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Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Babamide(m): 5:07am On Sep 04, 2012
mobillon: I am not too sure if the president of the PSN is talking on behalf of the PSN, but me-thinks he is talking all by himself out of tribal reasons. He should not forget that Udoka Cynthia is also Igbo, violently raped and brutally murdered by fellow Igbos, and for him as the President of the PSN to come out here and tell us that these 2 pharmacists that are accessories to the rape and murder of this innocent girl should be set free is an insult beyond measure.
In the US, Rohypnol is not approved for use, so I wonder why the PSN should not question why it has been approved in Nigeria. It's known worldwide as "Rape Drug". It's a drug that should have been sold with a prescription from a Doctor and these pharmacists broke the law. I know for sure in the US and other countries that you go to jail for selling or even using prescription drugs illegitimately.
I am sorry to say, this is not a case of professional misconduct that PSN will handle with a small fine or a slap on the wrists to the pharmacists. The 2 pharmacists committed a crime by selling prescription drugs without prescription, a crime that has now made them accessories to murder.
These criminals masquerading as pharmacists must therefore pay the full penalty for being accomplishes to the brutal rape and violent murder of this naive young Igbo girl.
People like u should be banned from nairaland. What has ethnicity got to do with all these? You'll have started the usual tribal war if one of the pharmacist was not igbo. Until we start to see ourselves as nigerians rather than an ethnic group, there can be no real development in Nigeria.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by hannydarl(f): 10:26pm On Sep 04, 2012

Please I suggest you do not pay any mind to the loose bottom, Callotti. I guess Nigerian police should also add the proprietor of the hotel where the murder was committed to the list of suspects and conspirators.

And all the guests in the hotel at the time. And the person who sold the ribena and chain and padlock. And the taxi that they picked from the airport to the hotel should be impounded and the driver sentenced and who in Gods name built the road the taxi drove on? He should be arrested. Who sold the land to the hotel owner? Arrest him, who sold them the ticket? Guilty. There, all those that directly or indirectly aided them are behind bar.

Nigerian police did a good job. But they should punish only the guilty. They should hand those pharmacists to their asso. For punishment. If trully they are not involved in the deadly scheme. Their crime is selling medicine without prescription.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by mobillon: 11:04pm On Sep 04, 2012
Babamide: People like u should be banned from nairaland. What has ethnicity got to do with all these? You'll have started the usual tribal war if one of the pharmacist was not igbo. Until we start to see ourselves as nigerians rather than an ethnic group, there can be no real development in Nigeria.
Thank God for the freedom of speech! I am sure you would want me to hide the truth and not mentioned it here, but, as it is, the truth can not be suppressed, it breaks boundaries and shatters barriers. Thank God you are not the owner of NairaLand otherwise you would have blocked my username and ip address for saying my mind.
If the president of the PSN were named "Babamide", believe you me I would not have seen any ethnic intonations, but since he is named otherwise I see it. In Nigeria the Laws regarding selling of drugs without prescription are not widely published, but I believe these would be found in the law books of NDLEA, and these are laws Nigerian Pharmacists, if they are truly professionals, must know. NDLEA in Nigeria was setup in the mold of the American DEA (DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration). In fact, the NDLEA was setup due to pressures from the US DEA since Nigerians in the 80's and 90's had specialized in trafficking drugs to the US and the US wanted a counterpart in Nigeria that they would work together, and the US DEA, even today, supports the NDLEA with intelligence training and financial support. The laws of the NDLEA are therefore fairly similar to the laws of the US DEA.
So if the US DEA and the Nigeria NDLEA have similar laws, what does US laws say is the charge for selling prescription-only drugs? The US laws are pretty clear and I will provide the link for everyone to go thru and make further research. It turns out if you illegally sell prescription drugs to someone and it leads to the death of another person, even accidentally, you will be charged for either manslaughter or even murder. So if a pharmacist illegally sells a drug to an individual and that individual uses it to commit suicide, the Pharmacist is charged for Man-slaughter. If the pharmacists illegally sells a drug to a criminal and the criminal uses it to weaken his victim before murdering her, the pharmacists is charged for man slaughter or even "homicide". I see no reason why the President of PSN will come out publicly and tell us that the pharmacist should be discipline by the PSN for professional misconduct when in the US they would be facing the death penalty. I therefore have no reason but to point out to him that if he sees the 2 pharmacists as his brothers, the young girl Cynthia Udoka, who has been brutally raped and gruesomely murdered, is also his sister.
There is no evidence that any of the Pharmacists sold rohypnol to the Murderers. The words of the Killers can not be trusted since they are serial liars who have obtained their livelihood by lying, tricking and scamming innocent women. In the case of Cynthia Udoka, they have lied all the way, they have lied that Cynthia traveled with a Vibrator, they have lied they are University students( debunked by both Universities) and they lied that they bought Cynthia a plane ticket(419 will not invest 30K in their victims, and it is a well-known fact that Cynthia flies monthly or fortnightly to Lagos from Abuja to buy stocks for her Boutique). So they might well be lying about the Pharmacists. But then, that is a matter for the court to decide, not for the PSN. What is for sure is that the Pharmacist that sold the rohypnol to the under-cover Police officer is in big trouble since the penalty for that in the US is up to 5 years, which should be similar in Nigeria, but I leave his punishment for you guys to calculate with the link I am providing below and with the further research I hope you will carry out:

Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by mobillon: 11:29pm On Sep 04, 2012
...Nigerian police did a good job. But they should punish only the guilty. They should hand those pharmacists to their asso. For punishment. If trully they are not involved in the deadly scheme. Their crime is selling medicine without prescription.

You should take a look at this link below to see what manners of punishments are meted out to people (including pharmacists) that sell illegally prescription-only drugs in the US that result in death of another person. The Nigerian Prosecutors who charged the Pharmacists are not stupid fools. What applies in America should apply in Nigeria.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Obinoscopy(m): 8:14am On Sep 05, 2012
mobillon: What applies in America should apply in Nigeria.

I would have to disagree with you on that!
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by sinie: 6:45pm On Sep 05, 2012
Thank God for the freedom of speech! I am sure you would want me to hide the truth and not mentioned it here, but, as it is, the truth can not be suppressed, it breaks boundaries and shatters barriers. Thank God you are not the owner of NairaLand otherwise you would have blocked my username and ip address for saying my mind.
If the president of the PSN were named "Babamide", believe you me I would not have seen any ethnic intonations, but since he is named otherwise I see it. In Nigeria the Laws regarding selling of drugs without prescription are not widely published, but I believe these would be found in the law books of NDLEA, and these are laws Nigerian Pharmacists, if they are truly professionals, must know. NDLEA in Nigeria was setup in the mold of the American DEA (DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration). In fact, the NDLEA was setup due to pressures from the US DEA since Nigerians in the 80's and 90's had specialized in trafficking drugs to the US and the US wanted a counterpart in Nigeria that they would work together, and the US DEA, even today, supports the NDLEA with intelligence training and financial support. The laws of the NDLEA are therefore fairly similar to the laws of the US DEA.
So if the US DEA and the Nigeria NDLEA have similar laws, what does US laws say is the charge for selling prescription-only drugs? The US laws are pretty clear and I will provide the link for everyone to go thru and make further research. It turns out if you illegally sell prescription drugs to someone and it leads to the death of another person, even accidentally, you will be charged for either manslaughter or even murder. So if a pharmacist illegally sells a drug to an individual and that individual uses it to commit suicide, the Pharmacist is charged for Man-slaughter. If the pharmacists illegally sells a drug to a criminal and the criminal uses it to weaken his victim before murdering her, the pharmacists is charged for man slaughter or even "homicide". I see no reason why the President of PSN will come out publicly and tell us that the pharmacist should be discipline by the PSN for professional misconduct when in the US they would be facing the death penalty. I therefore have no reason but to point out to him that if he sees the 2 pharmacists as his brothers, the young girl Cynthia Udoka, who has been brutally raped and gruesomely murdered, is also his sister.
There is no evidence that any of the Pharmacists sold rohypnol to the Murderers. The words of the Killers can not be trusted since they are serial liars who have obtained their livelihood by lying, tricking and scamming innocent women. In the case of Cynthia Udoka, they have lied all the way, they have lied that Cynthia traveled with a Vibrator, they have lied they are University students( debunked by both Universities) and they lied that they bought Cynthia a plane ticket(419 will not invest 30K in their victims, and it is a well-known fact that Cynthia flies monthly or fortnightly to Lagos from Abuja to buy stocks for her Boutique). So they might well be lying about the Pharmacists. But then, that is a matter for the court to decide, not for the PSN. What is for sure is that the Pharmacist that sold the rohypnol to the under-cover Police officer is in big trouble since the penalty for that in the US is up to 5 years, which should be similar in Nigeria, but I leave his punishment for you guys to calculate with the link I am providing below and with the further research I hope you will carry out:


After reading your post I decided to give you the benefit of doubt and read the link and tot be honest I see no relationship @ all! All these cases are of those selling prescription drugs on the street! A particular girl sold to someone with a prescription and still went to jail for it! Do you ask yourself why? A pharmacist is a custodian of drugs! They are licensed to sell these drugs! Granted with prescriptions, but when you see a pharmacist selling these drugs its not considered a crime becos that's his job! However if there's no prescription then he has not done his job properly, then he should be disciplined, not jailed.. Even a doctor cannot sell these drugs because that's not his job! A nurse cannot sell it cos that's not his job! But a pharmacist and only a pharmacist can! Its just like the only legal way to carry cocaine is with a pharmacist licence! Any other person that does it is arrested and thrown in jail for life without trial, even if its a doctor! Why because they are not licensed to.
Not to the issue of the drug been sold causing harm! Because its the pharmacist's job to ensure the safety of the drug he is giving out, if a pharmacist sells a drug to a patient, without prescription and the person ODs, yes he can be seued for murder! But in this case the ONLY they can prove murder is if they prove the pharmacist KNEW they were going to use the drug on her, cos he did not sell it to her directly! He's not even an accessory, cos he did not KNOW. Now it is wrong to sell it without prescription, it not however a criminal offence! If he was licensed he has a right to administer a small dose for that day till the patient can see a doctor! You guys are forgetting these guy's profession! Pleas don't. The police had NO right to arrest him! Its just like if a patient dies on a doctors operating table, even if the doctor made a mistake he won't be jailed, highest his licence will be withdrawn. Because he WAS doing his job! Its only when it can be prove that he KNOWINGLY harmed the patient that he can be jailed! So please guys don't confuse things! Infact a lawyer friend told me the police are just arresting people to make it seem they are working! They have ABSOLUTELY no case! If you guys doubt me just watch and see! God keeping us all alive we will all be here when the case will be thrown out! I promise I won't say I told you so! Lol.

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Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by mobillon: 10:05pm On Sep 05, 2012

After reading your post I decided to give you the benefit of doubt and read the link and tot be honest I see no relationship @ all! All these cases are of those selling prescription drugs on the street! A particular girl sold to someone with a prescription and still went to jail for it! Do you ask yourself why? A pharmacist is a custodian of drugs! They are licensed to sell these drugs! Granted with prescriptions, but when you see a pharmacist selling these drugs its not considered a crime becos that's his job! However if there's no prescription then he has not done his job properly, then he should be disciplined, not jailed.. Even a doctor cannot sell these drugs because that's not his job! A nurse cannot sell it cos that's not his job! But a pharmacist and only a pharmacist can! Its just like the only legal way to carry cocaine is with a pharmacist licence! Any other person that does it is arrested and thrown in jail for life without trial, even if its a doctor! Why because they are not licensed to.
Not to the issue of the drug been sold causing harm! Because its the pharmacist's job to ensure the safety of the drug he is giving out, if a pharmacist sells a drug to a patient, without prescription and the person ODs, yes he can be seued for murder! But in this case the ONLY they can prove murder is if they prove the pharmacist KNEW they were going to use the drug on her, cos he did not sell it to her directly! He's not even an accessory, cos he did not KNOW. Now it is wrong to sell it without prescription, it not however a criminal offence! If he was licensed he has a right to administer a small dose for that day till the patient can see a doctor! You guys are forgetting these guy's profession! Pleas don't. The police had NO right to arrest him! Its just like if a patient dies on a doctors operating table, even if the doctor made a mistake he won't be jailed, highest his licence will be withdrawn. Because he WAS doing his job! Its only when it can be prove that he KNOWINGLY harmed the patient that he can be jailed! So please guys don't confuse things! Infact a lawyer friend told me the police are just arresting people to make it seem they are working! They have ABSOLUTELY no case! If you guys doubt me just watch and see! God keeping us all alive we will all be here when the case will be thrown out! I promise I won't say I told you so! Lol.
This is how the process works in the US. First, they do not have "Chemists" or "Medicine Stores" not manned by Pharmacists. Every medicine store in the US is a pharmacy, manned by Pharmacists. It is inconceivable that a Pharmacist in the US will sell drugs without prescriptions, but if he dares do it he has become a drug trafficker and will be arrested and jailed. Every single Pharmacy in the US has the Signature of practically every Doctor in the US, so if a patient comes with a prescription the Pharmacist must compare the signature of the Doctor with what they have on file before dishing out the Medicine. If a Pharmacist in the US chooses to sell the drugs without prescription and it harms some one else, not even the patient, he will be arrested and charged. As I said before, the Nigerian Prosecutors seem to know what they are doing. The only reason that the Pharmacists will eventually found innocent is because there is no evidence that they sold the drugs to the Killers...if there was a CCTV camera in the pharmacy and caught any of the pharmacists selling the drugs, then the least charge that would stick is "accessory to rape murder".
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by mobillon: 11:06pm On Sep 05, 2012
mobillon: What applies in America should apply in Nigeria.


I would have to disagree with you on that!

So you disagree with me that what applies in America should apply in Nigeria? Really? I will have to stand my ground. America has good water supply, contants electricity, good roads, jobs for 93% of the workers, unemployment benefits for those out of jobs, good schools adequate howsing...etc. So I maintain that what applies in America should apply in Nigeria. Only the crooked politicians out there will not agree with me.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by hannydarl(f): 12:20am On Sep 06, 2012

You should take a look at this link below to see what manners of punishments are meted out to people (including pharmacists) that sell illegally prescription-only drugs in the US that result in death of another person. The Nigerian Prosecutors who charged the Pharmacists are not stupid fools. What applies in America should apply in Nigeria.

I feel you sha. True word.
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by sinie: 8:12am On Sep 06, 2012
[quote author=mobillon]
The only reason that the Pharmacists will eventually found innocent is because there is no evidence that they sold the drugs to the Killers...if there was a CCTV camera in the pharmacy and caught any of the pharmacists selling the drugs, then the least charge that would stick is "accessory to rape murder". [/quote
I guess we ll have to agree to disagree on this, if they can prove the pharmacist sold the drug, in my opinion they should be disciplined by the council, not found guilty of accessory to murder. That's some serious jail time. If he sold it directly to the girl and she took it and it harmed her, then he can be charged for negligence. But he sold it to someone else, there's no way he could !have known what they intended to use the drug for. Anyway I hope this serves as a lesson to pharmacists. DO NOT sell these drugs without prescriptions ABEG! How much money do u want to make that is worth your life??
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by Obinoscopy(m): 9:16am On Sep 06, 2012
Not everything is worth copying from America my dear. Lets not allow the spirit of neocolonialism affect our reasoning.
Granted, there're good things worth emulating and incorporating into Nigeria. But laws that permits possession of guns, laws that permit gays and lesbians to marry, laws that makes a man forfeit more than half of his wealth to his ex-wife, etc. such laws are not good for us.
Get my point now?
Re: Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (press Release) On Cynthia's Murder Case by mobillon: 10:23pm On Sep 07, 2012
Obinoscopy: @mobillion,
Not everything is worth copying from America my dear. Lets not allow the spirit of neocolonialism affect our reasoning.
Granted, there're good things worth emulating and incorporating into Nigeria. But laws that permits possession of guns, laws that permit gays and lesbians to marry, laws that makes a man forfeit more than half of his wealth to his ex-wife, etc. such laws are not good for us.
Get my point now?

Yes, indeed, we know the bad laws in America that we do not want, but then why are we not implementing the good ones that are also part of Nigerian Laws? About the 3 things you mentioned above:
1. Possession of guns: I do not support possession of guns, I feel America should ban the possession of guns since a lot of senseless murders occur in America weekly by crazy people for even crazier reasons. And the fact is that should America ban gun possession, it has the will and wherewithal to implement it effectively. Now, here in Nigeria guns are banned but if you need a weapon they are freely available. I live in one of the volatile Northern parts of Nigeria and believe you me there is a market some where not to far that you can walk in and purchase any kind of weapon you want, and they are freely used when Muslims battle Christians. In essence, we have the good laws but we are refusing to implement them...we have become a lawless country!
2. HOMO: I believe America is wrong in this. I will not like to mention whether being gay is religiously right or wrong. The advocates homos believe that they are born that way, that it is a scientific thing. But the same science has evolution and evolution can never favor homos. Look at it this way, according to the scientist, there was once another cousin to humans called Neanderthals. But natural selection favored man over the Neanderthals and they died off leaving man as the only survivor. Now if homo is truly scientific and natural, what will happen is that one day everyone will be gay. This therefore means humans will no longer reproduce and we will all die off without leaving any children.
3. Divorce and splitting of wealth: I fully support this law. I also support one man one wife, and the equality of woman to man. In most countries in the middle east, it is one man one wife. In Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Qatar, Lebanon, even Libya, it's one man one wife and polygamy is frowned at. Why then should it be different in Nigeria where a man can have up to 7 wives? Then, again, why won't the wealth be split equally? In Nigeria a woman can have 5 kids and then one day the husband gets tired of her and goes for a younger woman, old enough to be his daughter, so he sacks the older wife and she goes away with nothing. The years the woman has put in delivering the children and raising the kids qualifies her for more than half of the man's wealth. I know of a woman who loves her husband so well that they jointly contributed money and built a house in the husband's name since he was the head of the family. One day he met another woman, married her, brought her to the house and promptly sacked the older wife. Only a country that does not care for it's citizens will permit such a thing.

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