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Pets / Adult Female Caucasian Shepherd Dog For Sale by sphinx92(m): 12:33am On Jul 03, 2017
A 2 year Old Caucasian Shepherd Dog is available for sale. She is not 100% purebred but she's pretty good. Has littered once.

Price: N100,000 (Non-negotiable)

location: Lagos

Interested? Kindly call or text 08166515668.

Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 10:59am On Feb 06, 2017
Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 10:05am On Feb 04, 2017
Still available

Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 8:56am On Feb 01, 2017
Happy New Month! Pups are still available.
Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 1:44pm On Jan 30, 2017
Still available.
Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 7:42am On Jan 29, 2017

Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 2:43pm On Jan 27, 2017
Six Weeks old

Pets / Re: Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 1:12pm On Jan 26, 2017
Nice. But where re the parent?
The dam

Pets / Female Caucasian Shepherd Puppies by sphinx92(m): 8:36pm On Jan 24, 2017
Caucasian Shepherd puppies are available for sale. They are currently 5 weeks plus, all females. They will be 6 weeks on Friday 27th January, 2017.

For enquiries call: 08168520187

PS: A very big S/O to Barcaboi aka Alpha Yomi, His Caucasian stud Kerry sired these pups.
Yomi cared for my dam like he would for his dogs. He has proved to be not just a breeder but also a dog Lover. I would recommend his stud anytime!

1 Like

Pets / Re: Female Boerboel Puppy by sphinx92(m): 1:03pm On Jan 14, 2017
She's still available

Pets / Female Boerboel Puppy by sphinx92(m): 11:42am On Jan 13, 2017
Purebred Female South African Boerboel puppy is available for sale. She's currently 9 weeks old and has been Vaccinated.

call: 08168520187

Location is Lagos.

Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 8:33am On Jan 01, 2017
Happy New Year Nairalanders! Some pups are still available.

Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 8:38am On Dec 28, 2016
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 7:41am On Dec 26, 2016
Hello Nairalanders, some pups are still available.

Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 11:16am On Dec 24, 2016
They are officially 6 weeks old, have been given their first shot of vaccination, and are ready for pick up and delivery.
Both sex are available
Call now to get yourself a canine companion.

call: 08168520187


Pets / Re: My Lovely Dam Whelp Her Pups Yesterday Evening,total Of Six Puppies (pics) by sphinx92(m): 12:35am On Dec 15, 2016
Thank you. As are your's too, looking chubby and all shades of adorable.
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 12:23am On Dec 15, 2016
Miremoses they really are. I'd keep all of 'em if I could hehehe! Yes, I'll probably keep two male pups.
Pets / Re: My Lovely Dam Whelp Her Pups Yesterday Evening,total Of Six Puppies (pics) by sphinx92(m): 3:52pm On Dec 14, 2016
lovely pups Sir Miremoses.
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 1:50pm On Dec 14, 2016
They are currently 5 weeks old and will be available for pick up and delivery after their first DHPP vaccination.
Haven't booked yet?
Call now to get yourself a canine companion.
Call: 08168520187
Location is Lagos

Pets / Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 8:04am On Dec 05, 2016
okikiosibodu Yes of course, it can be prevented to an extent. Raising them together from puppy hood also reduces the possibility of this happening.

Take Mo and Coco as an example. Both raised together since when Mo was a pup. They get along quite well even till Adulthood. But every now and then they are bound to challenge their selves as a result of dominance. This is totally my fault as there are preventive measures like you mentioned that I would have taken earlier on but I was somewhat ignorant. One cannot always be on the look out for things like these considering the fact that I find myself constantly being away from home especially during the most crucial times of their lives, but still it is 100% my fault.

I am not knowledgeable about the "guarding of Officers" and "chasing of suspects" as I have not had the opportunity to be involved with the Police dog handlers or their canines. But what I do know is there are "guard dogs" and there are "attack dogs". One should not be confused for the other.
Male dogs are bigger, defensive and more aggressive than their female counterparts. This is why they are the people's choice and used often.
Pets / Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 2:14am On Dec 05, 2016
Okikiosibodu Well said! I could not have said it better. I would have given you the hand clapping emoji, but sadly Nairaland does not have that.

Regarding the Gender, that really should be the least of your worries. I mean both somewhat have their little advantages and disadvantages, but still it really is not in anyway important.
One should only be concerned about Gender when you intend on keeping more than one dog. You know how inevitable fights are when you keep two female dogs as opposed to keeping two males or dogs of opposite sex.

Also, Gender comes into play if you intend on being a breeder or have puppies in the future.
People say female dogs require a lot of extra effort regarding their upkeep, but to me it's pretty much the same. If anything males require more effort because they are larger than their female counterparts, and we all know bigger equals more food.

I have also read articles of people who say Male Dogs are more loyal and obedient to their Woman human owners than to their Man owners and vice versa. I really am not in support of this train of thought as I have lived with both gender of dogs and they were both loyal and obedient to a Fault. I am not completely ruling out the possibility of this happening but I just have not witnessed it is all.

Regardless of the Gender you get, either Male or female, at the end of the day, they both bring the same amount of joy and happiness into our lives.

Ese Gan, Olorun ma se fun yin na
God bless

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Pets / Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 12:45am On Dec 04, 2016
Lmao! Vessi as in ehn! Cane Corsos are massive eaters, I know how hard it can be to keep up with feeding a large breed dog, I have been there.
I am glad I could be of help. Lhasa Apso may not be the best choice for a guard dog, but they are great companions guaranteed to keep you happy. Congratulations on owing one.
Best Regards.
Pets / Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 12:09am On Dec 04, 2016
Hello Vessi. I have never owned a Cane Corso or Lhasa Apso but they are both great dogs.

Cane Corsos are large dogs, hence are best for security purpose and companionship.
Lhasa are lap dogs, perfect for companionship, they are not guard dogs. I once met a Lhasa that was being all gangster and tried to attack me, it was the most adorable thing I ever saw. Let's be honest no matter how aggressive a Lhasa gets, no one will take them serious. They are just cute as a button.

So it all depends on your personal preference. If you want a guard dog, go for a Cane Corso. If you want a dog solely for companionship, then Lhasa Apso is perfect for you.

GSDs are perfect for first timers, but that does not necessarily mean all first time dog owners should begin with one. I started with a Native dog (Ekuke as my Igbo brothers would call it)
The whole point is just so you'd gain first hand experience, you could always make researches online about a particular breed, but still there are a whole lot you'll learn from actually living with a dog that can not be taught online or anywhere else, nothing beats first hand experience.
As the dog grows with you, so will your understanding of them and their world, just as I have learnt from Mo.
Hopefully you find my rants useful.
Pets / Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 4:54pm On Dec 03, 2016
Mine too almost three months and they are losing weight fast
sphinx92, Pls what do you feed your puppies?
My pup is not eating, Pls help

It all comes down to the breed really. I had one GSD in the past that was a bit choosy when it comes to food. He just would not eat everything you throw at him, he was very selective, but what always got his attention is dry food mixed with beef, he can not say no to that.

Mo on the other hand is a Boerboel, we all know they are massive eaters. I can not recall anytime I ever had issues with her not eating. If anything I wished her appetite was a bit less. She would finish eating her food, then eat the other dogs food.
There's no food you throw at her that she would not devour, she's a Savage!
Except one time she was Ill and also couple of days after she littered. Not like she didn't eat per say, her appetite just decreased.

It might just be a case of a picky eater, maybe your pup is bored of the same daily feeding routine. Spice her food up every now and then, switch things up a bit, try other brands of food different from the one you currently feed her, that ought to do the trick.

As long as she's still her usual vibrant self and acting normal, then there's really nothing to worry about.
Except she goes without eating anything for days and her behaviour seems different than normal, then you should be worried.

It's best you contact a Veterinarian as he's in the best position to give diagnosis and advice on what to do.
Best regards.
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 4:05pm On Dec 03, 2016
Punstar please refer to the other thread where I asked how old she is.
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 4:02pm On Dec 03, 2016
miremoses I hail thee!


Pets / Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 1:42pm On Dec 03, 2016
Hello Punstar, how Old is your pup?
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 1:41pm On Dec 03, 2016
Thank you Punstar.
They are bottle-fed with Puppy Milk Replacers and lots of baby formulas, mostly Liquids.
They have recently just started taking small amounts of solids.
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 1:25pm On Dec 02, 2016
They are three weeks old smiley

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Pets / Re: My Lovely Dam Whelp Her Pups Yesterday Evening,total Of Six Puppies (pics) by sphinx92(m): 11:12am On Nov 28, 2016
They are doing well.
Lmao! Miremoses no wahala., Na we get am
Pets / Re: My Lovely Dam Whelp Her Pups Yesterday Evening,total Of Six Puppies (pics) by sphinx92(m): 10:45am On Nov 28, 2016
Oshey! Congratulations Miremoses! My Christmas gift has finally arrived! Do not forget your people, we remain loyal sir.
Pets / Re: Purebred Boerboel Puppies (Mo's Litter) by sphinx92(m): 12:55pm On Nov 26, 2016
The Dam and Sire

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