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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Islam for Muslims / Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised (1291 Views)
Muhammad cannot be the Comforter / Mohammed Is Not The Comforter / Why Do Muslims Think That The Comforter Jesus Christ Promised Is Muhammad? (2) (3) (4)
Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by Alalabi(m): 6:45am On Dec 15, 2012 |
These Are Evidences From The Bible And From The Qur'ãn.. Showing Us Who Jesus Is Referring To As The Comforter To Come After Him... Is It The Holy Spirit Or Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)... Pls follow the link below |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by Techwriter: 7:43am On Dec 15, 2012 |
Give us extracts of the link no one had time to read all these stories punctuated with PBUH and the likes. what I know you may not have even read and reasoned
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by DevotedOne(m): 7:24pm On Dec 19, 2012 |
Bismillaah ir Rahmaan ir Rahiim As salaam alaykum. The comforter that Jesus PBUH spoke of is the Holy Spirit that will indwell the Chosen one initiated for the anointing re: Christ/Logos. The Apocalypse unsealed The Sermon on the Mount The magical message according to Iôannês: commonly called the Gospel According To [ST.] John Downloadable. Wassalaam. DevotedOne |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by Geewan(m): 10:32pm On Dec 21, 2012 |
DevotedOne: Bismillaah ir Rahmaan ir Rahiim As salaam alaykum. The comforter that Jesus PBUH spoke of is the Holy Spirit that will indwell the Chosen one initiated for the anointing re: Christ/Logos. To begin with, what does the Greek word "Periclytos" stands for? |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by DevotedOne(m): 4:32pm On Dec 22, 2012 |
Bismillaah ir Rahmaan ir Rahiim As salaam alaykum. There may be a difference in spelling/translation in the word that you've posted; I'm not certain that it is the same. To begin with, what does the Greek word "Periclytos" stands for?Geewan "Parakletos" (Gk.), advocate, helper; a term applied to the kundalini, the regenerative force. There is a glossary at the end of this volume: The Restored New Testament Wassalaam. DevotedOne |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by Geewan(m): 12:06am On Dec 25, 2012 |
I'm very sorry for my late response. The Greek term for "advocate" is Sunegorus. Periqlytos means the "most illustrious or praiseworthy." The text from John was: "I shall go to the Father and he shall send you another messenger whose name shall be Periqlytos, that he may remain with you forever." When you replaced periqlytos with its English meaning you have: "I shall go to the Father and he shall send you another messenger whose name shall be praiseworthy, that he may remain with you forever." You should be able to see clearly that Mohammad was predicted by name in the bible since Periqlytos means Ahmad. NB: I thought the Holy spirit has been around right from the creation of the world according to Genesis 1:2. There were reported case of the Holy spirit visiting Jesus in form of a dove while he was alive even when he was being baptized. |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by DevotedOne(m): 11:19pm On Dec 25, 2012 |
Bismillaah ir Rahmaan ir Rahiim As salaam alaykum. Mehmet Paracletos Sunegorus, is someone on facebook or, so it appears. That word Sunegorus, is seemingly everywhere in a search. Periqlytos, must be Syriac; I've never seen a 'Q' in the Greek language. Muhammad was predicted to come in the Gospel of John Syed Abul A'ala Maududi, from about page 500 on, reflects upon Periclytos (sp?), concerning Muhammad: Tafheemul Quran: English Tafseer of Holy Quran by Syed Abul A'ala Maududi (Downloadable pdf files) re: 061 As-Saff.pdf Wassalaam. DevotedOne |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by Nobody: 4:23am On Dec 27, 2012 |
Again- the comforter Jesus promised to send is the holy spirit and it is for believers in salvation through Christ Jesus. |
Re: Who Is The Comforter Jesus Promised by deSika(m): 4:51am On Apr 03, 2013 |
your comprehensive answer is here |
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