 2016

The gospel of grace is a gospel that unveils the death of Jesus, burial and resurrection on our behalf. And what it has to offer.

Jesus did not die on behalf of people.
He "died" ahead of us not instead of us.
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 12:06pm On Oct 04, 2016

Their is nothing wrong in giving tithe and offering.The only thing the present day Church got wrong about giving is the idea of MONETISING giving. Giving signify love. And love is the fulfilment of Law. But today, the mordern churches place emphasis on monetary giving as if it is all in all about giving.
This is where the idea of tithe and offering became a god to people.
An old woman who prays or sweep the floor of the church will not have her name on tither list and is rated low comapared to an MD who hardly have time for what is going on in the church but sends fat tithe each month.
But all these are men principles and not Gods.
I clearly understand your perspective.
The point is that Christianity does not originates from Jesus neither God. Almost all christians activities are complete disobedience to Jesus' teachings. The likes of prayer, tithing pastoring, leadership etc.
To follow Jesus, you can't remain a Christian

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Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 6:55pm On Oct 03, 2016
u were never a devouted one.
So u left becus u couldnt do what he asked and u think everyis d same
When i found out that Christianity is not true. I left it but i held on to Jesus.
I don't longer give excuses as Christians do. I believe and obey His commands.
The name of christians is not from Jesus
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 6:53pm On Oct 03, 2016
i dont get u, u are not a christian but u believe in Jesus
I repeat, christians are not followers of Jesus. They follow the founder of Christianity, self acclaimed Apostle Paul
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 6:51pm On Oct 03, 2016
thank you very much for the abuse. May God forgive you.
I'm not abusing you, haba

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Religion / Re: Why It's Hard For A Richman Or Even the Poor To Enter The Kingdom Of God by rexben(m): 6:49pm On Oct 03, 2016
Note: Having money is not a sin; however, you can easily become more devoted to money than to God.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:21)

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24) (See also: Luke 16:13).

However, riches have the potential to deceive those who possess them. This is not always the case, but it is, indeed, a potential pitfall--so much so that Jesus does say it is quite hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Parable of the Sower sheds more light on this. In this parable, there are four different types of soil on which seed is sown. The seed represents the Gospel and the soils represent different responses people have to it.

The third type of soil/response is described as follows:

but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. Mark 4:19

Why is that? Here are some reasons why it's hard for a rich (or even poor) man to enter the Kingdom of God.

1. The rich (and poor alike) tend to look to riches for ALL their needs

The carnal, unrenewed mind thinks worldly things. Just like the rich young ruler that Jesus talked to prior to the earlier passage (see Mark 10:17-22), all of us tend to trust in our riches because of the tremendous comfort, security and privilege that it brings.

Seriously, money can buy many things, but it can only buy so much. It can't buy salvation. Thus we won't be receiving the free gift of God in Christ Jesus through it.

2. Salvation is NOT by works or riches

No one can work or pay his way to heaven and the Kingdom of God. Ephesians 2:8-9 says "God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it."

Salvation is a gift from the Lord, paid for in blood by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It's a gift that no money, no favour, and no amount of work can ever purchase. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."

3. Salvation is God's own work, NOT ours

Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus is "the founder and perfecter of our faith." He was, is, and will always be the One who made the way for us to be saved. He was the one who worked to bring us to salvation (see Ephesians 2:4-7), who works to continually produce the fruits of our salvation in Him (see Philippians 1:11; Galatians 5:22-26), and the one who will bring us to completion (see Philippians 1:6).

Those who trust in their riches to provide all they need to live a godly life (yes, even that) will find that riches aren't even needed to save, to build up in the faith, and to grow in Christ-likeness. All we need is less of us and more of Christ (see John 3:30; 2 Corinthians 3:18).

As already mentioned, it is entirely possible for a rich man to go to heaven. The problem is that a rich man can more easily trust in his own merits or wealth.

I love your write up. Pls, i don't understand your stand about salvation.
And you will be hated by everyone because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Matt 10:22
Jesus said you've to endure. Jesus taught works and not grace. You've to do something. The branch that does not bear fruit, He cut away John 15
According to the parable of the sower, you must bear fruit.
Jesus won't help you. The Holy Spirit is there to guide you

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Religion / Re: Whose Rib Is Actually Missing? by rexben(m): 6:39pm On Oct 03, 2016
Is it right or justifiable for a lady to be looking for her missing rib (bone) since from story of creation, we see that it was Adam's rib that was taken by God and used for creation of Eve, his helpmate (wife)? Many women nowadays are busy looking for their 'missing' bone(rib). Who took it in the first place-God? Again what was it used for- creation of another Adam or what? Please let's clarify this issue so that we know what we are doing these days.
It's help meet and not help mate.
Nice gist
Religion / Re: Whose Rib Is Actually Missing? by rexben(m): 6:39pm On Oct 03, 2016
Is it right or justifiable for a lady to be looking for her missing rib (bone) since from story of creation, we see that it was Adam's rib that was taken by God and used for creation of Eve, his helpmate (wife)? Many women nowadays are busy looking for their 'missing' bone(rib). Who took it in the first place-God? Again what was it used for- creation of another Adam or what? Please let's clarify this issue so that we know what we are doing these days.
It's help meet and not help mate.

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Religion / Re: Is This The True Consequence Of Not Giving Offering In Church? by rexben(m): 6:33pm On Oct 03, 2016
Anybody that tells you that God needs your money is a liar and a thief.
God needs your obedience to His commandments.
If you will give, give to those that don't have, those that can't give you back Luke 14:13-14
Don't give to a church, you're just enriching your GO's bank account.
They lie that you're giving to the work of God. Pls, which work of God are they saying?
God never asked anybody to build any church for Him.
Any pastor that ask you to bring tithe and offerings to church is a thief.
The whole essence of giving is to the poor, strangers, destitute, orphans, widows and not to Pastors or to church.
They say when you give God the tenth percent of your income, God will bless you back.
God is never interested in your money, all He's interested is your soul. Anybody that tells you otherwise is a thief. Matt 16:26
Adeboye encourages people to sow or give to RCCG because it is a fertile land. All I see is a businessman advertising His company or business to people.
Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my temple. Test me in this matter," says the Lord who rules over all, "to see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until there is no room for it all.
Mal 3:10
Storehouse is place in the temple where food are kept for the poor, foreigners, widows.
Is your church a storehouse? Why do you take your tithe to church?
The poor are not even to partake out of the tithe,it is always forwarded to the church account.
The only money the poor is entitled is the welfare's offering and not tithes.
How many of you are giving to the poor? You rather give to your pastor or sow it as a seed for the construction of the 3m by 3m auditorium. Something God did not ask him to build.
Religion / Re: The Husband Should Not Be The Head Of The Wife by rexben(m): 6:28pm On Oct 03, 2016

Preaching the gospel is a full time job. more tedious that tilling the ground sef.

This guy sha.
Sometimes, christians think they are smart. They aren't, they are dull.
If they aren't dull, they will have seen that their bible contradicts itself.
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 6:26pm On Oct 03, 2016
Willful giving never hurt nobody. What they do with the tithes and offerings is between them and God. If I find out my pastor is a fraud, i'll simply leave the church. As Christians, it is our obligation to give.
When i say "all pastors", i mean all pastors including your local pastor.

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Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 6:24pm On Oct 03, 2016

Thank God you know this!

People need to understand the difference between moses(old testament and laws) and Jesus(NT and GRaCE).

I will be investing more on grace teaching these days!
What's grace teaching?
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 6:19pm On Oct 03, 2016

Welcome bro. Though since you said EXPLANATION of Creation you should have overlooked what anyone would say, you go on and ride on with the truth, for we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth...

And be careful of rexben, and the likes, I would appreciate if you left him off this, this is for Christians and not for ...I don't even know what he says he is.. God have mercy.

I will encourage you guys to keep doing your thing. Keep doing Christianity and turning your back at Jesus.
The Jews did not accept Jesus, they stayed with"Judaism". So likewise, Christians don't like Jesus, they don't follow Him, they're staying with Christianity.
I love guys, i wish you see that Christianity is evil. Jesus is true and truth
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 6:15pm On Oct 03, 2016

But didn't you get the boldened from the Bible?
In the bible or not, the words of Jesus remains the words of Jesus.
The bible is lucky to have it recorded in it.
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 6:13pm On Oct 03, 2016
dont worry abt dat dude, when he is done saying shit he will leave
Christians are the most predictable set of people on the planet earth. All i know is that "Christianity is all a lie".
I was once a Christian, a devout one.
Christianity is a religion that presents itself to the world as representative of Jesus.
All Christians do is to claim to follow Jesus while they don't do what He asked to do.
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 11:43am On Oct 03, 2016
here urself... Stop decieving urself. U are an athiest... I called u to come learn abt GOD's creation and stop speaking against GOD
If you will learn, i will tell you about the God the Father of my Lord Jesus.
Nobody could represent God than Jesus. To know God, don't check the bible. Listen to Jesus.
Your bible says God rested but Jesus said God's still working.
The bible is not truth, Jesus is
Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 11:39am On Oct 03, 2016
here urself... Stop decieving urself. U are an athiest... I called u to come learn abt GOD's creation and stop speaking against GOD
Christianity sha! Anybody that believes in God and Jesus should be a Christian, right.
Check my profile, my personal message, my signature.
I'm not Christian neither I'm i an atheist
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 11:24am On Oct 03, 2016

Abeg grin who judge pass? No be Christians and there pastors. I heard RCCG pastor has a millionaire club, for those that have given him up to a million naira.
I'm not against people begging. I'm against exploiting innocents in the name of God.
Adeboye and others are legal 419
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 11:20am On Oct 03, 2016
Christianity is not by force. If you're an atheist, remain one. If you call yourself a church goer don't give offerings or tithes. It don't concern nobody.
If you someone taking a wrong path, what will you do?
What will you do when you see a person playing a poison snake ignorantly? Won't you help? Won't you educate?
I don't know, you could be heartless
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 11:16am On Oct 03, 2016
Guy watch you mouth make you no enter problem ooo

bible say thou shall no judge
What's judging?
If you call a spade a spade, are you judging?
What name do you give someone you find stealing or duping innocent people
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 11:13am On Oct 03, 2016
Do you know that Judas (Jesus disciple) use to help himself from the offerings box? Did Jesus not know these? But what happened to him thereafter and how did he finish his ministry? You can see by yourself that God is never asleep. Can you remember what God did to Eli because of the way wardness of his children? For me, I will rather pray for any person doing such things you mentioned to repent rather than calling them .... because through that you are rather discouraging people from rendering their financial duty to the church and thereby blocking their blessings.
Your level of dumbness as a christian is very critical.
Offering box? Was it recorded that Jesus collected offering.
Church, Christianity and its beliefs are evil because they are not founded in Jesus.
Christians enjoys disobeying Jesus. They love cherry-picking

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Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 11:09am On Oct 03, 2016
The story of the widow's mite from Jesus goes to show you that offerings is a routine and a must for christians and not an old testament thing. let us not allow some fake pastors who are not doing the right thing with church funds to deceive us.
It was a Jewish practice. Did Jesus drop any offering or did He disciples?
What do God need your money for?
Pastors get enriched by your offerings and tithes.
God is not hungry nor does He need money to buy anything.
I'm sorry you can't see because the God of Christianity (definitely not God, the Father of Jesus) has blinded your eyes
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 11:01am On Oct 03, 2016
When did you finally realise this truth? Congrats man, u realised it earlier than Oarolaoye and Jacksonville. Once again I say Congrats!!!
This is not the major. The major thing is to follow Jesus. Follow what He says not giving excuses like christians do. Jesus is the way to the Father and not Christianity
Religion / Re: Adeboye And Others Are Thieves by rexben(m): 10:55am On Oct 03, 2016
When did you finally realise this truth? Congrats man, u realised it earlier than Oarolaoye and Jacksonville. Once again I say Congrats!!!
The truth, my dear, is Jesus.
When i met Jesus not the one christians claim to follow. Tithes and offerings are minor in following Jesus.
You can check my post on Some of the beliefs of disciples of Jesus
Religion / Re: To Be A Christian You Must Believed In At Least One Of These Men Of God by rexben(m): 10:52am On Oct 03, 2016

Made? He only taught them. It was their will to obey or not.
He taught His disciples to follow Him.
Can a sheep become a shepherd?
Can a shepherd upgrade a sheep to become a shepherd?

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Religion / Re: Explanation Of Certain Things In The Bible- All Christians Come And See by rexben(m): 10:48am On Oct 03, 2016
I don't still understand why you mentioned my name. Pls, make me understand.
I'm not a Christian neither am an atheist nor do i belong to any religion of this world.
Religion / Re: To Be A Christian You Must Believed In At Least One Of These Men Of God by rexben(m): 9:14pm On Oct 02, 2016

lol, who are you like? Jesus, if you look like Jesus, then who are you? then if Jesus is a Shepherd, then who are you
What are you saying?

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