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Career / How Do I Rise Money For My Msc. Now by Sasuwa(f): 7:12pm On Jun 14, 2016
i have graduated last year, waiting for youth services, my plan is to go for msc. degree immediately, but unfortunately i cannot ask my parent to sponsor me because i know that won't be possible for them , how do i raise money during youth service to support my msc. degree
your suggestion is welcome
thanks in advance

pls ignore my english, we are on NL

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Business / Re: Foreign Payments With Naira ATM Cards Suspended By Zenith Bank by Sasuwa(f): 5:53pm On Jun 14, 2016
does that mean that i cannot use my card for adword payment, god punish the illiterate bastard called buhari


Education / Re: Photos Of Osun Students In Church Garments by Sasuwa(f): 4:00pm On Jun 14, 2016
Let us see who will get tied


Jobs/Vacancies / I Need Help by Sasuwa(f): 9:28am On Jun 14, 2016
I have just received sms alert that my CV has been selected for interview/test at lagos, 15/06/2016 , 9.00am and i am currently at taraba, how do i make it.
Religion / Re: Igbo Woman From Enugu Converts To Islam by Sasuwa(f): 11:15am On Jun 13, 2016
See how beautiful she look when cover

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Webmasters / Re: Top 10 Most Influential Bloggers In Nigeria by Sasuwa(f): 7:12am On Jun 12, 2016
1.Nairaland 2. Nairaland 3 Nairaland 4 Nairaland 5Premium times 6.Pulse.ng 7. Myschool.ng 8.Naijaloaded 9.xclusive 10.Shelaf.com... @OP,Ur List need deliverance o
u r correct
Webmasters / Re: Top 10 Most Influential Bloggers In Nigeria by Sasuwa(f): 7:11am On Jun 12, 2016
Op ur list is imcompete without adding www.nairaland.com and www.physicslectures.info or are they not blogs
Career / Re: How Much Do Bank Workers Earn? by Sasuwa(f): 2:53pm On Jun 11, 2016
There are diff grades and diff pay i diff banks. General manager, assistant general manager, senior manager, manager, senior banking officer, banking officer, assistant banking offficer, entry level (might be slightly diff in banks). Then u have contract staffs. A general manager earns over 2m per month nd get profit of like 30-50m a year. An entry level earns btw 110-240,(diff banks diff pay). A banking officer gets like 250-400k. Co ntract staff get like 50-70k. Alot of Nigerians dont know bankers are paid well because dey mostly deal with d contract staffs in branches. Real bankers are in d head office
pls expanciate what u mean by head office and branch office. Do we have a single head office in each state or just branch offices.

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Webmasters / Do this category of people Shop Online? by Sasuwa(f): 10:19am On Jun 10, 2016
I wanted to create a blog and my targeted audience are students and undergraduates.
What i want to know is that do nigerian student shop online or should i target international students
Religion / Re: Osun CAN Orders Christian Students To Attend Classes In Church Robe by Sasuwa(f): 8:43am On Jun 10, 2016
I support it, let dress like mery mother of jesus Not only in schools but also buses, market, and everywhere. Say no to #immoraldress , let them emulate her and be good like if we are truely christains

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Religion / Re: Osun CAN Orders Christian Students To Attend Classes In Church Robe by Sasuwa(f): 8:40am On Jun 10, 2016
I support it, let dress like mery mother of jesus Not only in schools but also buses, market, and everywhere. Say no to #immoraldress , let them emulate her and be good like if they are truely christains
Religion / Re: Graphic" What I Read About Islam Today Got Me Shocking" by Sasuwa(f): 7:23pm On Jun 09, 2016
Miracle of the holy Qur'an
miracle from quran, pls tell me more

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Religion / Graphic" What I Read About Islam Today Got Me Shocking" by Sasuwa(f): 6:28pm On Jun 09, 2016
after reading the whole passage i keep asking my same question "How can a book existed 1400 years ago speak about the mummy that was only found 110 years ago, in 1898 "
cc: below

This is the amazing tale of how Pharaoh’s body was discovered and found to have drowned and been recovered, protected and preserved till date as was clearly stated in the Bible and confidently predicted in the Quran.

Read the story below-

“This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs” (Quran 10:92)

The French president for the purpose of running a laboratory and archaeological examinations on the mummy of the most notorious dictator that ever lived on Earth, he had the mummy imported from Egypt.

Upon arrival it was accorded a very royal welcome…the president himself and all ministers bowed in honor of the mummy.

When the ceremony ended, the mummy was carried to a specially-designed section at the Archeology Centre of France.

The final report of the scientists was released late at night stating that the remaining salt in the mummy was overt evidence that it was drowned in the sea, and the body was rescued very shortly where it was immediately embalmed to be saved.

The amazing thing still baffling Professor Maurice was how could this body possibly be safer than any other mummy despite being taken out of the sea up until this time.

As professor Maurice was writing his final report on what he thought would be a new discovery about saving Pharaoh’s body immediately after his death and embalming it,

Ofcourse the professor instantly denied such thing, saying that it’s impossible to discover this without the development of science and without using his high-tech and complicated laboratories and computers.

suddenly someone whispered to him that Muslims claim to know something about the drowning of this mummy.

To his surprise, he was told that Muslims believe in a book called “Quran” and this Quran narrates the story of Pharaoh’s drowning and ensures the safety of his body after his death as to be a Sign to mankind. The Professor couldn’t believe and started to wonder:

How can a book existed 1400 years ago speak about the mummy that was only found 110 years ago, in 1898 ??!!

How can that be possible while the ancient Egyptian heritage was discovered only a few decades ago and no one knew about it before??!!

The Professor sat down pondering on what he was told about the book of Muslims while his Holy Book narrates only the drowning of Pharaoh without saying anything about his body

“Is it possible that this mummy in front of me is the one who was chasing Moses ??!!”

“Is it possible that Muhammad knew this 1400 years ago ??!!”

The Professor couldn’t sleep that night till they brought him the Old Testament where he read: “the sea drowned Pharaoh and his army, no one else was left alive” He was surprised that the Holy Book didn’t mention about the destiny of the body and that it will be saved. Exodus 14:28, Psalm 136:15, Exodus 15:19

When the scientists were done with the mummy, France retuned it to Egypt , but Professor Maurice couldn’t rest for a moment since he was told that Muslims know about the safety of the body. So, he decided to travel and meet anatomy Muslim scientists and there he spoke about his discovery of the safety of the mummy after its death in the sea and so on.

One of the Muslim scientist stood up and simply opened the Quran and pointed to the Professor at one verse:

“This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs” (Quran 10:92)

The Professor was struck when he read that and immediately stood in front of the crowd and said loudly: “I believe in Islam, I believe in Quran”

Then he went back to France with a different face he traveled with.

In France , he dedicated 10 years investigating the scientific discoveries and comparing them with the Quran and trying to come up with one scientific contradiction with the Quran. Finally he quoted one verse from the Quran to be his conclusion:

“No falsehood can approach it (this book) from before or behind it: it is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all praise” (Quran 41:42)

As a result of all years of his research, Professor Maurice wrote a book that shook all Europe , especially the scientists there

“Quran, Torah, Bible and Science:

A Study of the Holy Books in the Light of Modern Science”

I personally visited the Qairo Museum where the mummy is preserved and there you get astonished at the scenery of thousands of people from all over the world visiting the place everyday , unfortunately, many of the tourists there would think: “Woow, look at that! Amazing!! So nice to see people of all times!! Without realizing the intended lesson that Allah has kept this body a Sign to all mankind of anyone who denies Allah and His messengers.

ere it started to be tested by the greatest French archeological and anatomical scientists in order to discover more about such a great mummy. The scientists headed by Professor Maurice Bucaille, were trying to restore the mummy while Professor Maurice was mainly concerned with how the mummy died!
source http://againstscience.com/2008/12/31/bible-and-quran-got-it-right-on-pharaoh%E2%80%99s-ramesses-ii-sea-drowning/

Religion / any topic to write about by Sasuwa(f): 11:03am On Jun 09, 2016
pls make you contribution

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Politics / Re: Age Qualification Bill Passes 2nd Reading by Sasuwa(f): 9:52am On Jun 09, 2016

I know of a 23 year old nairalander who spends hundreds of millions to import goods for sale. You know what this guy and others like him didn't do? They didn't and aren't spending their hay days thinking about their next or last boyfriend/girlfriend, didn't spend it thinking about how to convince their next 'catch'to 'fall', didn't spend it listening to music that demeans them and fill their mouths with vulgar words, didn't spend it thinking about the next party to attend, didn't spend it cooking up lies to tell their parents to extort money from them as undergrads, didn't live with the belief that only fraudsters, corrupt politicians and ritualists become wealthy and rich, didn't spend it believing that they need a 'connection'to rise career-wise, didn't spend it blaming the government for their last fart. You know what they spent their hay days doing, they spent it thinking about their future, they spent it planning and executing same in pursuit of specific set out goals, they spent it studying about who, what and where they want to be in the next 5 years, they spent it listening to music that raised their spirit, they spent it thinking about how to live Godly, honestly, and prosper as well because they know it is not only possible, but the shortest route to living happily tomorrow, they spent it becoming the 'connection' others would need to rise, they spent it becoming a government unto their fellow men. These ones my friend are they who would become the youth leaders of tommorow, eventually becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Be wise, pray, plan and accept no negative thoughts and even the skies, won't be worthy of being called your starting point.
God bless u
Politics / Re: Age Qualification Bill Passes 2nd Reading by Sasuwa(f): 9:37am On Jun 09, 2016

so now politi.cs is now kinship, preparing grounds for their kids to rule. God dey
Politics / Re: Jonathan: I Did Not Leave Empty Treasury by Sasuwa(f): 9:13am On Jun 07, 2016
Hmm, let we comfirm from NOI and Efcc
Education / Re: Mohammed Sani Idiagbon Resigns - Sexual Harassment Suspect by Sasuwa(f): 9:01am On Jun 07, 2016
Good move
Politics / Who Lie Pass In This Apc Government by Sasuwa(f): 9:28am On Jun 06, 2016
Mr. Femi adesina or Mr. Lai Muhammad
Politics / Re: Nigerians Call Femi Adesina ' A Liar' As Buhari Goes To London Hospital by Sasuwa(f): 9:25am On Jun 06, 2016
Teacher To Student:
Teacher: What is a lie?
Student: A lie is Femi Adesina
Femi Adesina has no intergrity.
teacher: 1st part of the name of info. Minister of FGN
Computers / Re: Help! by Sasuwa(f): 7:06am On Jun 06, 2016

Google KB924611. Read and follow instructions.
thank u, i will do that when i get to my pc
Computers / Re: Help! by Sasuwa(f): 6:37am On Jun 06, 2016

What version of word and what's your operating system?
ms word 2007 and os windows vasta
Computers / Re: Help! by Sasuwa(f): 4:46am On Jun 06, 2016

Ms word only or total office package? Have you looked through control panel - Installed programs?
only the ms word, i try searching but couldn't find it.
Computers / Help! by Sasuwa(f): 4:16am On Jun 06, 2016
My ms word just disappeared, help pls
Career / Re: Should I Dump It And Go For My Msc Degree by Sasuwa(f): 8:50am On Jun 05, 2016
Romance / Re: I Met A Guy And He Said, He Is Lala$ticlala, by Sasuwa(f): 11:50am On Jun 04, 2016
But that is not lala..
I ve his pic..holla me if u re interested
Romance / Re: I Met A Guy And He Said, He Is Lala$ticlala, by Sasuwa(f): 11:36am On Jun 04, 2016
Are you sure

If I see lalasticlala , omoh my dancing steps go change
after saying he is lala, i say i must snap im photo paste for Nl. He burst in2 lafta, b4 im know i done save him photo.
Romance / I Met A Guy And He Said, He Is Lala$ticlala, by Sasuwa(f): 11:23am On Jun 04, 2016
I save his photo, L.alasticlala is this u?

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Romance / Re: How Should I Advice This My Elder Brother by Sasuwa(f): 7:49am On Jun 04, 2016
Lalasticlala help get more advice
Romance / Re: How Should I Advice This My Elder Brother by Sasuwa(f): 5:36am On Jun 04, 2016
Babe,you are right.Advice ya bros-I made that same mistake and am facing real difficulties because I can't turn back the hands of the clock.
I hide her from serious academic and intellectual discussions with friend and family(my family is highly cerebral)
I keep on thinking who can train my children and had a problem with her when I told her I will take my kids to my mum to train.
Take into cognisance the social status of your bros.
pls explain more
Romance / Re: How Should I Advice This My Elder Brother by Sasuwa(f): 9:03pm On Jun 03, 2016

Dearest Sasuwa,

If your brother is truly in love and not under jazz command, I'm afraid there's very little you can do to change his mind sweetie. What you should be concerned about is whether this girl is gentle, humble and of good behaviour. If she is then maybe you'll get to like her eventually given time.

BTW, is she as fine as you? wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink grin

she is pretty

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