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Adverts / Re: Importers Of Foriegn Sweets by thecontentking(f): 5:50am On Jun 24, 2018
Awesome Products and services

I need more info on this one. Wanna see what it looks inside. Thanks
Politics / Re: Apo Six: Nigeria Police Reinstates Officer Who Killed Igbo Traders by thecontentking(f): 7:41pm On Nov 25, 2017

Like the other Igbo guys escaped because they are connected. Your big lie that he strangled the lady has no support in the evidence at the trial of Danjuma for crimes of which he is acquited.
What is good fir your Igbo BROTHERS is good for Danjuma. Infact he was acquited by the Courts and those who are guilty were punished.

I thought I was responding to a discerning being. Just realised it was a fruitless waste of time. I am done with you. Have a nice day

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Politics / Re: Apo Six: Nigeria Police Reinstates Officer Who Killed Igbo Traders by thecontentking(f): 6:58am On Nov 25, 2017

So Igbo officers are entitled to appeal and be reinstated but Danjuma is not? Hold Danjuma to the same yardstick applicable to your brothers.

Dude you are getting this wrong. We don't know the offence of the others but we know that of Danjuma. He supervised the brutal murder of six young innocent Nigerians. He escaped the hangman because he is connected. Others who participated in the act were sentenced to death. One of them even said in court that Danjuma strangled the Lady among the Apo 6 when he found out she was still alive after the shooting. That is the crux of my comments. Thank you
Politics / Re: Apo Six: Nigeria Police Reinstates Officer Who Killed Igbo Traders by thecontentking(f): 2:18pm On Nov 24, 2017
For those lacking comprehension saying Igbos recalled were more. Read the messages again. The other officers appeal are not related to the Apo 6 killings

The whole list contain names of officers recalled who had appealed their suspension and dismissal and not just the Apo 6. If I am not mistaken Danjuma is the only person recalled related to the APO 6
Nairaland / General / #breaking Dr Ibe Kachikwu Sues "The Will Nigeria" Over False Publication by thecontentking(f): 7:48pm On Sep 13, 2017
Dear Editor,

The attention of the Office of The Honorable Minister of State, Petroleum Resources  been brought to a recent report by your platform published on Tuesday 12th September, 2017 alleging extensive bribery and money-laundering activities of the Honorable Minister of State, Petroleum Resources.


We would like to categorically state that the story is inaccurate and totally without foundation. It is regrettable that your medium went public with such a baseless story without confirmation and fact checking. This is a great disservice to your readers and general public at large.

Anyone familiar with the records of Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu's record of high performance and integrity both in his professional career and his current position can confirm that he cannot be a party to this scurrilous allegations made in those reports.

We demand a retraction of the story in its entirety forthwith and would like to inform you that his lawyers have been placed on notice to institute a legal action against the online paper and publisher of the report, if it is not retracted immediately.

Uche Ozurumba Adighibe
Technical Assistant (Media) to the Hon. Minister of State, Petroleum Resources /Chairman of the Board, NNPC.

Business / Re: Which Pocket Friendly Courier Can I Use To Send A Package To France by thecontentking(f): 8:27am On Sep 05, 2017
Business / Re: How I Made My First 1million Naira In 3months Using A Machine That Pounds/grind by thecontentking(f): 3:30pm On Aug 10, 2017
How much?
Nairaland / General / Re: Too Early To Rob: How Two Bank Robberies Were Foiled By Opening Hours by thecontentking(f): 8:21am On Jul 17, 2017
kasala haff burst. ...sumbody help me translate in english cry
Nairaland / General / Too Early To Rob: How Two Bank Robberies Were Foiled By Opening Hours by thecontentking(f): 7:43am On Jul 17, 2017
A would-be Iowa bank robber was thwarted by bank's opening hours on Wednesday. Security footage from Marine Credit Union, 909 Ninth St. in West Des Moines, shows a man wearing a gray hoodie, sunglasses and a red bandanna over his face trying to enter the building around 8:15 a.m., according to police. 

The West Des Moines branch of the credit union does not open until 11 a.m. on Wednesdays. 

According to report by the Des Moines Register, spokesman for the West Des Moines Police Department, Sgt. Tony Giampolo, said, few of the banks employees were in the parking lot, when they saw the man as he yanked on the door. He fled when he realized the doors were locked.

However, about a half hour later, around 8:45 a.m., a man "described almost exactly like the first" tried to enter First National Bank, 301 Fifth St., about 15 minutes before the bank was scheduled to open. 

The man turned and fled when he saw a West Des Moines police officer inside, Giampolo said. Police were making rounds to warn banks about the earlier robbery attempt. 

Police are asking for the public's help identifying the suspect. Anyone with information can call 515-222-3321.

Fashion / Re: Hair Health: The Hair Loss/thinning Menace And Remedy by thecontentking(f): 7:23am On Jul 17, 2017

Due to the growth life cycle of hair in humans, it is not out of place to see few strands of hair when you comb. However, a marked loss of hair which may alter its aesthetics or appearance of an individual is hair loss and concerted effort should be made to remedy it before it gets worse
Fashion / Hair Health: The Hair Loss/thinning Menace And Remedy by thecontentking(f): 1:02pm On Jul 16, 2017
Oh No!

Well let's face it, As a woman, at one point or the other, you must have had that "Oh No!" awkward moment, when you see sizeable strands of hair on your comb. It is one moment that can be demoralizing, and may affect greatly the self esteem of any woman.

The Bible in Corinthians inferred that a Woman Hair is her Glory. Whether long or short, women take interest in their hair. One of the distinctive feature between a man and a woman, is the length, texture and beauty of the hair. This also has root in the physiological make up of a woman, as she has more hormones which enhance hair growth, when compared to a man. However, there are various factors which hinder hair growth and cause hair loss.

Hair loss can be severe eg in Alopecia which may be medical, localized eg baldness common with men or moderate-mild eg hair thinning which most women have experience at one point of their life. Hair loss can also be temporary. It resolves after the causative agent has been removed. It can also be permanent, that is irreversible eg scarring alopecia cause by lupus and other severe skin conditions

Causes of Hair Loss
There are different causes of hair loss which may be natural or artificial. Here are the major causes

1. Age- Generally as you grow old, most body functions decline, hair is also affected. Also hair has a life cycle of 2-6years. It also has period of resting phase and growth, hence as new ones are replaced, old ones are shed.
2. Diet- you are what you eat. Diet low in proteins increase hair loss. Diets high in Vit A also aid hair loss. Vitamin B deficiency also cause hair loss/thinning. It is imperative therefore to maintain a balance diet
3. Hormones- are substances produced in the body which regulates body functions. Excess production of androgenic hormones cause hair loss. Anabolic steroids(for body building) may also cause hair loss
4. Heredity: genes also play a role in hair loss. There are families which are prone to baldness. So if your grandma, mother or aunties suffered from hair loss, then no need to search too far for the cause of yours.
5. Disease. Ringworm, Diabetes, PCOS, anaemia, hypothyroidism have all been implicated in hair loss. Lupus which is an autoimmune disease also causes hair loss
6. Drugs: cancer treatment, bloody thinners, some antidepressants, antihypertensive and birth control pills can also cause hair loss
7.Physical and Emotional Stress: injuries, burns, infection, depression, weight loss, changes in pregnancy and childbirth may also cause hair loss
8. Cosmetic Procedures: over styling, bleaching, shampooing, conditioning etc, mechanical stress of hair equipment and procedures such has heat, may also cause hair to lose texture and fall off. It is important to use hair products moderately especially those which are of chemical origin

There are different products to treat hair loss, which include medications, hair transplant and restoration surgery for permanent hair loss, laser therapy etc. Some medication eg Rogaine are now easily bought over the counter. Products of Natural origin may be preferred because of no risk of side effects. However, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is to know the underlying cause of hair loss, before starting treatment, in order not to be left frustrated after using different unnecessary products. Reread the causes and try to figure out where your problem lies. Some hair loss condition will resolve on their own without any treatment. If you want more information, you can send a mail to thecontentking17@yahoo.com

Courtesy: SheaPlus
SheaPlus is a tested Exclusive Natural product painstakingly formulated to prevent hair loss. It also nourishes the hair to prevent dry or itchy scalp, and aid growth, firmness, texture, beauty and shine. It is highly effective against ringworm,scabies,lice, dandruff. If you desire a natural product for general hair care, then Sheaplus is your best bet. To order, partner or resell please call 08161192180

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