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Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 6:17am On May 20, 2020

Poorest region in the Southern Nigeria shouldn't be talking where the prosperous region dey..

SW leading , others follow
Lmaooooooo ok ooo grin grin
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 6:15am On May 20, 2020

You should have avoided this. We are both in it for same purpose. This vague savagery isn't needed.
Brother it's all fun jare angry
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 5:31am On May 20, 2020

You own property built on swamp. You dont own land. We don tell you tire.
Why don't you go interview those swamp residents and find out which tribe they really belong to? 80% of residents that reside in those swamps are your people and then the Ijaws. The closest thing to a slum you will find Igbos in fair numbers is Agegunle. All the high brow areas like Ajah, Lekki, Ikoyi etc na Igbos plenty pass.
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 5:29am On May 20, 2020

People only migratint to where there are better opportunities right?

Have you people ever asked una self sincere question while nobody is interested in coming to your region?
Better opportunity is relative egbon, Lagos is the only opportunity here... because it's every Nigerians birthright. WE ALL INVESTED in whatever capacity to its cosmopolitan outlook. All the sea ports and Federal investments are situated in Lagos, all the consulates and embassies are there, there's no single sea port anywhere in the East or at least a functioning one in the South South. So when you talk of opportunities, take those few factors into context, the only privilege you enjoy is the Lagos factor, take Lagos away and the rest of the South wastee is a glorified village only attractive on fake IGR paper statistics. Igbos don't troop en masse to other parts of the SW, the highest concentration of Igbo immigration in the SW is Lagos and for obvious reasons.

Stop over hyping yourselves, you don't feed or cloth the Igbos, chances are its the other way round. Has any Igbo man come to beg you for anything to survive in Lagos? I doubt it, until we start begging our accommodators for our necessities, then maybe your noise can be taken seriously.
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 5:22am On May 20, 2020

You are the one obviously pained, no one seeing ur rants now would take you serious more than a troll.
Trust me I'm here having fun grin
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 5:21am On May 20, 2020

One thing about saying the truth, you won't have to struggle to remember your own words.

Okonkwo biggest achievement in life is to buy just a plot of land in any of the SW states..

cheesy grin

Okonkwo is a successful man, he has his own business and all his kids go to decent to top schools as well, he's your everyday middle class working man with a chain of businesses both in Lagos and back in the East as well. Call Okonkwo a slave, but he doesn't care, your alaye brothers still have to perform their obligatory duties of doing "dobale" to Okonkwo every morning at his shop just to get something to feed.
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 4:53am On May 20, 2020
So many mineral resources to sustain an independent yellowbat state.
So many skulls for Monsurudeen and Musliu them to mine and increase GDP grin
They are beginning to sound like the Ipobs they accuse of been too emotional, na so so long talk no substance, they are pure entertainment at this point angry grin
Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 4:52am On May 20, 2020
How many of your leaders have identified or come out publicly to support Biafra?
I don't have leaders, every Nigerian "leader" is a self-serving thief.


Politics / Re: Igbo Group Reject Almajiri Invasion In Se by Tobrasky: 4:48am On May 20, 2020
But the SE is landlocked and they have nothing tangible in the region, so why can't we convert our SW territory that is blessed with enough resources as a dumping ground for the Almajiri? cheesy after all the SW is no man's land? so as Yeebos are rightfully claiming lands and properties in the South wastee, why can't we also accept our Almajiri blodas? One Nigeria! cheesy grin grin angry angry


Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 4:38am On May 20, 2020
Instead of the Yoruba leaders to keep on with its original plan for it's race and people.... they are busy axxlicking the northerners.....

To me, this is a lost journey!!!!
Because they're eternal slaves to the North.

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Politics / Re: Wanted: Yoruba National Development Plan by Tobrasky: 4:38am On May 20, 2020
We've been hearing about this grand plan since 1903, how far na?
Politics / Re: One Person (allegedly Ipob) Threatening Me On Facebook by Tobrasky: 4:36am On May 20, 2020
You don't deserve my response but I will dignify you one. All you know is insults, empty threats when all chips are down. You insult the whole country but when they return same insults to you, you begin to spark like electricity. I knew what I said touched the guy hence the threats. Excerpts..
Igbo guy: You're an ewedu gobbling slave.

Me: The only tribe in Nigeria that husband and wife share shaving sticks are the igbos.
That's what vexed that guy. You can't insult me and expect me to pat you on the back. I love my tribe and I can't allow anyone denigrate us. Below is the data balance on just my Airtel Sim, so come up with another line. I purposely hid the image for security reasons because it's that of my wife the idiot was threatening with[/s].
All these emotional rants over wetin sef?, na only broke ass nyggas dey get easily worked up over nothing...abi you be woman? You effeminate beta males take yourselves way too seriously on a faceless forum for that matter grin grin grin angry


Politics / Re: One Person (allegedly Ipob) Threatening Me On Facebook by Tobrasky: 4:33am On May 20, 2020
Mtchewww so make we chew grass? Why not be man enough and go confront him if dem born you well, are you telling us so we babysit you abi wetin? awon attention seekers oshi grin


Politics / Re: Thread Closed. Thanks for your submissions by Tobrasky: 1:55am On May 20, 2020

How can you forget to include Austin Avuru of Seplat oil. That's an Mkpari. Biko edit this list and include him sharp sharp.
Odogwu no vex abeg I dey craze? I was going to unleash my next list and include Austin Avuru if that Urhobo boy dared me on the challenge cheesy cheesy cheesy


Politics / Re: Thread Closed. Thanks for your submissions by Tobrasky: 10:03pm On May 19, 2020

You and Tobrasky think I am a Yoruba hater, you guys are not serious.

Wait oo, you are saying Itsekiris never wanted to leave the Western region, did those who voted LEAVE not win in Warri divisions?
I used to have that poll result somewhere and I think pro Midwest voters won in Warri division.

Itsekiris killed Ijaws too in that Warri crisis.
Ijaws fight with almost everyone over land. Ikwerres, Ogonis, Binis and even Ilajes. Are Ilajes not in the SW?

You don't appear very smart to me. (Sorry).
Wetin I do bros? You got the wrong person bro

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