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Help Opening Webserver To The Internet. - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Help Opening Webserver To The Internet. by skima(m): 9:33am On Jan 29, 2008
i need to set up an home based server for my client. they have procured a live IP to enable this work. but each time we lunch the IP from browser, we always get 504 gateway timeout error. can anyone with experience help out please. suggest wat we can do.

we have setup IIS so the server is working locally. i have also try to disable the anti-virus.

ill appreciate any help.

thanks in advance.
Re: Help Opening Webserver To The Internet. by smartsoft(m): 10:55am On Jan 29, 2008
Okay this what you will do huh ? well what i understood about what you want to do is, you have your web server at home and you want to be able to host on it and perform some pretty task online right.

Okay since you have a live IP Address, go to http://www.opendns.com and they will give ya a free dns or paid one anyhow just get a DNS from there and thereafter they will ask you for an IP address, also they have their own IP just ignore their own IP address, and put in that your live IP address that you said you got.

So everything could run from your server.

Then just wait for some hours you know and later test your IP online e.g http://64.930.388.200/skima/test.html or whatever then you are online

Now if you want to use a domain to your server, just register a domain and point it to your server i mean the dns and IP, then you domain will start working fine,

Thats what a friend of mine use to create a MAIL SERVER using a linux box and will configure everything and we tested it online working perfect, i can send a mail from it online and you get it at your email address.

if you have any problem let me know abeg.
Re: Help Opening Webserver To The Internet. by skima(m): 1:08pm On Jan 29, 2008

thanks for your support. i have done all you asked me to do. i will be in the clients office to complete the process sinceit requires me to browse from the ip.

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