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Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case - Politics - Nairaland

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Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by sammyyoung2(m): 1:06pm On Aug 31, 2012
Cynthia's murder: Press release from the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria

This concerns the two pharmacists arrested in connection with Cynthia Osokogu's murder. Read it below
The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) joins millions of Nigerians to empathize with the family of the late Cynthia Osokogu who was lured by friends she met on facebook to Lagos where she was brutalized and eventually killed.
We also commend the Nigeria Police for the professional investigation that led to the arrest of the two young men who admitted openly to have committed the heinous crime.

The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) is interested in a diligent and focused investigation of this murder which continues to attract so much interest from Nigerians to the extent that all found culpable will be made to face the full weight of the law, while innocent people are not unjustly arraigned, prosecuted and punished.

We note with concern the arraignment of two young Pharmacists who were charged along with the confessed suspects for rape, armed robbery, murder and administering of obnoxious substances. These are weighty charges that reflect the gravity of the offences that led to the death of this promising lady. We at Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) indeed perceive this loss as a great one to the Osokogus, friends, colleagues and all Nigerians.

The PSN after a critical appraisal of all issues at stake wishes to reflect thus:
1) Pharmacists as responsible professionals and as legitimate custodians of medicines would continue to champion safe, responsible and rational use of medicines in Nigeria. Our projects and programmes in the last few years have always been geared towards the promotion of safe use of medicines. Having said this, it is important to realize that all medicines are poisons with inherent tendencies for abuse and misuse. Pharmacists have always exercised due diligence, caution and professional judgment in dispensing and sales of medicines. But beyond this, it is difficult to know what a person intends to do or does with the medicine after purchase especially for a premeditated criminal act that involved use of chains, padlocks, tape and other dangerous weapons.

Information available to us indicate:
a. Pharmacist Chukwunonso Maduakor was on duty in Oxpharm in the morning of Monday August 20, 2012. A gentleman approached him and requested to buy Rohypnol. Nonso asked him for a prescription and he said he does not have one. The gentleman begged and pleaded with him that he really needed it with paracetamol. Pharm. Nonso considered his request on compassionate grounds and dispensed to him one (1) card of 10 tablets of flunitrazapam along with one (1) card of Paracetamol. The gentleman goes out of the pharmacy, and then came in again with other persons, arrested Nonso and accused him of selling drug without prescription. They then took him to the Police station, he made statement and was detained for six (6) days in Festac Police Area Command. On the 7th day they transferred him to Panti from where he was taken to a Magistrate Court and was charged for conspiracy, murder, armed robbery, rape and administering obnoxious substances to Miss Cynthia Osokogu who was killed by two known persons a month earlier in July 2012.

b. The second Pharmacists, Pharm. Osita Orji is a Locum Pharmacist with Oxpharm and works evening shifts. The police visited Oxpharm on 21 August 2012 and requested to see Osita. When he got to the station, they alleged that he was the Pharmacist on duty when the suspected killer of Cynthia claimed they bought Rohypnol from Oxpharm. Osita made statement that he did not know the murderers, could not recall meeting them or selling Rohypnol to them and if they ever bought the Rohypnol from him while on duty that they must have presented him with a prescription. Osita was detained in Festac Police Area Command for two (2) days, then transferred to Panti from where he was taken to a Magistrate Court and charged

2) If the liability of the two pharmacists is limited to the sales or alleged sales of rohypnol to clients they do not know and never collaborated with in this condemnable crime then it is logical to believe that at best there might have been breaches of professional ethics. The law provides that such matters are dealt with by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria a regulatory agency of the Federal Government established by Cap. P.17 LFN 2004.

3) The drug in question Rohypnol is an intermediate acting benzodiazepam similar to diazepam (valium), nitrazepam (swidon) and bromazepam (lexotan).

Rohypnol is the brand name of the medicine flunitrazepam and is one of the benzodiazepine class of sedatives or tranquilizer drugs, of which valium or diazepam is perhaps the best known. It is used in the management of anxiety and sleep disorders (short term treatment of insomnia).

Rohypnol is made by Roche in Switzerland, registered with NAFDAC (Reg. No: 04 ? 0150) and distributed in Nigeria by Swipha Nigeria Ltd. It is not a rare drug as being reported. It is available in Nigeria.

4) The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) counsels Nigerians to monitor the use of internet facilities by youths and children particularly because of volume and nature of information available.

5) We urge the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution in the Ministry of Justice in Lagos State to immediately review the cases of these pharmacists with a view to advising the relevant authorities on how best to tackle this matter and to ensure that the innocent is not persecuted albeit unjustly.

Gentlemen of the Press, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) assures Nigerians that it will continue to work with stakeholders including relevant regulatory agencies to evolve a National Strategy that will improve the use of medicines in Nigeria. In line with this, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) has dedicated September 25, 2012 to continue the dialogue on safe medicines by collaborating with the National Human Rights Commission, Regulatory Agencies, Media and other stakeholders.

One of the salient lessons inherent in the discourse is that our youth while trusting must verify the relationship they make through the social media given the abuse potential.

Once again, we offer our heartfelt condolences to the entire Osokogu family. We pray that God will grant the family the fortitude to bear this loss.

Thank you.

August 30, 2012

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Callotti: 1:16pm On Aug 31, 2012
Thinking. . . .After careful deliberation. . . .
I think the pharmacists should be liable though. Even with valid prescription for legitimate concerns. . .the drug would have still found it's way in the hands of the criminally-insane. But no one should sell such a drug without a prescrition from a doctor. Both the owners of the pharmacy and the culpable employees should face life sentences! Period.

2)If the liability of the two pharmacists is limited to the sales or alleged sales of rohypnol to clients they do not know and never collaborated with in this condemnable crime then it is logical to believe that at best there might have been breaches of professional ethics. The law provides that such matters are dealt with by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria a regulatory agency of the Federal Government established by Cap. P.17 LFN 2004.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrantus Nonsensicus!!! cheesy
The careless actions of these so-called OKIJA pharmacists led to the brutal death of a young lady.
It is now a criminal offence. Thank you! kiss
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Mowire: 3:31pm On Aug 31, 2012
You definitely are. Otherwise you won't advocate prison/death for someone for showing reasonable compassion in doing his legal biz. Why not ask that filling stations that sold fuel to eventual arsonists be prosecuted?

OK. FB owners should be charged along with those bastads(murderers) for murder, for providing d medium for interaction. Oh please add gsm service providers for victim & suspects.

WERE (ony'ara)! Eranko (beast)


Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Nobody: 4:50pm On Aug 31, 2012
You definitely are. Otherwise you won't advocate prison/death for someone for showing reasonable compassion in doing his legal biz. Why not ask that filling stations that sold fuel to eventual arsonists be prosecuted?

OK. FB owners should be charged along with those bastads(murderers) for murder, for providing d medium for interaction. Oh please add gsm service providers for victim & suspects.

WERE (ony'ara)! Eranko (beast)

nice valid points!

but. . . angry sad undecided
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Dede1(m): 5:27pm On Aug 31, 2012
Callotti: Hmmmmmmmm!
Thinking. . . .After careful deliberation. . . .
I think the pharmacists should be liable though. Even with valid prescription for legitimate concerns. . .the drug would have still found it's way in the hands of the criminally-insane. But no one should sell such a drug without a prescrition from a doctor. Both the owners of the pharmacy and the culpable employees should face life sentences! Period.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrantus Nonsensicus!!! cheesy
The careless actions of these so-called OKIJA pharmacists led to the brutal death of a young lady.
It is now a criminal offence. Thank you! kiss

Shut up your putrid mouth, Ewu. The nuances of Cynthia’s murder case are considerably beyond your pedigree.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Dede1(m): 5:33pm On Aug 31, 2012
You definitely are. Otherwise you won't advocate prison/death for someone for showing reasonable compassion in doing his legal biz. Why not ask that filling stations that sold fuel to eventual arsonists be prosecuted?

OK. FB owners should be charged along with those bastads(murderers) for murder, for providing d medium for interaction. Oh please add gsm service providers for victim & suspects.

WERE (ony'ara)! Eranko (beast)

Please I suggest you do not pay any mind to the loose bottom, Callotti. I guess Nigerian police should also add the proprietor of the hotel where the murder was committed to the list of suspects and conspirators.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by turnstoner(m): 6:07pm On Aug 31, 2012
Face book, GSM network etc didn't do anything illegal. But the pharmacists illegally sold a prescription drug to murderers and so they are culpable and no one can deny it sad
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Dede1(m): 6:33pm On Aug 31, 2012
turnstoner: Face book, GSM network etc didn't do anything illegal. But the pharmacists illegally sold a prescription drug to murderers and so they are culpable and no one can deny it sad

Illegal selling of prescription-only drug does not amount to conspiracy for murder. I have no qualms if the pharmacists were persecuted for selling prescription-only drug (not banned drug) over the counter, but have serious problem when the pharmacists are roped into a murder case as conspirators

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by tunnytox(m): 6:52pm On Aug 31, 2012
These young pharmacists are only doing their normal honest day job and do not deserved to be roped into a murder case just to make them a scapegoat. As someone who have a very good knowledge of the Nigerian pharmaceutical industry I can assure anyone that the medication in question and many other similar types can be bought easily on open market in idumota so what the fuzz about?
Judging by the circumstances surrounding the arrest of these young pharmacists I'm beginning to doubt the Nigerian Police, the so called suspects currently charged for the murder may not even be the real killers of Cynthia. With the way Nigerian police operates and judging by their antecedents I'll not be surprised if these so called confession were extracted from these suspects after several rounds of torture, they may actually be innocent.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Mowire: 7:30pm On Aug 31, 2012
From the OP only d Nonso boy can be proven to have sold sedative to anybody without prescription & that (as is reported) was on compassionate ground to a responsible looking person. & He even demanded for prescription at first.
There is no certain way of proving the other guy sold without prescription to the 2 suspects.

In any case the pharmacist cannot be charged for ethical issues & not criminal culpability considering that no other relationship btw the suspects & the 2.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Nobody: 7:40pm On Aug 31, 2012
seriously hungry, and just remember dat g***i price neva change
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Callotti: 7:59pm On Aug 31, 2012
Back to the price of . . .


What Is an “Illegal Sale?”

A prescription drug can be sold illegally in a number of ways. For instance, a person who has a valid prescription can be convicted of illegally selling drugs if he sells or gives his drugs to someone else. And a doctor or health care provider can be guilty of a crime by writing prescriptions that are either not medically necessary or for an amount of drugs greater than a person actually needs (which sometimes takes the form of writing multiple prescriptions for one person using many different and fake names). Similarly, a pharmacist who knowingly fills an invalid prescription can also be charged with this crime.


The penalties for the illegal sale of prescription drugs vary, depending on where the case was prosecuted (federal charges carry the same penalties,

[size=20pt]no matter where in the country the prosecution occurs, but each state has its own sentencing provisions). A conviction for an illegal sale of prescription drugs carries rather heavy penalties.[/size]

Selling illegally is treated much more seriously than simply possessing a drug illegally. As a result, while a possession conviction could result in a fine or a misdemeanor record, an illegal sale conviction generally results in a felony record along with a prison term. Additionally, health care providers and pharmacists convicted of illegally selling prescription drugs face not only criminal penalties but also the loss of their licenses (and livelihoods).
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Callotti: 8:01pm On Aug 31, 2012
Consult With A Lawyer

[size=20pt]Being charged with illegally selling prescription drugs is a serious matter.[/size] It is quite advisable to consult with an attorney having knowledge of the illegal sales laws and penalties applicable in your case. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will have a sense of how to convince either a prosecutor or a jury that a defendant had no intention to sell a prescription drug, but instead possessed the drug simply for personal use, or even possessed it unintentionally. That could result in lesser punishment. When it comes to licensed healthcare professionals, an experienced attorney may be able to negotiate a plea that either allows defendants to keep their licenses, or, alternatively, lets them give up their licenses to avoid a prison term.

I thank my parents for a sound education. . . I did not even have to read from 'google' to know right from wrong! Mu che che che che che che che

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Lasinoh: 8:25pm On Aug 31, 2012
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Babamide(m): 9:01am On Sep 01, 2012
It is funny how everyone but Cynthia gets blamed for her death

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Afam4eva(m): 9:23am On Sep 01, 2012
Babamide: It is funny how everyone but Cynthia gets blamed for her death
Nobody blames the dead for anything.

If this Phamarcists should face jail terms then a lot more people should be arrested.

Michael Zuckerbereg should be arrested asap providing the medium for Cynthia to meet these life snuffers.

Someone must have suggested those guys to Cynthia as friends. Whoever it is should be picked.

I want to belive those guys used a cyber cafe to communicate with cynthia. The Cyber cafe attendant and owner should be picked up. Even the owner of the building where the cafe is situated should be picked up as well.

I guess they also communicated via phone. Mike Adenua or whoever owns the line they used should be picked up without delay.

Whoever the taxi driver that drove Cynthia from the airport should be hunted down.

The owner of hotel where the despicable act shtould be arresed.

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by free2ryhme: 9:32am On Sep 01, 2012
Nobody blames the dead for anything.

If this Phamarcists should face jail terms then a lot more people should be arrested.

Michael Zuckerbereg should be arrested asap providing the medium for Cynthia to meet these life snuffers.

Someone must have suggested those guys to Cynthia as friends. Whoever it is should be picked.

I want to belive those guys used a cyber cafe to communicate with cynthia. The Cyber cafe attendant and owner should be picked up. Even the owner of the building where the cafe is situated should be picked up as well.

I guess they also communicated via phone. Mike Adenua or whoever owns the line they used should be picked up without delay.

Whoever the taxi driver that drove Cynthia from the airport should be hunted down.

The owner of hotel where the despicable act shtould be arresed.
u r so so op wit u long string of analysis go read the story again it was BBM chat it started n not FB. I wanna ask do u nid a cybercafe for BBM chat olodo
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Babamide(m): 9:35am On Sep 01, 2012
Nobody blames the dead for anything.

If this Phamarcists should face jail terms then a lot more people should be arrested.

Michael Zuckerbereg should be arrested asap providing the medium for Cynthia to meet these life snuffers.

Someone must have suggested those guys to Cynthia as friends. Whoever it is should be picked.

I want to belive those guys used a cyber cafe to communicate with cynthia. The Cyber cafe attendant and owner should be picked up. Even the owner of the building where the cafe is situated should be picked up as well.

I guess they also communicated via phone. Mike Adenua or whoever owns the line they used should be picked up without delay.

Whoever the taxi driver that drove Cynthia from the airport should be hunted down.

The owner of hotel where the despicable act shtould be arresed.
U left out the airline, cynthia's isp, the guys isp, the electricity provider, makers of ribena..........thinking......

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Afam4eva(m): 9:42am On Sep 01, 2012
free2ryhme: u r so so op wit u long string of analysis go read the story again it was BBM chat it started n not FB. I wanna ask do u nid a cybercafe for BBM chat olodo
How did you know ha i was blackberry? Were you the one that it to them? You should be arrested asap.

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by free2ryhme: 10:42am On Sep 01, 2012
How did you know ha i was blackberry? Were you the one that it to them? You should be arrested asap.
is dat all u have 2 say atleast own up dat u have bin exposed. B4 u go around sayin jack get ur facts n details right
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by hoodboy(m): 11:07am On Sep 01, 2012
funny enough, Roche is a popular street drug. a lotta junkies rake it for the high. I've had reason to pop it like twice when I was having sleep issues. I really don't think the pharmacist should be blamed. selling a cutlass to someone who uses it to commit murder doesn't make me an accessory to murder. and lets be honest with ourselves, majority of Nigerians self medicate, we usually don't toto the chemist with prescriptions, maybe sometimes we might. go with a lab report, but that is still not a doctor's prescription, and a whole lot of Nigerians are guilty of this.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Obinoscopy(m): 6:27pm On Sep 01, 2012
The two pharmacists are facing an eight count charge which include: murder, armed robbery, rape, conspiracy, etc.

I still find it difficult to connect the selling of Rohypnol (that is even if it was they that sold the drug to the murderers in the first place) to the death of Cynthia.

Agreed, the pharmacist who sold the rohypnol to the police officers during their cobra style investigation should be prosecuted for a breach of professional practice but NOT FOR MURDER. This is because Rohypnol is not a murder drug. I also recommend an autopsy be done to ascertain the cause of death of the victim

Please lets be constructive in our judgements and arguements

Its a pity all this are happening. I feel for the family of the deceased. May justice be served in the appropriate proportion to those who deserves it.


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