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Another Ex Muslim Hater Becomes Muslim / How A Western Muslim Left Islam / Why I Left Islam - By Alaya Mukti Akhtar (2) (3) (4)
Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 3:12pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
J'ai pensé que ces testimonials des ex-Musulmans pourraient vous intéresser...I |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 3:14pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
Zana's Story Zana'a amazing conversion story. He meets an angel on a bus home from Prison It all started in late 1980’s when I was detained by the Iranian police for no reason. They thought that I had some connections with Kurdish political parties that were opposing the Islamic Republic. I did not have any connection with any political party or anything of that sort. Months went by without them even letting my family know where I was. Finally, the day came when I was brought into court. The Judge asked me three questions that were asked of many people: What is your name? -- I said Zana. What is your ethnicity? -- I said I am a Kurd. What is your religion? -- I said that I am a Sunni Muslim. I was taken out of the court, thrown back into my cell and I was beaten all night. Next morning, they put me on a bus headed back to Mahabad, my city in Kurdistan. On the bus, I was sitting next to a man. He opened his bag and took out a sandwich which was wrapped in newspaper. I was very hungry since I had not eaten regular food in almost six months. I did not want to look at his food but I just couldn't stand the smell of the kabobs. He turned around and asked me if I would like one. Without hesitating as we usually do in Iranian culture, I asked for one. Instead of one, he gave me two out of the three that he had with him. I asked for his name and he said that his name was Yacub. I had never heard that name before. So I asked, "What kind of name is this?" He said "Hebrew". "Ahh, so you are a Jew?" I asked back. "No, I am a Christian", he said. I had heard a lot of negative things about Christians in the Quran so I did not want to get into a conversation about Christianity. But something inside me made me wonder why he believed in it (Christianity)? I asked if he believed that Jesus was the son of God. The answer was yes. How could God have a wife? How could God have sex? He started explaining that to say that God had sex with Mary is the greatest sin. But rather Jesus is the son of God in a spiritual way and not like the way we are born. And we never say that God ever had a wife, we believe in a holy God. I wanted to stop the conversation and begin a different subject. I could not think of any other subject, so I asked him why he was going to Kurdistan. He said that a friend needed some help with something. I asked for his name he said Zana. That was my name. But I thought it was a different person. He opened his bag and very quietly gave me a Bible. He put it in my bag. He knew that if someone saw him with that book it could cost him his life. I asked what it was. He told me that I would find out later. We got to Mahabad and I got off the Bus before he did. I got my bag and was waiting outside for Yacub (Jacob) to come off, but the bus was empty and he still had not come out. I went to the driver and asked him where the man sitting next to me had gone? To my astonishment and confusion he said, "There was no man sitting next to you." Was I crazy or what? I said maybe I was dreaming. But I still had the taste of the sandwich in my mouth. I still had the book in my bag. What was Yacub? Who was he? Why didn't he go to his friend's house? Then I remembered that the friend's name was Zana and only then realized he meant me. I went home and found my mom in the house crying. She was so surprised and happy to see me. I asked what had happened since I had been gone. I found out that soldiers were looking for me and that she was raped by a Jaush (Kurdish for "traitor" ![]() That night when I asked for my older brother Hasan at dinner, they all started crying. They told me that he was hanged. I felt like the food was going through my back. I could not eat. I got up and went to my room for some more weeping. I felt like the whole world was on my shoulders and I felt like I was carrying the rocks. I had nothing to do, so I took out the book and started reading. After reading the first chapters of the book of Genesis, I went to read the Injil. I started reading the book of Matthew. I was surprised. I had never seen anything like this. I stopped at chapter ten and just went to bed. I still could hear my Mom and sister crying downstairs. The neighbors came to cheer them up and talk to them. Next morning life was normal, so I went and visited my brother's grave. Life became normal again until one night in my dream Yacub appeared and told me that I must leave my country. I knew something was up so I went and hid at a friend's house. I did not want to leave the country; I loved it. Sometime after, I sneaked back to my house at night and discovered that soldiers had been in my house and they were looking for me. Now this time, it was my sister that was raped by the soldiers for no reason. My brother who was executed had some ties to the Kurdish political parties. But what had I done wrong, or what had my sister done wrong? Is this what they call an Islamic Republic? All I could think of was suicide. But I would now leave so many people behind. If it was not for my family I would have killed myself. I knew that Yacub was telling me something. But what? Help me Yacub; what do you want me to do? I went to my room and packed whatever I could because I was going to leave the country. I took the Bible with me and headed for the mountains crossing the boarders into Iraq. I stopped in the middle of nowhere for a rest. I took out my book and read in it. When I came to Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all who are heavy laden and weary and I will give you rest," I was shocked and did not know what to think because the book kind of read my mind. It had what my heart longed for. I found what I was looking for. I found what met my personal needs. Right there in the middle of the night I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I couldn't believe the changes that were happening inside of me. I felt a kind of peace that could not be expressed by words. I was relieved. I could feel all of the weight that I felt on my shoulders coming off. I now understood God and what he was like. It was a good thing that I did not commit suicide. The Lord had a plan for me. I now knew who Yacub was -- an angel. It was very hard to believe. I myself found it hard to believe. But an angel would be the best answer. I now forgave all of those that done wrong to me. Instead of cursing, I prayed for the salvation of the people who had beaten me in prison. I am grateful for having such a wonderful experience. My sincere prayer is that God Almighty will show you the truth. I am willing to help you find the truth. I can be reached at the following address: READ ABOUT MORE MIRACLES AND ANGEL VISITS HERE 1 Like |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 3:16pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
Testimonials from Ex-Muslims (murtadd and irtidad) click picture to enlarge Photo: this poor frightened woman is buried up to her waist in preparation for her stoning to death. |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ednut1(m): 3:18pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
pure imagination smh |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 3:20pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
An Untold Love Story By Yagmur Dursun 2005/03/13 My name is Yagmur (it means "rain" ![]() My mother was a fairly educated woman, she taught me at home and I even went to school. My hobby was reading books. Through them I learnt different languages and acquired a lot of knowledge. I was a disciplined and obedient girl, unlike my sister who was somewhat uppity. When she was 18, she fell in love with a young man. They both loved each other but he was meant for another girl, thus his parents had decided. Dating is utterly forbidden in Islam, marriages are arranged and often young people meet on their wedding day. My sister was rebellious. She ?dated? that young man. Every night she would go to see him. They even kissed and actually their relationship went too far. She got pregnant. At first they planned to run away to a big city where they would be safe. They knew in villages, religion rules and they could be in trouble. Authorities don?t care what?s going on in rural Turkey. Sometimes imams, mullahs and elders who try to practice Sharia and break the secular state law are punished but usually authorities are more interested in big cities full of tourists and turn a blind eye to what happens in villages. I remember their young faces. I didn?t understand the whole situation; I was a little girl. But when I looked at them I could see they were happy. Their happiness made me happy too and I wanted to smile. Instead of eloping, they decided to speak to my father. "Pregnancy is a very good reason to get permission for marriage", or so they thought. Alas, my sister had miscalculated my father?s love for her and his obsession with his religion. He became furious. Instead of letting the two young lovers marry and build their nest of love, he took her to the religious elders and they ruled that she had committed adultery. She was sentenced to death by stoning. They showed no mercy even for her unborn child. She had stained the ?honour? of the family and the only way to remove that stain was to nip her life in the bud. Her unborn baby was a stain too and that little creature had to be destroyed as well, so my family could live honorably. In the evening before her execution, she came to my room and told me that she would miss me. She was crying and hugged me to her bosom. Then she smiled and said that soon she would see her unborn baby. I was blissfully unaware of her fate, but I felt that something bad was about to happen. I was so scared! I still remember her black eyes; she stared at the sky while she was dug into the ground. She was wrapped in white sheets and her hands were tide to her body. She was buried up to her waist. The rabid mob circled her with stones in their hands and started throwing them at her while the roars of Allah-u-Akbar Allah-u-Akbar added to their frenzy. She twitched with pain as the stones hit her tender body and smashed her head. Blood gushed out from her face, cheeks, mouth, nose and eyes. All she could do was to bend to the left and to the right. Gradually the movements slowed down and finally she stopped moving even though the shower of the stones did not stop. Her head fell on her chest. Her bloodied face remained serene. All the pain had gone. The hysteric mob relented and the chant of Allah-u?Akbar stopped. Someone approached and with a big boulder in his hand smashed the scull of my sister to finish her off. There was no need for that; she was already dead. Her bright black eyes that beamed with life were shut. Her jovial laughter that filled the world around her was silenced. Her heart that beat with such a heavenly love for only a short time had stopped. Her unborn baby was not given a chance to breathe one breath of air. He (or she) accompanied his young mother in her solitary and cold tomb, or who knows, maybe to a better place where love reigns and pain and ignorance are not known. These two budding lives had to be nipped so my father could keep his honour. Woman being prepared for stoning- Iran She wanted to marry a man whom she loved. She dreamt wearing a white wedding dress, that there would be a big ceremony, lots of people would be invited and they all would congratulate her, chant merry songs and throw flowers and confetti at her. Yes there was a ceremony, but it was not her wedding. She was dressed in white but that was not her wedding gown. Lots of people came to the party but they came to curse her and to throw stones at her. No music was played and no merry songs were sang; only screams of Allah-u-Akbar filled the air. The only hug she got was from the cold earth in which she was half buried. The only kisses that she received were from the rocks thrown at her that tore her flesh and broke her bones. They were the kisses of death. She was not united with the man whom she loved but was wed to death. This was a tragedy for my sister?s young lover. His life lost its meaning. He got lashes but nothing more. He could well forget about the whole affair and get along with his life, but he didn't. I recall seeing him standing in front of our house every day, as if waiting for my sister to come out and meet him. I could see him crying. I can only imagine that when he was not crying in front of our house he was in the cemetery, crying over the grave of his love and his baby. One day he could no more bear his pain and hanged himself. His death was hushed and no one talked about it. Maybe no one cared. He was reunited with his love and his baby. No one can hurt them anymore. No one can separate them from one another again. It is a sad story. But unlike the story of Romeo and Juliet it is a story that is never told. No one talks about those young lovers. No one sheds tears for them. Not only they were buried, their memories were also buried as if they never existed - their tender love was a shame to others - a shame that had to be washed with blood. But the saddest part is that according to Islam my sister deserved that death. The elders were sure she would be burning in Hell for eternity. No, I can't imagine that God can send someone to Hell for loving and for being happy. I can't accept a cruel God. ____----****O****----____ Now back to my life. When I turned 18, I was married off to a Turkish businessman from Germany. When I came to Germany I found out that he had another wife. He is not a bad man at all. He is very kind, but he is a Muslim. He doesn?t understand why Europeans don?t like polygamy, for instance. He doesn?t allow us to leave the home. He protects our honour in this strange way. Then we moved to the UK. Here we are even more isolated than in Germany because there are fewer Turks. In Germany we at least could meet our fellow expats. As for my relationship with my husband's first wife, we are friends. There is some rivalry between us, that?s for sure. But I am alone and can?t meet anyone or leave home. Her life is just as dull and empty as mine. We can?t hate each other; we should be friends to overcome our troubles. My co-wife and I are like two cellmates. We only have each other. There is not much room for antagonism or hard feelings. I have 5 children, she has 4. She occupies a more privileged position within our family because she has a son. I have given birth only to daughters so far. We are both educated, but she is so obsessed with kids that she has given herself up. I am still trying to grasp at non-existent straws; probably one day I will be freed? I read books, keep myself informed and like to think. She is not remotely interested in reading books or thinking. I am alone. Sometimes I think of running away, but I have 5 daughters. I can neither leave them, nor run away with them. Actually, I am stuck. Even though I left Islam a long time ago, I cannot stop praying or fasting. My husband keeps a rod for the disobedient? When I try to protest, my mouth is shut up with quotes from the Quran. Islam defines our lives. Isn?t it stupid that people live according to a book written a long time ago? I am not whining about my life but I do hate Islam. At least I could object to certain traditions but Islam preserved the worst in our culture, reducing women into slavery and keeping them ignorant. What can you expect from an uneducated woman? When I look at my daughters, I pray that they may live in a free world, free from Islam and this slavery. Ali, you promised to defeat Islam very soon, so please do it. I know sometimes you must feel like giving up. It seems to me you?ve devoted yourself fully to the good cause of yours. You may feel at times that you will never succeed. I just want to say that you are fighting for women like me. When you despair, think of me and millions of women with similar tragic experiences. Never give up. You are my knight in shining armour. I just want you to know that I am your keen supporter. _______________________- Please sent this story to your friends and publish it in your site. Yagmur Dursun is a pen name. Some details of this story have been changed to hide the identity of the author. 1 Like |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by Nobody: 3:32pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
Someone should please summarize this, i have a reading limit when it comes to nairaland posts |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by OmoAlata(f): 10:04pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
*dhtml: It is quite long, innit? ![]() ![]() |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by FMK(m): 10:29pm On Oct 15, 2012 |
kemoolala: J'ai pensé que ces testimonials des ex-Musulmans pourraient vous intéresser...I Le texte est trop long je n‘arrive pas a lire vous l’auriez du faire un résumé |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by Nobody: 6:39am On Oct 16, 2012 |
No comprendo senors, spanish o english por favor! |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 9:38am On Oct 16, 2012 |
FMK: yea u got the picture |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ParisLove2(f): 10:21am On Oct 18, 2012 |
Why I Left Islam |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 8:56am On Oct 19, 2012 |
kemoolala: Zana's Story haa! kemoolala, this is obviously another lie, i wonder why you cant apply logic in this case. first, do angels lie or why would yacub say he is going to kurdish to see Zana when they are together in the bus? i really dont care about who ate the third sandwich but my concern is if it is a public bus as i thought it was initially, was Zana the only person in the inter-state destination bus since Mahabad is a city in Kurdistan (kurd must be a state). if the bus belongs to the security outfit, then where are the security personnels as we cant just have a "criminal" and the driver in such vehicle. you make me laugh......, i think i should start a story of Christian revert into islam. and you will see the conviction in those where people revert not because they are molested (forced out of christianity) but out of personal conviction. also, you did not say what the crime of other family members are, some were just killed while the offender (Zara) was set free?.......pls dont confuse us. may God in his mercy guide us all to the right path. i hope your story will be the first true story you will relate to us 1 Like |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 9:28am On Oct 19, 2012 |
kemoolala: An Untold Love Story while your second story seems calculated and convincing, note that in islam, adultry is different from furnication. when 2 unmarried people have sex, the punishment is not stone to death but 100 lashes for both of them...... should i trust your story now? stoning to death is for maried folks (sex outside marriage) both of them. there are procedures for these punishments to be excerted that makes it hard to find anyone guilty so your story becomes very fallible. if it is common in some claimed "sharia compliant" areas or if it is done in another way, it becomes normal to query the sincere of the leaders in such environment. another simple case of blasphemy i will say or prove that it is true. so i can make a write up, post on the internet and say it is a true story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you come and post it here, do you think the readers here are foolish? aghreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 9:52am On Oct 19, 2012 |
Why I Left Islam by Ali Sina @ paris love note that most High God commands what he wills and he is never unjust to his creations but the creations are unjust to themselves. the verses you quote seems similar to when the atheists state that " God of the bible(old testament) is a wicked God. but i will ask, will you condone your "child" who does not regard nor obey you but holds another child of yours in high esteem, in other words, all respect, obedience, honour.... that you deserve from that son is accorded to another son of yours and he does not even care that you exist or not? what if their relationship is not even a father-child relationship? please relate it to an expert programmer who makes automated catoon characters that he can easily remake anytime? ........ may God forgive me for my errors and guide me to righteousness. same to you (but please say the prayer with all righteousness) for the hadiths, i dont know your source but there is a standard benchmark for hadiths-it must conform with Quran teachings only then can it be said to be free from error. else, it needs caution cos it can derail. lastly, i think Ali Sina must have seen these Quranic verses before if he claims he has read the Quran and some other books, he must be a joke!!!. i know christians who converted to islam reading this same book that confuses some "acclaimed muslims". note that even if i want to leave islam (God forbid as there is no reason for that), it cant be christianity where the founder(paul who kills jesus` followers) contradicts his encounter with Jesus in two different places (should a sane mind trust PAUL?). pls read your storybook well and see that it is just a joke. it is evident that if it has an original, it must be lost or hidden. |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ParisLove2(f): 5:27pm On Oct 19, 2012 |
ghazzal: Why I Left Islamhello?? Are you okay? What's the meaning of this? for the hadiths, i dont know your source but there is a standard benchmark for hadiths-it must conform with Quran teachings only then can it be said to be free from error. else, it needs caution cos it can derail.Ignorance is not an excuse. When your prophet married more than 4 wives did if conform with the quran? And those hadiths are authentic by the way. Ask your mullah. What about the quran verses? lastly, i think Ali Sina must have seen these Quranic verses before if he claims he has read the Quran and some other books, he must be a joke!!!. i know christians who converted to islam reading this same book that confuses some "acclaimed muslims".Ali did not conver to Christianity sorry. I won't reply you again. If you've anything to say to Ali you easily reach @ [email][/email] Thanks |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 5:07pm On Oct 20, 2012 |
ghazzal: Shioo!!! To u one million times fanatics! |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 5:17pm On Oct 20, 2012 |
Paris-Love: I'm not so sure d guy is ok.Stoning to death is not for some but definitely for some set of pple, maybe he needs to read his write up over and over again. Thank GOd we don't belong to religion that stoning to death is allowed for a particular offence. Jesus Christ has Redeemed us, Halleluyah!!! |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 5:31pm On Oct 20, 2012 |
Wat a religion dat allows stoning to death for some offences!!! |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 10:53am On Oct 22, 2012 |
kemoolala: Wat a religion dat allows stoning to death for some offences!!! the laws of moses that Jesus did not come to abolish allows it ![]() one Question, did Jesus abolish the punishment of stoning to death? cos i think the case of "John 8:7" does not mean it was abbolished....... in fact, now that Christians are without sin as claimed, should they be able to cast the first stone? should the law now be practiced.............. ![]() I think it is hypocracy for a sinner to punish another. its just simple... also, they were tempting Jesus(john8:6) (could also mean it was all a lie that the lady in John8:7 was cought in the act) i would say The answer was Wisdom with Gods guidiance...... remember that Gods ways will never change!!! like that time refered to in John 8:7, how is the life of those leaders in muslim areas that punish in such way, are they qualified? is it islamic for a furnicator to be punished as an adultrer? or is the story (a) true (version) ...... those are my questions as a muslim |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 11:01am On Oct 22, 2012 |
kemoolala:a reason for you to begin to stone to death "now that you are without sin"-as claimed. God`s guidiance is the only true guidiance and i pray for it for all of us. |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 11:23am On Oct 22, 2012 |
Paris-Love:its the TRUTH. YOU AUGHT TO HAVE KNOWN THAT BY NOW thanks to N/L note that the Hadith is as good as your bible. You have to look very well, carefully to be sure of the truth..... also, is it not ironic that Christians attack Muhammed not his message while Muslims, Jesus` message not Jesus. Do you remember from biblical history where some pple are so scared of the message that they attack the messenger......... now its making sense ![]()
Ali seems to be a journalist (aha!) anyways if thats all you know of Ali, it tells what kind of person you are. also, have you asked yourselve why i should trust Ali? or you think i should be as gulible as you have shown |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 2:28pm On Oct 22, 2012 |
ghazzal: Our Lord Jesus christ condemned d act of stoning to death in john 8:7, he said he who has no sin shud throw d first stone and everyone dropped their stones cos we are all sinners and no one has the right to judge another. May the Lord Jesus christ open ur eyes and remove d veil so dat u can see d light and know d truth. |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 3:19pm On Oct 22, 2012 |
kemoolala: my friend, now that you claim Jesus died for your sin, it means you have no sin again. now, if a similar event like in John 8:7 occur again and you are there, will you be justified to throw the First Stone! will not throwing the stone amount to disobedience according to John 8:7 since you are sinless 2 Likes |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by vedaxcool(m): 3:25pm On Oct 22, 2012 |
ghazzal: lol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by kemoolala: 5:59pm On Oct 22, 2012 |
ghazzal: He died for my sins as well as urs whether u like it or not,I am so glad I do not belong to religion dat stoning to death is allowed, religion of rogues, religion dat does not forgives. I thank God for sending His only begotten son JEsus Christ to die for my sin dat I may save and live forever. See! U won't understand d misery behind d word of God and I'm not fanatic like u to be aguing on wat is not, infact we are not (christians) train for dat. U can argue and turn d truth upside down till 2moro for all I care. I am not even surprise cos ur mohammed too does dat wen he was alive so u took after him, good for u,he even died shamelessly with no remedy but my Christ died for my sin and Rose up again 3 days after he was buried, Halleluyah HE LIVES FOREVER! Dying for my sin gives me joy and I am not under any law whatsover cos He has redeemed me from d curse of the law and dat is d reason why moses law are no longer relevant again, infact that was why He came to redeem us from d law. Stoning to death is one of such law. God the father,the son and the Holy spirit is a misery which u cannot understand unless HE Himself show u d way and dat is "IF" He wills. Pray dat u will not end like judas iscariot. It is not His will anyway dat u perish. HE IS ABLE TO SAVE YOU! |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 7:50am On Oct 23, 2012 |
kemoolala:its only important that you know the truth and stop blaspheming on N/L..... to you be your religion and to me be my religion. but note that in islam, there is forgiveness of sin due to individual effort/repentance - for no man will carry the burden of another. i think it is same in christianity too! |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by truthman2012(m): 9:09am On Oct 23, 2012 |
vedaxcool: You do not understand the concept of Jesus death for sin. What it means is that it makes forgiveness available for anybody who asks for it in Jesus name. Forgiveness is not automatic, you have to ask for it. Jesus paid for sin forgiveness. |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by Sweetnecta: 12:06pm On Oct 23, 2012 |
@Truthman2012: by truthman2012: 9:09amyou dont have to die before can be forgiven. to say someone died for your sin is fool.hearty. While there is no acceptance of repentance of death bed, the Bibles agrees with the muslims that the sinner shall have his rewards of what is reward of sin is, unless hs repentance is accepted and be forgiven by God, no Jesus. I am sure you are aware that Jesus will reject almost all of you christians because he said will reject the "miracle workers by his name" among you. You are a miracle worker here and now trying to cajole us to accepting fallacy we dont want. Forgiveness is without human blood being spilled. Thats what we see in Quran where forgiveness is made easiest; made directly to Yahweh sincerely from the heart. Most of you have never seen an ex muslims, before. You only read about them, true or false ex-muslims on the web. I have seen ex-christians and ex-jews with my own very eyes. I even have some in my life; my mother, my spouse, a whole bunch of my friends and associates. i am working on many "christian" families both in chicago and beltsville maryland. I pray that God soften their hearts to know 3 is not 1 and 1 can never be 3. God does not accept human to be sacrificed to him and if Jesus was sacrificed as you claim, he was not sacrificed to God and God will not sacrifice Jesus to satan. Forgiveness does not have to be a blood sport. Not with God. maybe with you people and satan. 1 Like |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ParisLove2(f): 1:02pm On Oct 23, 2012 |
ghazzal:It makes sense to attack Muhammad more than his message even though i think his message is as vile as he was. Any bad person can say good things while he does evil himself. I wonder what's wrong with the message of Jesus that you muslims attack. By the way I've been asking you a question and you've been dodging it since. Can you show me one good/kind act of muhammad? Not what he said but did. Do you remember from biblical history where some pple are so scared of the message that they attack the messenger......... now its making senseYep evil message and messenger are attacked. Quite natural Ali seems to be a journalist (aha!) anyways if thats all you know of Ali, it tells what kind of person you are. also, have you asked yourselve why i should trust Ali? or you think i should be as gulible as you have shownHe's not a journalist, i just gave the address i felt you could reach him with, that's not his own. Doesn't matter if i trust Ali or not, what he said had lots of reason which you've no answer to, hence you choose to vilify his character. Cheers |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by ghazzal: 1:29pm On Oct 23, 2012 |
Paris-Love: whatever your Question is, Google it for answers. he did a load of good things. may i ask you how rich he was before his death? YOU OBVIOUSLY DONT KNOW MUHAMMED(SAW) was Moses evil, Jesus, John the Baptist......... it seems what you say is that all messengers that are attacked are evil....... God guide you aright |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by Mckybarf(m): 3:18pm On Oct 23, 2012 |
Sweetnecta: @Truthman2012: you dont have to die before can be forgiven. to say someone died for your sin is fool.hearty. While there is no acceptance of repentance of death bed, the Bibles agrees with the muslims that the sinner shall have his rewards of what is reward of sin is, unless hs repentance is accepted and be forgiven by God, no Jesus.need i remind you that christians dont need ishmaelites to interpret CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE FOR US?! our religion is based on faith in JESUS CHRIST THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD ALMIGHTY OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who through his eternal sacrifice offered himself once to God for the world that those who believe in him, his vicarious death and triumphant resurrection might become heirs of Abraham and co-heirs with Christ. Christian doctrine is not based on islamic teaching. We have nothing in common, absolutely nothing, but for being human beings. As far as i am concerned christians and moslems dont have the same God. The islamic God has muhammed as messanger, the christian GOD has Jesus as his only begotten SON who died and that the world might be saved through Him. The islamic God is one who has his headquarters in mecca, and the christian GOD is one with three personalities( FATHER, SON, AND SPIRIT) and operating in three dimensions: dwells in Heaven of the heavens.....should i go on....... Please, your prejudiced comments will only be needed elsewhere. |
Re: Ex-muslim Tell Why They Left Islam by Mckybarf(m): 3:41pm On Oct 23, 2012 |
Mckybarf: need i remind you that christians dont need ishmaelites to interpret CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE FOR US?! our religion is based on faith in JESUS CHRIST THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD ALMIGHTY OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who through his eternal sacrifice offered himself once to God for the world that those who believe in him, his vicarious death and triumphant resurrection might become heirs of Abraham and co-heirs with Christ. Christian doctrine is not based on islamic teaching. We have nothing in common, absolutely nothing, but for being human beings. As far as i am concerned christians and moslems dont have the same God. The islamic God has muhammed as messanger, the christian GOD has Jesus as his only begotten SON who died and that the world might be saved through Him. The islamic God is one who has his headquarters in mecca, and the christian GOD is one with three personalities( FATHER, SON, AND SPIRIT) and operating in three dimensions: dwells in Heaven of the heavens.....should i go on....... Please, your prejudiced comments will only be needed elsewhere.besides, the punishment for sin is death, that is why the isrealites made yearly animal sacrifices for cleansing and forgiveness of sins. Yet that could not clear the conscience of those who made those sacrifices but Christ offered himself once to God- the sinless for the sinful- cleansing our conscience by the purging of his blood. |
Repent Before It Is Too Late, Death Is Real / What's The Difference Between Maulud And Christmas? / Women And Depression (for Muslim Women)
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