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Politics / Re: Senator Buruji Kashamu Dies Of COVID-19 Disease by samandy(m): 6:55pm On Aug 08, 2020
Kyari, Ajimobi and now Kashamu died in this same hospital

Going to the hospital, simply imply that the patient condition is very very critical.
It is a place of last hope; only for the few that can afford it.

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Crime / Re: ‘I Started Sleeping With My Daughters Because My Wife Died’ by samandy(m): 7:04pm On Jun 14, 2020
But lot was made drunk by his daughters (manipulated).
He deliberately molested his daughters, even threatened and manipulate them.
May God save us ooo


Travel / Re: Dana Air Skids Off The Runway In Port Harcourt, Lands Inside Bush (Photos) by samandy(m): 9:56pm On Feb 20, 2018
Dana again

Oh my God let my enemies board this Dana flight someday

May God forgive your obvious ignorance. Is your enemy going to fly the plane alone?


Nairaland / General / Re: Huge Python Killed In Indonesia by samandy(m): 2:21am On Oct 06, 2017
Diner is Served
Nairaland / General / Huge Python Killed In Indonesia by samandy(m): 2:18am On Oct 06, 2017
'Unbelievably huge' python fried for feast after fight with villagers in Indonesia
11:44, UK, Thursday 05 October 2017
The 26ft snake was displayed before it was eaten Pic: AFP Photo/ Batang Gansal Police
An "unbelievably huge" python ended up being fried for a village feast after biting off more than it could chew when it attacked a security guard in Indonesia.
Robert Nababan almost lost his arm when he attempted to catch the 25.6ft (7.8m) snake after discovering it on an oil palm plantation in the Batang Gansal district of Sumatra.
Undeterred by its huge size, police say he tried to capture it and stuff it into a sack.
However, the snake fought back and sunk its fangs into his left arm, nearly severing it from his body.
His life was saved when another guard and locals intervened, with one person clubbing the snake with a log.
Security guard Robert Nababan was treated in hospital being bitten. Pic: AFP/ Batang Gansal Police
Mr Nababan was taken to hospital for treatment after the attack on Saturday.
"The python was 7.8m long, it was unbelievably huge," said local police chief Sutarja.
Locals later strung up the snake between two trees, before chopping it up and frying it for food.
Giant pythons are common in Indonesia and in March the body of a farmer was found whole inside one of the snakes when police sliced it open.

Phones / Re: MTN Surprise Smartphone Plan (4.5GB For N2500) by samandy(m): 11:18am On Dec 06, 2014
Is the plan for all phones or just smartphone?

1 Like

Religion / Pastor Oyahkilome And Controversies by samandy(m): 4:21pm On Sep 02, 2014
Busayo Adekoya with agency report
The hostility between Pastors Chris and Anita Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy Church is getting messier, as it has emerged that Christ Embassy has deleted her pictures and personal information from its official website.
Those in the know described the action as the beginning of a process to shut her out of the church, after she accused her husband of “adultery” and “unreasonable behaviour” in the divorce suit filed in London last April but only made public on Friday.
According to The Streamng, Christ Embassy’s new website now shows only Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, with a broad smile welcoming his followers to the month of September and tagging it, “Month of Praise”.
In the message on the website, Oyakhilome also urged his followers to “rejoice for the joy of the Lord is your strength”.
Also, on the website of the Rhapsody of Realities, a daily devotional co-authored by the erstwhile couple, there was nothing to show that Anita had anything to do with the church, as the only visible face on the website among the family members was that of her husband.
However, it was too early to ascertain if the September edition of the Rhapsody of Realities still had the photographs of both the pastor and his wife, as was the case in the past.
The duo had presented themselves as a model couple, who many of their followers and members wanted to emulate.
The fact that when the chips are down, the ownership of the church will not be debatable was also well laid out by Chris when he stated: “I already started Christ Embassy before I married her. I didn’t marry her and said we should start Christ Embassy. I was already pastoring. I already set my sail and knew my direction before I married her. I only said come and help me.”
Pastor Chris, as he is popularly called, and his Christ Embassy Church, are no strangers to scandals, as they have had a sizeable load of it in the past.
In 2010, Oyakhilome was accused of engineering a money laundering scheme in Nigeria, and questions swirled around his finances because of his glamorous lifestyle.
Many pastors and theologians also excoriated Oyakhilome for his “New Creation” doctrine which many saw as heresy—a form of gnosticism that postulated that after a person became a Christian, any sin they committed was only in the body and will not affect the spirit.
In 2008, Oyakhilome’s reputation as a faith healer was further tarnished in Johannesburg, South Africa, when a man told a Soweto newspaper that Christ Embassy offered him more than $1,200 to sit in a wheelchair and pretend to be crippled until Oyakhilome prayed for him.
“The man went to the media instead of taking the money, sparking concerns that healings were being faked to impress growing crowds,” said Lee Grady in an article in 2012 published by Charisma Magazine.
The same year, another Nigerian pastor, Chris Okotie, had accused Oyakhilome of conniving with Pastor TB Joshua in practising necromancy as well as other unbiblical acts in order to win over a large congregation.
In addition, Oyakhilome had been the target of criticism by the Treatment Action Campaign for his support of faith healing to cure HIV/AIDS.
Similarly, allegations that Christ Embassy members were reportedly being forced to give huge sums of money in offerings, with the biggest donors receiving the biggest award, had left many people concerned.
Many Nigerians had also alleged that the church operates like a cult and pressures members to marry only within Christ Embassy.
Many people also remember the scandal involving Christ Embassy and Sheraton Hotel some years ago when a member of the church, who worked at the Sheraton Hotel, stole money from his employers and gave it to Christ Embassy.
But when Sheraton approached the church for a refund, the church allegedly claimed that the money had been given to God and could not be retrieved.
Many had also excoriated Pastor Chris some years ago when the church began collecting gate fee from members for their New Year eve service.
More recently, Oyakhilome came under attack after he claimed that Christians were free to masturbate because it was not a sin.
But the latest scandal involving Anita and Chris, who have two daughters, Sharon and Charlene, seems to threaten the very existence of one of the biggest churches in Nigeria.
Christ Embassy runs several arms including the Healing School, Rhapsody of Realities, and an NGO called the Inner-city Missions as well as three Christian television channels: LoveWorld TV, LoveWorld SAT and LoveWorld Plus.
The church has branches all over the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, South America and the whole of Europe.[/color][b][/b][color=#006600]
NYSC / Re: Corper Precious Died In A Car Crash In Jos. (pix) by samandy(m): 12:55pm On Dec 10, 2013
R I P prescious cry
Celebrities / Re: Janet Atayero Oluseye Is Dead (Nollywood Actress) by samandy(m): 8:19am On Oct 30, 2013

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