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Programming / Re: A Thread For Tutorial On Python Programming by TheCarpenter(m): 2:50pm On Oct 17, 2020
Worst thing is no function allowed
Just simple if statement

The man is mad, I swear
Its very simple.
Just remove the function call block and change it to either a lamda call or variable assignment
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:30am On Oct 17, 2020
even you can use Heroku if your project is big but you have to part away with some money..

Can only use heroku for small projects that I don't even care about. If my project is growing big or I think will grow big, I'd rather get a VPS for as low as 5usd than go heroku premium service.

either way, I hate heroku free tier for their slow load time and setup. Ever since I started using docker to package project, I barely think about heroku
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 11:24pm On Oct 16, 2020

its small but could grow.

How easy is switching host with an intact postgres database?
Mehn, i cant tell.

But if you own your own vps, it's very easy.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:32pm On Oct 16, 2020

Still a learner, but I have used a handful of django modules and hate having to memorize(or look up the docs) to find where AbstractBaseUser or get_object_or_404 is.

Its a pain already and DRF just add to it with its own modules
LoL. I never see that module for django wey I no know where e dey. Anyways with constant practice, it's easy than you even think
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:30pm On Oct 16, 2020

I wonder what answer you typed that annoyed the spam bot, twice.

I might just check decide to build my next project with graphene just to get my hands dirty with it.

do it allow you to post data, modify it in the views and save it? If i understand correctly, its just an advanced query pattern
NL Bot is mad.

Anyways, as for graphene part of your response, YES.
Its preety easy tho, with some crazy rules....
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:01pm On Oct 16, 2020

I've been thinking about a good hosting solution for my django server but also considering the cheapest(possibly free) as the app is free(don't even want to include ads as i detest that thing).

could you explain the EC2 free tier. I'm currently looking at the pricing and to be honest, its confusing calculating the amount after the 12 months free period.

Is it cheaper compared to digitalOcean?

I wouldn't want to be switching host mid-way.
If your project is small, go for HEROKU. Personally I haven't tried AWS but the testimonies from people who have doesn't seem positive. You may end up been debited/charged.

As for DO, their lowest charge is 5usd per month.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 9:51pm On Oct 16, 2020
FBVs in django rest, that'll be a lot of code and things to import. My problem with FBVs in DRF is the many things to import and use, it gets me confused


DRF import giving you issues? Lol...

Maybe you haven't started importing from Differnet Django modules in big projects or probably, you do use phone to code.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 9:45pm On Oct 16, 2020

Lol at the first line. Truer words have never been said. Django is so big you can use it for a year and still be an amateur.

that aside, I've read the docs of graphene but never saw a reason to ditch DRF for it. Could you explain why you prefer it? DRF needs less code to achieve the same thing and feels more native(like django) than graphene

NL bot just kicked my ass again. Sorry I won't be able to type it here again. But graphene is just easier for me understand
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 3:33pm On Oct 16, 2020

how do you go about using django and react ...i'm really intrested ..i'm a new comer to django currently learning after just finishing python
You would mostly learn either "DJANGO RESTFRAMEWORK" or "GRAPHQL" to be able to easily hook Django and react/vue/Angular (and other js Frontend library/framework) together


Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 3:28pm On Oct 16, 2020

Which is simpler between Flask and Django?
Mehn, as for me, i would say "Django"
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 11:40am On Oct 16, 2020
Nice thread I intend learning Flask though. I heard it's more flexible and suitable for machine learning web apps.
I read this too online (the machine learning advantage). Anyways as for flexibility, I think Django is much flexible (maybe cos I'm a django fan).

The only time I played with flask was when I started python anew.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:54am On Oct 16, 2020

things like this happens all the time, if not we would have more successful companies, but we just won't relent, because everything we do is for others good not just for our sake. I think we should link up
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 8:55am On Oct 16, 2020

Okk, just make sure you make it online ASAP
Thanks. If you're good at working with Django, I could feel motivated to spin it up again. At the moment, vibes lost continuing the project but when I see people like you trying to do one or two things, will be encouraged to continue irrespective of the cloud charges.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 8:53am On Oct 16, 2020
On Heroku, you can still host your app there, the only problem is the cost of hosting on Heroku, it is not cheap. You can also look at digitalOcean as well cos their price is relatively cheaper than Heroku.
I have heroku premium service for one year. But I choose not to because of the experience I faced using their free tier service.

As for the usage of DIGITALOCEAN, I used Linode instead but took it down few days back.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 8:51am On Oct 16, 2020
yes, I sent you a PM
Didn't get any meaningful message from the text o-o. Just some Nairaland jargon sha

Maybe you should write to adepeter26 at Gmail dot com
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 12:00am On Oct 16, 2020

ok, u could use something like netlify for the portfolio site since it get lesser traffic
Haven't used it before. I pray I don't face same issue I battled with using Heroku
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:56pm On Oct 15, 2020
Taofeekdboy, did you send a PM to me?
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:55pm On Oct 15, 2020

shit, optimize the app then, why run two Django apps on a machine I am planning on running celery but I feared something similar might happen
LoL I even optimised by ensuring I didn't use Python base image. Rather I used Archlinux

Anyways, reason for running two Django projects on same host is issue of DOMAIN NAME.
Cos I don't wanna buy another domain.

My portfolio runs on the subdomain.
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 10:31pm On Oct 15, 2020

wow! I wish I knew the site B4 it went offline, how many users did it has B4 it went offline
Not users (zero users to be precise). But some technology it was running on and libraries where memory and resource intensive.

Even on Linode Cloud, it required 2gb of RAM smoothly without load time issue. Though it was two Django projects running simultaneously (main domain and subdomain)
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 9:57pm On Oct 15, 2020

use free tier of AWS Ec2 that where I deployed mine africonn
Bigger than what freetier on AWS will run without been charged along the way
Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 5:39pm On Oct 15, 2020
what's the project about?
NL bot is actually messing with my ass. Anyways its a forum project. A much more robust forum.

I just took down a live host of the forum online due to financial issue of cloud hosting.. Can't be hosted on heroku because it grew big.

The link is on my signature to avoid NL bot from hitting me again. Most particularly "SLEEKFORUM"

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Programming / Re: For Django Developer by TheCarpenter(m): 4:22pm On Oct 15, 2020
Wow, interesting there is a django thread on NL.

Anyways anyone in for some exploration with Django? More of a contribution to a project I'm building. Comes with a lot of technologies

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Religion / Re: Atheism By Definition Is Problematic by TheCarpenter(m): 1:08pm On Oct 03, 2017
There is nothing like types of atheist.
You're either an atheist or not an atheist.
Abeg, dont comman stir up personal controversy

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Religion / Re: If We Resemble Apes, Does That Mean We Evolved From Apes? by TheCarpenter(m): 12:50pm On Oct 03, 2017

++ The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins

++ The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design by Richard Dawkins

++ The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution by Richard Dawkins

++ Why Evolution Is True by Jerry A. Coyne

++ Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin

++ Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond

++ Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

++ The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time by Jonathan Weiner

++ The Diversity of Life by Edward Wilson

++ The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee

++ Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors by Nicholas Wade

++ Life: A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth by Richard Fortey

++ Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Are Who We Are by Frans de Waal

There you have it friend - the crème de la crème on evolutionary biology. Make sure you pay for those books on Amazon, don't be a pirate like me. Lol

I'm gonna download them for free from 3rd party websites

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Religion / Re: If We Resemble Apes, Does That Mean We Evolved From Apes? by TheCarpenter(m): 12:41am On Oct 03, 2017

Better leave Darwin go read Dawkins or Neil Shubin's book. You'll enjoy newer books on evolution than Darwin's Victorian writing. Besides Darwin knoweth no DNA.
Suggest better books.

BTW, will still read that Darwin's own too, but suggest better ones too

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Religion / Re: If We Resemble Apes, Does That Mean We Evolved From Apes? by TheCarpenter(m): 9:28pm On Oct 02, 2017

That means that you have an alternate theory of how all the stars, the galaxies and our solar system popped up
Yes. And the perfect explanation is GOD.

Religion / Re: Help!! I Have A Spirit/Marine Wife. I Need Deliverance by TheCarpenter(m): 9:27pm On Oct 02, 2017

I'll give my own answer which may differ from our honourable Carpenter's

Yes! so long there are things we are yet to know, the possibility of something superior "drawing the map" makes sense BUT that's where it all ends and I'm pretty sure whoever this "something superior" is it has to also be drawn by "something more superior than Superior"

now while it makes sense to actually think that something did, one should take care not to go further than that, "Something could've done it" is totally different from "This is exactly what the entity that did it wants from us"

I would actually be happy not to argue with theists and even admit they could be right if they just stopped at clamining: There is a god. I could respond: you might be right. So what? End of discussion. But then they don't stop at that. They automatically assume that admitting that possibility makes a specific god a realty and a whole ideology (however vile and ridiculous) the only true one. In other words after "proving" there is a god they immediately know what he (yes, it's a male god, obviously) thinks, wants, in every single detail. Compare this to someone "proving" to you that aliens exist. Since it's a sensible assumption, you might admit that OK, it's likely. Do you then automatically agree that they are little green men with a single eye in the middle who want to rape human females (plus a gazillion other ridiculous assumptions)?

I'm still of the opinion that "creator" is a possibility but this creator is definitely NOT the abrahamic god, there's no reason to be an adherent of the Abrahamic religion IMO.

An unsubstantiated, invisible, all knowing, all powerful, supernatural creator judge, that refuses to reveal itself, leaves no evidence, and is petty enough to eternally punish those that were unconvinced ... is a pretty outrageous claim.

I'm going to need more than some old books that can best summed as "trust me" to buy into that claim. Why would you believe such a thing is a better question than why wouldn't you. Especially considering there's no shortage of old books, all with different stories, that all rely on "trust me" as their basis.

But whatever, each to their own I suppose.

You've almost said everything
Religion / Re: Help!! I Have A Spirit/Marine Wife. I Need Deliverance by TheCarpenter(m): 9:25pm On Oct 02, 2017
Hey Mr man.

I have encountered problem far more than having a spiritual wife.

Infact, I still chat my spiritual wife till date. She cooks for me in the dream, I eat her food. They are are fvcking delicious.

But do you know what, spiritual wife/husband affect you in real life when you take them to heart...


@HOPEFULLANDLORD, ever since I became an atheist EHH, my life has been so simple. Infact, I feel so relaxed.
Religion / Re: Help!! I Have A Spirit/Marine Wife. I Need Deliverance by TheCarpenter(m): 8:25pm On Oct 02, 2017
Ooooh sorry I can't access my Yahoo mail for now, kindly reach me on my gmail

No problem
Religion / Re: Cain And Abel by TheCarpenter(m): 8:19pm On Oct 02, 2017

Escape route??

From you?? Are you trying to be condescending?

Or are you referring to someone else??

I've had conversation with atheist online and offline...I don't enjoy it much because most of their points and angle of discussion are usually centred more on insults, gloating, and lame attempt to disprove God's existence from just the angle of insulting Christianity(biblical records)
It usually ends up like desperate childish show of insulting capability rather than proving the existence or non existence of God based of so many existing facts and records that have been existing BC and AD....
Okay thank you
Religion / Re: Help!! I Have A Spirit/Marine Wife. I Need Deliverance by TheCarpenter(m): 8:12pm On Oct 02, 2017
Will send you a mail shortly

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Religion / Re: What Will You Do If God Ask You To Kill Your Own Child? by TheCarpenter(m): 8:09pm On Oct 02, 2017
what are you? Atheists?

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