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My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Abrantie: 8:50pm On Jan 06, 2013
I am not a diplomat, and, as such, I am not fully conversant with the elegant and rarefied language of the diplomatic trade. I have a reputation for saying what I mean and meaning what I say. So I trust that you'll forgive me if I come across as a bit blunt when I state that if belligerent dipsomaniacs really believed in equality, they wouldn't convert lush forests into arid deserts. Permit me this forum to rant.

All of Mr. Seun Osewa's lieutenants are thieves—idle, envious, and ready to plunder and enslave their weaker neighbors. It's therefore not surprising that Seun has a glib proficiency with words and very sensitive nostrils. He can smell money in your pocket from a block away. Once that delicious aroma reaches Seun's nostrils, he'll start talking about the joy of plagiarism and how "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel. As you listen to Seun's sing-song, chances are you won't even notice his hand as it goes into your pocket. Only later, after you realize you've been robbed, will you truly understand that I have a problem with his use of the phrase, "We all know that…". With this phrase, Seun doesn't need to prove his claim that he is omnipotent; he merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, he is inherently pestilential, sexist, and headlong. Oh, and he also has a dissolute mode of existence.

I, for one, want to make this clear so that those who do not understand deeper messages embedded within sarcastic irony—and you know who I'm referring to—can process my point. I have a message for Seun. My message is that, for the good of us all, he should never formulate social policies and action programs based on the most peccable types of escapism in existence. He should never even try to do such a yellow-bellied thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by "never" I don't mean "maybe", "sometimes", or "it depends". I mean only that Seun claims that women are crazed Pavlovian sex-dogs who will salivate at any object even remotely phallic in shape. I, speaking as someone who is not a froward sot, would say that that claim is 70% folderol, 20% twaddle, and 10% another contemptible attempt to hand over the country to insincere, unprincipled fault-finders.

I have no doubt that Seun will exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in managing both the news and the entertainment that gets presented to us by the next full moon. He'll probably do so under the pretense of "humanitarian intervention" or some other equally inapposite appellation, but the reality is that foul-mouthed nihilism is merely a symptom of the disease called "Seun-ism". Well, that's another story. To get back to my main point, I ought to mention that Seun has long been getting away with stripping people of their rights to free expression and individuality. I urge all of my beautiful and loyal fans to walk with me side-by-side as we march up the steps of justice to right this unconscionable wrong and prove to the world that if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.

The television-addicted, drone inhabitants of Seun's rotting empire of immoralism uniformly believe that trees cause more pollution than automobiles do. Well, I have news for such inconsiderate underachievers: Seun has occasionally been successful at irrationalizing thinking on every issue. Upon such points his natural character always exhibits itself most determinedly as he further strives to introduce more restrictions on our already dwindling freedoms. But it gets worse than that. What was morally wrong five years ago is just as wrong today. And that's all I have to say.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Abrantie: 8:51pm On Jan 06, 2013
[size=18pt]THIS IS A JOKE![/size] grin ... This complaint was generated with a "complaint-letter generator" at: http://www.pakin.org/complaint/

I chose not to post it in the jokes section because I didn't want to give away the goods before it got read.

Mods, move this to the jokes section later after a few people have also posted their "complaints". grin
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Pygru: 9:22pm On Jan 06, 2013
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by CrazyMan(m): 9:24pm On Jan 06, 2013
Abrantie: THIS IS A JOKE! grin ... This complaint was generated with a "complaint-letter generator" at: http://www.pakin.org/complaint/

I chose not to post it in the jokes section because I didn't want to give away the goods before it got read.

Mods, move this to the jokes section later after a few people have also posted their "complaints". grin
shocked shocked shocked
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Oahray: 10:25pm On Jan 06, 2013
Let's start this letter with a little quiz:
1. Does Mr. Abrantie realize he's more slaphappy than a morally crippled slowpoke?
2. Do temerarious, unbridled caitiffs like Abrantie's loyalists actually have lives, or do they exist solely to carve out space in the mainstream for nit-picky politics?
3. Essay: Compare and contrast Abrantie's methods of interpretation to those of two-faced lie-virtuosi, focusing especially on who is more likely to unfurl the flag of barbarism.

Don't worry; I'll give you all the answers throughout the course of this letter as well as a wealth of other information about Abrantie. My hope is that the following text will delight the critical and offer food for thought to those contemplating Abrantie's maledicent litanies. Someone needs to solve the problems of yahooism, materialism, economic inequality, and lack of equal opportunity. Who's going to do it? Abrantie? I think not. Just because I understand Abrantie's threats doesn't mean I agree with them. Whenever people fail to fall for Abrantie's nocuous deceptions, he tries leading them to the slaughterhouse via the back entrance. If that ploy still doesn't work, Abrantie then sics his blood-drenched, murderous coven in all of its resplendent foulness upon them. He seems incapable of understanding that he sates his bloodlust by crushing national and spiritual values out of existence and substituting the iscariotic and pot-valiant machinery of totalism. It's that simple. According to Abrantie, it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong. He might as well be reading tea leaves or tossing chicken bones on the floor for divination about what's true and what isn't. Maybe then Abrantie would realize that he argues that I am ruthless for wanting to educate the public on a range of issues. I should point out that this is almost the same argument that was made against Copernicus and Galileo almost half a millennium ago. Finally, no letter about Mr. Abrantie would be complete without mention of some of the totally uncompanionable schemes that he supports. Although there are a plenitude of examples from which to choose, the most uncompanionable would have to be his proposal to damage the self-esteem and physical health of millions of young men and women. That's the sort of thing that keeps me up at night.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by OmolodMilkman93(m): 11:54pm On Jan 06, 2013
Sir, did u inhale polish?


Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Nobody: 11:58pm On Jan 06, 2013
Insanity abound on Nairaland.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Mynd44: 3:16am On Jan 07, 2013
What the .........
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by parismarc: 7:07pm On Feb 12, 2013
Absolute rubbish,u must be high on some cheap weed!!
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Odunnu: 7:49pm On Feb 12, 2013
If I tell you I have an idea what OP is saying, then i am a liar. Dude is sick embarassed
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by suxes2005(m): 7:10am On Feb 13, 2013
Leggo Dublin (local station here) and come get the best weed man

1 Like

Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Abrantie: 12:16am On Feb 15, 2013
Oahray: Let's start this letter with a little quiz:
1. Does Mr. Abrantie realize he's more slaphappy than a morally crippled slowpoke?
2. Do temerarious, unbridled caitiffs like Abrantie's loyalists actually have lives, or do they exist solely to carve out space in the mainstream for nit-picky politics?
3. Essay: Compare and contrast Abrantie's methods of interpretation to those of two-faced lie-virtuosi, focusing especially on who is more likely to unfurl the flag of barbarism.

Don't worry; I'll give you all the answers throughout the course of this letter as well as a wealth of other information about Abrantie. My hope is that the following text will delight the critical and offer food for thought to those contemplating Abrantie's maledicent litanies. Someone needs to solve the problems of yahooism, materialism, economic inequality, and lack of equal opportunity. Who's going to do it? Abrantie? I think not. Just because I understand Abrantie's threats doesn't mean I agree with them. Whenever people fail to fall for Abrantie's nocuous deceptions, he tries leading them to the slaughterhouse via the back entrance. If that ploy still doesn't work, Abrantie then sics his blood-drenched, murderous coven in all of its resplendent foulness upon them. He seems incapable of understanding that he sates his bloodlust by crushing national and spiritual values out of existence and substituting the iscariotic and pot-valiant machinery of totalism. It's that simple. According to Abrantie, it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong. He might as well be reading tea leaves or tossing chicken bones on the floor for divination about what's true and what isn't. Maybe then Abrantie would realize that he argues that I am ruthless for wanting to educate the public on a range of issues. I should point out that this is almost the same argument that was made against Copernicus and Galileo almost half a millennium ago. Finally, no letter about Mr. Abrantie would be complete without mention of some of the totally uncompanionable schemes that he supports. Although there are a plenitude of examples from which to choose, the most uncompanionable would have to be his proposal to damage the self-esteem and physical health of millions of young men and women. That's the sort of thing that keeps me up at night.

Why does Oahray spam the Internet with unsolicited eccentric junk e-mail? Anger? Fear? Stupidity? Some deep pathological urging of his soul? The answer cannot easily be found, but his central role in the promotion of anti-democratic statism dates back a number of years. With this letter, I hope to change the world for the better. But first, I would like to make the following introductory remark: He says that drug money is being used to pay for the construction of huge underground cities intended to house both humans and aliens who serve a secret, transnational shadow government. You know, I don't think I have heard a less factually based statement in my entire life.

If a cogent, logical argument entered Oahray's brain, no doubt a concussion would result. I have a scientist's respect for objective truth. That's why I'm telling you that Oahray's incessant bloviating leads me to believe that Oahray plants false evidence to incriminate his adversaries. What's my problem, then? Allow me to present it in the form of a question: Why can't we all just get along? Having long ago made up my mind on this subject, I have no hesitation in saying that even if one is opposed to negligent ultraism (as I am) then, surely, my love for people necessitates that I take the mechanisms, language, ideology, and phraseology for determining what is right and what is wrong out of the hands of Oahray and his flunkies and put them back in the hands of ordinary people. Yes, I face opposition from Oahray. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder. As a closing statement, let me emphasize that we have no choice but to recognize and respect the opinions, practices, and behavior of others. The time to act is now.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by greatgod2012(f): 1:03am On Feb 15, 2013
O ga o!
Sick pple everywhere!
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Oahray: 8:35am On Feb 15, 2013
Lol @ Abrantie... Mine beat yours like Burkina Faso and Mali beat Ghana grin grin tongue
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by RoyalRoy(m): 5:58pm On Feb 15, 2013
greatgod2012: O ga o!
Sick pple everywhere!
No Madam....they are not sick!!
Both Oahray & Abrantie are actually transmitting on a higher wavelength than you or the others can decipher!!
I guess Hon Patrick Obehmiagbon belonged to this wavelength also. But I suspect he(the Hon ) might have some kind of distortions on his own frequency!!
Their Class is rare & priceless

1 Like

Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Abrantie: 11:18pm On Feb 15, 2013
greatgod2012: O ga o!
Sick pple everywhere!

I take exception to a few key aspects of Greatgod2012's perorations. What follows is the story of how Greatgod2012 can be so rich in the rhetoric of democracy and yet so poor in its implementation. The first casualty of her allegations is justice. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not.

When the religious leaders in Jesus's time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that Greatgod2012's casus belli are the fertilizer that grows antinomianism to monstrous proportions? Many the things I've talked about in this letter are obvious. We all know they're true. But still it's necessary for us to say them because Greatgod2012 doesn't perceive that anything is wrong with her.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Oahray: 2:34pm On Feb 16, 2013
suxes2005: Leggo Dublin (local station here) and come get the best weed man

I've been doing a lot of meditating and praying lately, and this has helped me collect my thoughts and organize them into the letter you're about to read. Here's my side of the story: If you're the type who dares to think for yourself, then you've probably already determined that to Suxes2005, acting like a quasi-judgmental, illogical agelast is a lot of fun. (The merits of Suxes2005's solutions won't be discussed here because they lack merit.) If you've read any of the neo-acrasial slop that he has concocted, you'll clearly recall his description of his plan to place stumbling blocks in front of those of us who seek value and fulfilment in our personal and professional lives. If you haven't read any of it, well, all you really need to know is that a person who wants to get ahead should try to understand the long-range consequences of his/her actions. Suxes2005 has never had that faculty. He always does what he wants to do at the moment and figures he'll be able to lie himself out of any problems that arise. Finally, whatever your thoughts or feelings about Suxes2005 are, I urge you to help me detail the specific steps and objectives needed to thwart his aberrant little schemes.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by suxes2005(m): 9:55pm On Feb 16, 2013
Oahray: I've been doing a lot of meditating and praying lately, and this has helped me collect my thoughts and organize them into the letter you're about to read. Here's my side of the story: If you're the type who dares to think for yourself, then you've probably already determined that to Suxes2005, acting like a quasi-judgmental, illogical agelast is a lot of fun. (The merits of Suxes2005's solutions won't be discussed here because they lack merit.) If you've read any of the neo-acrasial slop that he has concocted, you'll clearly recall his description of his plan to place stumbling blocks in front of those of us who seek value and fulfilment in our personal and professional lives. If you haven't read any of it, well, all you really need to know is that a person who wants to get ahead should try to understand the long-range consequences of his/her actions. Suxes2005 has never had that faculty. He always does what he wants to do at the moment and figures he'll be able to lie himself out of any problems that arise. Finally, whatever your thoughts or feelings about Suxes2005 are, I urge you to help me detail the specific steps and objectives needed to thwart his aberrant little schemes.

E no go better for those witch for ur papa house

see wasted destiny...
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by OmolodMilkman93(m): 10:21pm On Feb 16, 2013
wat da Bleep is going on here?
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Abrantie: 10:01pm On Feb 17, 2013
OmolodMilkman93: wat da Bleep is going on here?

As much as I hate diversivolent jerks, I hate OmolodMilkman93 even more, especially when he tries to drag men out of their beds in the dead of night and castrate them. Let me get to the crux of the matter: It strikes me as amusing that he complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! OmolodMilkman93 does nothing but complain. He surely intends to maintain social control by eliminating rights and freedoms. The direful sequence of that result, so flagrantly picayunish and unconscionable in itself, is that illiterate beguilers will treat traditional values as if they were jejune crimes one of these days.

Many people think of OmolodMilkman93's irritating circulars as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which slaphappy, hostile popinjays will spread unrestrained views sometime soon. A second all-too-serious item is that OmolodMilkman93's subversive escapades have caused vulgar muttonheads (especially the crazy type) to descend upon us like a swarm of locusts, leaving a large part of this country's workforce dislocated and disillusioned. OmolodMilkman93 is like a pigeon.

Pigeons are too self-absorbed to care about anyone else. They poo on people they don't like; they poo on people they don't even know. The only real difference between OmolodMilkman93 and a pigeon is that OmolodMilkman93 intends to advocate his stratagems amid a hue and cry as insolent as it is juvenile. That's why OmolodMilkman93 keeps saying that he defends the real needs of the working class. In such statements, as in most of his propaganda, there are major omissions and layers of codswallop wrapped around a small piece of the truth.

The real story is that OmolodMilkman93 is squarely in favor of absolutism and its propensity to foist the most poisonously false and destructive myths imaginable upon us. This is so typical of OmolodMilkman93: he condemns bigotry and injustice except when it benefits him personally. On a closing note, I hope that this letter, while incomplete, informal, and having no authority except its own inner strength and conviction, has clearly demonstrated to you that OmolodMilkman93 supports a range of policies and programs that haven't worked, that don't work, and that can't be made to work in the real world—not without creating problems worse than what they were intended to solve, that is.

1 Like

Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Pygru: 1:04am On Feb 18, 2013
grin undecided
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Nobody: 1:36am On Feb 18, 2013
Is the OP speaking English? tongue

Abeg this isnt the type of English I was taught in my jakande school o grin
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Nobody: 1:38am On Feb 18, 2013
Odunnu: If I tell you I have an idea what OP is saying, then i am a liar. Dude is sick embarassed

Nne, me sef dey try decipher am but my English language knowledge fail me cry
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by dominique(f): 1:31pm On Feb 18, 2013
I'll be discussing
Abrantie's warped platitudes and how Abrantie
uses them to abrogate some of our most
fundamental freedoms. Before I launch into my
main topic, I want to make a few matters crystal-
clear: (1) The acquisition and consolidation of
wealth and power are the motivating forces that
drive all of his daffy decisions, and (2) as a result
of that, I will not let myself be forced into
anything. Now that you know where I stand on
those issues, I can safely say that he says that he
wants to make life better for everyone. Lacking a
coherent ideology, however, he always ends up
restructuring the social, political, and economic
relationships that exist throughout our entire
It may seem to many people, maybe even the
majority, that Abrantie is not as iconoclastic or
dissolute as you might think. He's more so. It will
not be easy to wage war on ruffianism.
Nevertheless, we must attempt to do exactly that
for the overriding reason that as that last
sentence suggests, it is hardly surprising that
Abrantie wants to make things worse. After all,
this is the same empty-headed slumlord whose
biased prattle informed us that all it takes to solve
our social woes are shotgun marriages, heavy-
handed divorce laws, and a return to some
mythical 1950s Shangri-la.
I have a T-shirt emblazoned with the following
inscription: "Abrantie has gone around the bend
with his paranoia." I like to wear that T-shirt to
make a point about how Abrantie refuses to
come to terms with reality. He prefers instead to
live in a fantasy world of rationalization and
hallucination. To tell you the truth, it is pointless
to fret about the damage already caused by his
tetchy, depraved rodomontades. The past cannot
be changed. We must cope with the present if we
hope to affect our future and expose all of his
filthy, subversive, and destructive activities.
Many of the jejune recidivists I've encountered are
convinced that it's illegal to expose the
connections between the unconscionable
problems that face us and the key issues of
revanchism and priggism—or, if it isn't illegal,
then it ought to be. This view is bitter by any
stretch of the imagination and reflects how
anything that has AbRaNtie's sponsorship or
support should immediately be quashed on the
basis of his desire to rob, steal, cheat, and
murder. He may mean well, but ever since he
decided to cause (or at least contribute to) a
variety of social ills, his consistent, unvarying line
has been that he defends the real needs of the
working class. This moral issue will eventually be
rendered academic by the fact that we have
much to fear from Abrantie. Personally, I'm afraid
that when you least expect it, he'll impale us on a
Morton's Fork: Either we let him pander to our
worst fears, or he'll institutionalize Maoism
through systematic violence, distorted religion,
and dubious science. Regardless of which we
choose, Abrantie is not interested in what is true
and what is false or in what is good and what is
evil. In fact, those distinctions have no meaning
to him whatsoever. The only thing that has any
meaning to Abrantie is fogyism. Why? Whenever
that question is asked, Abrantie and his
emissaries run and hide. I suspect that that's
precisely what they're going to do now so as to
avoid hearing me say that the television-addicted,
drone inhabitants of Abrantie's rotting empire of
escapism uniformly believe that the few of us who
complain regularly about Abrantie's hijinks are
simply spoiling the party. Well, I have news for
such sinful scamps: Abrantie has indicated that if
we don't let him turn me, a typically mild-
mannered person, into a scornful vat of
demagogism then he'll be forced to mock,
ridicule, deprecate, and objurgate people for their
religious beliefs. That's like putting rabid attack
dogs in silk suits. In other words, Abrantie has
issued us a thinly veiled threat that's intended
primarily to scare us away from the realization
that I doubtlessly don't believe that there is an
international Communist conspiracy to sap and
impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. So when
Abrantie says that that's what I believe, I see
how little he understands my position.
If someone were to prey on people's emotions of
fear, envy, and resentment, I'd rather it be an
army of postmodernist, infelicific gumps than
Abrantie because the latter is neo-sadistic, while
the former are only pea-brained. We can disagree
with him without being disagreeable. For
instance, I would like to politely disagree with
some of Abrantie's agendas by pointing out that
I, hardheaded cynic that I am, believe that we
should let him prattle on about how he can
achieve his goals by friendly and moral conduct.
At this point, such exsufflicate jibber jabber is
harmless enough, albeit a little unsettling.
Nevertheless, it does demonstrate how if
anything, a central point of Abrantie's belief
systems is the notion that Dadaism is a wonderful
thing. Perhaps he should take some new data into
account and revisit that notion. I think he'd find
that every one of us has a role in saving this
country from his contumacious faction. We all
know that he has put our country in trouble. We
may disagree on what to do about it, but we all
know that our country is in trouble. May I
suggest, therefore, that we burn away social
illness, exploitation, and human suffering? Doing
so may help even primitive jabberers see that I
once had a nightmare in which Abrantie was free
to issue a flood of bogus legal documents. When I
awoke, I realized that this nightmare was
frighteningly close to reality. For instance, it is the
case both in my nightmare and in reality that
Abrantie insists that he has mystical powers of
divination and prophecy. Sorry, Abrantie, but,
with apologies to Gershwin, "it ain't necessarily
so." As I conclude this letter, let me remind you
that my goal in writing it was not only to tend to
the casualties of Mr. Abrantie war on
sanity. I sought also to use this letter as a means
to get us out of the hammerlock in which
Abrantie is holding us.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by dominique(f): 1:34pm On Feb 18, 2013
@ Abrantie
That's for you for almost breaking my head with that opening post grin grin tongue
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Oahray: 1:40pm On Feb 18, 2013
dominique: @ Abrantie
That's for you for almost breaking my head with that opening post grin grin tongue
another person understands grin
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Abrantie: 6:41pm On Feb 18, 2013
What I am about to say is strictly off the record. On that understanding, I shall give you candidly and without circumlocution the best estimate of our present plight that I have been able to make. Let me start by stressing that I am not attempting to suppress anyone's opinions, nor do I intend to demean Dominique personally for her beliefs or worldviews. But I do claim that I must get us out of the hammerlock in which Dominique is holding us.

All in all, I realize that this discussion has seemed incredibly bleak. However, expecting the worst from Dominique means we will never be disappointed. If we're wrong and Dominique does not try to mute the voice of anyone who dares to speak out against her, we'll be relieved. If we're right and she does, we'll be prepared.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Pimples(m): 10:43am On Feb 19, 2013
I am So laughing my head off... Although this thread is funny, I'll still suggest that u guys get an xtra Job. As it seems whatever it is u do for a living is not engaging enough. Otherwise I see no reason for this thread...
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by fyneboi79(m): 12:11pm On Feb 19, 2013

Why does Oahray spam the Internet with unsolicited eccentric junk e-mail? Anger? Fear? Stupidity? Some deep pathological urging of his soul? The answer cannot easily be found, but his central role in the promotion of anti-democratic statism dates back a number of years. With this letter, I hope to change the world for the better. But first, I would like to make the following introductory remark: He says that drug money is being used to pay for the construction of huge underground cities intended to house both humans and aliens who serve a secret, transnational shadow government. You know, I don't think I have heard a less factually based statement in my entire life.

If a cogent, logical argument entered Oahray's brain, no doubt a concussion would result. I have a scientist's respect for objective truth. That's why I'm telling you that Oahray's incessant bloviating leads me to believe that Oahray plants false evidence to incriminate his adversaries. What's my problem, then? Allow me to present it in the form of a question: Why can't we all just get along? Having long ago made up my mind on this subject, I have no hesitation in saying that even if one is opposed to negligent ultraism (as I am) then, surely, my love for people necessitates that I take the mechanisms, language, ideology, and phraseology for determining what is right and what is wrong out of the hands of Oahray and his flunkies and put them back in the hands of ordinary people. Yes, I face opposition from Oahray. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder. As a closing statement, let me emphasize that we have no choice but to recognize and respect the opinions, practices, and behavior of others. The time to act is now.
Right behind you man!Tell Į̸̸̨ƭ τ̲̅ȍ dem!
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by fyneboi79(m): 12:17pm On Feb 19, 2013
dominique: @ Abrantie
That's for you for almost breaking my head with that opening post grin grin tongue
at least good ‎u admit being broken headed!
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by Oahray: 12:26pm On Feb 19, 2013
fyneboi79: Right behind you man!Tell Į̸̸̨ƭ τ̲̅ȍ dem!
I am not writing to agree or disagree with Fyneboi79. What I have to say, however, regards Fyneboi79's decision to make empty promises and meaningless comments. Some background is in order: His foot soldiers are lower than disgusting busybodies. They are wanton snollygosters. Those who support their viewpoints or help create the ostentatious atmosphere needed for them to impose a particular curriculum, vision of history, and method of pedagogy on our school systems should realize that Fyneboi79 needs to realize that he's not special. He's not a beautiful or unique snowflake. He's just another villainous propagandist who wants to peonize and enslave his castigators.

Although I can no more change the past than see the future, it's safe to say that if Fyneboi79 were paying attention—which it would seem he is not, as I've already gone over this—he'd see that if you think that once he has approved of something it can't possibly be postmodernist, then think again. At one point, I actually believed that he would stop being so venom-spouting. Silly me. The central paradox of Fyneboi79's orations, the twist that makes Fyneboi79's press releases so irresistible to namby- pamby kleptomaniacs, is that these people truly believe that Fyneboi79's animadversions can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality. Although I've reached the end of this letter, I'm not going to sit down. I'm not going to shut up. I'm only going to redouble my efforts to confront and reject all manifestations of rowdyism. Whoever gave Fyneboi79 an internet connection should be jailed, and the key melted.
Re: My Complaint About Mr. Seun Osewa by dominique(f): 9:11pm On Feb 19, 2013
fyneboi79: at least good ‎u admit being broken headed!

Almost broken headed wink

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