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Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 8:36am On Jan 03, 2008
angry angry angry angry islam as cost the world our peace , bombing everywhere thats a religion thats as destroyed peoples view of God , how can we solve this problem,whats ur view abt this religion
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Freewilly(f): 8:38am On Jan 03, 2008
Islam is a religion of peace, you didn't know that ?
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by dimpules: 9:48am On Jan 05, 2008
prayer. God loves the muslims and the suicide bombers remember?
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 9:52am On Jan 05, 2008

prayer. God loves the muslims and the suicide bombers remember?

We remember. But do the suicide bombers have respect for people's lives or care two chillings that people value their God-given lives?
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by dimpules: 10:58am On Jan 05, 2008
@ pilgrim. he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 11:03am On Jan 05, 2008


@ pilgrim. he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Muslims by design do not believe in that quote; nor am I here to cast stone at anyone. Truth be told, it is high time we all stop this boot-licking compromise and face up squarely with issues that affect everyone.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Bobbyaf(m): 12:17am On Jan 06, 2008
Islam like all other false religions must be seen for what it really is, evil. Its the very opposite of what God is. Its forceful and oppressive and gives no freedom to anyone who chooses to believe otherwise. Dare any Moslem to believe otherwise in his country and see exactly what befalls him or her, death.

Majority of the people in Islamic countries want freedom but are afraid to talk. Eventually they will be isolated by the rest of the world, and be forced to see the light. The Jihad war as they call it is being lost by them, and that is why they are so desperate. If their god Allah was really on their side then wouldn't they have the upper hand by now? Just take a look at their countries and see what their religion is doing for them. They see the degradation and misery, yet fail to see the light

The good news is that Jesus is calling them one by one, and quite a lot have responded, and more will eventually.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 3:39am On Jan 06, 2008
angry angry My friend is a muslim , he lives in total fear of law that looks ugly e.g in sura(some verse says attack jews,christians, he was like how will a loving God say such thing but i hope he realises soon)he is an imam, but he is scared of his belief and also scared to change,
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by 9ja: 10:56pm On Jan 06, 2008
@ jayon
pls tell ur imam friend if he doesn't have d full conviction 2b a muslim he should let it b,cos followin a religion or any view of life just 4 show is "hypocrisy".I c ur tryin to rhyme islam with bomb,they were not created by muslim or solely used by them.

so my view is understand it b4 u judge it.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by mazaje(m): 12:42am On Jan 07, 2008

angry angry angry angry islam as cost the world our peace , bombing everywhere thats a religion thats as destroyed peoples view of God , how can we solve this problem,whats your view about this religion

seems you have forgotten that the christains exterminated and killed more people in history than the muslims, the Cathars and the Knights Templars were all killed by the christains during the time of inqusition. Hitler worked with the roman Catholic Church to exterminate the jews in the world but the whole story was spinned and the thruth was never told to the people.

On the bright side, Islam is only 1,300 years old, and religions have a definite life-cycle, just like people. If you look at Christianity in 1300 C.E., two words spring to mind: Inquisition and Crusade(some of the greatest crimes to humanity). Maybe the 1300s are just the rebellious teenage years for islam, it too like christianity will change with time.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by wendymanda: 5:57am On Jan 07, 2008
There two sides your either with the muslims or against dead.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 6:54am On Jan 07, 2008

seems you have forgotten that the christains exterminated and killed more people in history than the muslims, the Cathars and the Knights Templars were all killed by the christains during the time of inqusition. Hitler worked with the roman Catholic Church to exterminate the jews in the world but the whole story was spinned and the thruth was never told to the people.

On the bright side, Islam is only 1,300 years old, and religions have a definite life-cycle, just like people. If you look at Christianity in 1300 C.E., two words spring to mind: Inquisition and Crusade(some of the greatest crimes to humanity). Maybe the 1300s are just the rebellious teenage years for islam, it too like christianity will change with time.

"The games Muslims play" - have you read that article? grin

Now wake up and shed yourself of this day-dreaming.

~ Who is calling for the death of Jews and Christians TODAY?

~ Who cursed Jews and Christians until his last breath - and his curses have failed?

~ Who had so much hate for Jews and Christians that he "prophesied" that the LAST HOUR
would not come until his followers kill every Jew, even trees talking to reveal the Jews?

~ Who are the world's global threat to you because you are not a MUSLIM?

Where are the "Christian hadiths" from which the Popes and Hitler got their "commandments" to kill people?
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by belloti(m): 3:28pm On Jan 07, 2008
You guys are here again. Just keep going in circles. You dont know a hoot about Islam and frankly the truth is that you are doomed to hell , wa iyazu billah. i suggest you get to know more about islam from the available literatures if you want to save your hide.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by ismailys20: 3:46pm On Jan 07, 2008





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Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 5:19pm On Jan 07, 2008



Wait until i use a page of the quran to wipe my chair in Kano . . . we shall see how nice those muslim neighbours truly are. Bunch of hypocrites.



go and read surah 17:91 and come back here to tell us who is truly doomed.



Islam is a pile of falsehood and inconsistency. It claims not to tolerate alchohol here on earth and yet provides muslims with rivers flowing with alchohol in heaven?
It claims not to support adultery yet sanctions the "prophet" to take his sons wife, sleep with a 6 yr old, allows muslims to marry up to 4 wives and provides muslim men with 72 virgins in heaven plus countless little boys?
Islam does not tolerate fornication and yet permits temporary marriages?
Islam does not tolerate cheating and yet permits al taqiya?

Just were does islam stand on these issues?



there is no trinity in the bible . . . if it is a confusion at all it is probably because you choose to make it so.
No son and father wahala . . . there is no son and father wahala in Sango worship too so does that make it right?
How about allah's daughters and the satanic verses?
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by babs787(m): 7:06pm On Jan 07, 2008

I wonder at times the kind of christian you are shocked. I can not tear a sheet from the bible despite the fact that it is corrupt. Real soldier of christ

go and read surah 17:91 and come back here to tell us who is truly doomed.

Why do you like going in circles saying nothing sensible. Brother Olabowale gave you detailed explanation on the verse that has been giving you sleepless night.

Islam is a pile of falsehood and inconsistency.

Can you prove it?

It claims not to tolerate alchohol here on earth and yet provides muslims with rivers flowing with alchohol in heaven?

Do you have the verse on that?

It claims not to support adultery yet sanctions the "prophet" to take his sons wife, sleep with a 6 yr old, allows muslims to marry up to 4 wives and provides muslim men with 72 virgins in heaven plus countless little boys?

Ignorance is really a disease

Islam does not tolerate fornication and yet permits temporary marriages?

Have you not been educated on this temporary marriage?

Islam does not tolerate cheating and yet permits al taqiya?

Dp I serve you verses on that from your bible?

Just were does islam stand on these issues?

Ignorance dey worry you no be small

there is no trinity in the bible . . . if it is a confusion at all it is probably because you choose to make it so.

I think I served you truth on that and if you think that it is in the bible, let me have it bth from OT and NT?

No son and father wahala . . . there is no son and father wahala in Sango worship too so does that make it right?

Can you supply me biblical proof on that and also help me check the word 'trinity' from bible dictionary

How about allah's daughters and the satanic verses?

Can you still serve me that and I will lecture you on that and I am quite aware of what you will serve if at all you will.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 7:39pm On Jan 07, 2008
see dishonesty above! Behold allah's slaves.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by focused(m): 4:16pm On Jan 08, 2008
@poster :

The truth is :

Islam is a satanic occultic religion manufactured by the kingdom of darkness. It possesses characteristics similar to any other false religion.

The bible says in first John chapter 4 verse 1 :

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

What do we know about Islamic religion :

Islamic religion is founded by Muhammed (Agent of satan) who claim he receives revelation from Angel jibril over some years and he also receive revelation from angel jibril while having sex with a very young girl of six years old. Could that so called revelation have come from God The answer is No. A militant like muhammed does not have the spirit to discern if a revelation is from God or if it is from the devil.

It is a religion propagated by force and dead threat is issued to any muslim who dare convert to any other faith. That alone shows it is from the devil, because God gave human being the free will to choose good or evil. If anyone wants to win converts, all you do is preach, and let God do his work and direct the person involved.

The Quran (Which is the muslim bible) is full of contradiction.

Worshipping a quarter moon, star and a black stone (which is situated in Mecca) is Idolatry. They carry out all sorts of rituals. A quarter moon and star is a sign of witchcraft

Islamic religion promotes Polygamy. That alone shows that it is from the devil
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by babs787(m): 4:21pm On Jan 08, 2008

@poster :

The truth is :

Islam is a satanic occultic religion manufactured by the kingdom of darkness. It possesses characteristics similar to any other false religion.

The bible says in first John chapter 4 verse 1 :

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

What do we know about Islamic religion :

Islamic religion is founded by Muhammed (Agent of satan) who claim he receives revelation from Angel jibril over some years and he also receive revelation from angel jibril while having sex with a very young girl of six years old. Could that so called revelation have come from God The answer is No. A militant like muhammed does not have the spirit to discern if a revelation is from God or if it is from the devil.

It is a religion propagated by force and dead threat is issued to any muslim who dare convert to any other faith. That alone shows it is from the devil, because God gave human being the free will to choose good or evil. If anyone wants to win converts, all you do is preach, and let God do his work and direct the person involved.

The Quran (Which is the muslim bible) is full of contradiction.

Worshipping a quarter moon, star and a black stone (which is situated in Mecca) is Idolatry. They carry out all sorts of rituals. A quarter moon and star is the

Islamic religion promotes Polygamy. That alone shows that it is from the devil

Must you lie to deceive yourself? Can you serve me verses where he started Islam? When you do that, I will serve you verses showing that prophets before him practised Islam, even Jesus and it was during his time that it was completed i.e, five times daily prayers etc

Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 5:32pm On Jan 08, 2008

Must you lie to deceive yourself? Can you serve me verses where he started Islam? When you do that, I will serve you verses showing that prophets before him practised Islam, even Jesus and it was during his time that it was completed i.e, five times daily prayers etc

this man forever threatening to "serve verses". grin Where are the verses that Jesus "completed" five daily prayers? Where are the verses to show that the "prophets" of old practised Islam?

Pls do not bring those "verses" from the bible which you have claimed is corrupt.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by stranger26(f): 7:14pm On Jan 08, 2008

Wait until i use a page of the quran to wipe my chair in Kano . . . we shall see how nice those muslim neighbours truly are. Bunch of hypocrites.

go and read surah 17:91 and come back here to tell us who is truly doomed.

Islam is a pile of falsehood and inconsistency. It claims not to tolerate alchohol here on earth and yet provides muslims with rivers flowing with alchohol in heaven?
It claims not to support adultery yet sanctions the "prophet" to take his sons wife, sleep with a 6 yr old, allows muslims to marry up to 4 wives and provides muslim men with 72 virgins in heaven plus countless little boys?
Islam does not tolerate fornication and yet permits temporary marriages?
Islam does not tolerate cheating and yet permits al taqiya?

Just were does islam stand on these issues?

there is no trinity in the bible . . . if it is a confusion at all it is probably because you choose to make it so.
No son and father wahala . . . there is no son and father wahala in Sango worship too so does that make it right?
How about allah's daughters and the satanic verses?

Davidylan, I must say that your words reek of bitterness towards muslims. My brother, what have muslims done to you, personally? How many muslims have blown your house up? How many have cut your hand or attempted to stone you to death? Please, people, we must stop this spewing of hateful words and notions.
Now, to address your statements.
---> why would you use the Qur'an to wipe your chair in the first place? Tell me what would happen if I went into an orthodox christian community and, in front of the christians, tore a page out of the Bible and wiped my chair with it? What would THEY do to ME too? I suppose they'll buy me chocolates and send me flowers, right? Doing such a thing is obviously an intentional provokation.

--->About the alcohol issue, I do not remember any reference to RIVERS of alcohol (what I do know of are rivers of milk and honey). But I do know that alcohol will be served in Paradise. Why? Because alcohol in Paradise will not intoxicate and it does not have any of the side effects of the alcohol in this world.
Regarding alcohol in this world:
"They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefits for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit" [Qur'an 2:19]

Regarding alcohol in Paradise:
"With cups, and jugs, and a glass of flowing wine, Wherefrom they will get neither aching of the head, nor any intoxication" [Qur'an 56:18-19]

---> Please refer me to the Qur'anic evidence of the provision of "little boys" (as you term it) for men's pleasure. That has homosexual overtones to it. What I do know, is that the people of Paradise will be served drinks by young, immortal boys. I have never heard anything wrong about having a male serving drinks,,,,unless you didn't intend to give that meaning of homosexual tendencies and are only being sexist in thinking that only women should serve.

"Immortal boys will go around them (serving), With cups, and jugs, and a glass of flowing wine," [Qur'an 56:17-18]

--->about the provision of 72 virgins in Paradise, I seriously do not see anything wrong with that. It is HEAVEN not EARTH,,,they weren't told to have 72 virgins on earth, were they? Aren't most men interested in sex? If you, as a man, didn't know that, a visit to the "Romance" section of NairaLand will soon enlighten you. So if men are more interested in sex than women, why shouldn't God give them what they would enjoy in Paradise?
As far as I know, Paradise is supposed to be a place where you can enjoy yourself,,,otherwise it would be close to Hell! Why do you think many men date zillions of girls? I'm sure if you ask them whether they want 72 girlfriends, they'll be quite enthusiastic about it. So its ok to have as many girls as you want in this world (whom you're not married to and are therefore sinning) but it is wrong to have them in Paradise!
But please do enlighten me on the evils of promising them 72 virgins in heaven (who, by the way, are not Earthly women, these are special creatures created for this purpose),,,,afterall, I'm only an ignorant 18 year-old.

---> Allow me to say that temporary marriage is prohibited in Islam.

Muslim :: Book 8 : Hadith 3253
Rabi' b. Sabra reported that his father went on an expedition with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) during the Victory of Mecca, and we stayed there for fifteen days (i. e. for thirteen full days and a day and a night), and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) permitted us to contract temporary marriage with women. So I and another person of my tribe went out, and I was more handsome than he, whereas he was almost ugly. Each one of us had a cloaks, My cloak was worn out, whereas the cloak of my cousin was quite new. As we reached the lower or the upper side of Mecca, we came across a young woman like a young smart long-necked she-camel. We said: Is it possible that one of us may contract temporary marriage with you? She said: What will you give me as a dower? Each one of us spread his cloak. She began to cast a glance on both the persons. My companion also looked at her when she was casting a glance at her side and he said: This cloak of his is worn out, whereas my cloak is quite new. She, however, said twice or thrice: There is no harm in (accepting) this cloak (the old one). So I contracted temporary marriage with her, and I did not come out (of this) until Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) declared it forbidden.

--->Could you please expand on your question about Allah's daughters (Astaghfirullah) and the satanic verses? I'll assume you're claiming that Allah has daughters. That would be quite a laughable claim given that the Qur'an repeatedly refutes people's claims that God has a child.

"And to warn those (Jews, Christians, and pagans) who say, "Allah has begotten a son (or offspring or children)". No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. Mighty is the word that comes out of their mouths [i.e. He begets sons and daughters]. They utter nothing but a lie." [Qur'an 18:4-5]

"And they assign daughters to Allah! - Glorified (and Exalted) is He above all they associate with Him!, " [Qur'an 16:57]

However, I'm not sure that IS what you were hinting at.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by stranger26(f): 7:43pm On Jan 08, 2008

@poster :

The truth is :

Islam is a satanic occultic religion manufactured by the kingdom of darkness. It possesses characteristics similar to any other false religion.

The bible says in first John chapter 4 verse 1 :

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

What do we know about Islamic religion :

Islamic religion is founded by Muhammed (Agent of satan) who claim he receives revelation from Angel jibril over some years and he also receive revelation from angel jibril while having sex with a very young girl of six years old. Could that so called revelation have come from God The answer is No. A militant like muhammed does not have the spirit to discern if a revelation is from God or if it is from the devil.

It is a religion propagated by force and dead threat is issued to any muslim who dare convert to any other faith. That alone shows it is from the devil, because God gave human being the free will to choose good or evil. If anyone wants to win converts, all you do is preach, and let God do his work and direct the person involved.

The Quran (Which is the muslim bible) is full of contradiction.

Worshipping a quarter moon, star and a black stone (which is situated in Mecca) is Idolatry. They carry out all sorts of rituals. A quarter moon and star is a sign of witchcraft

Islamic religion promotes Polygamy. That alone shows that it is from the devil

Focused, my brother, I have to say that your knowledge of Islam is very limited,,,your post makes me think that you really don't know anything about the religion. I say this not to ridicule you but because I am a muslim and what I know of the religion is completely different from what you've just put down.

First of all, muslims DO NOT worship the moon, or the star, or any other object. Muslims worship Allah (God),,,Him and nothing else.

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to "Allah" Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." [Quran 41:37]

That states CLEARLY that people should worship only Allah and not these creations.

By the way, when you make an allegation, you need to support it with reasons. I do not see any logical connection between polygamy and the devil. Do you? Well, then, please explain it to me.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by kosovo(m): 8:07pm On Jan 08, 2008
tough m a christain, but your judgement is absolulely unaceptable.
you re talkin shit. do you think you make heaven?
you are just there, cos u were born in christain home, u open mouth and talk shit.
as far as i m concern only relegion can destroy can destroy religion.
 be wise, u never can tell, those sucide bombers would be the first to heaven.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 8:12pm On Jan 08, 2008
Stranger26, though chockful of propaganda, lies and errors, yours is perhaps the most coherent response i have read from a muslim in a long time.


Davidylan, I must say that your words reek of bitterness towards muslims. My brother, what have muslims done to you, personally? How many muslims have blown your house up? How many have cut your hand or attempted to stone you to death? Please, people, we must stop this spewing of hateful words and notions.

There is no bitterness to my words. . . u only see what does not exist because your religious cult is being exposed for the violent fraud that it is.

You detest armed robbers. . . but have you ever been robbed by one?
You hate rapists . . . but have they ever raped you?
You dislike the devil/shaitan . . . but have you ever seen him or did he ever steal ur pencil?

Do you see how incredulous your analogy sounds? You expect me to wait until ur muslim brothers (men of "peace"wink cut my hands off and stone me to death before i speak out on the violence that is islam?


Now, to address your statements.
---> why would you use the Qur'an to wipe your chair in the first place? Tell me what would happen if I went into an orthodox christian community and, in front of the christians, tore a page out of the Bible and wiped my chair with it? What would THEY do to ME too? I suppose they'll buy me chocolates and send me flowers, right? Doing such a thing is obviously an intentional provokation.

I tell you what will happen in the church . . . they would welcome you with both arms, pray for you and teach you the living words of Jesus Christ from the same bible that you tore. That is what love and peace is all about . . . not the rabble rousing hypocrites you muslims are.
MKO Abiola once tossed shiploads of bibles into the sea . . . did anyone threaten his life?
You attempt to dishonestly compare your rabid imams with an impossible scenario wont wash here.


--->About the alcohol issue, I do not remember any reference to RIVERS of alcohol (what I do know of are rivers of milk and honey). But I do know that alcohol will be served in Paradise. Why? Because alcohol in Paradise will not intoxicate and it does not have any of the side effects of the alcohol in this world.
Regarding alcohol in this world:
"They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefits for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit" [Qur'an 2:19]

Regarding alcohol in Paradise:
"With cups, and jugs, and a glass of flowing wine, Wherefrom they will get neither aching of the head, nor any intoxication" [Qur'an 56:18-19]

the quran is chockful of inconsistencies and innumerable lies and contradictions and the above is a clear example. Why is allah providing alchohol in paradise and forbidding them on earth? You try to circumvent this contradiction by claiming that the alchohol in paradise does not intoxicate . . . how easily decieved are those who "god" is their bellies and for whom "heaven" is all about fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the lust of the eyes.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 10:03pm On Jan 08, 2008
you are very very funny, but let me tell you who i am
1. Am a tongue Speaker
2. Holy Ghost Filled
3. I believe in the death and Ressurection of the son of God
4. I love my fellow brethren and i love to preach the Gospel
thats why you see me trying to put light in ur eyes to see the doom before you, in islam, But u said terrorist(saucide bomber )will make heaven before me ,the saucide bomber might be The holiest man on earth as Far as he doesnot know Jesus he is set for doom,
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 1:25am On Jan 09, 2008

Stranger26, though chockful of propaganda, lies and errors, yours is perhaps the most coherent response i have read from a muslim in a long time.

There is no bitterness to my words. . . u only see what does not exist because your religious cult is being exposed for the violent fraud that it is.

You detest armed robbers. . . but have you ever been robbed by one?
You hate rapists . . . but have they ever raped you?
You dislike the devil/shaitan . . . but have you ever seen him or did he ever steal your pencil?

Do you see how incredulous your analogy sounds? You expect me to wait until your muslim brothers (men of "peace"wink cut my hands off and stone me to death before i speak out on the violence that is islam?

I tell you what will happen in the church . . . they would welcome you with both arms, pray for you and teach you the living words of Jesus Christ from the same bible that you tore. That is what love and peace is all about . . . not the rabble rousing hypocrites you muslims are.
MKO Abiola once tossed shiploads of bibles into the sea . . . did anyone threaten his life?
You attempt to dishonestly compare your rabid imams with an impossible scenario wont wash here.

the quran is chockful of inconsistencies and innumerable lies and contradictions and the above is a clear example. Why is allah providing alchohol in paradise and forbidding them on earth? You try to circumvent this contradiction by claiming that the alchohol in paradise does not intoxicate . . . how easily decieved are those who "god" is their bellies and for whom "heaven" is all about fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the lust of the eyes.

Nice response.
The thing is that Mohammed is an equal opportunity provider.
His paradise will satisfy men from all walks of life

1, For the womanizers and sex maniacs there'll be virgins galore numbering up to 72 with hymen without end.

2.For the perverts and pedophiles,the virgins could be as young as 9 year old

3.For the alcoholics rivers of liquour

4.For the homosexuals,"young men serving them"

He basically provides a brothel in jannat with men perpetually on heat.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 1:35am On Jan 09, 2008

--->about the provision of 72 virgins in Paradise, I seriously do not see anything wrong with that. It is HEAVEN not EARTH,,,they weren't told to have 72 virgins on earth, were they? Aren't most men interested in sex? If you, as a man, didn't know that, a visit to the "Romance" section of NairaLand will soon enlighten you. So if men are more interested in sex than women, why shouldn't God give them what they would enjoy in Paradise?
As far as I know, Paradise is supposed to be a place where you can enjoy yourself,,,otherwise it would be close to Hell! Why do you think many men date zillions of girls? I'm sure if you ask them whether they want 72 girlfriends, they'll be quite enthusiastic about it. So its ok to have as many girls as you want in this world (whom you're not married to and are therefore sinning) but it is wrong to have them in Paradise!
But please do enlighten me on the evils of promising them 72 virgins in heaven (who, by the way, are not Earthly women, these are special creatures created for this purpose),,,,afterall, I'm only an ignorant 18 year-old.

Well this is what allah promises the males,what does he have for you?
Will you be one of the 72 virgins given to the matyrs or will you have your own 72 studs lined up and coming one by one for an everlasting bedmatics
Will the Muslim women be bedding their fellow women?

Or will you end up in hell fire where Muhammad says is populated by Muslim women?

Koran 78:31
As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high- bosomed virgins for companions: a truly overflowing cup.

Koran 37:40-48
, They will sit with bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.

Koran 44:51-55
, Yes and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris. (beautiful virgins)

Koran 52:17-20
, They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris (virgins) we shall wed them, 

Koran 55:56-57
In them will be bashful virgins neither man nor Jinn will have touched before.Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"

Koran 55:57-58
Virgins as fair as corals and rubies. Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"

Koran 56:7-40
, We created the houris (the beautiful women) and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand,  "

Koran 55:70-77
"In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair,  Dark eyed virgins sheltered in their tents whom neither man nor Jin will have touched before, 

That is the Islamic heaven,what on earth do the women get.
see focused posting for what Christ promises,only a perverted man would choose the Islamic paradise.
A paradise with little 9 year old girls for sex


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Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by Nobody: 10:31am On Jan 09, 2008
@stranger22, it seems you can't wait to go and accept your own 72 virgins and wine.

Unfortunately that would be really sad if you yourself actually turn out to a woman grin
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by focused(m): 4:35pm On Jan 09, 2008

Focused, my brother, I have to say that your knowledge of Islam is very limited,,,your post makes me think that you really don't know anything about the religion. I say this not to ridicule you but because I am a muslim and what I know of the religion is completely different from what you've just put down.

First of all, muslims DO NOT worship the moon, or the star, or any other object. Muslims worship Allah (God),,,Him and nothing else.

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to "Allah" Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." [Quran 41:37]

That states CLEARLY that people should worship only Allah and not these creations.

By the way, when you make an allegation, you need to support it with reasons. I do not see any logical connection between polygamy and the devil. Do you? Well, then, please explain it to me.


If you don't worship a quarter moon and star, why is it your symbol or why is it the symbol of any country whose state religion is Islam ? Do your research very well and you will see that what I am saying is true.

Why do you go to mecca to worship a black stone ?

Why do you go to mecca to stone the devil ? (The devil you did not see )

Why are you associated with aggressiveness, violence, oppression, all sorts of rituals, Idolatry, hypocrisy, hatred (of other religions )?

If someone is a muslim and later he or she converts into another religion, for whatever religious conviction he or she had, why do you threatened them with death, if they refuse to convert back to Islam

Why are muslims so blood thirsty? This happen in Nigeria because of the cartoon of muhammed in Danish press.

Why do you propagate your religion with violence and force?

Violence, aggressiveness, War or blood thirsty spirit, unforgiven spirit, adultery, extremely wicked spirit are signs which shows that Islam is like other false religion which is manufactured by the devil.

Polygamy is adultery. A wife is a precious pearl and not a mere possession, so you have no right to marry another spouse while the other one is alive.

Marriage is an institution created by God. It clearly states one man one wife.

Marriage is not muhammed's creation, so muhammed does not have any right to tell you (muslims) to marry four wives.

Anything apart from your first wife is a spiritual marriage which could only bring problems. That is why there is never peace in any polygamous homes and the devil reign supreme in any polygamous homes because children from different mothers see themselves as arch rivals.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 6:05pm On Jan 09, 2008

I understand your concerns to set our Muslim friends on a straight course in their convictions. However, when we put our persuasions across, we might help them do far better by doing our best to be fair. I applaud the fact that we have tried to demonstrate fairness in many instances; but as the Bible says, we should never be weary in well doing (Gal. 6:9).

In the spirit of that fairness, let me point out a few things to note in yours:


Why do you go to mecca to worship a black stone?

In all fairness, Muslims do not "worship" the black stone. They may bow down to it (most Muslims deny that it is Islamic to do so); or they may kiss it (which again was nowhere commanded by 'Allah', but merely as a show-off to pagans). On the whole, we understand that facing the black stone is simply idolatrous (cf. Leviticus 26:1 -- "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God"wink.


Polygamy is adultery. A wife is a precious pearl and not a mere possession, so you have no right to marry another spouse while the other one is alive.

It is true that polygamy is adultery. But let's remember that some of the Biblical figures were polygamous (e.g., David, Solomon). However, the main things we must never fail to point out are these:

(a) God never sanctioned polygamy at any instance

Even those who were in authority and had influence among God's people took several wives contrary to His express commandment: "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself" (Deuteronomy 17:17). Polygamy was not God's design for man - and that was made clear in Jesus' teaching (Matt. 19:8 - "but from the beginning it was not so"wink, and we need to go back and discover what God had intended "from the beginning" for man.

(b) Justifying what God never sanctioned will lead to more sin

It should not be any more surprising to us that when Muhammad tried to justify polygamy by "revelation", that particular incident was the irrevocable turning point that established all sorts of sexual impropriety Islam. Some of the things that have evolved out of that "sex by revelation from Allah" include the fornication of "temporary" marriages. Even if one is not religiously-minded, does the idea of "temporary" marriages make any sense other than a clear pointer to the ugly sin of fornication? Where did any other prophet justify the idea of a "temporary" marriages?

When the soul is beclouded with unclean things, then that which is lewd will be regarded as "holy" by those who embrace such questionable adventures.

However, @focused, all the other points you raised are legitimate, and Muslims will do well to address them coherently, if they may.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 6:13pm On Jan 09, 2008
Meanwhile, here's another point that I have asked Muslims on another sphere to reconcile, but no answers as yet.

This is what amazes me: on the one hand, Islam permits certain things; then on the opther hand, the same Islam does not permit the same things!

    ~ Islam forbids wine and alchohol on earth; and yet promises rivers of liquer in paradise!

    ~ It forbids fornication on earth; but permits it in "temporary marriages" on earth, and sexual abundance in paradise with young virgins!

Now, this:


Why do you go to mecca to stone the devil ?

I wonder how the "stoning" of Satan/devil is believed by Muslims without questioning the hadith that says Muhammad disliked stoning:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 67, Num. 388:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Maghaffal: that he saw a man throwing stones with two fingers
(at something) and said to him, "Do not throw stones, for Allah's Apostle has forbidden
throwing stones, or he used to dislike it." 'Abdullah added: Throwing stones will neither
hunt the game, nor kill (or hurt) an enemy, but it may break a tooth or gouge out an eye."
Afterwards 'Abdullah once again saw the man throwing stones. He said to him, "I tell you
that Allah's Apostle has forbidden or disliked the throwing the stones (in such a way),
yet you are throwing stones! I shall not talk to you for such-and-such a period."

Whichever particular way Muhammad liked or disliked throwing stones, it is sure to note that it can neither hurt nor kill the devil! Period! grin
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by kosovo(m): 8:03pm On Jan 09, 2008
@jayon, u said u speak in tongs? has anybody ever interpreted your tongs?.
u guys just talk and talk and at the end no results.
i had 2 muslim roomates, they were perfectly ok in all manners., and i learnt allot of things from them.
when i even see some christain people and pastor i ask my self this question WHY?
EVERYBODY SERVE YOUR GOD provided it give answers to your quest.

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