Your constituency representation is in the Nayional Assembly, not IPU. IPU doesn't know the name of your constituency. The.label on her seat didn't read Kogi State, but Nigeria. Next time, she can take Ukrainian seat, since she's also Ukrainian. But I doubt a Ukrainian representative will leasure her seat or talk time to her.
Just read her statement. So because you are in their (IPU) mail list as former attendee, you mailed them to attend? Is that not deception?
You don't need to focus on funding your trip, the budget for your former trip must have been inflated, I addition to other allowance ls from tax payers as a Senator. Many Nigerians will be glad to attend if given the opportunity, and they will fund themselves
Shut up She's on their mailing list She got a mail of the event She registered And attended the event on her individual capacity Case closed
Botragelad: For those who may not be aware, let me explain. The man you see here is a Black man who struggles with mental illness. He accidentally wandered into the Gaza Strip. Do you know what happened next?
Hamas immediately took him hostage, subjected him to torture, and held him for over 10 years, refusing to release him despite his mental health condition. Today, he was finally released as part of a hostage deal. This man was simply someone who was unaware and lost. Yet, Hamas paraded him publicly, and so-called Palestinians hurled vile, racist remarks at him because of his skin color. If this isn’t utterly degrading for those in the Black community who support Hamas, I don’t know what is.
Now, can anyone explain what he did to deserve such inhumane treatment? And why is there so little condemnation of Hamas for actions like these?.
Lies from the pit of hell You're a liar He have been offered by HAMAS repeatedly for release but racist Israel never found him useful to exchange any Palestinian prisoners for him...
His family have done a whole lot over the years to get him out but Israel ignored them.....
I recently joined a new workplace with a good pay package my take-home is over 700k, excluding other benefits. While the compensation is fantastic, I’ve been struggling with the work environment, which feels unwelcoming.
My direct boss hasn’t properly onboarded me into the team and the two team members I’ll be working with closely have kept their distance and haven’t made an effort to help
I’ve indirectly brought this issue to my boss's attention, and while he assured me it would be addressed, I haven’t seen any changes yet. I am tempted to speak with HR but am new here so I choose not to start any problems for myself early.
Please what can I do to settle in here I need this pay and other opportunities that come with it but my peace is also important to me
True, work is about business, not bonding. But building trust and respect with colleagues can make the journey smoother. Professional doesn’t have to mean cold—balance is key.
As a new team member, the least I expected is proper onboarding and at least some sort of personal effort from my team members to enable me settle not to just leave me to be figuring things out myself or ask too many questions from the word GO. I have been in a leadership in formal work place and I always make sure that my new team members settle in properly.
- This is your new workplace - This is our structure/reporting line here - These are your tools - These are your areas of focus
etc etc
But like few of us here have advised and as I have advised myself, I will quietly settle in, ask questions, not force anything and perform one magic that will male them pay attention. -
advanceDNA: Na by-force to famz with you...?? Oga ade...dem give you work do? U send mail to ur colleagues, Dem nor respond? Abi na mouth u dey use ask for official help?? Your Computer dey work...?? Light dey?? AC dey work?? U get chair & Table?? Dem allow u use toilet abi u dey throw shot put??
Baba ....face ur work...collect your 700bar go house....nothing makes me smile more than my salary and impressive performance.....if u like nor greet me.....I nor dey look uche face
Doesn't sound as easy as you make it look. Not asking for any friendship the least is that proper onboarding to get you into your space properly. This is my first time of experiencing this sort of welcoming in a workplace so I don't have a precedent to learn on.
I recently joined a new workplace with a good pay package my take-home is over 700k, excluding other benefits. While the compensation is fantastic, I’ve been struggling with the work environment, which feels unwelcoming.
My direct boss hasn’t properly onboarded me into the team and the two team members I’ll be working with closely have kept their distance and haven’t made an effort to help
I’ve indirectly brought this issue to my boss's attention, and while he assured me it would be addressed, I haven’t seen any changes yet. I am tempted to speak with HR but am new here so I choose not to start any problems for myself early.
Please what can I do to settle in here I need this pay and other opportunities that comes with it but my peace is also important to me
December is here again the final lap of 2024! ....This month means different things to different people both single and married, so I’m curious: to know how the majority of us here intend to spend this month.
- Are you taking the time to learn, plan, and prepare for 2025? - Or perhaps you're choosing to rest and reflect on the year gone by to do better next year? - Or maybe you had enough hits during the year, meet and surpass all you goals and just want to party and celebrate the season with friends and family.
For me, this December is all about learning and preparation—sharpening my skills, setting clear goals, and positioning myself for an impactful new year.
It has significantly reduced the treat of annihilation against them from all fronts. Iran intends to surround Isreal by proxies and attack from all sides one day. The military stronghold been built for the past 2 decades has been significantly weakened.
For the genocide issue, you can't open your eye while someone threatens to kill you. They not only threatened, they put it into action and anyone would react in equal or greater proportion. No race, ethnicity or tribe should be threatened with annihilation in the 21st century but a major religion preaches it. Sad!
Genocide sympathize So that's why they want to annihilate Palestinians from GAZA to the WEST BANK?
THAT'S Why they are killing babies, bombing their own self zones, bombing schools , bombing hospitals etc...
They have killed all the leaders including SINWAR So what are they still fighting for?
Why have they abandoned the captives?
How can you call someone a terrorist and then go ahead to behave far worst than the terrorist themselves?
They have successfully eliminated all the leaders and would-be leaders. Weakened the foot soldiers, decimated the weapon storages, cleaned out most tunnels and now occupying most of the places.
Even if you were given the chance to become a Leader in Hamas or Hezbollah, I don't think you will accept(Just like many others are currently rejecting those seats) and that my friend, is what they have done.
What has that achieved for them? Has that returned the captives from GAZA OR Stopped HIZBOLLAH from fighting or returned their citizens to the north?
Hass it? How many soldiers have they lost in South Lebanon so far?
I don't expect a terrorist sympathiser to see the gains Israel has made. Hamas has been crippled, Hezbollah has been severely weakened. If those are no significant gains then u don't know anything about this war
Killing of babies and their mothers and journalist those are the gains right? Welldone
Fibonacci88: Iran is just a paper tiger. It won't take Israel a week to level Iran. Israel planes roaming Iran airspace without restraints. What happened to the air defense system they got from Russia. Iran should just pray Trump doesn't will the US elections.
Rubbish talk 1 year on After leveling GAZA what have they achieved?
It's weeks now fighting HIZBOLLAH What have they achieved?
You guys will just come online and be typing rubbish
planetx: Read somewhere that the bunker Nasrallah was killed inside was 40 floors underground and those bunker buster bombs penetrated all the way down.
Greatex90: Mumu...🤣🤣 be expecting on land fight like your Lebanese associates. Man to Man klil you there. Israel has a better tactics to get you defeated
We have seen how those tactics have freed the captives, defeated HAMAS and returned the displaced Isrealis in the north to their homes....I will not follow you to gutter with name calling......This is Netayahu political survival tactics target and kill the leaders so that people like you will have something masturbate on....
But the real issue remains and the cycle of violence continues
Will this bring security to Israel? Nah Has the war in GAZA brought security or returned the captives ? NAH
This all that Natuyahu and his blood thirsty fanatics has to remain in power and hopes that Trump wins in the USA so they can have more free hand to drag the whole region into conflict.....
And some fellows are here masturbating over a nation that doesn't care whether you're a Christian or Muslim or anything they just kill , kill and kill and hope by killing more than the so called terrorists they are pursuing that they will be secure? How?
Righteousness2: Today, ISRAEL changed the game for electronic and cyber warfare. Probably the biggest move since the atomic bomb.
Today the world witnessed the most amazing preliminary blow in the history of wars only at the push of a button.
A crazy report on the Saudi Al-Hadath channel: At least 500 Hezbollah members lost their eyes in today's explosions. That means they are blinded for life, useless in combat, and effectively no longer active fighters in the organization. Just unbelievable.....
The famous Syrian Druze journalist Fitzal Al-Qassem (with millions of followers on social media and a program on Al-Jazeera) writes about the blow Hezbollah took today:
"What happened today to Hezbollah can be classified as the most fantastic pre-emptive strike in modern history. It can be compared to Israel's pre-emptive strike on the Egyptian Air Force before the Six-Day War.
Today, Hezbollah has thousands of brand new disabled fighters, and if they enter the war now, its wounded will not even find one free bed in the hospitals in Lebanon because the hospitals are now bursting with injured.
Even worse - Hezbollah has lost its security and military means of communication."
Hezebollah Terrorists are in total Chaos. Quite a lot have met their Virgins. Terror Iran leaders throw away their Pagers.
ISRAEL; small but MIGHTHY!
They are not all fighters Hizbollah is both a military and political group
They have options... Let them come to the Negotiation table... My problem is with Hamas... that believe in armed conflict.... Sincerely, you dont leave for the whole world something you can do for yourself...
Which bloody negotiating table? Where did Oslo accord lead them to? What has the current negotiations for a deal told you about the current headline government in Israel?
There's no other option maybe in a moderate government yes, not the current government in Israel
This is not a wise move by the Palestine.... U dont fignt an enemy that is stronger than you... You go to the drawing board and build yourself... Get good allies... Then come to the negotiation table To get a good deal...
The Palestinians do not have any other options.....their plight now is before the whole world ..Let the planet be the judge
Botragelad: It's absolutely bloody appalling that people still support those Hamas terrorists! While Israel's desperately trying to rescue the hostages, Hamas is callously killing them and cowering in tunnels like the spineless cowards they are!
This is the real genocide, plain and simple! These terrorists invaded Israel, slaughtered innocent people, kidnap others, and expect Israel to just roll over and take it? Not on your life! This is just the beginning. Israel will level Gaza, the whole of so-called 'Palestine', to the ground and wipe out every last terrorist unless they surrender and release the hostages.
And what really takes the biscuit is that no one's batting an eyelid about the dead hostages, not a peep, no outrage, no protests. But the moment Israel fights back, suddenly everyone's up in arms, screaming genocide! Hypocrites.
Shut up Who's obstructing peace deal here Isreal or Hamas? Who? What is left in GAZA after 11 months of none stop destruction by Israel? What are they still fighting for? What exactly?
olukaygold: Building a House depends on your Pocket,You can build this as low as 50m(local materials with common Finishing Materials), You can also spend up to 100m with Grade A quality Materials(Imported Quality Materials). You'lol notice some part of the roof are covered with Glass,10mm tick(no be small money).
The 1st pic,My Team will build this for you at the Cost of 60M anywhere in Nigeria. Second pic is Two bedrooms semi detached(Twins flat) it cost Us 20m. We can. Build one for You at 22m anywhere in Nigeria. For 2bedroom bungalow,budget 12m.
temmybaba: Don't not leave a job without getting another... If u r tired... It's understandable.. make use of the time to look for an escape root... Get another job n japa... Dats all
You can take time out to update your skills and learn and be better for a new job.
If the additional responsibility is not overwhelming for you I would advise you are patient till you get a better job. It's only a few companies that can afford to increase salaries with the current economic situation
Thank you Mine can afford to do so I have listened to some advice here and will be willing to give this a week more to see if they're planned changes if not I will proceed with my resignation
OP thread carefully. Things are tough outside, I worked with a certain FMCG for 4 years and I resigned because it's in a remote area which made me feel trapped, with no family around, got bored, and felt my life wasn't moving. Searched for a job for another 3 months before I landed a job at a very very big company (multinational) but as a contract staff, as I was getting close to being staffed after 6 months in the job, they laid off all contract staff.
It took me another 3 months to land this job which is in the central city, now can go for my Masters and mix up with society and I am willing to resign again for a govt work which will give me less pay because I need time to go for some training in a research institute which my current place of work might not grant me.
There is a lot of uncertainty ahead of you if you are willing to take the risk. I'm 2 years into my new job, maybe if I had not left then I'd still be trapped in the village working with the formal company, and maybe I wouldn't have started my master's.
Think through, and don't make rash decisions.
Thank you for your advice... I have thoughts on this for sometime and based on the advice here am willing to give them a little more time to see what changes .....
But I'm fine and won't hesitate one bit if I see no sighs of any changes
nwirinedu: You are resigning because extra work was dumped on your table not because the company was bad to you. Do you know that if you re going into business for yourself you will need to spend more hours and even work on weekends ( unless you are into yahoo yahoo).
Think about it well , dont make decisions based on short term challenges, if you want to resign you ought to notify your company on time, so that you and them can tidy things resignations that cause disruptions in the organization are not good, we complain that employers are mean but forget the things we do that make them mean.
IF you had a business and your staff just left suddenly on a Monday morning without informing you how would you feel? How will you treat the next hire? Think well, reflect and act appropriately.
I have a contracted notice period which I will no issues.....