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Worryingly's Posts

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Celebrities / Re: Brain Jotter Visits Mike Ejeagha by Worryingly: 4:07pm On Jul 23, 2024
Brain jotter do not owe him anything. He just resurrected a death song

Akuko n'egwu was never a dead song.

As a matter of fact, I have been jamming it since last year
Properties / Re: Lagos Gives 200 Okun-Ajah Waterfront Property Owners 7-Day Ultimatum by Worryingly: 3:52pm On Jul 22, 2024
What I always ask is this. Where were these government agencies when all these "illegal structures" were being erected?

Approval or no approval, why were they allowed to build in the first place?

You cant see someone committing a crime.and turn a blind eye only to later come to enforce the law

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Worryingly: 3:04pm On May 03, 2024

Mama, I may not have exactly the same experience as you have, but trust me, i have had my own fair share.

It's easier said than done, but nothing good comes out of worry. It will happen at the perfect time. Eat well, dont apportion blames to either yourself or your husband and trust God. Have faith in your doctors as well.

I just welcome my own rainbow baby yesterday. God will come through for you.

Thank you for your kind words

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Worryingly: 10:58pm On May 02, 2024
Hello experienced people in the house. i already created a thread for this, but i didnt know there was a thread like this one.

I got married two years ago and since then, child birth has been a bit difficult.

I'm in my late twenties and in the first half of last year, I took in and later miscarried, I started noticing spots of blood and when I went to hospital, the doctor prescribed duphaston, eventually I miscarried and doctor used mispprostol to evacuate. Two months later, I took in again and after 7 weeks, I went for an ultrasound the result summarily was "no fetal pole or yolk sac" and was told to return in 2 weeks, result was same. After 10 weeks, doctor advised me to evacuate as it wasnt progressing. The diagnosis was blighted ovum. I was advised to wait for 3-4months before taking in again which I did.

These are senior consultants and even a prof, so I wholly trust their expertise.

Last month, I had sex while ovulating and I genuinely thought I would conceive. I had all the symptoms. But my period still came. It's becoming really unsettling.

I've seen the doctors with my husband and even asked them if he has to do any test. But they said no need as I'm actually taking in that it would have been concerning if I wasnt getting pregnant. I wondered if it was a problem from him and they said no. They also said i shouldnt bother that miscarriages is the body's way of expelling abnormal fetuses. I've had to do a range of tests including progesterone and other infection tests and they all came out well. Doctors said everything is fine. I had an abdominal ultrasound done, and the radiologist said I'm completely fine.

But I'm very worried. My husband have been a perfect man, but I know he is worried deep down, even though he womt show it.

Please does anyone have this experience or idea of how to go about this? The consultant prescribed vasopressin which i stopped at the advised time while I continued folic acid.

My mom gave me some leaves to boil and drink that it will help.

I really need help.


Family / Re: Blighted Ovum by Worryingly: 8:26pm On May 01, 2024

Sorry about your experience. If you want them to recommend a test for husband, just tell them. Atleast that would satisfy the curiosity
Apart from all these test, I would also suggest you join a Bible believing church and prayer fervently.
If you were able to take in there ought not be so much difficulties. Medical practices have its place, prayers also have it place.

Everything will be ok

Thank you Sir. Nlfpmod Dominique please I need more views
Family / Re: Blighted Ovum by Worryingly: 10:17am On May 01, 2024

You're getting pregnant and having miscarriages, please explain how you still suspect the issue is with your husband... Perhaps I'm missing something 🤔

Because i learnt it may be a chromosomal issue, so I'm trying to consider all possible causes. The doctors said as long as I'm taking in though, then its not from my husband. But I'm a bit concerned that they are not recommending any test for him as pregnancy is a fusion of both man and woman
Family / Re: Blighted Ovum by Worryingly: 6:43am On May 01, 2024

Your husband should start taking vitamin C everyday as part of his daily vitamin supplements. Then drink a lot of water. In 3 months, his swimmers will be a lot healthier.


Yes. He was also advised to take Reload for Men. Just incase it's an issue with him, even though the doctors disagree
Family / Re: Blighted Ovum by Worryingly: 6:41am On May 01, 2024
Calm down, these things happen. Anxiety will also be an enemy to you conceiving. Blighted ovum is no big deal, it's far more common than you think.

That's what the doctors said. But I'm just wondering why me.
Family / Blighted Ovum by Worryingly: 12:10am On May 01, 2024

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