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Sex Is Worship by Gamine(f): 3:54pm On Jan 24, 2008
My hero she breathed and he slayed yet another dragon prompted by her praise he arose to perform exploits
Guided by the light of admiration in her eyes
Flexing spiritual muscles as she waited for him to pray he climbed the stairway to heaven and brought back a rainbow for her to wear and as she told him that he was her sun he shone as he had never shone before and she in turned opened her spirit to drink in his rays and warm her soul
In the fire of his eyes drinking in his passion for her she submitted herself to his covering rejoicing in his love and care feeling his arms tighten around her she basked in his embrace receiving all he chose to bestow and he responding to her need of him dug deeper inside himself searching for more to give and as she poured out her adoration of him he was quick to furnish her

The strength of his love the softness of her voice the tenderness of her arms were trophies urging him to run with all his might toward the finish line not counting the cost the pain the strain a year seeming as a day because the reward of her ardour was so sweet he would sell all for one whispered confession of how her heart moved in his presence for one glance from her was all it took to mak his world stand still for her he lived for her approval he strove for her touch he breathed it was for her that he had his very being for the absence of her adulation was darkness to him for she crowned him king was his crowning glory.

I didnt write it, but enjoy!

the love between a man and woman is the only Sexual love that should be, So perfect embarassed smiley
Re: Sex Is Worship by JeSoul(f): 4:22pm On Jan 24, 2008
I'm confused by the title pls explain why and how sex is worship?
Re: Sex Is Worship by Gamine(f): 7:42pm On Jan 24, 2008
Enjoy the first post, comment on it
and i would explain all about My topic
Re: Sex Is Worship by osisi5: 7:54pm On Jan 24, 2008
Gamine I don begin fear you o
no be student you be?
Those of us with resident "abunnas" on our beds have not described sex as worship
chei,who is corrupting this little girl ?
Re: Sex Is Worship by Gamine(f): 8:10pm On Jan 24, 2008

No, there is no corruption here
only understanding

Worship is about letting go of one self for the glorification of another

i cant post much about this for now, im quite busy
But i need you to look it up, think about it

I read it up in a book and agreed with it
so when i get my own resident abunna, lol
i would know just how it should be wink
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 12:18pm On Jan 25, 2008
<<Cough! Cough!!>>

I've heard a few people say that sex is worship. . . or, in some other instance, that "sex is the highest expression of worship".

I don't see the connection, unless. . . some are pushing for back to some sort of. .  em, perhaps "Phallus worship"?   Sometimes a controversial subject, not so?    Hmm ?   undecided
Re: Sex Is Worship by Nobody: 12:38pm On Jan 25, 2008
Small wonder Jesus had nothing to do with the opposite sex,
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 12:47pm On Jan 25, 2008
Dear Gamine, you have been reading too many novels, nonetheless, you are right when you say that sex is worship, for you will find that in most religeous rights, sex takes an important part. Even in christianity, the idea of sex between a man and a woman is meant to represent the unison between God and man, two becoming one indivisible. ponder this quote from the holy scriptures " God created man in his own image, male and female created he them" that tells you that though we have two genders, humans are not what we are on the exterior, but who you are is invisible to the naked eye, that is why in the kingdom of God, people neither marry nor are given in marriage, as we take on our real form which is without gender.

Anyway, the next time you roll in the hay, remember you are demonstrating the union between God and man. Also that is why in other to create a new life you require 23 chromosomes from the male and 23 from the female, the union of two becoming one. I know this may sound a bit far fetched, but think about it.
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 1:08pm On Jan 25, 2008

How bodi? cheesy


Even in christianity, the idea of sex between a man and a woman is meant to represent the unison between God and man, two becoming one indivisible.

Em. . . how did you arrive at that? cheesy
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 1:47pm On Jan 25, 2008
I dey o, my sis! after a lot of studying and ruminating. Try to read the bible without dogma or bias, then you will learn a lot of things you will never hear in church therein.
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 1:52pm On Jan 25, 2008

Try to read the bible without dogma or bias, then you will learn a lot of things you will never hear in church therein.

Abi O, ma broder! grin One hears "a lot of things" these days, it's amazing that we are alive to hear more sef! Example? This thread O! grin
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 1:53pm On Jan 25, 2008
Also, don't forget that Paul the apostle talks about this same topic in his epistles when he said a husband must love his wife like his own body, even as Christ loved the church and died for it. If you remember, in genesis, before the arrival of eve, God always came down into the garden of eden every evening to have communion with Adam, dont forget that the bible never made mention of Adam ever worshipping God therein, they related as a man would relate to his friend, but the concept of worship or ministeration was in existence at this point in time, but limited to the angels who worshipped God. Then came eve, and we all know what happened after then.
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 1:55pm On Jan 25, 2008
You might wonder where i got all these theories from, but you will be surprised to learn that they are all there in the bible verbatim, but the church is more concerned with activities and doctrines these days than what the bible says.
Re: Sex Is Worship by JeSoul(f): 2:52pm On Jan 25, 2008
Even in christianity, the idea of sex between a man and a woman is meant to represent the unison between God and man, two becoming one indivisible
  ponder this quote from the holy scriptures " God created man in his own image, male and female created he them" that tells you that though we have two genders, humans are not what we are on the exterior, but who you are is invisible to the naked eye, that is why in the kingdom of God, people neither marry nor are given in marriage, as we take on our real form which is without gender
  Anyway, the next time you roll in the hay, remember you are demonstrating the union between God and man. Also that is why in other to create a new life you require 23 chromosomes from the male and 23 from the female, the union of two becoming one. I know this may sound a bit far fetched, but think about it.
  it is far-fetched! Sex does not demonstrate the union between God and man. . . it is the actual Marriage that demonstrates the union between God and man!

   Sex is a gift to us from God, just like any other gift. the act itself is something for married couples to enjoy, it does not mirror our relationship with God. . . it is the acutal MARRIAGE that can be compared with our relationship with God - not the singular act of sex. And I don't see any scripture that event hints at what you're trying to insinuate. Can you prove me wrong? unless you stretch some scripture to fit, there's no outright comparison of sex to our faith or with worshipping God and I don't think we should be going out of our way to compare the two - what do we gain by doing that?
  because when you liken sex to worship and our relationship with God I think it heavily trivializes and demoralizes it. Every instance of the physical act of sex mixed with religion in the bible was associated with the pagan cultures God drove out before the isrealites. It was never hinted at as a good thing.
  I'm not saying sex is bad at all,  grin no way but there is no way on earth I would even think of relating it to worship!
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 3:23pm On Jan 25, 2008
i see you are still operating under the misconception of dogma and religeon. Read my post very well, when you talk about marriage, did God marry Adam to Eve? you tell me. When you say" it is a gift" do you mean like the holy spirit or the gift of repentance or salvation? i see you have already taken a biased stance before you have even started trying to put forth an argument. Go and read the scriptures well and you will find out that marriage as we know it today, and as you are trying to interprete it is different from what you have in mind. True, sex in marriage is the only one approved of by God for obvious reasons, search the bible properly and tell me how many places in the bible where they mention a man and a woman coming together in marriage and making love being the "gift" in the sense that you have used it, and i will show you that you are only arguing based on what others have told you and not what you have read yourself.

I am not claiming to be an authority in biblical matters, but i can see you have already started using phrases like "stretching the truth" , this are hallmarks of zealousness without due dilligence, sex occurs without marriage in quote, but does marriage occur without sex? you answer the question yourself and see which one answers the question. I rest my case.
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 3:48pm On Jan 25, 2008
Lol. . . @cybersleek,

Cool temper small naw. . . Haba! grin How you jus dey shakara for my girlfriend, eh?

Lol. . . let's share a few things with you. . . amicably:


Read my post very well, when you talk about marriage, did God marry Adam to Eve?

Well, I don't know bout others; but as for me, I believe that God married them both:

[list] Genesis 2:22-24

And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man,
made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and
flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because
she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.[/list]

God "brought" Eve to Adam - and I see that as directly hinting on the marriage between the man and his wife. What would the word "wife" be doing in that verse (v. 24) if there was not already a marriage in view in that account? undecided

When you say" it is a gift" do you mean like the holy spirit or the gift of repentance or salvation?

I also believe that sex is a "gift" from God enjoyed by man and animals; but it is not to be understood in the context of other "gifts" such as repentance, salvation, faith or the Holy Spirit. wink


Go and read the scriptures well and you will find out that marriage as we know it today, and as you are trying to interprete it is different from what you have in mind.

A lot of us have our ideas about marriage; but there are so many ideas about "marriage" that are simply not Biblical. When I was on holiday in Sweden, my host introduced me to a "couple" with the idea that they were connected! Since I didn't understand what "connected" meant, I later asked for clarification - and was kindly informed that it was a Swenglish slang for "marriage". Although the marriage in quote was specifically defined by another term - living in "sambo", I was not the wiser about the whole affair! undecided


True, sex in marriage is the only one approved of by God for obvious reasons, search the bible properly and tell me how many places in the bible where they mention a man and a woman coming together in marriage and making love being the "gift" in the sense that you have used it, and i will show you that you are only arguing based on what others have told you and not what you have read yourself.

I don't think she was arguing based on hearsays from others.

True, the Bible honestly gives the account of many people who had sex outside marriage - but you need to go find out if that state of affairs is what God approved ANYWHERE.


I am not claiming to be an authority in biblical matters, but i can see you have already started using phrases like "stretching the truth" , this are hallmarks of zealousness without due dilligence, sex occurs without marriage in quote, but does marriage occur without sex?

Believe it or not - I know of a couple (just one) that are said to have lived all their lives in marriage without having sex. Please don't ask me for the details - I wasn't there for statistical and empirical verification! cool But no one doubted that the wife was actually a virgin when examined at death! <Cough-cough> BTW, this couple were not Christians or Jews (they had a religious belief of sorts, and for the life of me, I still can't make out what exactly their religion was undecided ).

Queer world, you may say. But as my head was spinning about this whole affair, my friend asked me if I could have a shot at interpreting Luke 2:36 >>

And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel,
of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age,
and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity.

Ma broder, try as hard as I may, I really can't say exactly with any measure of authority that the verse was saying Anna did not have sex all the time she lived with her husband! Again, please don't send me emails about any statistical or empirical analysis. . . or I go jus vex scatter for your head!! angry


you answer the question yourself and see which one answers the question. I rest my case.

No O! shocked You beta come back and share more on this very issue! Remember what you said earlier? We are here to hear "a lot of things" that are not taught in the church! grin

Enjoy o jare!
Re: Sex Is Worship by Nobody: 3:51pm On Jan 25, 2008
I encourage us all to read an online copy of 'Theology of the Body' (a collection of lectures by Pope John Paul II)

Click here to read : http://www.ewtn.com/library/PAPALDOC/JP2TBIND.HTM
Re: Sex Is Worship by JeSoul(f): 3:55pm On Jan 25, 2008

i see you are still operating under the misconception of dogma and religeon.
  how did you arrive at this conclusion?

Read my post very well, when you talk about marriage, did God marry Adam to Eve?

I don't think anyone disputes adam and eve were husband and wife, is that what you're asking?

you tell me. When you say" it is a gift" do you mean like the holy spirit or the gift of repentance or salvation?
  no not on the level of salvation. . . does not even come close to comparing. Salvation is the greatest thing God ever did for us. . .sex is just something for married folks to enjoy.

i see you have already taken a biased stance before you have even started trying to put forth an argument.
 a biased stance? didn't you come here with a biased stance? or otherwise known as an opinion? what's wrong with that?

Go and read the scriptures well and you will find out that marriage as we know it today, and as you are trying to interprete it is different from what you have in mind.
 since I obviously don't know can you please care to show me these scriptures?

True, sex in marriage is the only one approved of by God for obvious reasons, search the bible properly and tell me how many places in the bible where they mention a man and a woman coming together in marriage and making love being the "gift" in the sense that you have used it, and i will show you that you are only arguing based on what others have told you and not what you have read yourself.
  Sex is a gift in that it is for procreation, intimacy, pleasure and companionship and courtesy of a website who put the appropriate scriptures together here you go:

 [center]Procreate Gen. 1:28, "And God blessed them; and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'"

Intimacy Song 1:13, "My beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh which lies all night between my breasts.
Song 2:3, "Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men.  In his shade I took great delight and sat down, and his fruit was sweet to my taste."
Song 2:6, "Let his left hand be under my head and his right hand embrace me.”
Song 4:5, "Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle, which feed among the lilies."

Song 3:1, “On my bed night after night I sought him whom my soul loves, "

Physical Pleasure
Song 1:2, "May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.[/center]  

I am not claiming to be an authority in biblical matters, but i can see you have already started using phrases like "stretching the truth" , this are hallmarks of zealousness without due dilligence, sex occurs without marriage in quote, but does marriage occur without sex? you answer the question yourself and see which one answers the question. I rest my case.
 neither do I claim to be an authority. I'm simply asking that if anyone draws comparisons to our faith and make conclusive statements they should be able to prove them biblically or else just leave it be. Can you prove it biblically? that's really all I'm asking, not trying to pick a fight. So kindly drop the notions I'm zealous without knowledge or rushing to conclusions based on what I've heard without personal bible study. . .the onus rests on you to prove ur stance with scripture. just like it does on me and anyone else who makes a claim.
Re: Sex Is Worship by JeSoul(f): 4:00pm On Jan 25, 2008
oh girl you took the words right outta my mouth, and those words are so well said they need to be repeated and I highlight the very on point points u make.

Lol. . . @cybersleek,

Cool temper small naw. . . Haba! grin How you jus dey shakara for my girlfriend, eh?

Lol. . . let's share a few things with you. . . amicably:

Well, I don't know bout others; but as for me, I believe that God married them both:

[list] Genesis 2:22-24

And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man,
made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and
flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because
she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.[/list]

God "brought" Eve to Adam - and I see that as directly hinting on the marriage between the man and his wife. What would the word "wife" be doing in that verse (v. 24) if there was not already a marriage in view in that account? undecided

I also believe that sex is a "gift" from God enjoyed by man and animals; but it is not to be understood in the context of other "gifts" such as repentance, salvation, faith or the Holy Spirit. wink

A lot of us have our ideas about marriage; but there are so many ideas about "marriage" that are simply not Biblical. When I was on holiday in Sweden, my host introduced me to a "couple" with the idea that they were connected! Since I didn't understand what "connected" meant, I later asked for clarification - and was kindly informed that it was a Swenglish slang for "marriage". Although the marriage in quote was specifically defined by another term - living in "sambo", I was not the wiser about the whole affair! undecided

I don't think she was arguing based on hearsays from others.

True, the Bible honestly gives the account of many people who had sex outside marriage - but you need to go find out if that state of affairs is what God approved [b]ANYWHERE.[/b]

Believe it or not - I know of a couple (just one) that are said to have lived all their lives in marriage without having sex. Please don't ask me for the details - I wasn't there for statistical and empirical verification! cool But no one doubted that the wife was actually a virgin when examined at death! <Cough-cough> BTW, this couple were not Christians or Jews (they had a religious belief of sorts, and for the life of me, I still can't make out what exactly their religion was undecided ).

Queer world, you may say. But as my head was spinning about this whole affair, my friend asked me if I could have a shot at interpreting Luke 2:36 >>

And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel,
of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age,
and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity.

Ma broder, try as hard as I may, I really can't say exactly with any measure of authority that the verse was saying Anna did not have sex all the time she lived with her husband! Again, please don't send me emails about any statistical or empirical analysis. . . or I go jus vex scatter for your head!! angry

No O! shocked You beta come back and share more on this very issue! Remember what you said earlier? We are here to hear "a lot of things" that are not taught in the church! grin

Enjoy o jare!
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 4:06pm On Jan 25, 2008


oh girl you took the words right out of my mouth,

I kow. . . galfriends think alike in most cases.


and those words are so well said they need to be repeated and I highlight the very on point points u make.

No mind me. . . I just lazy this afternoon. Enjoy! grin
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 4:22pm On Jan 25, 2008
Like wetin i talk b4 b4, understand that the bible was not written in english, and that a lot of things in the bible were translated in such a way as to make sense to some one who is reading it today. Mind you, the story of Anna the daughter of phanuel, take time again and read it, it will make more sense. But like i was saying, many things in the bible as it is translated in english was done so, for those of us alive today to understand it, that is why there are certain versions that you would read and you will end up scratching you head.

 I, like many a people read the bible trying desperately to understand it loosely, until i began to study it indepth with an open mind, and with the mind of christ and with an open heart, not until then did a lot of things make sense to me, not with the mindset that God is some kind of beyond comprehension concept. Now lets get down to some basics, shall we? If you mention marriage today from a western concept, what would readily come to your mind is being in church and exchanging rings, mind you this are ideas that crept into christianity not more than 500 years ago! the basis for a marriage in the time of Adam and Eve was for you to take a woman as a wife, not in the manner we are used to,but in agreement which will seem a bit alien today, but you will find out that sexual union was a veritable confirmation of union between a man and a woman. If we go back to the bible, recall that Joseph was going to "divorce" Mary without them even being married in the actual sense because he realised she was pregnant before they ever slept together. If you approach it from this angle you will see where i am coming from.  As touching celibacy , people choose celibacy for one reason or the other but rarely after marriage, except temporarily for spiritual or medical reasons, and i guess people are entitled to what they want. Recall also the woman by the well of samaria, when jesus asked her to go and call her husband, what did she answer? she said she had non, which Jesus knew before he asked her, for she had had 4 different lovers if you will, without her actually commiting to any of them,  

When you call sex in marriage or otherwise a "gift" , you do that to make it less important because what we have been taught as per culture and religeon is that sex is that it is something which you must not make too important. But in reality, when you follow the tone of the bible, you will see that it is part of what we are created to be rather than it being just a gift for enjoyment or just for relaxation. Then we might say equally, life is a gift so dont take it, our ability to see in color is also a giftand everything else.
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 4:42pm On Jan 25, 2008
Meanwhile, ifits possible, look for the bible in the original Hebrew and Greek texts, read it and see what it says. I,m sure you will find copies in your local libraries. You will see some of the wordsthat we know today were not even in existence then, neither some of the concepts we have. But then, you lot might still be able to enlighten me, who knows. Pilgrim1, o d'owo yin o!
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 4:43pm On Jan 25, 2008
Et Tu JeSoul.
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 4:48pm On Jan 25, 2008
Lol. . 'pastor' cybersleek, grin


Like wetin i talk before before,

E don tay wey I dey suspect you!

Your points noted. . . and we'll take the time to digest your submissions.

Re: Sex Is Worship by JeSoul(f): 5:05pm On Jan 25, 2008

  If you mention marriage today from a western concept, what would readily come to your mind is being in church and exchanging rings, mind you this are ideas that crept into christianity not more than 500 years ago!
  You're right the whole ring thing is new, I see it as part of a culture that does not violate or contradict any part of scripture hence its okay. Like many practices in many cultures around the world.

the basis for a marriage in the time of Adam and Eve was for you to take a woman as a wife, not in the manner we are used to,but in agreement which will seem a bit alien today, but you will find out that sexual union was a veritable confirmation of union between a man and a woman.
  hmmm I think I get what you're trying to say, and we don't disagree on this. Sexual union usually follows every marriage, I still don't see how it relates to worshipping God. It certainly glorifies God when the two parties are doing in the right context but I'm failing to see its relation to worship.

When you call sex in marriage or otherwise a "gift" , you do that to make it less important because what we have been taught as per culture and religeon is that sex is that it is something which you must not make too important.
  Not for me no. Calling it a gift does not make it less important or relevant. I thank God for it but will not elevate it to a status the bible hasn't advocated (in relation to worship). Infact i think it is very important in a marriage context. But again how is it worship?

But in reality, when you follow the tone of the bible, you will see that it is part of what we are created to be rather than it being just a gift for enjoyment or just for relaxation. Then we might say equally, life is a gift so don't take it, our ability to see in color is also a giftand everything else.
I agree sexuality is part of every human being, not to be shied away from.  Life is a gift, by God's grace and mercy everything we can do is a gift from God.
But when you say "follow the tone" of the bible care to expand on that? where's this in the bible? whether greek or hebrew? I'm still waiting to see any scriptural references you have for your view. I'm sure there's lots of original greek/hebrew texts online. Can you find some and please translate and break it down?
  ps. I'm not tryn to be a pest, I just really want to know, honest.
Re: Sex Is Worship by cybersleek(m): 5:11pm On Jan 25, 2008
Pest ke, i will find the relevant bits and post it asap! this forum is good in that it allows for discussion of topics which otherwise we might find difficult to discuss in public or in person, Be right back soon,
Re: Sex Is Worship by JeSoul(f): 5:23pm On Jan 25, 2008

Pest ke, i will find the relevant bits and post it asap! this forum is good in that it allows for discussion of topics which otherwise we might find difficult to discuss in public or in person, Be right back soon,
  mucho gracias!  grin I shall be waiting sir.
Re: Sex Is Worship by TayoD1(m): 6:26pm On Jan 25, 2008

I just read through some things which I think should be clarified.

Worship is about letting go of one self for the glorification of another
Who is the "another" being worshipped? is God the object of the worship or the sexual partner. You need to make this clarification.

Even in christianity, the idea of sex between a man and a woman is meant to represent the unison between God and man, two becoming one indivisible.
Actually, it only shows the unison between Christ and His body, the Church. These are two different things. While marriage points directly to headship, sex points directly to oneness. The husband and his wife are not one until they have sex. Please consider Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. The cleaving here is a reference to sex. Oneness occurs only after sex - 1 Cor 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.


Ma broder, try as hard as I may, I really can't say exactly with any measure of authority that the verse was saying Anna did not have sex all the time she lived with her husband!
I think that verse is very clear. Anna got married a virgin and was with her husband for 7 years until his death. That don't even remotely suggest anything about them not having sex. Let's look at other translations of that verse Luke 2:36

Douay-Rheims - She was far advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity.

NLT - She was a widow, for her husband had died when they had been married only seven years.

NIV - She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage,

WNT - She was of a very great age, having had after her maidenhood seven years of married life,
Re: Sex Is Worship by pilgrim1(f): 7:33pm On Jan 25, 2008
Greatest Tayo-D, grin

How far? I no see you again for for Heathrow Airport O! You do me 419, abi bawo? cheesy

Anyhow, I knew my superiors would not disappoint me - and sooner than later, you came along. Blessings will overtake you before you finish reading this sentence!!


I think that verse is very clear. Anna got married a virgin and was with her husband for 7 years until his death. That don't even remotely suggest anything about them not having sex.

Well, I don't know; and as I said earlier, I'd have to frankly submit that my knowledge of the Greek is too weak to cogently grasp the construct as to its true meaning. Even Bible translators have had to admit the difficulty in precisely translating that verse into English (or any other language) - and the fact that I'm yet to come across any research material to explicate it hasn't helped me either.

From the translations you offered, it should be clear to us that the case points out what I just stated - the difficulty in the Greek construct of that verse. Let's examine them carefully:


Let's look at other translations of that verse Luke 2:36

Douay-Rheims - She was far advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity.

Again, that could be interpreted either way - but the translations does not even make clear the case of whether she remained a virgin after she married, or that she retained her virginity seven years after she had married, or even yet that she remained a virgin all her life until that advanced age!


NLT - She was a widow, for her husband had died when they had been married only seven years.

Far removed from the reference to her virginity.


NIV - She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage,

Another tacit silence on the reference to her virginity.


WNT - She was of a very great age, having had after her maidenhood seven years of married life,

This comes closer to the idea that her virginity ended when she entered married life. But oga Tayo-D, even if I would like to believe that (in my bias), it so happens that the reason why many translators struggle with thise verse is because it is not clear if she remained a virgin AFTER having married - especially at that advanced age. undecided

Anyhow, I'm not forcing any idea of being suggestive at something awkward here. My point simply is that when we study the Greek rendering, it is not so easy to convey its meaning in English.

Re: Sex Is Worship by Kuns: 5:25pm On Jan 26, 2008
Sex in the Vatican

This BBC documentary explores the idea that Pope Benedict XVI, also known as Cardinal Ratzinger, may have played a leading role in a systematic cover-up of child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests.
In 2001, while he was a cardinal, he allegedly issued a secret Vatican edict to Catholic bishops worldwide. The document recommended that rather than reporting sexual abuse to the relevant legal authorities, bishops should encourage the victim, the witnesses and the perpetrator not to talk about the abuse. Was this done to help the victims and minimize future abuses or was it done in the self interest of those responsible for these grievous sins.

Watch this film
Re: Sex Is Worship by Gamine(f): 6:50pm On Jan 27, 2008
In Gods Perfect Design
He created sex to exist solely between husband and wife

I can only ask you guys to study Genesis very well and stop using it as just a bedtime story to your kids.
You say im reading too much novels, if the bible is a novel then yeah im reading it very much!

Why Worship?
Worship is a way to demonstrate your awe, admiration, adoration and affection for an object or person
but in this context, we talk about worship to God and spouse
When you truly worship, it takes your mind off yourself, your circumstances and catch a glimpse of how God sees things.

Man seeks worship naturally
Sexual intimacy is the highest form of mutual worship
it is the place of complete vulnerability and openness

For a moment suspended in time, man and woman return to being naked and unashamed
Without pretense all is revealed and exchanged, the two come away with a deeper knowledge
of each other, sharing a bond stronger than before.
Gods perfect Design!

Re: Sex Is Worship by osisi5: 12:10am On Jan 28, 2008
abeg sex na sex,worship na worship

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