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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: A Female Social Media Manager Needed by webme(m): 6:16am On Sep 15, 2024
Application close today evening
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: A Female Social Media Manager Needed by webme(m): 6:59am On Sep 13, 2024
Which more applications? I am a social media manager and you can only get an intern for the offer have because no sane experience SM would take that offer ordinary SM I am doing for a spa in US I am collecting 150,000 strictly remote, you wan com dey offer something less than the minimum wage

I believe you read through the content that's why you can see the price. But you don't understand what is in the offer you only replied because of the price. If you keep on working there with your 150k then may likely increase it to 200k in 5 years. And if our smart worker start with her basic salary of 50k with at least minimum of 100k extra income in the next 5 years her basic salary cannot less than 300-500k with a lot of money to be make as extra. Because the value she will bring to the company is far more better than the value you who is collecting 150k will bring to your company. Our Previous worker who just traveled out was making as high as 150-300k bonuses for a month and she worked with us for just 4 months. There was a month she make 500k extra.

So, always read the content and understand very well before you respond. Thanks


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: A Female Social Media Manager Needed by webme(m): 12:50pm On Sep 12, 2024
More Application
More Application
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: A Female Social Media Manager Needed by webme(m): 9:32am On Sep 11, 2024
More Applications
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: A Female Social Media Manager Needed by webme(m): 7:24am On Sep 11, 2024
Apply now
Jobs/Vacancies / A Female Social Media Manager Needed by webme(m): 5:57pm On Sep 10, 2024
We are looking for a competent Social media manager who is very fast in thinking, who can carry out task without supervision.

What you will be doing:
- Respond to Request on WhatsApp Group where people post Request and offer them the solution from hundreds of solutions on our database

- Post at least Twice a day on Our social Media. (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. YOUTUBE not Everytime)

- Reply comments and messages on our social media

- Design Flyer to post on some special days like Christmas, workers days, mother's day etc. And some promo offer day.

- Respond to customer request within 30 seconds.

- Sometimes take clients on inspection (Company will provide transportation for this)

Note: This role is 90% virtual for now but full-time job because you need to be available on Whatsapp 24/7 to attends to request. We have built a WhatsApp community where people make request every minutes. And you will have to work on Sunday as well but on Whatsapp.

Your monthly income is measured base on your performance but there is basic salary.

Minimum of first Degree or HND on any field.
Good communication skills
Great customer relationships
Basic or advanced graphics designing skill (If you can use canva very well that's okay)

Our formal worker travel out and she makes extra 200k monthly in her worst month apartment from her basic salary

Your basic Salary is ₦50,000
This basic salary is just to motivate you. If you bring in the target results you will get some percentage from the income generated monthly. The previous lady sometimes do make 500k

Please we prefer a candidate who lives in Ajah, Lekki, Yaba, Surulere or anywhere close to Island because sometimes you may have to take a client to inspection and 80% of what we manage are in Lekki phase one and VI.

So, send your CV to the email below and tell us the reason why you are qualified for this role.


Business / Re: How To Reactivate Your Business From Inactive To Active On The Cac Portal by webme(m): 9:25am On Jul 09, 2024
What of a business that is registered but the owner is not used by it for over 5 years. Are CAC expecting annual report from such business? And how do the person reactivate the account

1 Like

Business / Re: Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 9:12am On Dec 29, 2023
The next one is Arthritis.

This is very common, especially in people older than 50. But this days, it's affect younger age people very well too and the major issue is because we lost many Calcium in the bones as a result of what we consumed each day. Arthritis causes joint pain, stiffness and inflammation. Your provider will help you understand which type of arthritis you have, what’s causing it and which treatments you’ll need. You may need a joint replacement if you have severe arthritis that you can’t manage with other treatments.

That's why you need to take care of it.

Why this is very selling is because, people have tried many antibiotics products thinking that it will cure it, but they ended up been disappointed about it. Especially in some part of Africa.

So, selling this alone can make you 7 figures in no time if you set up the right ads for it. I want to train few people on how to sell health products in Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon and make 7 figures monthly in January. Do you wish to join?

I hope you. Understand?
Business / Re: Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 2:34pm On Dec 27, 2023
From where we stopped.

So, I will be talking about each of these products and why people will always want to get it.

First: Infection products
You see, most of the diseases in the body entered the body when the cells is no more working very well and infection easily kills the cells. And the most dangerous things is; you may not discover you have infection early.

So, there are many symptoms of infections like:

- Unusual Discharge from the Man-hood.
- Vagina or Anus Pain during Love Making or Urination.
- Blisters, Ulcers, Warts or Rashes in the Genital area.
- Itchiness or Irritation in the Genital area.
- Persistent Diarrhoea. Noisy Stomach.
- Fever or Flu-like Symptoms.
- Rectal or Back Pain.
- Burning with Urination/Frequent Urination.
- Strong Unpleasant Smell of Urine.
- Unable to perform best in the other room
- Dark, Cloudy or Bloody Urine Worm Like

One thing you will not be happy with is; the antibiotics drugs we have cannot cure infections they can either suppress or or not working at all. That's why Herbal products are the best and you can see the screen shot I share the first day that people really want to get this thing out of their body.

So, advertising this products is already a winning products. Now advertising it well will make you sell in thousands.

I hope you get me right?

If you need quick answer you can reach me on +23481-3648-6740

Next we will be talking about Arthritis
Business / Re: Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 7:13am On Dec 26, 2023
Hey guys, I have been busy, really busy that's why the Training stopped. But I will try and continue today. Thanks
Business / Re: Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 1:30pm On Dec 23, 2023
Good afternoon guys. Merry Christmas in advance.

So, let's continue from where we stopped.

I will be telling you five health related production that is selling very well and it will sell in Millions in 2024.

I and my team has been selling this products since 2019 and the result has been amazing.

But year 2023 result is supper supper amazing and with the numbers of orders we are getting in this December I can proudly tell you that the results will wow anyone in 2024.

These products is what people can borrow money to get even if they didn't have the money. And the beauty of it is; we keep getting our customers calling back to get it. So, is not what you will sell once and leave.

So, these products are:
- Infection products
- Arthritis Products
- Weight Lost
- Ulcer Products
- Diabetes prod

That Is 5. So, In my next updates I will give you more details about these products.

Have a wonderful weekend. Don't forget to comment if you enjoy this
Business / Re: Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 7:17pm On Dec 22, 2023
Welcome back.
I know you maybe wondering if eCommerce is still working very well. Sure! As you can see in the images I shared. eCommerce is working and it will continue to work. People will keep buying things they want even if Nigeria or any country you are is harder.

But the most important thing I want you to note is; People don't joke with their health. No matter what they are going through, no one want to die.

That's why they will spend any amount on health to keep themselves especially if you have a baddest ads that convinced them that they will end up spending millions if they don't get your alternative which is less than 20k

Imagine Someone is telling you that his brother died because of Diabetes and he doesn't want you to die that's why he's telling you the secret that safe his second brother after spending 2.3 millions in hospital?

I bet you, even if you don't have money you will borrow it.

I hope you are following?
So, give me time I will update soon
Business / Re: Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 4:01pm On Dec 22, 2023
I will start the thread soon. If you are ready to learn Say HI
Business / Right Approach To Ecommerce In 2024 by webme(m): 3:39pm On Dec 22, 2023
You want to forget the old way of doing eCommerce and focus on what works in 2024 to bank over 500k monthly without importing a single product? Then read every details here. You can also check the attached pictures to see what I am talking about.

Of a truth, I am not new in this business and whatever you will read here today is base on my experience in eCommerce.

You can check my profile, I have been teaching eCommerce for years. Many of you here know me. I have trained hundreds of students who are doing very well today.

So, in this thread, I will be showing you some tips on how to build a successful eCommerce Business in your country either Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya or any part of Africa countries.

I will be showing you 4 different products to sell on health niches
I will be showing you why those products are hot cake and why the people selling it are making millions monthly.
I will be showing you the right way to sell it on Facebook, and YouTube.
And many more.

So, if you are in... Then follow back to back. Your comment as well will help me to go deeper. Please, no negative comments. If you know it allow people who doesn't know it to learn.

So, check the images below to see the proof.

Business / Re: I Need Unisex Fashion School In Ibadan by webme(m): 11:23am On Jun 23, 2023
Business / Re: I Need Unisex Fashion School In Ibadan by webme(m): 4:15pm On Jun 17, 2023
Any help?
Business / I Need Unisex Fashion School In Ibadan by webme(m): 4:57pm On Jun 15, 2023
Hello friends,
This is very urgent. Please I need a unisex fashion school that can run from beginner to advance in 6month within Ring road, Molete and Challenge Ibadan.

Please if you know any unisex fashion school or individual that can train someone around this place please help me reach out to them.

I will be waiting.
Events / I Need A Unisex Fashion School by webme(m): 6:53pm On Jun 14, 2023
Hello guys,
Please I need a unisex fashion school that can run from beginner to advance in 6month within Ring road, Molete and Challenge Ibadan.

Please if you know any unisex fashion school or individual that can train someone around this please please help me reach out to them.

I will be waiting.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: We Are Hiring by webme(m): 11:41am On Jun 13, 2023
We need more people
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: We Are Hiring by webme(m): 8:53am On Jun 09, 2023
More people to join
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: We Are Hiring by webme(m): 4:40pm On Jun 08, 2023
Send your details now
Jobs/Vacancies / We Are Hiring by webme(m): 10:56pm On Jun 06, 2023
Our company is looking for Female marketer that will be working from home.

Your job description
- Call Prospective Partner Using the data we will provide
- Follow them up to make sure they convert (Register on our website)
- Respond to their request

- Good communication skills is our number one priority
- Bsc or Master in any Course
- Must be a Female
- Marketing Experience

Look, register for them is Free as they have nothing to lose at all. Other information will be provide when you are ready.

NOTE: Read to the end
You have basic salary of 20k monthly.
For every 10 partners that you registered you make 20k. If you can register 50 partner in a month that is additional 100k

Remember: For our partner to register it's 100%. Other information will be sent to you to know more about what we do.

For more information Please reach out to me at Oluwafemi@helatek.com
Fashion / Re: Fashion School In Ibadan by webme(m): 7:51am On Jun 01, 2023
Anyone to help?
Fashion / Fashion School In Ibadan by webme(m): 11:27pm On May 31, 2023
Hello guys
Please I need Unisex Fashion school around Felele Ibadan. I mean good fashion school I'm Felele Ibadan that is very good at what they do and they have 90% positive feedback from their students.

Please help me get and I will be waiting.
Programming / Can You Develop Mobile Apps? by webme(m): 7:59am On May 20, 2023
Hey web and application developer,
I need developers that will be working with my company.
If you can develop Android and iOS and Web application please inbox me and let's discuss.

I will appreciate if you can give me your past work so that It will be easy for me to make decisions

Waiting For your response

Jobs/Vacancies / A Friend Need A Female Personal Assistant In Lagos by webme(m): 10:18am On Mar 30, 2023
Your Work

- Manage All His Social Media Account
- Send and Reply Emails
- Manage The Email List and set up Newsletter
- Prepare s Movie shooting schedule
- Follow Him to the Movie Location as his PA
- Call Cast and Crew Before Movie Location
- Reply Chat and initiate Chat on WhatsApp
- Post Quality content on social Media
Movie Location Group
- And Many More

You must have good communication skill and must have good human relationship

Send Your CV now to ezejos88@gmail.com
Business / Re: The Forgotten System That Can Make You Over $3000 On Fiverr Monthly In 2022 by webme(m): 10:12am On Mar 30, 2023
bro, can I pm? I want make we discuss abeg
Jobs/Vacancies / Helatek Is Hiring by webme(m): 5:33am On Mar 22, 2023
We are Hiring

Check the flyers

Graphic designer: salary monthly is 50k 20hrs/week
Social media manager: salary monthly is 70k full time job
Content creator: salary monthly 70k full time job

You will work from home for two months. After two months you will be coming to office everyday, 5 times a week. The salary will be review once you start coming to the office

Please apply if you lives in Lagos.

Please share to your friends

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: We Are Hiring by webme(m): 7:31pm On Jan 10, 2023
U Can Still Do this
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: We Are Hiring by webme(m): 2:43pm On Jan 10, 2023
You can still apply
Jobs/Vacancies / We Are Hiring by webme(m): 9:50am On Jan 10, 2023
We Are Hiring For Social Media Manager
2 Female Social Media Manager is Needed Urgently (Tag Someone Who Need This)

Your Work

Managing our social Media account like
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Twitter
- Pinterest
- Tiktok
- Linkedin

* Posting daily on Facebook, Instagram, tiktok and Twitter
* Posting 3-4 times a week on Linkedin and Pinterest
* Replying Comments and Messages and refer prospective customers to call or send whatsapp message
* Creating content to post apart from their products and services (Contents that Engaged)

You will undergo a Training for two days and we will give you two days to study our business and tell us what you discover.

We will show you how to schedule the post, even when you are not available it will be running.

If you have Laptop it's bonus and you are working from your comfort home.
Your Salary is Monthly payment

Note: Lagos candidate will be considered first

Minimum of OND Or NCE
And Good communication Skill

Send your CV right now to the email below


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