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The Tears Of A Wounded Corper - NYSC - Nairaland

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The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by RiffRaff: 2:24am On Aug 11, 2012
So Sad, this Guy had his Service Extended unjustly..

What does it feel like to nurture great hope, visions and aspirations and work so assiduously at it, only to be shattered with the reality of shame and disgrace?

How does it feel to love one’s nation dearly and serve her with all exuberant vigour and youthful zeal, far and beyond the call of duty, only to be rewarded with scorn, reproach and punishment because subsisting social structures and mores do not support such extinct ideals?

The feeling is obviously one of dejection, frustration and near collapse that prompts quick re-evaluation of strategy. While some youths have stoically waded through such ugly experiences and re-launch dramatic comebacks managing to keep their tattered virtues,
many others have been too wounded to survive; they turn around polishing their crafts and grafts to hunt the
system they once craved to serve.

The puritan blends with the system and learns the art
of corruption even faster than the masters. I am a youth presently distraught with the reality of
unreciprocated love for fatherland and I wonder if
there is hope for my kind in this nation.

While at the NYSC Orientation Camp, I had planned to draw attention to needs in my place of assignment through the media by virtue of my
communication discipline.

But I was told corps members were not allowed to speak with the press.

I was unhappy. How can that be? Do they want to
repress my spirit? I might faint if I didn't write for a fortnight. How much more for a year? I read the rules and discovered the bye-laws forbid ''...granting interviews on matters affecting NYSC policies...''

Eureka! I found the answer. We were only forbidden from
granting interviews, so I still had my freedom of expression. In fact, I knew NYSC wouldn't have mounted any contradiction to Section 39 of the 1999 Constitution which expressly endows every Nigerian with freedom of expression.

I started writing and publishing right from camp, basking in the euphoria of serving my nation.

Aside delivering one of the most evocative speeches at the orientation camp, urging fellow corps members to
sincere service, I re-oriented many outsiders who had no idea of what fun awaits in the uncharted hearts of the jungles.

From my interior village I darted in writing, defending Ebonyi youths after the state government's unpopular decision to stop full payment of their certificate examinations under the flimsy, faulty pretext of meeting up with minimum wage.

I wrote for the Abia State University girl gang-
r.aped by five monsters, urging justice for the poor girl.

I wrote for the NYSC girl allegedly raped by a monarch
in Osun.

I wrote in defense of NYSC itself, telling the scrap proponents to be more constructive in their

Despite the hail of accolade I was drawing from external readers, NYSC never communicated praise or

Then came the delay in corps members allowance. I thought if I could speak for the right of others, why
should I be silent now? I wrote in defense of corps
members in the country who were going through unimaginable hardship. I succinctly painted the horrid
pictures like a skilled artist.

I must admit it was indeed the angry piece of a hungry
corper. If you are in government and you read it,
you will understandably be angry at the spunky brat who wrote it. And if you are outside government, you will
be angry at government for treating corps members the
way the writer portrayed.

It was an angry piece that invokes anger. Where you
direct the anger depends on what side of the divide you
belong. The piece probably reflected in raw terms the mood of corps members in the country at the time.

That was when NYSC Ebonyi woke up and invoked one of its rules against me. The writer must be made a
public example. For daring to ask questions when he should have kept quiet, he deserved query and extension.

NYSC is highly regimented, and you are expected to always play the yes-man. You can't fight your employer or else you will be fired.

If you’re indeed a Christian, you should know Christians don’t fight for their rights. In fact, it was not wise to have written such a reckless piece putting yourself in unnecessary risk.

You dey do oversabi, ehn? Na only you fit write? Did you say the query came seven days to your passing out? What a rude shock that must have been. It was perfectly timed for you.

And now, with that extension twig in your file, your viability for public office in the future is endangered.

Those were some of the thoughts of people who had reacted out of genuine concern for Folarin. But you know what? I have no regret. I have no regret for
serving with so much innocence. I have no regret for
writing because it’s my calling; I take my ordeal in good faith.

I am no bad writer, except when I'm angry, literary
anger, mind you. At such times, I write with fire and
brimstone dripping off my pen. Like a jury, I summon offenders before the table of public conscience and examine their conduct in the light of their sworn obligations to society.

And was I not supposed to be angry? You must know I
saved 50% of that stipend, paid 10% as tithe, fed, transported, supported siblings, fulfilled financial obligations and commitments with the remaining 40%. And how much is the 40%? 7,800.

Sincerely, there are corps members with stricter
financial plans. So, when there is delay payment, you can only imagine the hardship and torture. I was slammed with one month extension that led to two months delay even when none of the officials could open the particular section I breached.

Together with the PRO, we perused the Bye-law searching for the appropriate section I violated. Then he finally fingered one: disclosure of official information.
Laughable, isn’t it? Was I the one who disclosed the
information to the public?

The former Minister for Youth Affairs, Mr. Bolaji Abdullahi had announced long before I wrote? Little wonder even the query I was issued reflected confusion and distortion in citation.

The offence was publishing; the citation was dereliction of duty. Worse, I was not paid a farthing despite the recommendation of the same invoked 2011/2012 Bye-laws that there should be half payment in certain cases.

My situation must be worse than that of a prisoner, because even prisoners get fed no matter their crime. I was whisked back to my village, to the consternation of my principal and his staff.

Many of the teachers were too shocked to say a word. Few who found their tongue wondered why the best always get the worst treatments.

When the extension letter was handed to me, my initial
reaction was that of utter disbelief, sorrow, frustration and disappointment that gave vent to the morbid thought of suicide. I bled deeply within. I wept. I remembered all I had showed and showered was love and passion for my nation.

My June 5th page 10, full-page clincher in The Guardian Newspaper captured my excitement for NYSC. And when I expected appreciation, commendation and reward from a grateful people, I got the back-stab of query and extension because I asked an innocent, genuine question: NYSC, where is our allowee?

The system does not tolerate questions. The system does not tolerate criticisms. As I get my certificate this
month and return home into the waiting hands of loving
parents, friends and loved ones, some questions trouble
me that I deem fit for national meditation. What are the parameters of our reward system?

A corrupt politician is garlanded with honours, a
Taiwo Akinkunmi languishes unrecognized in a shanty.

Clearance corpers, ghost corpers, lazy corpers cheat the system and get applauded for playing smart, an acclaimed hard-working village corper without any blot of wrong- doing gets extension even when there’s no established offence?

What do I have to show for my hard labour and passion? What will be my new exhortation to my generation? Does it pay to serve Nigeria with heart and might? Will this infringement go unaddressed? Will I go, my wounds undressed?

Please do me a favour when you see me outside this
cyberspace. Never ask: “Hope you’ve learnt your lesson?” You won’t do me any good. It’s a victim’s question.

If I have another chance, I’ll write with greater force and fury. The only thing it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to keep quiet. I refuse to keep quiet. By Folarin Samson

NYSC, Ebonyi


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by ATMC(f): 3:43am On Aug 11, 2012
He's a hero. Many atimes, heroes don't have a smooth story...he should be conscious of d fact dt he made history. With time he'll get over this hurt. Ok?

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Nobody: 4:17am On Aug 11, 2012
No wonder truth they say is better and NYSC really got hit so badly about the truth. U̶̲̥̅̊ r indeed an hero and not even NYSC can stop you

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by ecolime(m): 9:14am On Aug 11, 2012
So sad...

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by pendusky(m): 12:08pm On Aug 11, 2012
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by prodam(m): 12:23pm On Aug 11, 2012
I am highly impressed.Nigeria will surely rise again and this can be achieved only if good men (like you) refuse to remain silent.

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Vincent41(m): 3:12pm On Aug 14, 2012
Bro u to much....nice write up

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by dadicvila(m): 11:51pm On Aug 15, 2012
Wow!at a time when many youths are swallowed in the sea "you too dey oppose government",a time when youths dont care about how our leaders call us føøls and divide and swallow what righfully belongs to us i must praise and commend this young man,you will surely be remembered


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Chokolee(m): 8:09am On Aug 16, 2012
O ma God!! Nigeria!!!

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by chrisosi: 10:58am On Aug 16, 2012
Front Page plssss

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Chokolee(m): 11:57am On Aug 17, 2012
chrisosi: Front Page plssss
Seconded..this should be in front page plz
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Heymus(m): 9:50pm On Aug 17, 2012
What a touching write-up!, God is by your side, hmmmn! Well, With time people like you will get to be appreciated in this country of ours.(mind you, it may not be now).

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Nobody: 11:09am On Aug 21, 2012
Nice one, bro! Greater things await you.


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Horlawoomey(m): 6:10am On Dec 02, 2012
WE NEED PEOPLE LIKE THIS IN NIGERIA, BRO, YOU ARE BORN GREAT. . . . . This should be on the front page or are the MOD working for the FG ?

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by CrazyMan(m): 8:17am On Dec 02, 2012
I salute the writer's courage to address the glaring infringements in the NYSC scheme...Unfortunately freedom of expression has been murdered in Nigeria...we just gonna have to adopt Fela's notion... Suffering and Smiling


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by k2039: 10:30am On Dec 02, 2012
I can confidently and with all assurance say that Nigeria is a failed state


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by dridowu: 10:36am On Dec 02, 2012
Corper Otonddo
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by fapcrook(m): 10:39am On Dec 02, 2012
This country sha, injustice, no freedom expression, nothing. Let the youths have breathing space please.

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by honeric01(m): 10:40am On Dec 02, 2012
I guess he also voted for this current government.. pity sha! sad

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by dominique(f): 10:43am On Dec 02, 2012
A country where you are persecuted for speaking up for yourself and demanding your rights. Sad sad
Such a gifted writer he is, he'll have a bright future in journalism

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by sigmaseller: 10:45am On Dec 02, 2012
@ Op, u̶̲̥̅̊ want me read dis? Can smone pls read nd summarize dis story in just two sentences.
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Nobody: 10:48am On Dec 02, 2012
So why did you not fight the query?
If you want to fight for truth, you must learn to fight with every thing, else they will kill you and say you have learnt your lesson. You say you know how to write? that status of Serving Nigeria gives you access to any office in this land? I my self used my NYSC uniform to gain access to every Manager's office I wished to talk to.

To you I say, reject the extension, write to NYSC director, then Write to the President and copy NYSC. Write to your Senators, to the Senate President, to the House Speaker, To the Governor, always copy NYSC. keep writing till your state co-ordination begins to have to answer questions about you, he or she will wish they had let you go, and they will!


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Nobody: 10:49am On Dec 02, 2012
I understand your plight bro... No option.. That's what we were told at camp. Glad you've told our story. You're not a victim but a hero. Held down but can't be shut up. God bless and keep you

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by warrikid(m): 10:53am On Dec 02, 2012
undecidedOk we don hear.
Wetin u want make we do put 4 d matter now.
Dey dere dey speak english. Obahiagbonised fellow.
U better do d extension quietly b4 u get anoda one oo.
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Nobody: 10:54am On Dec 02, 2012
More people to write to:
The Governors Forum,
The People's Democratic Party Chairman
the Northern Governors Forum
The Southern Governors Forum
the Ohaneze
the Arewa CF
The Afenifere
the ACN Chairman
The APGA Chairman

Give your state NYSC co-ordination the kind of publicity he will never forget. Power is always taken not given, if you decide to die silent,nobody will mind. Do not forget the Association of Journalist. Make sure nobody can accuse you of revealing official secret in you new writings, so write about your plight. Complain!


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by CrazyMan(m): 10:55am On Dec 02, 2012
sigma seller: @ Op, u̶̲̥̅̊ want me read dis? Can smone pls read nd summarize dis story in just two sentences.
Don't speak, write or sing against the Nigerian government, or else you would be severely dealt with.


Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Dahkogrin007(m): 10:59am On Dec 02, 2012
I see trait ov Martin Luther king jnr in u....Nigeria is in bondage n we nid those who wnt let the necessary questions go unasked....I respect u bro

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by asdfjklhaha(f): 11:04am On Dec 02, 2012
KenGali: More people to write to:
The Governors Forum,
The People's Democratic Party Chairman
the Northern Governors Forum
The Southern Governors Forum
the Ohaneze
the Arewa CF
The Afenifere
the ACN Chairman
The APGA Chairman

Give your state NYSC co-ordination the kind of publicity he will never forget. Power is always taken not given, if you decide to die silent,nobody will mind. Do not forget the Association of Journalist. Make sure nobody can accuse you of revealing official secret in you new writings, so write about your plight. Complain!
You forgot to add opc boko haram and massob
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Nobody: 11:07am On Dec 02, 2012
You can add those if you like cheesy grin
Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Abali1(m): 11:15am On Dec 02, 2012
"The only thing it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to keep quiet. I refuse to keep quiet."

When are we, the youth of Nigeria, going to speak up in the face of oppression. Everybody will applaud the Corper, but few will stand in line to be counted.

Nice piece anyway.

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Lordmike: 11:17am On Dec 02, 2012
good write up and the truth can not be hidden. NYSC has failed just like the president has failed and also just like so many state governors have failed. One day Nigeria will raise again.

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Re: The Tears Of A Wounded Corper by Opoki(m): 11:37am On Dec 02, 2012
Thats lenghty meen.

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2021 NYSC Batch A Registration Begins On March 3rd / Posted To Delta Let's Meet Here / Lai Mohammed: NYSC Has Increased COVID-19 Cases In Nigeria

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