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SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo - Politics - Nairaland

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SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by nduchucks: 3:25pm On Nov 14, 2012
It appears to me that Tinubu and other ACN goons, who by all accounts, are the leaders of the SW, and who run most of the states in the SW, have no desire whatsoever for the progress of our country. One would think that the same people who have been clamoring for Regional Integration, would be at the forefront of the battle to improve upon our current system of government, which desperately needs elements of Regionalism and true Federalism, even if their components are introduced piecemeal.

When it is politically useful for them, these irresponsible leaders, who are only after concessions, buying up State land and selling those choice land to their cronies, will be screaming for Sovereign National Conference. As soon as the opportunity for real constitutional changes present themselves, these leaders go into hiding and flood the media in the SW with news which talk about every issue except the important ones of real constitutional changes.

I will leave the writing of an epistle to people like Gbawe, so I will be brief here.

Every well meaning group has made several submissions to the NASS committee on constitutional review. I am most impressed by the submission of Ohaneze’s because it provided a very practical blueprint for Regionalism and Federalism. You’d think that the SW leaders would team up with such groups and apply real pressure on NASS, inform the people, and even organize peaceful demonstrations in support of Regionalism and true Federalism.
I submit to you that these SW leaders are nothing but frauds and I ask you: Where is their call for Regionalism which would actually make their current clamor for Regional Integration a moot point

Ohaneze's Submission To NASS – Worth Reading


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by takedat(m): 3:49pm On Nov 14, 2012
It seems you have a personal vendetta against the SW. The constitutional amendment hearing is still on and so its to early to call what the next line of action is. Moreover, the SW believe more in a Sovereign National Conference than patronising a jamboree in the name of constitutional amendment which will possibly not yield the required result. Is it not surprising that same SE proposing Regionalism is also clamouring for additional state creation in their region? The SW don't play to the gallery unlike others


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Desola(f): 3:52pm On Nov 14, 2012
ndu_chucks: It appears to me that Tinubu and other ACN goons, who by all accounts, are the leaders of the SW, and who run most of the states in the SW, have no desire whatsoever for the progress of our country. One would think that the same people who have been clamoring for Regional Integration, would be at the forefront of the battle to improve upon our current system of government, which desperately needs elements of Regionalism and true Federalism, even if their components are introduced piecemeal.
When it is politically useful for them, these irresponsible leaders, who are only after concessions, buying up State land and selling those choice land to their cronies, will be screaming for Sovereign National Conference. As soon as the opportunity for real constitutional changes present themselves, these leaders go into hiding and flood the media in the SW with news which talk about every issue except the important ones of real constitutional changes.

I will leave the writing of an epistle to people like Gbawe, so I will be brief here.

Every well meaning group has made several submissions to the NASS committee on constitutional review. I am most impressed by the submission of Ohaneze’s it provided a very practical blueprint for Regionalism and Federalism. You’d think that the SW leaders would team up with such groups and apply real pressure on NASS, inform the people, and even organize peaceful demonstrations in support of Regionalism and true Federalism.
I submit to you that these SW leaders are nothing but frauds and I ask you: Where is their call for Regionalism which would actually make their current clamor for Regional Integration, a moot point

Ohaneze's Submission To NASS – Worth Reading

Why are you so scared?

Why are you so worried?
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Nobody: 3:56pm On Nov 14, 2012

From Ohanaeze Ndigbo
(on behalf of the Igbo-Speaking People of Nigeria)
28th June, 2012

Almost thirty (30) years of military rule has transformed our Federation into a quasi-unitary state bringing along with it political instability. It is important for the “Constitution Review Committee” to admit that the Federation upon which Nigeria was born and founded no longer exists. What now exists is an over-centralized Central Government called “Federal” Government.

For the sake of the FUTURE OF STEADY AND SUSTAINABLE NIGERIA as ONE COUNTRY and ONE NATION; AND FOR THE SAKE OF DEVELOPMENT; AND FOR THE SAKE OF FUTURE GENERATION OF NIGERIANS, and for the sake and benefit of ALL Nigerians; we must face the FACT that the STATUS QUO is untenable. This generation of Nigerians must, therefore, steer the ship of State along the course on the basis of which our country was founded by REAFFIRMING TRUE FEDERALISM as the best system of Government for Nigeria.

A reaffirmation of TRUE-FEDERALISM is CRITICAL to the success of political reforms as it provides the correct platform for strengthening the foundation of ONE COUNTRY and ONE NATION called NIGERIA. TRUE-FEDERALISM eliminates the fear of domination by one or a combination of groups of Nigerians over others and reduces ethno-cultural tension, thus releasing the positive and creative energies of Nigerians to the building of a nation that will be a pride to all black people on earth. The “Amendments” to be recommended by this Committee should aim at achieving this objective.

The various political crises in Nigeria from 1959 to date, underline the FACT that ethno-cultural pluralism is ineffective in a country which permits the domination of other ethnic nationalities by one or a combination of them.

In other words, NIGERIA HAS A BRIGHT FUTURE AS ONE COUNTRY AND ONE NATION, ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT THE CONSTITUENT COMPONENTS ALSO HAVE A FUTURE. Consequently a primary challenge that we have in Nigeria today is to reduce ETHNIC and SECTIONAL potential conflict areas to the SAFEST MINIMUM.

This means a sincere affirmation of True Federalism by all Nigerians. This implies appreciable Decentralization of Power and Responsibilities from the Centre (Federal) to Federating Units. This implies greater Financial Resources to the Federating Units in tandem with increased responsibilities etc.

One of the most important advantages of TRUE FEDERALISM is the equilibrium between the CENTRE (Federal) and REGIONS (Federating Units). In a country like Nigeria with multi-ethnic nationalities, the constitutional balance required by TRUE FEDERALISM should limit the tendency towards over-centralisation.

In decentralization and devolution of powers from Centre to Federating Units, the OVERRIDING PRINCIPLE is not to use “tea cups” (States) to receive water from an overfull “drum” (Federal Government) of water - at least “buckets” (Region) are required for a meaningful exercise. Furthermore, the major Danger and Risk of imposing a Strong Central Government (over-centralization) is that it can only be achieved only by those who control the levers of power. An all powerful Federal Government controlling the bulk of NATIONAL PURSE and economic development is not desirable. It cannot endure and will not be tolerated indefinitely by the disadvantaged sections of the country, and there shall be several attempts to reverse it leading to serious and constant disequilibrium in the polity.

There can be no doubt that Nigeria was making more progress in national development in the early years of its independence when it practiced a true federalism of four regions with more extensive powers devolved from the centre to the regions. Those were the days of the significant export of groundnuts, hides and skins, and the tin ore from the North; of cocoa from the West; of rubber from the Mid-West; and of palm produce and coal from the East of Nigeria. They were also the days of such achievements as the free universal education in Chief Awolowo's Western region, and of the burgeoning industrialization of Dr. Okpara's Eastern region.

To return to true federalism, we need a major restructuring of our current architecture of governance. We would need six federating units, instead of our present 36 units which not only sustain an over-dominant centre, but also compel the country to spend not less than 74% of its revenue on the cost of administration. If the existing 36 states must be retained in some form, they could be made cost-effective development zones with minimal administrative structures within the six federating units.



These regions will constitute the Federating Units, with greater emphasis on derivation in revenue allocation; and equality of the six regions with regard to revenue distributable to the Federating Units.

However, national cohesion and stability should not be jeopardized by giving undue encouragement to centrifugal forces - a potential risk in giving UNLIMITED POWERS to Federating Units.

The objective of the Constitutional Review must be to keep Nigeria as a whole (not a group or section) strong. Accordingly, the Centre (Federal Government) should have all that it genuinely requires to keep the country together, with minimum risk of abuse of power by the Central Government.

Finally we note that whichever way a True Nigeria Federation evolves, FISCAL and FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIP between the Center and Federating Units; and the economic development cum financial independence of the Federating Units are of crucial importance.


The position of Ndigbo on Nigeria has remained constant: i.e TO HAVE A TRULY FEDERAL NATION called NIGERIA with an effective CORRUPTION-FREE EQUITY ORIENTED GOVERNMENT, whose primary objectives shall be the welfare and well-being of the peoples of Nigeria irrespective of creed or culture.

Accordingly, Ndigbo at this point desire nineteen (19) constitutional provisions.

Restructuring of Nigeria Into Six Zones

Specifically Ndigbo advocate that Nigeria should be RESTRUCTURED INTO SIX REGIONS namely:

Each Region of Nigeria shall have its own “Regional” Constitution. The States of the present Federation that shall constitute each Region are as presently constituted in the zones with boundary adjustments where necessary.

Each Region shall have the right to determine the number of States, Local Governments, and District/Community Councils that shall constitute the Region, according to the limits of their resources.

Federal (Central) Government shall not be involved in State, Local Government, and District/Community Councils matters.

Powers of Federal, Region (and States)

Power shall be decentralized. The powers of the Central (Federal) Government shall be drastically reduced in favour of the REGIONS AS Federating Units. Details shall be worked out by the Review Committee bearing in mind the 1963 Nigerian Constitution, and devolution of powers as recommended by the 1994 Conference. (see Draft Constitution 1995).

As a guide we recommend that FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS shall not exceed those exercised by the Center (Federal) at Nigeria's Independence in 1960 and shall be enumerated to include such matters as foreign Affairs, Monetary Policies, Citizenship, National Security, Defence etc.

STATES (to be determined by the regions and not by the center according to the will of the constituent peoples of the region and enshrined in the regional constitution), and

LOCAL GOVERNMENT. (to be determined by the States).

Over-centralisation removes power and resources from tiers of Government that are nearest to the citizen and promotes inefficiency, incompetence, corruption, alienation and loss of faith in Government. It ALSO PROMOTES INEQUALITY IN NUMBERS OF STATES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS PER ZONE/REGION.


a. Each Region shall have EXECUTIVE, Legislative, and Judicial Functions. The Executive powers shall be vested in the Governor General of the Region (or by whatever name the Committee may decide)
b. The Legislative powers of each Region shall be vested in the Assembly of the Region (Regional Assembly).

However if any law enacted by the ASSEMBLY OF A REGION is inconsistent with the provisions of the CONSTITUTION OF NIGERIA or with ANY LAW VALIDLY ENACTED BY THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, the law made by the ASSEMBLY OF THE REGION shall be VOID to the extent of the inconsistency.

c. There shall be for each Region, a Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal of a region shall to the exclusion of any other court in Nigeria have jurisdiction to hear and determine appeals from decisions of the State High Courts, and State customary Courts of appeal and state Sharia Courts of Appeal situate in that Region and such other court as may be prescribed by a law enacted by the ASSEMBLY of that REGION.
d. There shall be a FEDERAL COURT OF APPEAL. The Federal Court of Appeal shall to the exclusion of any other court in Nigeria have JURISDICTION to hear and determine appeals from decisions of the FEDERAL HIGH COURT; the Court of the Federal Capital Territory; the Customary Court of Appeal of FCT, Sharia Court of Appeal of FCT; and such other courts or tribunals as may be prescribed by a LAW ENACTED by the National Assembly.

Citizenship Rights

KEENLY conscious of the danger to national cohesion and unity caused by the destruction of lives and properties in ethno religious incidents in the recent past and at present, Ndigbo consider it absolutely necessary to have Citizenship Rights clearly enumerated and guaranteed; by both the federal and regional governments.

The 1963 Constitution and the Draft constitution 1995 are explicit on the fundamental rights of the Nigerian Citizen.


Ndigbo recommend the Presidential System of Government for a restructured Nigeria.
There shall be ONE PRESIDENT elected: nationally” with a SINGLE VICE-PRESIDENT.
a. The Vice-President shall be assigned specific responsibilities by the Constitution.
b. Ditto for Chief Executives of the Regions (including States) with their Deputies.



Apart from stopping the inevitable distraction from the time and attention of the office holder in the quest for a second term, a single tenure eliminates the crucial and unfair advantage enjoyed by an incumbent with access to vast official, which are not available to his or her co-contestants in the conduct of electoral campaigns.

The tenure of the president shall commence from the date when he was sworn in as President.



a. The office of President of the Federal Republic shall rotate among the six Regions in turn
a. Ditto for States within a Region.

iv. Revenue-Sharing (“Fiscal Federalism”)

Revenue-Sharing Between The Centre And Federating Units Must Be Comprehensively Reviewed To Reflect “Fiscal Federalism”.

There are two facets to the revenue issue.

(i) What should go to the Federation Account; and
(ii) How the money in the Federation account will be shared between the central and regional governments

At Independence under the Raisman formula, 50% of revenue was paid to the regions of origin on the basis of derivation, while 20% was paid to the Federal Government as a contribution by the region for maintenance of the integrity of the nation, and the balance of 30% was shared equally among regional governments including the region of origin. In the same vein, the 1963 Constitution of the Federation States in Sec. 140(i): “There shall be paid by the Federal to each Region a sum equal to fifty percent of the proceeds of any Royalty received by the Federation in respect of any minerals (including mineral oil) extracted in that Region”.

Over the years, the percentage kept by the region on the basis of derivation has been progressively reduced to the level of 3-5%. As a first step to redressing the present distortion, we recommend an increase in the weighting given to the derivation factor to 30%.

a) We recommend that the amount to be retained by the Central (Federal) government be drastically trimmed down based on a thorough study of the financial requirements for accomplishing its reduced function; that the balance thereafter be shared equally between the six regions. We further recommend that the formula for sharing revenue within the regions shall be the same as recommended for the central (federal) government. However, derivation should be extended to all local governments or states that are environmentally impacted by the resource exploitation.

b) Ownership of resources must be by the areas where these are located.

Most importantly these recommendations will reduce the “CAKE-SHARING MENTALITY” in Nigeria and lead to faster growth and development of the Nigerian economy by encouraging PRODUCTIVITY AND EXPLOITATION OF THE VAST NATURAL RESOURCES OF EACH OF THE SIX REGIONS OF NIGERIA.

iv. Reorganization of the Nigerian Police

An effective and efficient Police Force is essential for the development of democracy in Nigeria.

However past abuses, including frequent incursions of military into rulership, underline the necessity for avoiding a Constitutional arrangement which provides the TEMPTATION and the MEANS to the Federal Government (via Army and/or police) to toy with matters of vital Local interest to the people of any Region or State of the Federation.

Accordingly, Ndigbo recommend:

a. That there be established a two-tier Police structure, to wit: REGIONAL POLICE whose jurisdiction shall be limited to the geographical areas of the Region, and National Police which shall have inter-regional jurisdiction.

b. THE TWO POLICE FORMATIONS VIZ FEDERAL AND REGIONAL POLICE FORMATION shall have clearly delineated JURISDICTIONS, RESPONSIBILITIES, MODUS OPERANDI and “INTERPHASE PROTOCOLS” to minimize areas of friction, whilst emphasizing integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

c. The NIGERIA (NATIONAL) POLICE shall draw a good portion of its personnel in each Zonal Command from the Region.

v. Reorganization of the Nigerian Armed Forces

There shall be one Nigerian Army, one Nigerian Air-Force and one Nigerian Navy.

There shall be a comprehensive review of the numbers and equipment of the Armed forces in the light of the nations objectives and resources.

The Nigerian Army and Nigerian Air-Force shall be reorganized in ZONAL COMMANDS. Accordingly, there shall be in each Region a a. Zonal Command of the Nigeria Army and Nigerian Air-force.

b. With regard to the Nigerian Navy, it must be ensured that the composition of their officers and men reflect a balance between the SIX Regions.

iv. State Security Services

There shall be one State Security Service in Nigeria, and it again shall be organized in Regional Commands.

v. Civil Service Reform - Federal Character Principle

There shall be for Nigeria, and for the Regions, a Civil service appropriate for the discharge of responsibilities assigned to each tier by the Constitution.

a. The emphasis in Civil Service Reforms shall be to streamline Federal/ Regional bureaucracies so as to REDUCE COST OF GOVERNANCE whilst infusing efficiency in the system. Civil Service Review exercises at all levels will necessarily accompany the restructuring of Nigeria based on the principles of TRUE FEDERALISM.

b. An appointment to the Head of Service of the Federation, Region shall not be made except from amongst the Permanent Secretaries or officers of equivalent rank in the Civil Service of the Federation or Region.

c. In exercising powers of appointment into the Federal, Regional and State Civil Service for the ranks of Director and Permanent Secretariats, the President, Governor-General and Governors shall have regard to the diversity of people in the country and in the Regions and the need to promote unity and balanced development.


a. An essential objective in Civil/public Service Reforms shall be to enforce the Federal Character Principles. This should be made justifiable and aggrieved individuals/groups should be able under the NEW constitution to take the matter to court.

b. Ndigbo also advocate that the “Federal Character Principle” should not be restricted to man power only but expanded to include project citing and budgeting as well as execution by the federal Government. Thus there must not be undue disparity between the six Regions in Annual Budget.

iv. Political Party Reforms

Ndigbo advocate MULTY-PARTY system as a panacea against abuse of democratic practice and process. Given time to develop, truly National Parties shall emerge based on shared ideologies.

v. The Judicature

A strong and independent judiciary is indispensable for a stable polity. Consequently, Budgetary Allocations for the Judiciary shall be on “FIRST CHARGE”. Other recommendations on Regional Judiciary, consequent upon the RESTRUCTURING OF THE POLITY INTO SIX REGIONS have been, outlined earlier.

In addition:




vi. Population/Census

Ndigbo consider the question of census as an important recurring issue since pre-independence. This subject was therefore passionately and extensively discussed as a matter that should be addressed in a comprehensive manner by the proposed Review.

We recommend that the Constitution should clearly state the following:

1. “That Census delineation exercise MUST include the followings:
i. Region of origin
ii. State of Origin
iii. Local government/Town of origin
iv. Language Group
v. Ethnic Group
vi. Religious Affiliation
vii. Gender and Age

These data are necessary for effective scientific and demographic analysis as is obtained internationally”

2. The information in the National Identity Card regarding Region/State/Town of Origin should be in tandem with census.

iv. States Creation And Boundary Adjusments

Ndigbo specifically have been unfairly treated in this matter (ref. Igbo presentation at the Oputa Panel).

The Igbo position is that:

a) The inequities and injustices of previous exercises need to be redressed.

b) This should become part of the delineation exercise for the new six regional federal structure.

v. Role Of Traditional Rulers

Ndigbo advocate constitutional roles for traditional rulers based on their closeness to the “grassroots” and rural development. It is the view of Ndigbo that harmony between the traditional and democratic forces at the grassroots level, will help to bring most of Nigerians into mainstream development.

We recommend that traditional rulers be constitutionally empowered to participate effectively in the responsibility of maintaining communal peace.

iv. Non-Adoption Of State Religion


“The Government of the Federation, (or of a region), or of a State, or of a Local Government shall NOT adopt any religion as State, or Local Government religion”.


Ndigbo have given so much in spirit and material resources to the concept and construction of a truly united, prosperous Nigerian nation and deserve demonstrable appreciation from their fellow citizens. To the Nigeria project, Ndigbo are still doing much more to offer our eminently endowed and great country via their contribution in a true federal character setting of six equal geo-political zones.


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I agree 100%.This is the way to go


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Akanbiedu(m): 4:19pm On Nov 14, 2012
Suks(Osun pronunciation) You make me laugh.

You remind me of a former boss while we were negotiating my pay. He offered a certain amount say, 100unit and I asked for a certain amount say 500unit. Then he exclaimed "that's 400% increase!"

I replied that his 100unit was never an agreed standard. I could as well claim that 100 unit is an 80% decrease.

The ACN-SW leaders will not conditioned to think in a certain way that helps to achieve predetermined outcome.

1 Like

Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Akanbiedu(m): 4:25pm On Nov 14, 2012
I need to go through that Ohaneze's piece. I can some interesting things there already.
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by nduchucks: 4:26pm On Nov 14, 2012

Why are you so scared?

Why are you so worried?

You should be asking the SW leaders why they are afraid to champion Regionalism but instead clamor for the status quo and so-called Regional Integration - Regional Integration designed to fatten the pockets of the said leaders.

Akanbi_edu: Suks(Osun pronunciation) You make me laugh.

You remind me of a former boss while we were negotiating my pay. He offered a certain amount say, 100unit and I asked for a certain amount say 500unit. Then he exclaimed "that's 400% increase!"

I replied that his 100unit was never an agreed standard. I could as well claim that 100 unit is an 80% decrease.

The ACN-SW leaders will not conditioned to think in a certain way that helps to achieve predetermined outcome.

Continue to deceive yourself. The only predetermined outcome is what the ACN goons want - the maintenance of the status quo. You people prefer that so than you can chshop the money of ACN states.
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by 2mch(m): 4:46pm On Nov 14, 2012
Because everyone else is making noise, must the SW join the fray? Nothing wrong with you tabling your suggestions and moving on. When the time comes we will make our stand known like always. Regional integration, which is not so far fetched from regionalism. Or this country cannot move without the SW? Arrange and call the meeting now, if you get mouth. undecided

1 Like

Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Katsumoto: 4:59pm On Nov 14, 2012
2mch: Because everyone else is making noise, must the SW join the fray? Nothing wrong with you tabling your suggestions and moving on. When the time comes we will make our stand known like always. Regional integration, which is not so far fetched from regionalism. Or this country cannot move without the SW? Arrange and call the meeting now, if you get mouth. undecided

I am not sure of Ndu_chuks position on federalism or his motivation for this thread. However, if a majority agitate for the same changes, it is likely to result in constitutional changes. Agitation by Ndigbo alone is unlikely to bring that change. The SW making the same agitation, for instance, in anoth couple of years is also likely to be unsuccessful.

I am a firm believer of devolution of power.


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by gidiMonsta(m): 5:37pm On Nov 14, 2012
I love the Ndigbo position, I think this is in line with the agitations of the SW.

1 Like

Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by seanet01: 5:42pm On Nov 14, 2012
Somebody is suffering from "southwestphobia"


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by PointB: 5:56pm On Nov 14, 2012
If the status quo favours the SW, I think they reserve the right not to agitate for true Federalism. But one thing they should not forget, status quo always change. Now that the iron is hot is best time to bend it.


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Katsumoto: 5:59pm On Nov 14, 2012
PointB: If the status quo favours the SW, I think they reserve the right not to agitate for true Federalism. But one thing they should not forget, status quo always change. Now that the iron is hot is best time to bend it.

Status quo only favours a minority of Nigerians who operate at the center. There is no way the status quo favours the SW.
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by karlmax2: 6:19pm On Nov 14, 2012
This constitutional review is an avenue for nigerians to put aside ethnicity,greed,party affiliation,sentiment and come together as a force to demand what is good for this our dear nation Nigeria.its an oppotunity for us as those that are governed to demand from our ruling elite to put aside their politcal diffrences and forge a common cause of moving this country to achieve its Full potential! And regionilization as suggested by ohaneze with a little input from other leaders from other zones would definately move this country foward. If the a.c.n and pdp members from the south and all those who believe regionalization from the North come together during the review at the national assembly the push this and get it.
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by PointB: 6:26pm On Nov 14, 2012

Status quo only favours a minority of Nigerians who operate at the center. There is no way the status quo favours the SW.

It is the same Nigerians at the top from some part of the country that are recommending the changes in the interest of the country. ACN/SW are best served making their position crystal clear, and timely! By the way, why are running away from your initial position?

I am not sure of Ndu_chuks position on federalism or his motivation for this thread. However, if a majority agitate for the same changes, it is likely to result in constitutional changes. Agitation by Ndigbo alone is unlikely to bring that change. The SW making the same agitation, for instance, in anoth couple of years is also likely to be unsuccessful.

I am a firm believer of devolution of power.

Status quo only favours a minority of Nigerians who operate at the center. There is no way the status quo favours the SW.

It is the same Nigerians at the top from some part of the country that are recommending the changes in the interest of the country. ACN/SW leaders are best served making their position crystal clear, and timely! By the way, why are running away from your initial position?
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Katsumoto: 6:35pm On Nov 14, 2012

It is the same Nigerians at the top from some part of the country that are recommending the changes in the interest of the country. ACN/SW are best served making their position crystal clear, and timely! By the way, why are running away from your initial position?

It is the same Nigerians at the top from some part of the country that are recommending the changes in the interest of the country. ACN/SW leaders are best served making their position crystal clear, and timely! By the way, why are running away from your initial position?

Don't equate a cultural organization with the looters/godfathers in Abuja. It is not the same thing. Just as ACN can't be equated to a cultural group.

I don't understand how you mean? How am I running away from my initial position?
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by PointB: 7:10pm On Nov 14, 2012

Don't equate a cultural organization with the looters/godfathers in Abuja. It is not the same thing. Just as ACN can't be equated to a cultural group.

I don't understand how you mean? How am I running away from my initial position?

I am not equating. Just saying that SW Leadership should stand up and be counted.

Running away from your position infers that you on one hand urge SW to add their voice to the demand, while trying to exonorate the leaders of AC.N who control the polity in SW. Now if AC.N is not making a representation, how about Afenifere?

1 Like

Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by owobokiri(m): 7:35pm On Nov 14, 2012
Afonja politics part 2..
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Nobody: 7:39pm On Nov 14, 2012
You kids should drop these tribal jabs and know that this generation does not care about your tribal sentiments that kept us where we are today.


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Nobody: 7:40pm On Nov 14, 2012
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Orblonde: 7:40pm On Nov 14, 2012
Anyone who disagrees with that will have some very hard convincing to do. I so want this to happen.
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Ikwerefistson: 7:40pm On Nov 14, 2012
ndu_chucks: It appears to me that Tinubu and other ACN goons, who by all accounts, are the leaders of the SW, and who run most of the states in the SW, have no desire whatsoever for the progress of our country. One would think that the same people who have been clamoring for Regional Integration, would be at the forefront of the battle to improve upon our current system of government, which desperately needs elements of Regionalism and true Federalism, even if their components are introduced piecemeal.

When it is politically useful for them, these irresponsible leaders, who are only after concessions, buying up State land and selling those choice land to their cronies, will be screaming for Sovereign National Conference. As soon as the opportunity for real constitutional changes present themselves, these leaders go into hiding and flood the media in the SW with news which talk about every issue except the important ones of real constitutional changes.

I will leave the writing of an epistle to people like Gbawe, so I will be brief here.

Every well meaning group has made several submissions to the NASS committee on constitutional review. I am most impressed by the submission of Ohaneze’s because it provided a very practical blueprint for Regionalism and Federalism. You’d think that the SW leaders would team up with such groups and apply real pressure on NASS, inform the people, and even organize peaceful demonstrations in support of Regionalism and true Federalism.
I submit to you that these SW leaders are nothing but frauds and I ask you: Where is their call for Regionalism which would actually make their current clamor for Regional Integration a moot point

Ohaneze's Submission To NASS – Worth Reading

wat else do u expect frm bunch of hypocretes who wil alwas do d wil of dia slave masters arewa
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by kingingkinging: 7:41pm On Nov 14, 2012
ndu_chucks: It appears to me that Tinubu and other ACN goons, who by all accounts, are the leaders of the SW, and who run most of the states in the SW, have no desire whatsoever for the progress of our country. One would think that the same people who have been clamoring for Regional Integration, would be at the forefront of the battle to improve upon our current system of government, which desperately needs elements of Regionalism and true Federalism, even if their components are introduced piecemeal.

When it is politically useful for them, these irresponsible leaders, who are only after concessions, buying up State land and selling those choice land to their cronies, will be screaming for Sovereign National Conference. As soon as the opportunity for real constitutional changes present themselves, these leaders go into hiding and flood the media in the SW with news which talk about every issue except the important ones of real constitutional changes.

I will leave the writing of an epistle to people like Gbawe, so I will be brief here.

Every well meaning group has made several submissions to the NASS committee on constitutional review. I am most impressed by the submission of Ohaneze’s because it provided a very practical blueprint for Regionalism and Federalism. You’d think that the SW leaders would team up with such groups and apply real pressure on NASS, inform the people, and even organize peaceful demonstrations in support of Regionalism and true Federalism.
I submit to you that these SW leaders are nothing but frauds and I ask you: Where is their call for Regionalism which would actually make their current clamor for Regional Integration a moot point

Ohaneze's Submission To NASS – Worth Reading

It is apparent you are an Igbo person. An avreage Igbo person lacks home training, no apologies to any Igbo man dead and alive. Imagine who ever you are using those words up there to drive your point. Dont you know you have lost from the beginning?

Look at your post-SW leaders led by Tinubu .....shamelessly prefer status quo).... I can see why you are the most marginalized.


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Ikwerefistson: 7:44pm On Nov 14, 2012
take dat: It seems you have a personal vendetta against the SW. The constitutional amendment hearing is still on and so its to early to call what the next line of action is. Moreover, the SW believe more in a Sovereign National Conference than patronising a jamboree in the name of constitutional amendment which will possibly not yield the required result. Is it not surprising that same SE proposing Regionalism is also clamouring for additional state creation in their region? The SW don't play to the gallery unlike others
thank you,senior advocate of d amala nation.we dy hail o
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Nobody: 7:44pm On Nov 14, 2012
Bunch of drunks seeking for power with vermin infested ideologies. Solution to nija prob is revolution. Let dem die off d past and some stinking present leaders
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by gbanikiti(m): 7:49pm On Nov 14, 2012

I am not equating. Just saying that SW Leadership should stand up and be counted.

Running away from your position infers that you on one hand urge SW to add their voice to the demand, while trying to exonorate the leaders of AC.N who control the polity in SW. Now if AC.N is not making a representation, how about Afenifere?
Exactly! As long as Tinubu is involved,I see nothing postive at all. Must Tinubu be the one to lead? Are there no other notable SW leaders? Where is Fedrick Fasheun and Gani Adams? Where are the other members of the Afenifere group?
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by ektbear: 7:54pm On Nov 14, 2012
What is the universal definition of "regionalism?"

The OP is implicitly assuming that there is only one definition that everyone would agree on, no?
Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by nduchucks: 7:55pm On Nov 14, 2012

It is apparent you are an Igbo person. An avreage Igbo person lacks home training, no apologies to any Igbo man dead and alive. Imagine who ever you are using those words up there to drive your point. Dont you know you have lost from the beginning?

Look at your post-SW leaders led by Tinubu .....shamelessly prefer status quo).... I can see why you are the most marginalized.

Now that you are calm, kindly express your thoughts on the issues raised. Remember that racism and bigotry will do you more harm than good - it is quite disgraceful of you to lash out at a whole ethnic group in the manner you did in your post. Egbe ndi Israeli piafuka gi isi, ewu offemmanu. mumu


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by Ikwerefistson: 7:56pm On Nov 14, 2012
2mch: Because everyone else is making noise, must the SW join the fray? Nothing wrong with you tabling your suggestions and moving on. When the time comes we will make our stand known like always. Regional integration, which is not so far fetched from regionalism. Or this country cannot move without the SW? Arrange and call the meeting now, if you get mouth. undecided
mugu who discharged u frm d hospital.otondo if u sw do nt submit ur position nw wen.u pepl belev in makng noise bt chicken undr fire wen d tyme coms.ure nw afraid of d same regonal govt,resource control nd state police wey una knw let us hear word b4.jst becos una masters dn tel una say no more oil block 4una rogues as politicans dats y una dy cut liver.u pepl beter concentrate on ur gboro nd cocoa farm nd stay away frm nija delta o.afternun tief


Re: SW Leaders Led By Tinubu Do Not Want Regionalism, Shamelessly Prefer Status Quo by owobokiri(m): 7:57pm On Nov 14, 2012
The south west is most probably the only part of Nigeria afraid of the countrys disintegration.. There is this morbid fear you detect amongst the majority of the population there whenever there is a serious talk of reorganising Nigeria. Folks are afraid of the unknown so they are willing to unleash all kinds of ideological acrobatism to sustain a convulsing state that only thrives in corruption. . This is highly disturbing. Other southerners should consider addressing the fears of the south west to avoid this part of the south selling them short at every turn


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