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Travel / Re: UK Startup And Innovator Visa - My Journey On How I Got An Endoresement by Tohan505: 10:03am On Sep 06, 2022
There are over 25 countries across Europe giving out startup visas (entrepreneurial visas), with some offering instant citizenship.

We'll be discussing these countries and their requirements in this Wednesday's edition of "eMigr8 Open Day" WEBINAR Come learn which country can favor your business idea.

Register for the webinar here: https:///3HlilBQ

Travel / Re: Start-up Visa by Tohan505: 4:37pm On Sep 05, 2022
There are over 25 countries across Europe giving out startup visas (entrepreneurial visas), with some offering instant citizenship.

We'll be discussing these countries and their requirements in this Wednesday's edition of "eMigr8 Open Day" FREE WEBINAR

Come learn which country can favor your business idea. (Wednesday,8pm)

Register for the webinar here: https:///3HlilBQ

Travel / Re: How Do I Relocate Abroad. HELP!!! by Tohan505: 4:25pm On Sep 05, 2022
You can relocate as a startup founder!!!

Definitely better benefits than the school route

All you need is a desire to own your own business and we'll help you get to your choice country in 3 months (a startup visa).

There are over 25 countries across Europe giving out startup visas (entrepreneurial visas), with some offering instant citizenship.

It's even more bizarre when you realize that there is no guarantee that the startup/business will be successful, yet they offer you a visa/citizenship as soon as they like your business idea.

We'll be discussing these countries and their requirements in this Wednesday's edition of "eMigr8 Open Day" FREE WEBINAR Come learn which country can favor your business idea.

To get an idea of what impact you'll be making as a founder in these countries, check here: https:///3Bc5bpq

Register for the webinar here: https:///3HlilBQ

Travel / Re: Where Can #3.5m Take Me To For Masters Abroad by Tohan505: 4:13pm On Sep 05, 2022
You can do so much more as a startup founder than as a student abroad�

First of all, some countries give citizenship alongside startup visas(eg canada)

Some don’t need you to have capital(e.g UK)

And the startup visa is cheaper(country dependent)

There are over 25 countries across Europe giving out startup visas (entrepreneurial visas), with some offering instant citizenship.

It's even more bizarre when you realize that there is no guarantee that the startup/business will be successful, yet they offer you a visa/citizenship as soon as they like your business idea.

We'll be discussing these countries and their requirements in this Wednesday's edition of "eMigr8 Open Day" WEBINAR Come learn which country can favor your business idea.
To get an idea of what impact you'll be making as a founder in these countries, check here:


Register for the webinar here


Travel / Re: Start-up Visa by Tohan505: 1:12pm On Jul 19, 2022
You actually have a lot of options..from UK to US.

Anyways you can attend this webinar tmao:8pm on zoom.

You can ask questions from the guest sad to how he got his visa.

Limited slots available though so as fast as possible

Register through the link in the picture

Yes I know it’s not Canada but it’s almost the same process. You can learn a thing or two by attending and you can ask the host about canada
I need help. Am an Enterpreneur who produces natural Instants Cereals using local ingredients for children. I have won several awards and been published on newspaper. Now where I need help is how to apply for Canadian startup visa as am interested to relocate to canada. Please can some enlighten me or help? Thanks

Travel / Re: UK Startup And Innovator Visa - My Journey On How I Got An Endoresement by Tohan505: 11:52am On Jul 19, 2022
Limited slots available.Come learn all about the start up visa and how you can go about your pitch deck.

Register in the link below

Programming / Re: I Need A Tech Company To Do My Internship Even If It Free by Tohan505: 7:53am On May 10, 2022
Hello everyone...I see a lot of people looking for where to intern....you can try Bincom ICT.They are a great place to start if you want experience and exposure...I know because I work there

If you also want to learn,they have a great program called “GlobalTech” That has a very flexible system of payment.

Like I said,they don’t only help you learn skills,they give you experience and exposure...that’s how you get jobs fast(experience)

Check them out and thank me later https:///39dG6yJ

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