Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 12:47pm On May 31, 2022 |
Background checks and mental evaluations are fair and good. Explaining why your rights should be given to you and having to pay insurance is nonsense.
First of all, gun violence has been trending down in America for the past two decades. Second, I hope you know that the AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle. A right that makes no sense anymore should be explained in a clearly divided country like America. |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 12:19am On May 31, 2022 |
I don't mind background checks and mental evaluation. I mind banning of "assault-style" weapons, though. Lol, ban it And heavy scrutiny for pistols You should explain why a license should be given to you and you should be made to pay insurance on it like a car. Stats show that bans on assault rifles reduces gun violence drastically |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 2:56pm On May 30, 2022 |
ya donkey, like ah which ah country ye? Lol go and learn correct English please. 2 Likes |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 2:20pm On May 30, 2022 |
I don't know, man. There are alphabet soup security organizations that spy on Americans. The gunman posted his plans on the internet, so where were they??
There are more guns than people in America, guess what? Most people don't go on murderous rampages.
The people who do are disaffected young men. Address that and you've addressed the problem, are young men committing suicide at record rates? Why are testosterone levels among men dropping to record lows? Fix the underlying issue instead of punishing law-abiding citizens for the actions of <1%. Punishing law abiding citizens, by asking them to submit to checks and balances like other sane countries require from its citizens? 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 12:35am On May 30, 2022 |
Hyperchi: So gun Ads don't turn to, arming territories or small War Gun Ads ? Lol |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 12:04am On May 30, 2022 |
Definitely not because they banned planes Lol I’m driving you to the point, lol. Did osama buy planes ? He hijacked one, what did America do to stop future occurrences? They beefed up security and made hijacking harder What do we do to stop daily shooting? Reduce the access to guns Why don’t other countries have issues like this ? What is the underlying difference , guns are not easily accessible like America Photos below showing massacres that were all done by legally owned guns. Photos below also showing pictures of the type of guns American citizens have; some families have enough guns to start a little war, If you think this is normal, I have nothing to say. 4 Likes 2 Shares
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 6:09pm On May 29, 2022 |
It's more like America has a mix of certain factors that make such shootings possible.
Let's first examine the Columbine shootings with respect to media coverage. The media turned these disgruntled nobodies into infamous figures. This leads more and more people who might be down on their luck beginning to view such actions as a way to gain infamy and take revenge against society. Not to mention, how the internet allows people to create insular communities based on these flawed ideas.
What we need to understand is that these people enjoy the media coverage. They want us to talk about them. They want there to be debates because of their actions. Some serial killers were inspired by other infamous serial killers, likewise this happens with mass shooters.
It's a negative feedback loop and the institutions in place to solve the issue always stay their feet.
The Uvalade shooter had been planning it on social media for years, where was the FBI? The Texas police were on the scene in minutes but didn't have the balls to confront the shooter. Meanwhile a lone woman with a handgun just thwarted another attempt at a graduation party. Why as there not being another osama bin laden to take down more American buildings because media covered it well for more than 10 years |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 2:05pm On May 29, 2022 |
Like I said, mass shootings only became a widespread occurrence within the past 30 years. Thus, indicating that there's another underlying problem that's causing these shootings. Lol. Why just America Walk me through your thought process 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 12:50pm On May 29, 2022 |
Oga, can you at least give a link to where you fished out this quote? A simple Google search did not throw-up anything. It is not a quote it is obvious You claimed because you’ve had gun rights for 300 years it can’t be reviewed. Also white people definitely did claim that they’ve had slaves for years, why should they release them Common sense 2 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 3:36am On May 29, 2022 |
Ah! Go away! After we arm the teachers and they start shooting students in self defence they'd likely claim instead of student pissed me off, we can then arm the students to protect themselves from the teachers.
That's good sell more guns NRA policy for you, especially if we start with kindergarten and get them young. Here is an Ad below allow the financing of a rifle with zero dollars down That’s basically giving it away for free. 1 Like 1 Share
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 3:33am On May 29, 2022 |
you are being stupid as usual.
And the results? Spectacular. When terrorists attacked a school in Maalot in 1974, instead of declaring every school a gun-free zone, Israel passed a law mandating armed security in schools, provided weapons training to teachers, and, even today, runs frequent active shooter drills. There have been only two school shootings since then, and both have ended with teachers killing the terrorists.
They arm teachers in Israel
So let’s arm our teachers Lol Y’all don’t even agree to fund teachers with their essentials but you would happily give them guns Lol; God 2 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 3:31am On May 29, 2022 |
They've had guns for 300 years, started dealing with mass shootings about 30 years ago. Now they should throw the rights their country was basically founded on, especially after how incompetent proved themselves in this very attack. “We’ve had slaves for hundreds of years; why should we release them now because of modernity” - white people in the 1870’s 3 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 1:16am On May 26, 2022 |
Good point. Politicisation of these things is shameful, disgusting, and bad for the country. But you see the entire bandwagon of democrap jump on this to attack innocent politicians for their own evil and selfish gains. Who does not know that the democraps teamed up with China to release the deadly Covid-19 virus on the entire world population so that they can set in motion their rotten, clandestine, and evil plans in motion nationwide to get DJTrump out of office?
Their stock in trade has always been to "fight dirty" when they know they're gonna lose! Evil, foul beings from Hell!! Politicisation? Lol when would you people open your head and see the world is run by politics Over 200 schools/college shootings have happened since columbine; what should be done One happened yesterday, today another shooter was arrested in front of a school today in Texas. What do you advice to be done ? We are tired of thoughts and prayers You being intentionally obtuse by claiming it is being politicised Do something 5 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 4:00am On May 20, 2022 |
why do we have sahara desert? Because we burnt fossil fuels? Elon Musk is just cashing in.
KEY POINTS Tesla beat analysts’ expectations on top and bottom lines for Q1 2022. For the period ending March 31, 2022 Tesla reported $3.22 earnings per share, and revenue of $18.76 billion. It also recorded record automotive margins of 32.9%
Elon Musk owns 193.3 million Tesla shares, representing 20.7% of total shares outstanding
That is a cool 600m for him in one quarter. As CEO of Tesla he can afford a salary of 100K with all expenses paid by Tesla. Then live like a jet set king So yeah climate change doesn't exist? Lol. 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 6:18pm On May 19, 2022 |
What is wrong with you? Shareholders can sue Twitter if they refuse to sell their shares at a premium. What pains you is that he has realized democrats and the left don't mean well for his business opportunities As for climate his biggest investment is in EVs. He has to support climate change because thats where the largest piece of his pie is baked. Lol, we are all watching it unfold. Exactly my point that mean he doesn't care about climate change he only cares if he is making money Because if does care he won't support climate deniers. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 3:30pm On May 19, 2022 |
basilico: Elon Musk causing waves. . He is questioning the percentage of fake accounts and bots that Twitter filed. They claim it's 5% , he wants proof . If he does not get he has the option of reducing his offer amount to Twitter. If Twitter is misreporting the number of fake accounts, it also means they have been over charging advertisers, who can then sue Twitter.
Yesterday Elon Musk said he will be voting for Republicans henceforth. First big defection from the democrat camp. Lol, if I see billionaires defecting from a party to another, that means the party is doing something right Elon musk is a douche. Claims to hate climate change so much that he supports climate deniers. Lol, the joke is impossible to make up. Half the people he is supporting won't even touch his cars with a ten foot pole I don't see any reason for him explaining himself, vote republican that's his concern. If he reduces his offer for twitter, they can as well not sell, lol it's not like they are bankrupt? Or are they? 1 Like 1 Share |
Travel / Re: Naija to Yankee Thoughts And Experiences by Timiofak(m): 12:33pm On May 19, 2022 |
Did you get any internship? Intel hires lots of Chemical (process) and Electrical engineers.
In Nigeria we focus on Power. Look into Electronics e.g.: Controls, Networking, Systems Design/VLSI, Circuit Design... you might end up as a SWE later on... Make $500,000/annum and they give you chieftancy title in your village  Let me look up intel, thanks for this information 1 Like |
Travel / Re: Naija to Yankee Thoughts And Experiences by Timiofak(m): 4:13am On May 19, 2022 |
I actually just logged in today to say, choice of courses in Engineering should be in this order: 1. Computer Science 2. Electrical engineering 3. Number 1 or 2 4. Industrial Engineering, due to its versatility .... 8. Mechanical engineering and all its variants, e too hard 
Focus should be anything software related. Opportunities abound and pay is better. Tech is the new Oil n Gas. Exactly, been taking classes on C++, javascript The summer I am focusing on Node.js Money must be made oooo 5 Likes 1 Share |
Travel / Re: Naija to Yankee Thoughts And Experiences by Timiofak(m): 2:52pm On May 18, 2022 |
Congratulations! What course are you studying? Electrical Engineering concentrating on computer engineering 3 Likes |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 9:37pm On May 17, 2022 |
no one is pretending to be the best. Biden taxing Billionaires is not doing good for you as a worker, it is actually doing bad because your pay may reduce and your work might be in trouble.
non of these billionaires are forcing you to work for them, they are not also ripping off their workers. Lol this is the same rubbish excuses billionaires like Jp Morgan and Rockefeller used 130 years ago We are not forcing them too work, while setting up insane standards and lobbying committees that would make people work for them let them pay taxes instead of shipping and hiding it of in offshore’s 1 Like 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 7:37pm On May 17, 2022 |
if you are working, I am sure your boss is making cash off of you and you are making cash off of him as well. you guys seem to hate billionaires, seems like envy, at least in your case.
these guys employ thousands of people across the globe, Parents are able to send their kids to school because of them, feed their kids because of them... yet you want to make it look like they have slaves working for them and they keep all the profits.
Biden want's to steal their cash, they are already paying what the system require them to pay as taxes.... he wants more. Lying that stealing their money will make inflation go away is what his disinformation board should address... after all, we still have russia, that inflation is not going anywhere till Ukraine destroys Russia. Oh I don't envy billionaires Not at all, why would I? Lol I hate billionaires that go the extra length to avoid doing good by their workers Then lunatics on the internet pretend like they are the best people on earth. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Travel / Re: Naija to Yankee Thoughts And Experiences by Timiofak(m): 7:17pm On May 17, 2022 |
Timiofak: Bros macky, I just finished my first semester over here. Most of your insights are very great and I used them. the basic thing is if you go to class and you do assignments you can have an A before finals. Anyways I had a 4.0 this semester and even won a grant as an exceptional student. I hope next semester is the same . Thank You. Finished another semester oooo 4.0 again. We thank God unto the next. 24 Likes |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 7:16pm On May 17, 2022 |
benalvino3: The Billionaires are dragging Biden.
Yes, the Republicans just helped the dems seem more viable this November by voting against the Build Back Better crap. Inflation would have been out of this world after they print 3.5 trillion to waste.
If I see a bunch of grifters that became billionaires off shortchanging their workers are being angry at the government That means the government is doing perfectly fine In the late 1800’s Robber Barons, we're angry at the progressive government Modern-day robber barons Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, e.t.c. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 8:01pm On Apr 29, 2022 |
Democrats will vote pedophiles into office. My comment didn't imply I liked Stacy also. Off the top of my head, I can compile lists of republican pedophiles that were caught and ended up in prison Now I ask you to do that for democrats Lol, they couldn't find anything to attack her They started digging up previous cases If she was that soft on such crimes as y'all claim, why did republicans initially confirm her on numerous other occasions? You initially claimed she isn't qualified Now it's about her judgeship record Mr man stop grasping at straws Prove she isn't qualified Show me one thing required she doesn't have. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 4:28pm On Apr 29, 2022 |
No, not what I am saying. I made that point that if you are homosexual and you are qualified, fine... But Biden shouldn't be echoing he wants homosexual here and he wants black there... His vice is not qualified. Stacy Abrams could have been better.
A woman who excuses predators and child abuse offenders is not qualified. You can't see this Timi? I mean, kavanaugh was not qualified because he drank beer.
Na you Sabi. Lie to yourself.
Trump was voted into office. She was not. And we have seen why she is not liked. Anytime she stands in front of the press, she says something stupid. And the same senate voted her to other judgeship positions? Lol. You don't see this is foolish and just grasping for straws? So now you like Stacy lol 3 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 2:32pm On Apr 29, 2022 |
Are you gonna just be there and lie to yourself?
Also, Biden is not the one running things. And if you really open your eyes, you will see leftist agender everywhere. From picking his vice president to picking gay up and down in positions. If they are qualified no problem, but Kamala is not qualified, Jackson is not qualified. Making noise about how you gonna pick someone based on their minority spectrum instead of just picking them shows an agenda. Lol, this is myopic. Really really So now because you are homosexual, you can't get into office? Face the point of the argument. Apart from student loan cancelations (which Biden isn't really going for). Tell me one main democratic talking point that wasn't talked about 14 years ago. Show me a better-qualified person than kentaji. Show me one, and also state the qualifications for Supreme Court justice that she doesn't have You better remove that tin foil on your head and think You say Trump is qualified for president, but Kamala isn't qualified to be Vice. Tell me the Required qualifications of the Vice President lets compare them with the previous 48 And show me how she isn't The only underlining factor is your misogyny is getting the better part of you If you are sure kentaji or Kamala doesn't qualify show me how they don't qualify based on their abilities Not based on their gender. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 4:32am On Apr 29, 2022 |
All this shows is the deliberate strategy by Trump and Bannon of hanging every leftist crackpot idea or incident on the Democrats has gotten through to Americans.
It's a shame the so called right hasn't moved right in the picture.
The GOP of today is the Tea party of 2012, so tell me how the left is the only one moving.
This is the feeling of someone who was always right wing
And what's stupid about it is the options to vote for in the Dems are not the far left, but the same centrists as 2012, while the options to vote for in the GOP are full blown Tea Party that would make Sarah Palin look mild. So tell me who has moved more? You couldn't find a Trump in GOP ballot in 2012. You find a Biden in 2012 and also 2020. You guys are triggered by culture wars instigated by your own party, the fringe elements of the left are amplified by your own party, not by Pelosi and co. The choice for Dems are same as they were in 2008 and 2012, so tell me who changed. Too much watching of culture war narratives brainwash you guys into believing the Dems have gone extreme left. Conservative playbook right now is pick any anarchist action and blame it on the Dems.
Elon is either salty because a tranny (Chelsea Manning) is fücking his ex-wife and raising his kids, or he's making an aggressive business move to drive Truth Social out of the market which is one of the business threats to Twitter They claim dems have moved far off from Obama, lol and Biden is even more right-winged than Obama If we compare Trump with McCain, we would see which party has moved the most This people see truth for ground them dey hide Musk keeps deceiving himself, I can't wait for republicans to turn on him When this is “Free speech” agenda doesn't fly and he is forced to moderate. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 4:26am On Apr 29, 2022 |
armyofone: Obama - "I voted for Obama" We knew that the reason why most "gladly" voted for him was because of the bubble/recession etc that was happening at that time.
Everyone ran to the temp savior of the time
Dayo, please nao - spare us this ya i voted for Obama, rallied for him stories. Menene - 
14 years ago musk was 36 We all know you are more likely to be liberal when you are younger. I am currently enjoying the movie he is acting on twitter We would all be here 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 2:28am On Apr 24, 2022 |
I showed you a post from New York post saying that Fetterman was scheduled to be absent, Is NYpost from whatsapp ?
If you have nothing sensible to add, You can as well take your leave No one forced you to contribute You claimed they were avoiding him And I proved he eventually went, which proved your point/narrative was null Stop trying to walk back on what you said. 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 2:22am On Apr 23, 2022 |
Dave Fetterman had to change schedule last minute to avoid embarrasing Biden in his home state
Lol, just stop this. Did he text you on WhatsApp to tell you the reason Or you made up a reason to fit you narrative, after you claimed he didn't go? You are too old too be embarrassing yourself like this in public, Calm down observe then make judgment. Goodnight 2 Likes |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 10:05pm On Apr 22, 2022 |
Present logical arguments and not all these
Biden that some at risk Democrats are avoiding at their campaign. Maybe those Democrats on ground that are trying to avoid Biden dont know why they are maybe they also think its Chelsea vs Arsenal
The fact that you think there is an internal battle to remove biden by Abrahams and Fetterman Is amazing Yet you lie and try to paint uneven narratives, stop it 1 Like
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Timiofak(m): 10:02pm On Apr 22, 2022 |
President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change across all levels of government and put the U.S. on track to curb planet-warming carbon emissions.
Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
In addition to the pause on leasing, Biden will direct the federal government to conserve 30% of federal lands and water by 2030 and find ways to double offshore wind production by that time.
So what is the truth?
Been busy all day, just got to search and reply this 2 Likes