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Career / Re: CFA Candidates In The House by t00my(f): 12:15pm On May 19, 2015
Hello. Please where can I buy the financial calculator (Texas Instruments BA II Plus) in Abuja?
Career / Re: VETIVA Capital Management by t00my(f): 9:37am On Mar 18, 2015
Hey. How did you guys apply?
I have sent my cv to their email address but they have not gotten back to me.
How long was it before you were contacted?
Family / Re: The Other Side Of The “story From The Grave” Ogochukwu Cecilia Onuchukwu Rip - T by t00my(f): 8:06pm On Mar 29, 2012
First of all Endometriosis is not fluid in the lungs! Madam PHD. It has to do with the uterus. I don't believe this side of the story. The other side was extremely well detailed and I don't believe it was made up. This side of the story is just filled with million naira this and thousand pounds that, sprinkled with a dozen 'dear wife's. Kevin is not the first man to act so beastly towards his wife and he won't be the last. I just hope Ogo is at peace and her children are okay.

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Romance / Re: Although She Is Promiscuous But I Still Love Her by t00my(f): 12:36pm On May 15, 2010
eehya, another man who will be scarred for a long time. It is always the same thing, a boy/man falls in love with a girl, they get their heart broken, swear never to love again and treat women like sh*t from then on. Just be strong, it's one of the things you have to go through in life.

[/quote]Don't wanna be a cukoo. I have moved on. She is just exactly what you described. Lesson learnt, Never fall in love with all your heart.[quote author=BlakkBoi link=topic=441260.msg6035678#msg6035678 date=1273840370]
Romance / Re: Why Premarital intimacy should be a must by t00my(f): 9:48am On Mar 09, 2010
Premarital sex depends on you as an individual and ur religious beliefs. if u r a religious person then premarital sex is an absolute no-no as commanded by God. if u r not religious then it is up to u to determine wat u want to do. i'm just tired of hearing someone say 'i'm a staunch catholic' whilst viewing premarital sex as normal.
About the sexual compatibility, someone that is sexually compatible with you today may no be tomorrow. u can never tell. the person's libido or appetite for sex may go down so premarital sex doesn't really safeguard a relationship in the long run. to each person his own,
Romance / Re: 25 Things We Men Wish Women Knew About Us! by t00my(f): 1:59pm On Feb 20, 2010
This is rili funny, i av to comment on some tho, no 7, women already carry the same burdens as men if not more so yh, we believe in gender equality, no 12, r u sure u culd handle it if women didn't fake? i honestly doubt it, gud post tho, wink
Romance / Re: Why Are Girls Permitted To Slap Guys? by t00my(f): 6:25pm On Feb 08, 2010
First of all, men r the stronger sex. u men r always going on about how women r the weaker sex so it is sooo wrong to hit someone u r so physically unmatched with. have u ever heard anyone say take it like a woman? no the phrase is take it like a man. she is nnot as strong as u so she is nt supposed to be able to cause u pain, u r supposed to be able to form as if it was nothing, and u r nt feeling it.so wen she slaps u grind ur teeth and walk away(that is if it hurt u) if she is hitting u, u shuld be strong enough to hold her down. slapping a girl bak is sooo immature, it's like being 5 yrs old and saying she slapped me first, aargh grow up,

but male abuse is also on the rise, if she is constantly hitting you, take ur leave, that's just the way it is, wink
Romance / Re: New Rules Of Air Travel For People Of Nigerian Origin In The United States by t00my(f): 4:00pm On Jan 21, 2010
this is so freakimg funny! couldn't stop laughing
Forum Games / Re: One-word Association by t00my(f): 9:20pm On Apr 11, 2008
Jokes Etc / Irish Jokes. by t00my(f): 10:20am On Apr 11, 2008
two Irish hunters came across some tracks while hunting. the first hunter said they were deer tracks while the other said they belonged to a fox. they were still arguing when the train ran them over.

An English lad , an American boy nd an Irish scallywag went to an enchanted playground. they knew it was enchanted because there was a leprechaun guarding it. the leprechaun told them they could have anything they wanted by just yelling it as they went down the slide. the English guy went first and shouted p-laystations nd he lands into a pile of playstations. the American guy shouted dvds nd sure enough there were a lot of dvds. the Irish guy went full of ideas but ad he went down he yelled weeeeeeeee!!!

an Irish guy went into a bar nd sees a guy he knows. he goes over 2 him nd exclaims ;"Terrence o'milligan, you've changed a lot. u used to be thin, now u re fat, u used to be ginger now u re bald, u used to be clean shaven but now you've got a beard. i wouldn't have recognised u" . the guy he was talking to looking confused replies that he is Michael o'toruke. o ma gosh says the other guy, u even changed ur name.

Three tailors in the same plazaside by side coincidentally bared the same name- Jacob silversten. the first tailor put up a large sign that said ' Jacob silversten-high class tailor'. the other tailor not to be outdone put a sign saying Jacob silversten- tailor of distinction' The third tailor put up a smaller sign which said Silverstein tailors-main entrance

o'malley went to visit paddy and found him in a freshly painted room on the floor sweating wiv 2 coats on."paddy why r u wearing 2 coats in this heat? asked o'malley to which paddy replied "the instructions said for best effect, put on two coats.

How did ireland's worst shepherd count his sheep?
'one sheep, two sheep, three sheep, another one nd another one and, '

A judge rings up an Irish lawyer
'how much would u charge to answer 3 questions?
'$2000, your honour' replied the Irish lawyer.
'$2000!' exclaims the judge. 'that's very expensive, isn't it?'
'To be sure it is your honour' answered the lawyer. 'And now what is your last question?'

An Irish boy band just got their first gig and the leader sent one of the saxophonists to go and listen to how they sound. 'u should really hear us,it's amazing, we sound great' said the saxophonist.
so the whole band went out to listen,

A man went to an Irish optician to complain about his failing eyesight. the Irish optician took him outside and pointed up into the sky.
'what can u see up there? he asked.
The man looked up and replied,'the sun'
The Irish optician said,'well how far do u want to see?'
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

pls stay posted 4 more jokes.
Jokes Etc / Re: The World's Smallest Girl! by t00my(f): 8:55pm On Apr 08, 2008
wow she's small,  more like a one yr old, eeyah. shocked shocked shocked

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