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Family / Re: Thank You All.. by somebody(f): 9:08am On Feb 03, 2015
yOU DOnt need to explain yourself to anonymous people
However i think where you have helped him to is enough for now

Let him show responsibility first

Thanks - any help has been suspended till further notice.

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Family / Re: Thank You All.. by somebody(f): 9:07am On Feb 03, 2015

So true. @ somebody, you have been good so far however do not encourage fraud/ laziness.

The Op has not been truthful and straightforward from the onset. I took out time to read this thread from the beginning before arriving at this.

It is good to give and indeed givers never lack but at the same time, do not cast your pearls upon swines lest they trample on them.

Your money your choice though.

Lol, your quote is very funny. I wouldn't want to cast my pearls upon swines - I will have a proper think about everything. I put a caveat on the final year fees so there is no definite commitment.
Family / Re: Thank You All.. by somebody(f): 9:03am On Feb 03, 2015

Leave matter small time now we would be called haters

Aisha2, not at all. I would appreciate any insight as you seem more experienced in matters like this.
Family / Re: Thank You All.. by somebody(f): 9:00am On Feb 03, 2015
I just wanted to clarify and explain my position. When I came across this thread and got involved, i decided that I would see the OP through university which was why I kept up with a monthly allowance. When I discovered his new post lying, of course I was upset and washed my hands off him. But after sleeping on it, I remembered what my initial intentions were and incidentally had read about forgiveness a few days prior.

I don't want to encourage his laziness any further which is why the allowances have stopped and he has to demonstrate that he has manned up and is able to pay his final years fees on his own and I will refund it. I am giving him a way to redeem himself. If he doesn't, then of course my money will be put to better use.


Family / Re: Thank You All.. by somebody(f): 7:21pm On Jan 31, 2015
To the best of my knowledge, Ikanium is a student and the monies raised will hopefully go to his 3rd year fees. I am just disappointed that he decided to lie to raise some more money and that he is back to square one 2+ years after. I think it was easy money and he relaxed which I also take part responsibility for. I thought I was helping a student make ends meet in school but I was simply enabling his laziness.

Ikanium, I have seen your email and will reply you in my own time. Truth is you don't sound remorseful. For you the end game is to raise your fees and it doesn't matter how you get it. You say your parents want you to finish school. How then can they expect you to send money to them if you are not working? What if I wasn't sending the allowance? Your parents would have found a way to survive, abi? How come you are ready to start importation business but could not be bothered to sell recharge cards to your classmates? That was the easiest way for you to make some side money to send money home. For someone who seems to have a lot of dependants, you haven't hustled at all. You have been extremely lucky that strangers have carried you this far - you have only one year at university left so you should be able to prove everyone wrong and get doing something (not importation abeg). If I see that you have genuinely tried, I will pay your final years fees but you need to put in your efforts. Being able to survive during and after NYSC is a different ball game and you don't seem prepared. I am disappointed but I have since forgiven you. It seems like you were desperate but you have to ask yourself why 2 years later nothing has changed despite the fact that help came your way. Please take some time out to read the thread about Fant who was in similar shoes and managed to turn things around for himself. You are a man and have to start taking responsibility for yourself and actions. I wish you all the best.

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Family / Re: Thank You All.. by somebody(f): 9:47pm On Jan 30, 2015
^^^ Well said, Dom.
The OP is not serious, at least, not yet. Or maybe cos he got the year 1 fees easy on NLD undecided

I know he got more than the school fees (year 1), people suggested he start or look for an alternative source of income but he's always full if excuses.

He even got a freebie laptop, and gbam, he rushed to sell it. Meanwhile, another nlder in that same Kadunar, even with his eye sight issues, got some part of his fees from here, had a biz plan, was lucky to get a laptop and is surviving doing petty stuff in school, getting guaranteed income, no matter how small.

OP here is full of excuses while folding his hands, waiting for manna

ifyalways, you are quite right. I have been in touch with the OP for a while and I remembered after coming across this thread that he had sent me a few emails at the beginning of this year which I had forgotten about really. I paid his first year fees and his second year fees so I am quite shocked to read here about selling a laptop to top up his second years fees . Infact, I had to search my emails to be sure I wasn't getting things mixed up. For the longest time, maybe a year (I would need to check my bank statements to confirm), I sent him a monthly allowance of about 10,000 Naira every month. Its very disappointing to say the least that we are back here. At the time, we mentioned him selling recharge cards and nothing to that effect has happened. I am actually waiting for Ikanium to come and clarify about his second year fees because I was probably going to send him something this year but after reading his latest update, I doubt that is going to happen.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 7:48pm On Apr 12, 2013
hottprince: I've decided to add some more cash to the one on the table, at the range of 20 makin it 120.
Pls investors should also add d amount the r willing to invest.

@elvis btw should we continue d discussion here or via email?

@mcleo its not that no one read ur post bu speaking for myself, I really think d fashion market is a highly competitive n congested market already, diving into it is not something I'll go for. I know its lucrative but its not my thing.

Hi, hottprince - are you good to go ahead with Elvis?
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 7:47pm On Apr 12, 2013

Thanks for the observation, but I believe you got it wrong. The market is not congested, not at all. There is room for every business competitor. Ever wondered why there are endless boutiques all over Nigeria? There are over 160 million Nigerians, but there are less than 2million boutiques or fashion stores all across the country. That tells you something! tHERE IS ROOM FOR EVERYONE. Clothing is as essential to man as food and shelter. The rich wear clothes, so does the poor. I may just look elsewhere. Thanks for the thoughtful words though! Thanks

Thanks Leo for your contribution but I am also skeptical about the clothing market. I have friends in that market - big names even and I know it is as it seems for them. But I wish you goodluck with your expansion plans.
Politics / Re: Nigeria's First Flying Doctor Saving Lives In Nigeria- CNN by somebody(f): 9:28pm On Apr 09, 2013

And the sum of the experience will aggregate to ten years. shocked
When was she schooling

I don't know how a simple factual thing degenerated into tribal stuff

We all know her story is not straight yet we attack anyone that points out any discrepancy

Well, its hard for me to take nwando serious now as she mentioned that her and her colleagues checked and the girl wasn't registered to practice in the UK. Now, this has been proved to be false so unfortunately for her, it will be difficult for me to believe anything else she has to say about this matter. I am neither Ibo or yoruba so not interested in any tribal war they seem to have going on.
Politics / Re: Nigeria's First Flying Doctor Saving Lives In Nigeria- CNN by somebody(f): 9:16pm On Apr 09, 2013

Does it make sense to add to ten years

Is nursing now medical experience

Huh? Who mentioned nursing? In the UK, experience gained while studying counts towards relevant experience. That is why it is highly recommended for students to gain "relevant experience" during their summer hols. And the medical students I know did some sort of internship in the hospitals they were posted to.
Politics / Re: Nigeria's First Flying Doctor Saving Lives In Nigeria- CNN by somebody(f): 9:11pm On Apr 09, 2013
I am actually ashamed for nwando - you claimed she wasn't registered to practice in the UK. Just maybe, it was an error on you or your colleague's part that checked the GMC register - should we now start calling you a fraud? My point - mistakes do happen and yes her experience during med school counts for experience. I have many doctor relatives and during med school (even the ones in Africa), go for placements in US and Canada to work in hospitals. What do you call that - all na medical experience. Kudos to the young doctor for her brilliance.

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Family / Re: The Impact Of Not Announcing One's Home Coming From A Trip. by somebody(f): 5:20pm On Apr 09, 2013

TRUST? Only GOD is to be trusted and moreover that was d time1st and only time i came unannounced .

shocked - you don't trust anybody but GOD? Interesting, I learn something new everyday.
Family / Re: The Impact Of Not Announcing One's Home Coming From A Trip. by somebody(f): 12:41pm On Apr 09, 2013

I leave you to your opinion which mine stands also.. wink
Well, you asked - didn't you? If I were you wife, I would feel you don't trust me.
Family / Re: The Impact Of Not Announcing One's Home Coming From A Trip. by somebody(f): 12:09pm On Apr 09, 2013

Sure it's not a big deal bush it just have to be the policy you created for yourself overtime. Also,i never indicated that it's all d time i don't inform my spouse,just once i did it with a reason and she took it personal.
Yes, i would take it personal and it is a big deal not informing people close to you. Its very strange to me that you wou;dn't inform her. The only time my husband hasn't informed me about his travel plans, he was trying to surprise me for my party and we weren't even married. That is the only time I will excuse it.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:59am On Apr 09, 2013

I really dont know much about getting a patent in Nigeria but nothing is impossible. As for the biz, yes it will require alot of work and probably some finance. Some of the background work is already in progress which includes the API. Creating the trading platform and integrating the API is the bulk of the work. Then testing and extensive debugging comes last. As per finance, 60% of the funding will go into adverts, massive adverts within the first 3months of lunching. We are looking at approximately N1.5 millon.

Ok have a few questions, probably best to take it offline. The start up funds are not prohibitive so definitely one to watch.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:52am On Apr 09, 2013
kay best: if you don,t have interest in animal production, what about crop production.
I it not not an understatement that agriculture is the bed rock of any economy.
technology can not will never a substitute for food.
if you this insterest you i have some ideas

I know farming is probably lucrative but I personally don't have an interest. And it probably costs a lot to develop, let us know your ideas on the thread and who knows an investor might pick it up. And please note my mind isn't closed to farming, I am just more partial to other ideas so you never know...if it is compelling enough....
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:49am On Apr 09, 2013
Graphy: can i PM u pls 4 d details?

Okay! Thanks.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:48am On Apr 09, 2013

Hit me up with with a brief of what you have done on it via nwakstar@yahoo.com and the domain name. I currently work part time with a similar company in the US so i have an idea of what to do.

Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:35am On Apr 09, 2013
Graphy: Goodday op,i ve always wanted to open a shawama spot and a mini bar around my area,if u re interested would be very grateful.

To be honest, I am more interested in existing business. But food business is always big business so perhaps I can explore further.

1. How much will it cost to set one up in the area?
2. Have you done your research into the demand for shawarma in the area.
Family / Re: The Impact Of Not Announcing One's Home Coming From A Trip. by somebody(f): 11:32am On Apr 09, 2013
Huh.....its only on nairaland that I read that people are scared of their wife, mother etc. It would be very strange to me if my husband does not tell me the day he is getting on a flight. When I travel, I tell my husband, siblings, parents and close friends...not a big deal.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:22am On Apr 09, 2013
Its very feasible. There is no realtime trading platform but there is a realtime update API which can be used for the said purpose. The trading isnt going to be buying and selling of stocks per say. Am afraid i cant say much to secure my buiness idea. And i definitely cant disclose such in the webmasters sections.....until there is work in progress...then i can even apply for a patent before i disclose anymore details. Trust me, its really huge.

Interesting, even though I work in finance - not sure how this will work. Sounds like it will require a lot for work though. Can you realistically get a patent for that? Not sure how things work in Nigeria but it will be difficult getting a patent for something like that in the UK. Is it expensive to set up?
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:19am On Apr 09, 2013
databoy247: funny thread.
Actually i have 3 ideas.

1. Setting up a portal where Nigerians trade stocks online from the NSE. Highly potential, But cant say much here.

2. Set up a job board to link Nigerian freelancers with hourly job offers around the world. I am well xperienced in this. Also, with a Virtual Administrative (VA) platform where oganizations and small biz can outsource their admin and other tasks to working freelancers or VAs.....cost effective for them through outsoucing....am also very good at this....more details will provided on request. Good idea cos, very coy wanna cut cost.

3. Sell recharge cards online with a new kind of UI........there arent more than 10 websites (reliable) that actually does that in Nigeria. The market is still fresh here.

I can be reached via email on nwakstar@yahoo.com cos i dont reply PMs.

Pls my idea will be useless to idea thieves cos i surely left out the juicy parts.

Thanks databoy for your input. I think the idea that jumps out at me is no 2 because I started working on it but decided I had no time to dedicate to it. Its one of those ideas I've wondered why noone else has done because of the high rate of unemployment. I have a domain reserved too for this - happy to transfer it and the small work I did to whoever can dedicate time to making it a success.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:10am On Apr 09, 2013
sholatech: I am following this thread, and can join poster in both the analytic and willing to co-invest

Hello and thanks for the interest. Can you please also have a look at the xmx me application developed by elvis. Thanks.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:09am On Apr 09, 2013
hottprince: Nice idea OP
Seems to me that u r d only investor on ds thread so let me join u. Let's say right now I have 100k.

sholatech has also indicated interest in co-investing. And of course now brand_new. So far, I have exchanged emails with elvis on his xmx me application. It will be good if others can analyse the application too as I am not too technical. Thanks for the interest smiley
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:22pm On Apr 07, 2013
Thanks for the responses guys. However, will like to see more interest from potential investors - it doesn't have to be a huge commitment, I certainly don't have millions to give out. Please, also don't send me a PM if you haven't indicated on this thread that you are sending one as I won't respond. Finally, it'll be great to have a summary of the ideas on here and more private details can be sent via PM. At least, others will get to see the ideas and who knows become the investors. Thanks.
Business / Re: GTB Freezes My Account For False Loan by somebody(f): 4:49pm On Apr 05, 2013
darqly: Two things stand out for me in this saga. We don't speak to the right people when we have issues that can be thrashed out easily. As an ex banker I'm amazed and appalled that you didn't know the proper channels to follow to achieve speedy resolution. You may have gotten a response for now owing to the negative publicity you have generated here, but I assure you it's a phyrric victory. Nonetheless, learn whatever lessons you can to protect yourself and your finances. I also expect gtbank to close your account in the interest of all parties concerned.
Secondly, and more noteworthy is the amount and intensity of vitriol thrown at bankers at any single opportunity. As soon as the original poster said his piece,the rest of the world suddenly realised they had been shortchanged at one time or the other by Gtbank or bankers in general. Worst still is the attitude to generalise every one in the industry a Thief, an allegation 99% of respondents are unable or unwilling to back with facts. Even touts on this forum have the effrontery to call a banker names because they received a debit alert they cannot understand...laughable really. For the likes of acidtalk, those who trample on the sensibilities of anyone on the other side of the counter or desk because you are a 'customer', perish the notion that you are King or that you pay staff salary. In reality, only 20% of customers bring 80% of profit to any business. That 20% doesn't need to remind us they are kings....We know they Are!

I know some good bankers but truth is in Nigeria a lot of the bankers are VERY FRUSTRATED and take it out on the customers. The last time I entered a GTBank branch, I almost left the place in tears. I live in the UK and have a few accounts here and one in the US....never ever have I been spoken to like that before. And this was something that wasn't even my fault...like really? I won't go as far as calling GTBank thieves because they have never stolen from me but it is very unprofessional of a banker to call a customer names like onigbese...like wtf? Where does that happen if not in Nigeria. There has clearly been a mix up with this guy's account but no one has been thorough enough to get to the bottom of it instead they have resorted to name calling. That is my problem with GTBank, they don't seem to appreciate their customers.
Business / Re: GTB Freezes My Account For False Loan by somebody(f): 11:13am On Apr 05, 2013
lomaxx: Rubbish GTB. Same bank whose staff take delight in defrauding unsuspecting customers.
When I and my colleagues had Agbami scholarship, our joys knew no bounds when we realised that GTB was Agbami's bank of choice for the issuance of ATM CARDS preloaded with the scholarship award money. GTB used to have a good name. It didnt take long for us to realise that GTB and its staff are fraudsters.
The bank was supposed to issue the awardees an ATM card which the scholarship money is loaded already. Some of us awardees were issued empty cards. No money. Agbami had released the funds for all awardees. Some GTB staff collaborated to steal the money.
And did I also mention that those of us that were lucky to have finally been paid had to suffer more losses. GTB makes withdrawals on my scholarship funds without reason - bunch of thieves!!! I was paid by Agbami again on december 2012- 200k. I went to confirm with my ATM card. The money was there smiling at me from the machine. I returned the following week to withdraw 100k o buy books i needed for school, insufficient balance smiled at me. GTB robbed me of 120k. I approached their branch in Uyo to make my complaints. Dont they all have very rude customer care representatives? The rubbish woman gave her dose of GTB's normal laissez-faire attitude to customers.
This bank has been defrauding both customers and students of their hard earned money. I will advise anyone - for the safety of your money- avoid this bank.

These are serious accusations - how can 120,000 naira disappear from your account like that. Contact their complaints team and the relevant CBN contact. I know GTB is very inefficient but this is a new low.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 10:58am On Apr 05, 2013
Brand_new: @Somebody, will PM you as regards a project similar to this one. We could discuss it here if you like but will like to give you a synopsis privately.

Thanks - PM is fine.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 10:44am On Apr 05, 2013
elvis10ten: https://www.nairaland.com/1230881/investors-needed-nigeria-internet-start-up

@Elvis, I am most impressed with your age and desire to succeed. I am not very technical but managed to get the gist of your application. Correct me if I am wrong please but my understanding is that you have developed a software that will allow people send text messages from their phones for about N2? My questions:

1. Can this be implemented in other countries?
2. The users you have now - how did you get them?

I am seriously interested in investing in your idea - this was the kind of stuff I had in mind when I started the thread and you are completely right from your thread, you can get investment at such an early stage. It is a huge risk for the investor funding it but it is high risk high reward if it goes well. The bigger investors come in later to invest millions because the business has fully developed and the business model proven. Hopefully it will get to that stage smiley.

You requested for 250,000 and some of the money will be to hire an android developer. If I go ahead and invest, my proposal is to give you130,000, we will find an android developer together and negotiate with him and I will pay the developer directly - this option is because I am thinking of using offshore based developers based in India or Phillipines. However, if you know someone you would prefer to use then I am also open to that. The rest 100,000 you listed for other expenses will be disbursed to you as at when needed. Also, can you clarify what kind of advertising you hope to achieve for 20,000.

Finally, what percentage of equity are you will willing to give for this investment?
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 10:26am On Apr 05, 2013

check out the "Easiest way to get rich....." thread for your first entry. I doubt you can beat that.

There are literally too many opportunities in Nigeria. I'd rather keep some of them to myself at this time, as I have some of my workers progressing the launch soon.

Here's one for you to chew - A comprehensive car breakdown service, like RAC or AA. Here's another. The digitisation of the company registration process in Nigeria, similar to what the passport office has managed to do. Its taken nearly 3 weeks to get my company name registered. Here in the UK, it takes 3 hours. To my horror, it costs c. £600 in nigeria, and in the UK its £30. A very lucrative contract that would be, in the region of $100m.

@Barcholder, I think you missed the point of my thread. I am not looking for business ideas - I have several million dollar ideas myself but I don't fancy myself a business person as such. I am interested in investing in young entrepreneurs with a passion for their business. I read your 'Easiest way to get rich", your enthusiasm for the solar power business is commendable but I also know that several solar businesses have started up in Nigeria and haven't done so well but I sincerely hope you succeed with your venture. Perhaps, I will drop my comments on your thread but payment plan for Nigerias is a NO NO.
Business / Re: Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 12:01am On Apr 05, 2013
@Brand_new, I know its profitable but would just like some more innovative ideas cheesy. The participants should be able to give a teaser that will pique investors interests so vague but not too vague.
Business / Nairaland Dragon's Den - Get funding for your business by somebody(f): 11:20pm On Apr 04, 2013
How about a nairaland version of Dragon's Den? For those who don't know/watch it - Dragon's Den is a reality TV show which features entrepreneurs pitching their ideas to potential investors for an equity investment. On this thread, entrepreneurs could pitch their ideas to Dragon's who could potentially finance their business. Personally, I am happy to fund good business ideas BUT with a maximum cap which I will not disclose. Also happy to co-invest if my maximum investment is reached. My interest lies in this because I am not a business people and would rather see my money go to work as opposed to leaving it in the bank. Please note the due diligence will be carried out and legal documents will be need to be signed before any investments are made.

Personally, I am NOT interested in ideas like forex and animal farming, would like to hear more original ideas. Just give a vague overview so the idea is not copied and discussions can be taken offline after signing a non disclosure agreement which protects the entrepreneur.

So the thread is open to entrepeneurs and potential investors grin - lets hear from you.


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