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Behold, I Am The Lord Of All Flesh: Is The Anything Too Hard For Me. - Religion - Nairaland

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Behold, I Am The Lord Of All Flesh: Is The Anything Too Hard For Me. by kid7soccer(m): 1:06am On Aug 28, 2012
In every part of our world today there are some many problems. This problem ranges from war, poverty, disease, sudden death, famine, drought, False Government, broken home, etc. This problems has cause a lot of people to forget about who Jehovah God is, they are now busy running after so called quick solutions, most people don’t mind dinning with the devil all in the name of solving their problems or leaving a good life, most people are even willing sell their life just to get what they want.

Today, God is saying to every one of us, behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh, is the anything too hard for me (Jeremiah 32vs 27). Our God who divide the red sea, our God who gave the children of Israel a line slide victory over the people of Jericho, our God who has all the powers in heaven and on earth, our God who has proven Himself to our fathers of old by providing for them, our God who created the heaven and the earth and every living thing on this earth, Our God who never fails, is saying to us today, behold I am the God of all flesh, is the anything too hard for me (Jeremiah 32vs 27).

Is it diseases, Our God is a great physician God can cure all diseases, is it poverty, the gold, the silver, the diamond are His(Haggai 2 vs 8, all things in heaven and on earth are His), is it famine, drought, Our God owns the rain, our God who fed the children of Israel in the wilderness can still do it again, He never changes, is it disaster or war, Our God will restore all we have lost like Job in the bible (Job Chap. 42). Is it shame, pain, sorrow, hardship, our God is able to turn it all to Blessing, honor and glory.
What is that problem that has taken you out of the way of God, God wants you to know that He is able if only we let Him into our life, into our affairs He will change our life, He will answer us when we call (Jeremiah 33 vs 3, Isaiah 65 vs 24 and psalm 91 vs 15).

All God wants in return is for us to give our life to Him, to serve Him, to come back Him and repent of our sinful ways. If you are still yet to give your life to Jesus, this is an opportunity, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father, but by me (john 14 vs 16). Please go down on your knees and pray to him, confess your sins, ask Jesus for His mercy, ask Him to come in to your life, promise Him that you will change you ways. If you just finish praying to Jesus, I want you to know that Jesus and the angels in heaven are happy for you, I am happy for you. You are blessed.

Please Jesus is out to bless everyone of us, please do not play with your salvation, don’t say I will give my life to Jesus tomorrow or when am old, now is the time tomorrow maybe too late, remember the time of our Lord coming is very near. If you have given your life to Jesus hold strong to Him and you will not regret it. You are all blessed.


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