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Tek%kyboy: Go get Driver's license or intl passport before the opportunity opens. 1 Like |
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Bossforeva: if u run these with the certificates above, bro what will you now fill as your highest (post sec) qualification. Also, must one also have a company registeration for a business that's still about to be registered? You choose others and enter the name or the type of certificate. Don't be surprised that during screening you may not be asked to tender the certificate. |
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castello: You are very very wrong. You don't need university degree to participate, what you need is any form of post secondary qualification. It can be certificate from your computer training, entrepreneurship training, catering, OND etc. My sister that I help was never a university graduate. In my validation (first edition) they did not ask of my certificte, it was my company registration, form of identification, statement of account or receipt etc and when my sister went for validation, they never asked her of her certificate or what ever. For those still wondering on how to answer those questions, i have a free ebook that you can download free and learn more including the secrets on how to answer those questions. Visit http// In couple of weeks, I will be sharing more tips and answers to those questions and also how to answer those questions on my blog. 2 Likes |
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dheaven: are sure there is profit in it? Cos N50k for registration plus printer is too much.Yes, but I need someone who has experience with any of these betting companies to to tell me which one I should go for. |
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Promhize: I understand. I can't pick offense. There are so many business plan out there, it just that all the plans out there are not really suitable as youwin format is quite different. I have a lot of such business plan and I can give you the link to get such. Those plan are only suitable if you are applying for loan or you are looking investors that have not given you their own format. Youwin has format, it is quite different and in most cases some of the questions asked are limited to 200 words (answers) and you must frame it well to covey the message. 1 Like |
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Bossforeva: will anything be wrong with that bro? I was on a 2-year diploma study in physics/elect in Unizik, but i didn't complete cox i now got my admission into FUTO to study Food Engr. The only thing that am afraid of is this post-sec cert sth, but if tis for Innovations, forget it, i got much more If you have the certificate, you can still apply. You can contact me let discuss more on that. |
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Polem:I'm always ready to help especially those that are very serious. I can consult for you if you need my services. I can be reached on 07031542324 or You can equally reach me on my website By the way where is your location and what is your idea all about? You can inbox me. I will need to meet you in my office face to face before I can consult for you. 1 Like |
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saemmanuel: OCTAVO:I have ebook that I share tips, experience, proven techniques and secrets on how to write a winning youwin business plan, you can contact me from my website |
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trillville: Yes ooo, as long as you know what you are doing. |
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Tayeni: Guys, seems there is a cap on the amount(percentage)one can budget for fixed capital e.g delivery vehicle. With the new policy on the import duty of used vehicles, don't u think getting a fairly used 'tokunbo' or new ones will gulp d bulk of d percentage set aside for your fixed capital making d rest insufficient for other capital goods like machines ? Abi what's d alternative. Not all the business ideas will need vehicles, but I'm sure most will. Ofcourse you cannot pump all your cash into asset, you need to set aside some fund as running capital. First of all you need to prioritize. What can you start with and ensure that your business is running even without complete fund? Just list your capital requirements, list all your assets you would need, list machinery, equipments, marketing, rent, license and fee etc, is from there you will know how much your business needs. If your capital needs is more than N10m and youwin is only giving out N10m maximum, you have to let them know that you have other source where you will raise the balance, otherwise you would not be given. And if you told them you have other sources, please make sure there are real because at a point youwin will ask you to show that you have raise the remaining fund from other sources you promised before further disbursement. Many in our set ran into problem with YouWIN because of fake promises. Don't think it is a free money, you must be checked, monitored, mentored etc. 2 Likes |
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Bossforeva: guys! Abeg help me on the kinda certificate u must have 2 win. Right now, i have an Entrepreneurship Cert and a Sec Sch Cert. Help! I got great ideas that could make me African's Richest, mainly with the Food Sector. You are qualified with your Entrepreneurship Cert and I hope it was not a day seminar you got it from? |
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Promhize: I am always ready to help people especially those that are very serious. I can answer simple questions here, but you don't expect me to come and write a business plan for you here. In fact even if I wrote a business plan that suits your idea, would not suit another person's idea? What question did you ask me that I have not answered? Don't be one of people that will go back and blast government that the process was not transparent because it seems your are not ready. I want you to know that many people now believe in YouwIN program. In the first edition, I never believed and many of us then shared the same sentiment. Many have seen and witnessed it, many have shared testimonies and the interest is much. You are going to compete against thousands or even millions from not only Nigerians living in Nigeria, but Nigerians in diaspora, you would compete against YouWIN markers, staff, youwin monitors, mentors, past awardees, professionals from Lagos Business School, FATE Foundation, professors, banks just to mention a few. Therefore, you cannot garbage in and garbage out. I know how much some women paid in the last edition for some people to write for them and they made it. If you have friends or family members that can help you write, that is good and u can go for it, if you can research on your idea and write a unique business plan, that is fine. If you can't, then look for consultant. I want you to imagine if you have free N10m, how would you feel? I know your life would never remain the same. So why sitting here and expect things to turn around when you don't want to take action by either using the internet to research, consult etc. My advice is that I want you to realize that the interest is much and you are going to compete against millions and hundreds of applicants will submit the same ideas, but what makes yours unique, what makes you standout from the crowd? You know it has to do with understanding the objectives of the programme, understanding your idea, presenting facts and figures, be precise and concise, use the right words (choice of word), letting them know you have a good background, the skills, showing there is market for your products or services just to mention a few. I did it last year and it was successful. I have never managed a restaurant business before, I have never managed poultry farming before, I have never manage Garri processing or even haulage before, but I wrote, mentored, reviewed and monitored in the last edition and the joy that came with it knew no bound. I did not just venture into business plan writing, I did entrepreneurship study with special focus on business plan writing at EDC sponsored by Central Bank of Nigeria for 3 months. I did not end there, I took time to study more about business plan writing especially now that I'm starting to look for foreign grant and investor just like the one I am working on here: Innovation Prize for Africa I do a lot of research, facts finding and feasibility study before writing a business plan even in the area that I am well acquainted. Thank God for YouWIN for giving us leverage. To round it up, UNIQUENESS and INNOVATIVE IDEA is the KEY to WIN this competition. If you are serious, look for me and I am always ready to work with you, but sitting down and make noise will not help at all. Meet me here: I have a lot of articles and free ebook that will help you. Writing a winning business plan is not a child's play, so DON'T ask me to write or expect a free business plan from me. I can consult for you, but I must see you face to face before anything. |
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Bossforeva: answer me bro! Must you have a tertiary school certificate to participate, how possible will it be using an enteprenuership certificate, aside 4rm sec sch cert? YouWIN says post secondary school qualification. That means you cannot a holder of apply. Post secondary school certificate doesn't mean university certificate alone or post graduate, it also mean your diploma, certificate you acquire from maybe entrepreneurship training, skill acquisition etc. My sister I help use certificate she obtained in catering school. |
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I am one of the YouWIN 1 awardees. YouWIN is real. In the last edition I help my sister and also mentored many women that were able to make it. God bless Goodluck Jonathan and ‎Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala for this laudable idea and God bless which has changed my life and that of my family. The 3rd edition will commence on 25th of November, 2013. There will be presidential launch on 25th of Nov., 2013 and almost all the awardees both youwin 1 and 2 were invited for the presidential launch. Many people never believed in YouWIN, but our testimony and that of the women edition as shown that government is serious and youwin is real. So the interest is much and you are going to compete against professional business plan writers, coaches, mentors, professors, banks just to mention a few. Therefore, you cannot afford to submit poorly written business plan. You need professional advices and also need to be guided. I was invited as facilitator by FourSquare District Headquarters Church, Iba Housing Estate to lecture them on Business Plan Workshop Tagged Re-positioning The Foursquare Youth for FGN/YOUWIN! 3 Grant on the 16th and 17th of August, 2013. It was a free 2-day programme. You can watch the preview of my presentation here: I have been called upon by St Alphonsis Catholic Church, Aboru to also lecture them and it is absolutely free and is on the 6th and 7th of September. You can contact me for professional advice and also read my articles on youwin on my personal blog 1 Like |
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I wanted to introduce betting in my cafe and I am confused on which of the betting companies to join. I seem to love Nairabet, but their license fee of 50k is what is bothering me. Which of this betting firm do you think I should join - ,,, to mention just a few? I can raise more than 50k to get the license, printer and other things, but I need the best company. |
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Bmart: ALERT:YOUWIN ACCESS TO BUSINESS FINANCING WORKSHOP Why are you wasting your time? For the fact that you did not make it doesn't mean that you can't make it next time. YouWIN 3 will soon start and you can take advantage. YouWIN is real. I am one of the pioneer awardees and I single-handedly helped my sister to win the 2nd edition which was dedicated to women only. YouWIN is a Federal Govt business plan competition to empower young and innovative entrepreneurs with funds in form of grant to kick-start or expand their business. The amount awarded is between N1m - N10m depending on your business needs and how you are able to justify your cash needs. The competition is 2 rounds, the first round you will submit your proposal and if you are shortlisted, you will be invited for 2-4 days training on entrepreneurship. Please note that 6000 applicants are shortlisted for the training and after the training, you will submit your 2nd round plan which is more complex and technical. 1200 success applicants are shortlisted for the award. In the last edition, I helped many write and reviewed their business plans, some made while others couldn't go beyond the first round. As won of the awardees, I have first hand experience and I have written several articles and tips on YouWIN and I am releasing free ebook with to guide you and help you succeed. Many people never believe in YouWIN, but our testimony and that of the women edition as shown that government is serious and youwin is real. So the interest is much and you are going to compete against professional business plan writers, coaches, mentors, professors, banks just to mention a few. Therefore, you cannot afford to submit poorly written business plan. You need professional advices and also need to be guided. I was invited as facilitator by FourSquare District Headquarters Church, Iba Housing Estate to lecture them on Business Plan Workshop Tagged Re-positioning The Foursquare Youth for FGN/YOUWIN! 3 Grant on the 16th and 17th of August, 2013. It was a free 2-day programme. You can watch the preview of my presentation here: I have been called upon by St Alphonsis Catholic Church, Aboru to also lecture them and it is absolutely free and is on the 6th and 7th of September. You can contact me for professional advice and also read my articles on youwin on my personal blog 1 Like |
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If I need to travel, I will go with them to encourage them. If one of the ABC transport bus had an accident and everyone lost their lives, you won't stop patronizing them, so why won't patronize DANA AIR? |
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Is trademark registered in Nigeria recognized internationally? |
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I need someone that is good in design and development, wordpress and joomla to partner with. Emphasis on PHP, MYSQL, CSS, XHTML and JavaScript to mention just a few. The payment is based on commission agreed during the meeting. We will provide office space for you and you can also do your stuff when no work on ground as long as what you are doing will not affect my company/projects. Our office is at Iyana Ipaja, Lagos and I need someone very close. Please call 07031542324. Thanks |
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dougivilla: @utimatedes U're probably one of the few on this thread with a first hand information on this stuff, a one time beneficiary and one who also has interest in the current regime. You will do well to let us share from ur wealth of experience. A few questions have been asked in this and other threads. Maybe I should bring them to your notice: Hello Dougivilla, very sorry I did not monitor this topic. Now let me answer those questions even if it is a little bit late. 1) Can one alter the proposed business idea at this stage? ANSWER: The answer is NO, once you have submitted an idea, you can change it again. 2. Can one increase or decrease the grant amount stated earlier? ANSWER: YES you can. 3. Can the bizness plan idea be modified or enlarged to include something else at this stage? ANSWER: YES you can. 4. For those who may not possess expertise to prepare adequately their required financials i.e cash flows, profits and loss, balance sheets and others, whats the way out? ANSWER: Get an expert to do that for you. As for me, I use internet and Google is my best friend. I did my cash flow by myself. 5. Is there any specific thing you think the markers will be looking out for or better put, what in your opinion can cause failure in this competition? ANSWER: Clear demonstration of skills and ability to manage your business, understanding of the environment, giving facts and not story, showing passion, good cashflow projection just to mention a few. 6. Are there sectors that are more favoured in this competition. ANSWER: Agriculture and ICT. 7. What if all i can come up with is less than one million or more than ten? ANSWER: if it is less than a million, you may be given a million or 2 million, and if you need more than 10million, you more given 10m, but if it is above 15m and you don't have other source to meetup with your business funding, am afraid your plan will be rejected. I will also use this medium to congratulate those I mentored who made it. I wrote my sister's business plan and it gives me joy that out of 65,000 applications, you made it. You can checkout my blog where I discussed extensively about YouWIN and other opportunities. If you are looking for opportunities or grant to grow your business, you can visit my personal blog where I help Nigeria business grow. |
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adeniyi83:Not even about his website, but about some of his works, the features and functionality. He redesigned migrated from wordpress to custom built cms and I was highly impress. The owner of Ngcareers is a close friend of mind. I know that is that did the work but I did not know the brain behind the company. Most of his development is done without open source and are very rich. 1 Like |
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We are a computer training centre in Lagos and we need experts to partner with us. We need someone that is very good in 1) AutoCAD 2) Graphic Design and 3) Accounting package. You should be able to teach and must be based in Lagos. Call 07031542324 |
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ogzille: We are a fast growing web development company in Lagos. I never knew that you are the brain behind, you guys are doing great! |
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Where do you base? Are you in Lagos? |
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Come to Etimate Global Institute at 1, Kola Ogunjale Street, Iyana Ipaja Roundabout, Beside Ecobank, Iyana Ipaja, Lagos. 07031542324 |
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Are you sure angry staff did not plan the Boko Haram attack to punish him? Hmmm! |
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My office is at Iyana Ipaja and you can contact me on 07031542324 |
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Come to Etimate Global Institute for your web design training. 100% practical with case-study. Also learn marketing skills to market yourself and how to source for funds to expand. visit us at 1, Kola Ogunjale Street, Iyana Ipaja Round About, Beside Ecobank Plc, Iyana Ipaja, Lagos 07031542324 |
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GraphicsPlus: Clients beware. Naija web design is fake. U may be scammed.What evidence do you have? 3 Likes |
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