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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Is Studying Physics Actually A Useless Course In Nigeria? by Tydarl: 7:02pm On Jul 12, 2021

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Travel / Re: My Terrible Experience At Onitsha Motor Park by Tydarl: 12:01am On Jul 12, 2021

Calm down odenni.
What he is saying is ppl shouldn't make it and Igbo thing as there are crimes of even worse proportions in every corner of the country but you see ppl posting on this thread "Igbos are terrible, Igbos need to change their ways " bla bla as if the rest of the country is Eldorado.
Where I work in d north Central,we're always packing corpses of Okada ppl every morning cos okada thieves will prefer to stab the rider from the back and steal his bike rather than disposses him of it through force or threat.
An Igbo armed robber will rather block the road with logs and rob d passengers while in that place they open fire on the driver and passengers then rob the corpses after the car crashes.
I know you won't still understand.

Excuse you!
Travel / Re: My Terrible Experience At Onitsha Motor Park by Tydarl: 9:54pm On Jul 10, 2021
You haven't been to Onitsha but you are here heartlessly talking about the city.

I have a yoruba friend that lost their family members to motorpark touts that were chasing the bus they boarded in oshodi.

I have another yoruba from from Osun that equally lost family members in Lagos traffic robberies.

Lagos is a hellfire on earth, that's why it is rated the most dangerous place to live on earth.

You are a wicked heartless soul that has continued to play down the hell going on in your hellfire called Lagos.

You need help. Get help.

@mentallyawareng can help you.

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Travel / Re: My Terrible Experience At Onitsha Motor Park by Tydarl: 9:49pm On Jul 10, 2021
You are the one that's heartless and wicked. You came here to talk nonsense about Onitsha, whereas the same thing you accused Onitsha for, is worse in Lagos, PH, etc. Wicked heartless soul, you think we don't know what you guys are up to. Nonsense

I have actually not typed a single word about Onitsha as I have never been to the hell-hole. My best friend is from Ekwusigo and almost lost her life to the touts in Onitsha.

I can imagine that rage and bigotry won't let you think straight. You are so angry at this thread that you have typed Lagos a hundred times.
Let people learn from Ops experience and stop being a wicked person.


Travel / Re: My Terrible Experience At Onitsha Motor Park by Tydarl: 9:38pm On Jul 10, 2021

You are the one that's heartless and brainless. It is not a out defense but about saying the fact. The fact that there are pockets of motorpark touts in Onitsha doesn't mean it is not worse in places like Lagos and PH. Even traffic robbery is very common in Lagos, but not in Onitsha. Every major cities experience this type of thing because people from all works of life troop to such locations. Stop being heartless and reason with your head

People like you actually make me realize that there is no hope for Nigeria. You are actually a very wicked person, for trying to downplay the inportance of this thread, turn it into a tribal war and make mockery of the Ops warning to people.

You are wicked and I hope you find peace, if you deserve peace.

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Travel / Re: My Terrible Experience At Onitsha Motor Park by Tydarl: 9:36pm On Jul 10, 2021
Everyone reading OPs story should know that this is very true in any event you have doubts. In the last 5yrs I've been on the road from Lagos to all Eastern states, I know how these touts operate and in my opinion from Asaba(Close to head-Bridge or from Toll-gate) to all Eastern states is infested with Hoodlums and organized criminals, it is common knowledge that they work hand in hand with security agents, this thread has brought back memories of Onitsha and Aba, there's no difference between the two. I have numerous stories to tell. My aunty was kidnapped at Lagos Park with her driver, luckily, Kogi guys are brave(Saved the day by not handing over the car keys to them), she paid 200,000 plus, why? Because they used her kids as the bait, they told her they will shoot her kids and nothing will happen, all these was happening around 6pm, they held them hostage till 9pm. Furthermore, once our operational vehicle broke down close to Lagos Park just under the bridge, we paid a whopping N20,000 to the police officers nearby and slept in the police Van. To add more, I nearly lost my right eye to the touts because I fought them back from the vehicle and they responded by hitting me in the face, I admit I was really tired to continue the fight, ended up paying 2k to them as marching ground after I stepped out of the vehicle to start from where we stopped, funny enough it was Obosi boys, they had pestle, beer bottle, long sticks and short axes, and a noticeable cut to size gun.
Furthermore, I traveled from Umuahia to Onitsha, I was headed to Asaba initially, since there was no direct bus to Asaba from Umuahia, I opted for the Onitsha bus, we set out very late and we got to onitsha after 8pm, so I begged the driver to go down because it was ITCBus and drop us close to those Marcopolo busses so that I can get a bus to Asaba directly, when I got down, I had loads and my bag was very heavy, they rushed me and attempted to take my loads, I carried my bag first and was trying to jack the loads because the driver was very impatient when one of them took one of the cartons, I laughed at first because I knew what would follow, I got to one bus loading Asaba, and put some of the loads and firmly held my bag still, at Ugwu Obosi roundabout, I've put my smartphone, watch and etc inside my bag and prepared already, so I shouted at the guy with my carton to bring it back to the Asaba bus, he motioned me to come get it, I walked majestically to where he was and then he trailed further into the dark, I followed him and a woman was signaling me to stop, I haven't moved five steps into the dark area when more than six boys surrounded me, they were pushing me around, struggling to pickpocket me and some were just standing to make it look like it was a tout to tout in house quarreling, I stood my ground and fought back real hard, I returned every blow and kicks, luckily I landed some heavy blows to the guys struggling to get my bag not without me getting my own dose too and then retreated back to the road and insulted them more, taunting them to come to where there's light and fight, all these while they had my carton in their custody still, I went back to the Asaba bus, handed my bag over to a Northerner, I made sure of this because they have syndicates and returned back to the spot hauling insults at them and told them they will meet their waterloo, I went back to the bus and stood, one of them approached me and told me, I'm very stubborn and I should give him N500 to bring the carton which they put inside an Izuchukwu Busca, I obliged, however when he got to me, I gave him N150, he was infuriated and I told him of immediately, this happened on 30th June. I have bad tales about Onitsha and Aba, but I will stop here. If you are not from Onitsha, know your limits in between tough and a little diplomacy, in as much as they are scared as you are, they have nothing to lose because they are vagabonds. Onitsha is free for all.
To all Nairalanders, please copy this thread link and send to your sisters, brothers and etc, the world needs to know that Onitsha/Aba is a den of hoodlums and everyone approaching the city should be very careful, extremely careful and alert, make sure they read it as well.

Security tips to follow if you are driving mostly Sienna or any sophisticated vehicle

1. If you get to Asaba please "wound up" the car windows, central lock and keep a straight face if you don't know your way or new.
2. If someone points at your tires like an indication of flat tires, please do not ever stop abruptly to check them. You are likely to commit a dozen offense in their dictionary. Drive safely to a big Petrol station or look for a government facility, bank, hospital or church and drive in.
3. Learn how to use Google maps, do not ask any one for directions, if you must, drive into a Petrol station(big and functioning ones) there are small and near obsolete Petrol station who work hand in hand with these hoodlums, pretend to buy petrol because they are watching your every moves, and then ask the attendant for directions.
4. When you get directions, please do not raise your hands to point or try to demonstrate, this qualifies you as a JJC and you are inches close to being obtained.
5. If you want to buy soft drinks and etc, please hold your throat you won't die, just buy from those running up to the vehicle, however, do not "wound down" completely, a little for the bottle to pass through please.

Tips to Follow if you are Trekking

1. If they stop you at Lagos park, and you have luggages, get Keke (Drop), going to Owerri? Tell him to take you to ITC Park, from Owerri things are little calm. Going to Port-Harcourt, get to JCmass or Peace Park. Calabar and Akwa-Ibom, get to Owerri first.
2. Do not board unregistered buses, get to JCmass or Peace Park if you can make it, there's one on the Onitsha-Owerri road, and one by the left, get to the park and feel safe first. Try and get to JCmass first.
3. Do not ask random people for directions, scan the environment and ask traders with big shops, walk into a beer parlor or better still, ask POS attendants, they are everywhere, however, the red flag is, if they are watching you, they will assume you have money, ask, keep a straight face and walk boldly, not too boldly, a mixture of majestic and bold.
4. Do not accept random act of kindness from these angels, they are leading you to their den to be obtained.
5. Do not take unfamiliar shortcuts at night around the axis, you might be fatally wounded if involved in any scuffle with them.
6. Do not gesticulate unnecessarily.
7. Again, if you mistakenly fall into their trap, shout, keep shouting, only advisable during the day.

Please Nigerians should stop the I don't care attitude, I've been warned severally by my family, to stop the helper thing, but how will Nigeria get better, I do not need to narrate my ordeals trying to help people in the same condition

It's like I'll do a thread for Travelers who are unfamiliar with their route, hopefully when I'm free.
Travel / Re: My Terrible Experience At Onitsha Motor Park by Tydarl: 9:30pm On Jul 10, 2021

I am right now in Onitsha and it is cool. I can confidently tell you that motorpark touting is the same everywhere in Nigeria. Lagos and Ibadan are even worse, particularly Lagos

You are one heartless and insincere person. Damn!

No conscience, just bent on defending Onitsha that has gone to the dogs! Read the room and stop being such a heartless marauder. Let people write their bitter experiences here so that others can learn and not fall victim. What is wrong with you!!


Phones / Re: Phone Engineers On Nairaland Willing To Assist You - Part II by Tydarl: 3:16pm On Jul 03, 2021
the price is 140k legit and confirm

Phones / Re: Phone Engineers On Nairaland Willing To Assist You - Part II by Tydarl: 10:02am On Jul 03, 2021
the screen is bad and follow come screen is available call or WhatsApp 08082409934

How much is the screen?
Phones / Re: Phone Engineers On Nairaland Willing To Assist You - Part II by Tydarl: 11:39pm On Jul 02, 2021

The screen is damaged and needs to be replaced. Contact me on 080.38294998 to get it replaced

How much?
Phones / Re: Phone Engineers On Nairaland Willing To Assist You - Part II by Tydarl: 11:27pm On Jul 02, 2021
Can I get help here?

My iPhone 11 pro max has gone black. I hit the side of the screen on my wardrobe last week and I saw a tiny blue ink, then the next day, I can hear sounds that it is working and charged to 96% but the screen is just dark. I watched videos on YouTube but none of the DIY helped.

I need help.
Technology Market / Re: Iphone SE 2020 97k With Free Chip by Tydarl: 8:53pm On Dec 16, 2020
Is this available?
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 8:36pm On Dec 16, 2020
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 8:00pm On Feb 11, 2020

Hello please ur number

Check my signature
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 7:59pm On Feb 11, 2020

Your fridge is not table top but a bed side fridge.

Ok. Thanks
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 6:06pm On Jan 28, 2020

Let me pick up the fridge for 10k

Ok. Buzz when you are ready
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 6:05pm On Jan 28, 2020
Uncle please is this the Table-Top Fridge?

Kindly rephrase question, I don't understand. Thanks
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 2:08pm On Jan 28, 2020

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Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 6:44pm On Oct 29, 2019
Pls who will transport it to Ikorodu? If you ask me, I’d advice you get the mattress in Ikorodu.

how much last can it be transported to ikorodu


Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 1:20pm On Oct 29, 2019
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 4:09pm On Oct 27, 2019
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 4:05pm On Oct 27, 2019
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 4:01pm On Oct 27, 2019

18k for microwave and cylinder

Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 4:00pm On Oct 27, 2019

how much ma kon add, you need to consider the distance too for the pickup. 12kg is filled for 3k

Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 3:59pm On Oct 27, 2019


how much is the fridge last and your location.
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 3:59pm On Oct 27, 2019
Sales of Laptop is on hold until owner can provide receipt. Fridge has been sold

I need the laptop and fridge
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 3:57pm On Oct 27, 2019


The bed and the bedside fridge for 19k? And can it be way-billed to portharcourt?
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 1:02pm On Oct 25, 2019
You're not answering calls
Interested in the cylinder and microwave

So sorry, was busy. Pls call back
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 10:29am On Oct 25, 2019
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 10:27am On Oct 25, 2019

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Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Tydarl: 10:25am On Oct 25, 2019

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