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Islam The Religion Of Doom - Islam for Muslims (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 8:36am On Jan 10, 2008


when i even see some christain people and pastor i ask my self this question WHY?

If mouth dey pain you to talk, why not simply keep quite and observe? grin

I know a few Muslim people that would make you ask so many "WHY" by the way they practise their beliefs. Your idea quoted above is a waste of space if you're seeking public attention and a pat on the back.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by kosovo(m): 9:22am On Jan 10, 2008


If mouth dey pain you to talk, why not simply keep quite and observe? grin

I know a few Muslim people that would make you ask so many "WHY" by the way they practise their beliefs. Your idea quoted above is a waste of space if you're seeking public attention and a pat on the back.

look at the person that calls himself a fucking christain. you are not worth taking TO
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 9:30am On Jan 10, 2008

look at the person that calls himself a fucking christain. you are not worth taking TO

Agitated already, are you? grin First I didn't call myself by what you assumed - and second, you needn't have bothered saying anything, like I advised earlier!
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by kosovo(m): 9:36am On Jan 10, 2008
is ISLAM REALLY A RELEGION OF doom? just because of the fight in the middle east?
how about when the catholics were killing women claiming they were witches.
shame on the christain brother that started this trend. because you have deflected your law: do not judge;
love your neigbour as your self.
it's didnt say your christain neigbours, all your neigbours (muslim,killers,prostitute,pagans etc).
So don't say SHIT any more.
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 9:51am On Jan 10, 2008

There is really no need to be agitated to such an extent that you begin to spiral away from what borders on the sane. If my initial reply to yours was a bit of the mark for you, here: I apologise. No need getting so worked up and assuming a position that leaves you all the more embarrassed in your statements.

Here are a few pointers you should carefully check out:


is ISLAM REALLY A RELEGION OF doom? just because of the fight in the middle east?

Before the fighting in the Middle East began, Islam was a religion that spelled doom for people rejected Muhammad's claims. Please leave the media for a second and turn the pages of the Qur'an and that Hadiths and see the FACTS for yourself!


how about when the catholics were killing women claiming they were witches.

I am not a Catholic; and we have dealt with that issue in debates with Catholics. Nowhere are such Catholic murders commanded anywhere by revelation from God as Muhammad claimed to have received "revelation" from 'Allah' to put his sword to the necks of those who rejected Islam!


shame on the christain brother that started this trend. because you have deflected your law: do not judge;

He has NOT deflected his law in the Bible. Please read for yourself:

John 7:24
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The ability for a man to judge issues rationally and call the bluff of Islam is why the poster would make bold to state his opinions.

Sorry, before even you could judge another, please read the Bible that explains what type of "judgement" you are referring to!


love your neigbour as your self.

Neither Islam nor Muhammad believe in that; and simply because we are asked to love our neighbour does not mean we should PRETEND that the threat of Islam should not be spoken against!

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

If you love anybody, you would seek to protect them from the seriousness of the threat that many people are campaigning we should not talk about!


it's didnt say your christain neigbours, all your neigbours (muslim,killers,prostitute,pagans etc).

Good one - those are the same people who will read the exposure of Islam and be forwarned about what they are taking for granted!


So don't say SHIT any more.

yes sir - it is not considered "shit" by warning against the threat of Islam by telling the truth about what Muslims do not want you to know!



Amen! cheesy
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by kosovo(m): 10:00am On Jan 10, 2008
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by pilgrim1(f): 10:01am On Jan 10, 2008
Like I said, "Amen" to yours - God be with us. wink
Re: Islam The Religion Of Doom by kosovo(m): 10:04am On Jan 10, 2008

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