Stats: 3,238,450 members, 8,108,335 topics. Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2025 at 02:17 PM |
Nairaland Forum / Utimatedes's Profile / Utimatedes's Posts
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I think the problem is from the website. I have VPS account and also root access and am planning to move to dedicated. The reason why I said the problem is from the site is that, if you look the site and analyse the site, you see that the has few traffics which can not consume the at east 1GB of bandwidth if the site is using the starter plan looking at the hosting company plans. Assuming the owner of the site is using wordpress, joomla or other open source CMS to manage the site, plugins or extension that are not properly coded would be working in vain thereby adding unnecessary load to the server. Sometime the PHP code and loop that are not close properly would be looping continuously in vain adding server load to the server. When its comes to server load, it has nothing to do with bandwidth. Sometime you can used only 1% of your bandwidth and your site which is not properly coded or plugins will be causing load when only only one person visit or robot crawling your site. It happened to my VPS when some incompatible plugins where adding server load to my vps and it was always going down when few people visits until I disable them. Assuming you are using VPS or Dedicated, you can see which plugin is adding the load and disable it. Go back to your site check some features that are causing the problem |
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The reason why it displayed well in one browser and displayed wrongly in another browser is that the css was not properly written. As Joomlaman right pointed out, you can change the template that would fit into it. Also correct the pages mention by Joomlaman. Align the image well and also use break to format the pages well. It seems u copied the texts directly from MS word thereby passing some foreign tags into the HTML. |
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In that case, you have to apply to become the new VC lol! |
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If he want to sell Nairaland on Flippa, I don't see anyone pricing above $100,000! I have been earning with adsense and have good experiences with adsense. You see, less than 10% of your visitors a day will click on your ads. Out of that percentages, some of the clicks are invalid, some are low paying (0.01/click). I was wondering why I was earning low despite the clicks, high traffics among other metrics, I carried researches and discovered that traffic source, location, contents etc maters a lot. With Google new feature, I was able to monitor where clicks where coming from, which country click on my ads and the earning. Traffics from US and Canada are gold! UK and other European countries are also great! While traffics from Asian Countries, Africans, South Americans are not really encouraging. Some countries like South Africa, UAE, Saudi among some developing countries are little bit okay. India is rubbish! Nigeria and Ghana not really encouraging! Other West Africa unacceptable! Some blogging on finance will earning more than 300% than someone with Jobs Vacancies. These discoveries help me to earn more than before by doing what works and do away with those things that does not work. Over 65% of Nairaland traffics are from Nigeria. With that, earning much as $1000/day is not realistic. If Seun said he earns less than $150 a day, I won't argue with him. If Seun was earning as much as $1000, he won't be the head and the tail as he is doing right now. He should have brought in helping hands on salary basics. |
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We should also look at the internet penetration in Nigeria- this is very low! How many companies in Nigeria have internet facilities? How many of them use system to do business? Come to talk of e-business. Nigerian govt. is not providing enabling environment for E-business to strive. CBN is planning to introduce cashless economy and some people are against it with the believe that Nigeria is not ripe for it. Introducing cashless economy will avail us the opportunities to employ other platform for doing business/payment including E-business. |
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If u are using Goddady, you have made a big mistake! Goddady is not goog for custom mail scripts except the one they gave you which does not work properly. |
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It happens often and often and I always see Nigeria listed there. Maybe because I used almost all the Google products, maybe that is why it hasn't happen to me |
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They have asked you to choose your best verifying method and you refuse to do that, that is why you are having this problem. They are three methods that google used to verify ownership incase of unauthorized access to your account (that is, if you login to your account from another IP). The three methods are: secret questions and answers, phone number and email. If you did not choose anyone, you will be having problem. As for me, I chose phone and email and each time I login to my account from another IP, I will be asked to verify and I always see Nigeria in my own case. You can still access you account, but you will need to fill form and remember some details to fill in the form like last time you login, when you open it etc. |
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@Poster, Lagoshost is right with what he said. Most of the customers are not familiar with you, and moving from their current host to another, many of them may not like that. It is not about having good servers that matters most, good relationship, pedigree, prestige among others play very important roles in you retaining them |
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shadowmay: Why are u posting site that is not live everywhere? |
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Honestly speaking, I love what you are doing |
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Thanks guys for reopening the thread. We are here to share information and contribute positively. I did not create the thread to abuse others or to use the medium to insult others. |
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Seun:You are so lucky (as you said) that you started nairaland when Nigerians webmasters, info marketers, bloggers, "Adsensers" etc where not common in Nigeria and so many Nigerians where ignorant on how to make money from the internet, if not you will be nowhere to be found. You just confessed how has pushed to the backyard or has overtaken nairalist. Why won't they overtaken you? They have invested heavily. They employed web master/developers to manage the site, employed posters to post, marketers to market the site. At a point, I was wondering why will this people do all this? I saw their ads everywhere I go, on Google, Facebook, LAG Bus, Taxi etc. That is what differentiate an invested from technician business man who is so luck. Like I said before, no one has the monopoly of knowledge and because you have decided to be the head and the tale, that is why you are not finding it easy as you said. Maybe you are looking at how much you will loose when you bring in more hands. Probably you are afraid that those applications like that of sweet-pawn and others if integrated, the owner might want some cake or credit. Or maybe you are afraid that it won't be compatible. That will be a wrong mindset! I know you are from Ogun State, but I don't know the local govt. Maybe you from Ijebu or Egba cos they are very STINGY people! Me, myself and I! I will leave you alone because you are a lucky guy as you said. @Sweet-pawn, Thanks, I will mind my business and leave Seun alone ooooooooo. 1 Like |
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luluosas: I like that |
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*DHTML, Which one u dey self? |
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Is there anyone that recent signup for adsense with and the account was approved? What are the best niches to blog about that Google will approve your account immediately? |
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I have got a lof of webhosting customers from this nairaland and I don't care whether it is redesign, redevelop or whatever.I know you have gained a lot from Nairaland likewise me and other top contributors in this forum. Nairaland is like a Church where we go to receive blessing and contribute positively by paying our tithes. It is the positive posts and reply we post here that makes Nairaland the top forum in Nigeria, Africa and even in the world as a whole. Any idea that will make Naija own things rank high is highly welcome. God Says he gave different people with different gifts (1 Coritnthians 12 Vs 8-12) Some are given the word of wisdom, some the word of knowledge, some faith, another gift of healings, another gift of miracles, another gift of prophecy, another gift of coding, another gift of graphic design, another gift of repairing things without even learning it etc. What am I trying to say here is that, Seun might be a very good programmer, but that doesn't make him a good manager, a good marketer, a good graphic designer etc. Opening the door and bringing more people with diverse skills will surely put Nairaland or any other business to where you don't even dream of. |
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werepeLeri: By their fruits we shall know them! Yes, you are a very good specimen for my explanation, you surely have no idea. Those great Philosophers who says two heads are better than one are not fool. Working with some team that are in partners with Google and co does not make u the arrow head. If you are somebody who has unique ideas and has create somehing, you won't be talking like this. When the Federal Government make NITEL as the the soled provider of telecommunication services, the sector was downed, immediately the opened the door and bring in more operators, you and I can see the changes. Definitely, more hands are better than one. @Slyr0x, leave this guy alone. He his crazy! |
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We are good in stealing! Na wa ooooo |
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werepeLeri: You said is Forum a company? I will ask you is Facebook or Twitter a social network only or a company (Quoted on the stock exchange) How many people started Facebook and where did they start from? What about Google? A company or Search Engine? You are one of the many Nigerians with no ideas and a failure because from your post, you lack ideas. If you are the owner of Nairaland - how will you make it to beat Facebook? You must be dreaming @OPLike I said before, nobody has a monopoly of knowledge. I am not the best but bring more people will definitely bring more ideas. Some sites are created with free software, but has they grow, they get better programmer to redesign and make it premium. Seun is a good programmer for that matter so why not redesign or bring in more hands. You have problem! |
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Most Nigerian Webmasters and Nigerians in general are not creative enough and lack ideas. Not just ideas, but innovative ideas and creativity. When I say lack of innovative and creative ideas, I will like to use Seun, the owner of Nairaland as an example. I read his interview here; long time ago and i was highly disappointed towards the end of the interview when he was asked "Are you looking to outside investors to further scale the service? Why or why not?" and his answer was "not really" Why should you say not really? If you were an American, by now, you will be thinking of how to put Nairaland on the stock exchange Yes! Stock Exchange. That means that you must bring at least 50 hands. You don't know you got a great company. Any business you start and only you still managed after many years without thinking bringing more hands, its means such person lack ideas and can be referred to as failure! He was also asked "Do you intend to include other features, such as evolving Nairaland to become a social networking hub? Why or why not?" his answer was , You can’t beat Facebook. even if your website is perfect. Social networks benefit from ‘network effects’, which means the bigger they are, the better the experience. Facebook has grown so big that the only thing other social networks can do is die. MySpace, Hi5, and even Google’s social network (Orkut), and Microsoft’s Live Spaces have been beaten and are still losing members every day. If Google and Microsoft can’t beat them, I don’t think I should waste my time. I was angry at the end of the interview because Seun see himself as someone that cannot make it there cos of lack of innovative ideas and creativity. I will not say I am more creative, but i believe Facebook can be taken off the spot with innovative ideas that they don't offer. How did facebook got there? They brought in creativity and ideas that MySpace, Hi5, Google, Microsoft never have. When I was in Secondary School, I discovered that the best and acceptable Definition of Economics till now is from Pro. C. Robbins which says “Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses" Other Economist like Adam Smith did defined Economics, but that of Pro C. Robbins was widely accepted as the best definition. Why was it accepted as the best definition? What my Teacher told me is that, Prof. C. Robbins studied other definitions from Adam Smith and others and find what was not there. He picked the best point from their definitions and added what was not there and hup! His definition was widely accepted as the best definition till now. What am trying to point out here is that Facebook is absolutely beatable with great ideas and creativity. Collection of ideas matters a lot. No one is a monopoly of knowledge. No wonder why Seun does not add new features to Nairaland or redesign it after so many years and with the kind of traffics he is getting. He is so happy with the few dollars he is getting. I remembered in the past when I was reading his profile, he said anyone who want to buy Nairaland must be ready to cough out 40 Billion Naira or there about. How do you expect one to invest such amount when you don't even want to attract investors? I have to stop here and I hope you won't ban me. |
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1 - Right Click Disabled The reason why some webmasters use that is to prevent user from copying text, images etc. There are afraid of people stealing their work. Even some who used other people scripts still don't want you to copy, but that can't stop you from copying or enabling the right click by disabling javascript. 2 - Fugly Websites For you to design any good looking website, you need to be creative, innovative and good knowledge. Most Nigerian Webmasters are not creative enough and lack ideas. |
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You can use it. It is the best designing software so far |
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Yes u can used it |
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Since one of the words in my reply is being censored, i have decided to complete it with image attachment. Pray the agents here don't remove it
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Who edited my reply? I was saying na complete idiot him be! |
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Maybe they ban that IP, if not, na complete idiot him be |
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[quotewhats this Panda?][quote][/quote] Google panda is a new algorithm that works against the website with low quality contents or duplicate content. If you are the type that post them articles across all your websites or anywhere you find it easy to post, google panda will work against you. It is a new algorithm to work against autoblog, content farm and so on. |
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It usually done in ending of March, June, September and Dec./Jan. It was when I was researching to make my site rank high and also to have good understanding of SEO that I discovered it. My main browser is Mozilla Firefox, and it with Mozilla, I installed some plugin that monitor page rank and other features. Please note that for indexing, it is done immediately the Google bot crawl your site. But with Google recent launched of Panda and the damaged it has done to most sites and other top sites like hudpage, daniweb, Articlebase, Ezinearticle etc, I cannot say whether they still keep to that format. I am still watching them and to see how I can manipulate Google to have my way to the top with most of my duplicate contents |
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You can register for domain and hosting in Nigeria and upgrade your blog. What platform are you running your blog? |
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I used glo and it is better |
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