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Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 4:37pm On Feb 09, 2008
If God loves all his children equally, why would he support the persecution of homosexuals that were born that way. poor translation of the bible from the original aramaic/greek/hebrew versions have led people to think homosexuality is condemed. how can a naturally occuring act be condemned if God was responsible for the creation??

there's no part in the bible were same-sex marriage is condemned. the bible only rightfully condemns sexual acts among men and little boys. the translation of the bible has distorted the truth. the bible's comment about same-sex relations were inspired by cultural reasons and not by "God"
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by JeSoul(f): 5:32pm On Feb 09, 2008

If God loves all his children equally, why would he support the persecution of homosexuals that were born that way.
here we go again, blaming God for things that men with free will do. . . did you also blame God for your actions when you mistreated someone?
poor translation of the bible from the original aramaic/greek/hebrew versions have led people to think homosexuality is condemed. how can a naturally occuring act be condemned if God was responsible for the creation??there's no part in the bible were same-sex marriage is condemned. the bible only rightfully condemns sexual acts among men and little boys. the translation of the bible has distorted the truth. the bible's comment about same-sex relations were inspired by cultural reasons and not by "God"
  well you certainly aren't the first person to come out and claim the bible does not condemn homosexuality, and that the translations have been twisted to make it seem so. Rubbish! Tell me how these verses could have been mistranslated?

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

  Face the truth homosexuality is a SIN! the bible condemns it and God hates it just like He hates every other sin.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 7:02pm On Feb 09, 2008
here we go again, blaming God for things that men with free will do. . . did you also blame God for your actions when you mistreated someone?

i take individual responsibility for my actions.

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,

first of all, how did the authors of the bible understand God's view about homosexuality. i thought it was impossible for the human mind to comprehend God, second, homosexuality has been shown to be natural. it has always existed throughout eternity.

men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error

again no mention of homosexuality, just indecent acts. exactly how do we know this indecent act is specifically homosexuality.

You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

this is a reference to bisexuality. again no specific reference to homosexuality. just a bunch of erronous translations.

Face the truth homosexuality is a SIN! the bible condemns it and God hates it just like He hates every other sin.

actually no, homosexuality isn't a SIN, it's a naturally occuring it. there's no way to know if this mystical God hates homosexuality since he wasn't the direct author of the bible. except u can prove the original aramaic and hebrew bibles condemn homosexuality, then u have nothing
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by 4Him(m): 10:41pm On Feb 09, 2008
i am tempted to reply Bawomolo but at the same time i feel it would be a wasted effort.
He's really not after the truth but just hops around creating the same threads over and over again to satisfy his restless soul.

You can burn ur bible now bawomol.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 12:16am On Feb 10, 2008
You can burn your bible now bawomol.

burning a bible would lead to more pollution of earth. i'd rather have the bible be recycled to toilet roll for wiping my ass. either answer my question or ignore the thread.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by 4Him(m): 12:21am On Feb 10, 2008

burning a bible would lead to more pollution of earth. i'd rather have the bible be recycled to toilet roll for wiping my ass. either answer my question or ignore the thread.

whatever you wish to do to the bible (you cowards) you are free to do.
Cowards like you would never dare say this about the koran.

There is no question to answer . . . JeSoul has more than exposed the incredulity of the mishmash you put forward as "questions".
As for ignoring the thread, not a fat chance as long as people like you continue to drag christianity in the mud. I'll pop in here to expose your inability to reason each time.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by 4Him(m): 12:37am On Feb 10, 2008

If God loves all his children equally, why would he support the persecution of homosexuals that were born that way.

the most important tool of the desperately godless is to not only twist scripture but to add a little bit of falsehood to it.
Where did God ask you to persecute homosexuals?


poor translation of the bible from the original aramaic/greek/hebrew versions have led people to think homosexuality is condemed.

JeSoul provided the relevant scripture . . . homosexuality is condemned in its strongest terms.


how can a naturally occuring act be condemned if God was responsible for the creation??

Isnt it funny that humans are the only organisms on earth that practice this "naturally occuring" debauchery? Ever seen homosexual goats?


there's no part in the bible were same-sex marriage is condemned.

more evidence that you either did not read the bible or u did it with ur two eyes firmly closed and your ability to understand simple grammar non-existent.


the bible only rightfully condemns sexual acts among men and little boys.

kindly explain what homosexuality means.


the translation of the bible has distorted the truth. the bible's comment about same-sex relations were inspired by cultural reasons and not by "God"

How many times will u repeat this same lies? Did you read the offence of the men of Soddom and gomorrah?
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 12:54am On Feb 10, 2008
Where did God ask you to persecute homosexuals?

not allowing homosexuals to marry or get various benefits is a sign of persecution.

JeSoul provided the relevant scripture . . . homosexuality is condemned in its strongest terms.

no it doesn't. if it really did, there won't a controversy over what the bible really said about same-sex relations. again, have u read the original greek/aramaic versions of the bible to confirm this??

Isnt it funny that humans are the only organisms on earth that practice this "naturally occuring" debauchery? Ever seen homosexual goats?

got ya. there are homosexual zebras, bonobo's, penguins and a host of homosexual animals. the bonobo's which is one of the closest human relatives are renowed bisexual lovers.



more evidence that you either did not read the bible or u did it with your two eyes firmly closed and your ability to understand simple grammar non-existent.

pls mention where in the bible where homosexual mariage is condemned and banned??

kindly explain what homosexuality means.

no, homosexuality is same-sex relationships(not just sex) between two consenting adults. a man sleeping with a child is molestation which the bible rightfully detests. i see folks are just stretching the truth.

How many times will u repeat this same lies? Did you read the offence of the men of Soddom and gomorrah?

soddom and gomorrah was mostlikely destroyed by an earthquake. there's no sign of the mythic fire and brimstones falling from the ground. the soddom and gomorrah story is pure legend.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by 4Him(m): 1:12am On Feb 10, 2008

not allowing homosexuals to marry or get various benefits is a sign of persecution.

So armed robbers in jail are being persecuted since they can't collect social security benefits?


no it doesn't. if it really did, there won't a controversy over what the bible really said about same-sex relations. again, have u read the original greek/aramaic versions of the bible to confirm this??

Have you read it to disprove the widely held biblical view?


got ya. there are homosexual zebras, bonobo's, penguins and a host of homosexual animals. the bonobo's which is one of the closest human relatives are renowed bisexual lovers.



Silly, almost all the so-called documented "homosexual" activity is from zoos which are the unnatural habitats of these animals. Wild cats raised in zoos cannot survive in the wild why?

A lot of these "homosexual" activities among animals are actually not proven, they are simply the desperate antics of those who want to prove to us that homosexuality is a "natural occurence". Male goats can often be seen attempting to ride other males ditto for females . . . but when given the option of a female they know where to go.


please mention where in the bible where homosexual mariage is condemned and banned??

JeSoul already did so.


no, homosexuality is same-sex relationships(not just sex) between two consenting adults. a man sleeping with a child is molestation which the bible rightfully detests. i see folks are just stretching the truth.

surprising you did not ask us to go fetch the greek and aramaic versions of the bible to prove this.


soddom and gomorrah was mostlikely destroyed by an earthquake. there's no sign of the mythic fire and brimstones falling from the ground. the soddom and gomorrah story is pure legend.

suit yourself.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 1:27am On Feb 10, 2008
So armed robbers in jail are being persecuted since they can't collect social security benefits?

unlike armed robbers, homosexuals haven't committed a legal crime. why make such comparison.

Have you read it to disprove the widely held biblical view?

have seen journals about it, there's no consensus of the meaning of this passages. the bible has been repeatedly edited to suit people's views.

Silly, almost all the so-called documented "homosexual" activity is from zoos which are the unnatural habitats of these animals. Wild cats raised in zoos cannot survive in the wild why?

actually this is wrong. there are video tapes of bonobos engaging in homosexual activites in the wild. homosexual activities have been repeatedly reported by park rangers. why do u think habitat would change ones sexual orientage. did u become homosexual after leaving nigeria?? why the change of stance?? first u said no other organisms other than humans engaged in homosexual activities but u immediately switched, hmm

when given the option of a female they know where to go

this theory was proven wrong among penguins. two males penguins were repeatedly forced by scientists to mate with females but the two males refused to leave each others company. their homosexuality is more than just sex but an EMOTIONAL bond.

JeSoul already did so.

no she didn't. no mention of marriage or a union

surprising you did not ask us to go fetch the greek and aramaic versions of the bible to prove this.

it would be appreciated if u fetched the greek and aramaic versions. that would help, don't u think?

suit yourself.

grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by 4Him(m): 1:32am On Feb 10, 2008

unlike armed robbers, homosexuals haven't committed a legal crime. why make such comparison.

in christian terms homosexuality is a sin.


have seen journals about it, there's no consensus of the meaning of this passages. the bible has been repeatedly edited to suit people's views.

you came here arguing on the strength of "journals" and yet asking us to go read the greek/aramaic versions of the bible?


actually this is wrong. there are video tapes of bonobos engaging in homosexual activites in the wild. homosexual activities have been repeatedly reported by park rangers. why do u think habitat would change ones sexual orientage. did u become homosexual after leaving nigeria?? why the change of stance?? first u said no other organisms other than humans engaged in homosexual activities but u immediately switched, hmm

this theory was proven wrong among penguins. two males penguins were repeatedly forced by scientists to mate with females but the two males refused to leave each others company. their homosexuality is more than just sex but an EMOTIONAL bond.

Humans and dogs form "emotional bonds" too . . . why dont you go ahead and legalise bestiality. Isnt it a "natural occurence" too?


no she didn't. no mention of marriage or a union

the bible condemns sex between two pple of the same sex . . . u're waiting for it to expressly mention marriage between them before u know it is wrong too?


it would be appreciated if u fetched the greek and aramaic versions. that would help, don't u think?

why shld i? I'll go read journals just like you hypocrites too.


grin grin grin grin grin

perhaps u think you have actually made sense.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Nobody: 1:33am On Feb 10, 2008
Lol it's no more bawomol, it's now bawomolo cheesy. Or are you twins?

There's actually nothing to argue here, since Jesoul have already laid out the scriptures, but it looks as if engaging in debased arguements and "supposed reasoning and logic" is your expertise.

actually no, homosexuality isn't a SIN, it's a naturally occuring it. there's no way to know if this mystical God hates homosexuality since he wasn't the direct author of the bible. except u can prove the original aramaic and hebrew bibles condemn homosexuality, then u have nothing

What is stopping you from learning aramaic and hebrew? You brought up a topic, do your own research.

the translation of the bible has distorted the truth

Again, I am tired of these whinings, kindly fish out the original scriptures you desperately want, if you like twist the words to suit yourself as it's your expertise, that's is if you are indeed searching for the truth.

And your topic homosexuality and religion, isn't it better to just say christianity instead of religion, because I'm yet to see you basing your arguements on other religions like Islam.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by 4Him(m): 1:48am On Feb 10, 2008

And your topic homosexuality and religion, isn't it better to just say christianity instead of religion, because I'm yet to see you basing your arguements on other religions like The Great Religion.

the cowards dare not.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by almondjoy(f): 1:58am On Feb 10, 2008

If God loves all his children equally, why would he support the persecution of homosexuals that were born that way. poor translation of the bible from the original aramaic/greek/hebrew versions have led people to think homosexuality is condemed. how can a naturally occuring act be condemned if God was responsible for the creation??

there's no part in the bible were same-sex marriage is condemned. the bible only rightfully condemns sexual acts among men and little boys. the translation of the bible has distorted the truth. the bible's comment about same-sex relations were inspired by cultural reasons and not by "God"

Please look out for the revised versions of the bible to accomadate this.  That is why we have the Old testament and the New testament.  The "Middle Testament" is being written as we speak.  So don't waste your cyber breath! kiss kiss kiss

No be man write the whole story?--E go soon change mouth no worry!
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 2:45am On Feb 10, 2008
in christian terms homosexuality is a sin.

this is up for argument. the bible isn't discrete about this

you came here arguing on the strength of "journals" and yet asking us to go read the greek/aramaic versions of the bible?

actually those journals state which greek/aramaic words have been distorted and revised. research is a complicated process u know.

Humans and dogs form "emotional bonds" too . . . why don't you go ahead and legalise bestiality. Isnt it a "natural occurence" too?

the difference between bestiality and homosexuality is CONSENT and also difference in species.  those emotional bonds are not deep.

the bible condemns sex between two people of the same sex . . . u're waiting for it to expressly mention marriage between them before u know it is wrong too?

the bible actually doesn't say so. it condemns relationships between a man and a child. those words have been distorted to mean homosexuality.  "indecent acts" isn't directly synonymous with "homosexuality"

why shld i? I'll go read journals just like you hypocrites too.

why are u scared to read the greek/aramaic versions. do u fear they would shake your beliefs.  i see u abandoned your scientific arguments lol

Lol it's no more bawomol, it's now bawomolo . Or are you twins?

i'm God in two persons. all i need is one more name to make a trinity.

What is stopping you from learning aramaic and hebrew? You brought up a topic, do your own research.

it's a costly and time consuming process. but i won't learning those languages some day.  why are u scared of reading or researching into the original bible??

Again, I am tired of these whinings, kindly fish out the original scriptures you desperately want,

A difficulty in interpreting Leviticus is that Hebrew, Greek and other relevant languages may have been ambiguously or incorrectly rendered into English. Thus the word translated as "detestable" (often also translated as "abomination"wink, has a different meaning in Biblical Hebrew than in English. (See: Abomination (Bible) ). In Biblical terms, "abomination" simply signifies that which is forbidden or unclean. Likewise the phrase translated as "do not have sexual relations" ("lo tishkav"wink in these passages literally means "do not lie down with". In other passages (e.g., Genesis 19:34; Exodus 22:16; 22:19 and many others) to "know" or "lie [down] with" is a euphemism for sexual intercourse (whether heterosexual or homosexual).

do u want me to post more.

And your topic homosexuality and religion, isn't it better to just say christianity instead of religion, because I'm yet to see you basing your arguements on other religions like The Great Religion.

i was previously banned for criticizing the great religion. maybe u should message seun to relax the rules.

Please look out for the revised versions of the bible to accomadate this. That is why we have the Old testament and the New testament. The "Middle Testament" is being written as we speak. So don't waste your cyber breath!

so u admit the bible is inconsistent due to censorship and editing. thx for making my point.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by almondjoy(f): 2:59am On Feb 10, 2008
The bible inconsistent?  Was it not written by man?  An inconsistent, flip-flopper? shocked  Please who is being deceived? 

Forget the inspiration part.  I can write better stories than those as you already know when  I am "inspired and under the influence"! cheesy

Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Nobody: 11:17am On Feb 10, 2008
Dogs, cats, horses and other lower animals show themselves to be wiser than some humans when it comes to homosexuality. These lower animals will not easily make the mistake of engaging in homosexual activity.

Even when they do make this mistake, it will not be a good reason for any human to imitate them. That human will be lowering himself/herself to the level of a lowly beast.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by luvus: 12:09pm On Feb 10, 2008
If God loves all his children equally, why would he support the persecution of homosexuals that were born that way. poor translation of the bible from the original aramaic/greek/hebrew versions have led people to think homosexuality is condemed. how can a naturally occuring act be condemned if God was responsible for the creation??

there's no part in the bible were same-sex marriage is condemned. the bible only rightfully condemns sexual acts among men and little boys. the translation of the bible has distorted the truth. the bible's comment about same-sex relations were inspired by cultural reasons and not by "God"

now i see wat i rightly said in one of the evolutionsit thread that thier aim of raising such issue of denying the existence of God is to allow them opportuity to yield themselves into watever activities as long as they dont have a CONSCIENCE that condemns them.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 2:48pm On Feb 11, 2008
Dogs, cats, horses and other lower animals show themselves to be wiser than some humans when it comes to homosexuality. These lower animals will not easily make the mistake of engaging in homosexual activity.

actually u are wrong, mammals and primates do engage in homosexual activity. it wouldn't be a mistake if they freely engaged in it.

Even when they do make this mistake, it will not be a good reason for any human to imitate them. That human will be lowering himself/herself to the level of a lowly beast.

how do u know animals consider homosexuality a mistake, can u read their minds?? how is homosexuality a mistake when it's a natural activity??

now i see what i rightly said in one of the evolutionsit thread that their aim of raising such issue of denying the existence of God is to allow them opportuity to yield themselves into watever activities as long as they don't have a CONSCIENCE that condemns them.

humanists actually obey certain morals and ethics. japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world and they are atheists. u guys seem to scared to discuss the issue
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Gamine(f): 3:34pm On Feb 11, 2008

These people again!

Your heart keeps searching for answers

But no matter what anyone says on this thread

Mr man you wont be satisfied, because you have hardened your heart

Let Go and Let God

He alone can fill the void in your soul! smiley
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by DrFerlie(m): 3:39pm On Feb 11, 2008
mr bawomolo,

are you an homosexual?
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 3:56pm On Feb 11, 2008
Let Go and Let God

He alone can fill the void in your soul!

that's the problem, i was never fulfilled believing in something so abstract.

mr bawomolo,

are you an homosexual?

no and y do u ask that
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Gamine(f): 4:20pm On Feb 11, 2008
Bawo. . . .

Something abstract?

But you have no problem believing there is Wind

You have no problem beleieving 1+1=2

Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Nobody: 4:22pm On Feb 11, 2008

that's the problem, i was never fulfilled believing in something so abstract.

And you will NEVER be fulfilled believed in things that are not God. Worst of all homosexuality.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 4:54pm On Feb 11, 2008
Something abstract?

But you have no problem believing there is Wind

wind isn't abstract, i'm filling it now dealing with the winter of Chicago.

You have no problem beleieving 1+1=2

those can be proven using set theory and other mathematical principles. thanks to the greek and egyptians, we know 1+1 = 2. what can be used to substantiate the existence of God??

And you will NEVER be fulfilled believed in things that are not God. Worst of all homosexuality.

wow, homosexuality is worse than murder, rape etc. u are a smart man
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by debosky(m): 5:08pm On Feb 11, 2008
what 'mathematical principles' can you use to explain the origin of the universe?

Yes I've heard of the big bang and other theories. . .but what led to them? What created the substance that went 'bang' in the first instance?

Logic and Rationality is good. . .but in the end is inherently limited, a few centuries ago people believed absolutely that the earth was the center of the universe, now they know better. Knowledge is progressive, the fact that you can't explain something right now doesn't mean it doesn't hold as valid.

Being with God may sound abstract since you've not really understood what He is about. . .He calls you to be in a relationship with Him, to learn about Him and to let him reveal himself to you. It is not abstract at all. . .it is more real than anything you can touch, smell or see.

Homosexuality even in the realm of nature/science serves no purpose - it does not lead to procreation or preservation of the species. It denies the population of the ability to select the best genes for transmission to future generations.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by JeSoul(f): 5:18pm On Feb 11, 2008

Isnt it funny that humans are the only organisms on earth that practice this "naturally occuring" debauchery? Ever seen homosexual goats?

 ROTFL . . .  grin homosexual goats! ROTFL!  cheesy grin cheesy  Funny it's going to take animals to teach humans what is natural vs unnatural.
  Our dear bawo is grasping at straws and trying desperately to convince himself homosexuality is okay, when every instinct, tradition, common sense, nature, conscience, scripture tells us that it isn't.


Homosexuality even in the realm of nature/science serves no purpose - it does not lead to procreation or preservation of the species. It denies the population of the ability to select the best genes for transmission to future generations.
  common now debosky, but they love each other  grin
indeed you're spot on when you say it serves no purpose, absolutely none!
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Gamine(f): 5:24pm On Feb 11, 2008
Mr Bawo

What is it you truly search for
Because i know there is an underlying problem
seeing the kinds of threads you create

What is it you seek?
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by bawomolo(m): 5:28pm On Feb 11, 2008

Yes I've heard of the big bang and other theories. . .but what led to them? What created the substance that went 'bang' in the first instance?

there are naturalist theories about virtual particles etc to explain that. what lead to the creation of this God??

Being with God may sound abstract since you've not really understood what He is about. . .He calls you to be in a relationship with Him, to learn about Him and to let him reveal himself to you. It is not abstract at all. . .it is more real than anything you can touch, smell or see.

how is ur personal relationship with God. in what ways do u communicate with God. how do u communicate with something alleged to be beyond human comprehension??

Homosexuality even in the realm of nature/science serves no purpose - it does not lead to procreation or preservation of the species. It denies the population of the ability to select the best genes for transmission to future generations.

homosexuality serves a purpose in nature. it's a form of emotional bonding for humans and other animals. the population of homosexuals is constant(about 5-10%) so it's affection on the population is minimal. i guess barren people serve no purpose in nature.

Funny it's going to take animals to teach humans what is natural vs unnatural.

humans are animals 2, u are related to animals.

What is it you truly search for
Because i know there is an underlying problem
seeing the kinds of threads you create

What is it you seek?

i seek to engage in conversation with theists.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by Gamine(f): 5:34pm On Feb 11, 2008
What do you seek from the conversation?

You want someone to convince you that God exists?
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by debosky(m): 5:43pm On Feb 11, 2008
What is a 'naturalist theory'? Is it PROVEN like all the other things you've mentioned such as 1+1?

What led to the creation of God? I should ask you what led to the creation of the so called 'virtual particles'. Theories are a dime a dozen, what PROOF do you have?

The extent [/i]of God is beyond human comprehension, but that does not prevent you from interacting or communicating with him.

Before man went to space and got pictures of the globe, how many ordinary individuals on [i]earth comprehended the length and breadth of the planet
? Yet that did not stop them interacting with it by farming, building homes and other activities. Going to space gave a better appreciation of it, but still not complete comprehension.

I'm sure majority of people cannot comprehend the specifics of how the internet works, it does not prevent them from using it and benefiting from it.

I communicate with God by asking him to reveal himself, and learning about what he has revealed of himself in the past. . .If you insist things must be on YOUR own terms for God to exist, then you still have a distance to go.
Re: Homosexuality And Religion by DChair: 5:49pm On Feb 11, 2008

You ain't a gay r u? Anyway homo is even condemed in musulumi and in budhism just incase any is your religion.

Why on earth must you  post such a topic for goodness sake. Do you think people will start to see a second look at it/ common.

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