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Fish Farming by legalman: 8:52pm On Mar 09, 2008
I am interested in starting a fish farming business. Was wondering if there was anyone who could help me with details or facilitation. I have a little capital to invest.
Re: Fish Farming by ijogbon(m): 8:56pm On Mar 09, 2008

Where are you?
I have 10 concrete fishponds in Lekki ready for farming.
Re: Fish Farming by phatgirl(f): 12:03pm On Mar 10, 2008
Kindly get in touch with xela consult on 08079226990.Its an agricultural consultant coy
Re: Fish Farming by adfabb(m): 4:40pm On Jun 30, 2009
i think there is a need to have agriculture section in naira land and i will like to start one
Re: Fish Farming by Ekome: 6:00am On Jul 02, 2009
We supply



[b]JUVENILE [/b]to you in any part of the world.


We also help people to manage their farms.

Just call 08028358691 for further information

or send an email to sive83@gmail.com.
Re: Fish Farming by adfabb(m): 5:02pm On Jul 02, 2009
Intensive tank culture systems is a system of breeding fish in captivity, it entails total provision of feed, water, and all necessary requirement for optimum growth. Intensive culture can be based on flow through system and recirculating system conditions.

In a flow through systems water are made to pass through a channel or pumping facilities that is an inlets into the production tank and used water are drained or removed through a system of underground pvc pipes that already opens into each fish tanks. However recirculating conditions entails complete or partial water reuse system which means that waste water are return through system of pipes through sedimentation tanks and then are pumped back into biological filtration medial and then by gravity the reused water returns into the respective production tanks.

Recirculating and Flow through system can only operate successfully if high standards of water quality are maintained. This is especially important with respect to oxygen and ammonia levels. The degree to which water can be re-used or flushed out in a high stocking density culture system depends largely on the design of the water purification system,pipe networks and effectiveness of the component parts in a recirculating conditions.

Recirculating system : The object of biological filtration is to remove solids such as uneaten food and faeces and metabolic wastes so that the water can be re-used. The metabolic wastes that have to be removed are ammonia(the most toxic), carbon dioxide, faecal matter and urea. Nitrite and nitrate are two other inorganic forms of nitrogen that must be removed from the culture environment. Nitrite is also toxic from levels as low as 0.19 mg/l for some species. Nitrate accumulation, which is inevitable in most water re-use systems, does not have a direct effect on fish, but accumulation of nitrate results in a reduction of the pH which in turn inhibits nitrification.

The most important processes in water re-use systems are mineralisation, nitrification, dissimilation and denitrification.

Mineralisation is the stage where nitrogenous waste breakdown into more simple compounds such as ammonia (e.g. the deamination of urea to ammonia). It is effected by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and occurs mostly in the biological filters. There are many different designs for biological filters, e.g. submerged down- or up-draft filters or trickle tower filters. Mineralisation also takes place during the process of sludge activation (if included into the design).Nitrification is the next step in which ammonia is oxidised by aerobic autotrophic bacteria from its gaseous or ionised state to nitrite and then to nitrate. The process of nitrification requires a great deal of oxygen (e.g. approximately 5 molecules of oxygen are needed to oxidise one molecule of ammonia to nitrate).

Biological filters should be aerated vigorously failing which will result in a reduced biological carrying capacity of the system. Ozone can also be used to facilitate the process of nitrification.

Secondary source of ammonia is also removed in the biofilters. Denitrification is when inorganic nitrogen is completely reduced to N2O and N2.

Residual nitrate can be assimilated by algae in a reconditioning reservoir (if it is included into the design).

Recirculation systems for high density culture of fish can have various configurations. The level of complexity and sophistication of water re-use systems are dependent on the availability of capital and availability of equipment.

Suspended solids in the form of uneaten food ,excretal can either be removed by way of a settling tank (from which the accumulated solids have to be flushed out on a regularly as desired).

After having passed through the biofilters the water can then either be filtered further by way of sand pressure filters (which also contain bacteria on the medium and thus also act as biofilters) or can flow into a large reconditioning reservoir, in which algae or aquatic macrophytes can be used to remove nitrates. After having gone through this process the water is ready to be pumped back to the fish tanks. Depending on the operational efficiency of the system the precentage of the total volume which has to be replaced with fresh water on a daily basis ranges between 7 and 20%.

read more @ www,catfishfarmingbusiness.com
Re: Fish Farming by ekanadex: 4:30pm On Jul 10, 2009
Its a nice idea to go into fisheries but you have to consider what you have on ground before doing any fishery project.
You look at things like Grow out,Raising of fingerlings,juveniles,selling of fries,your marketing strategy,your water Ph cost of feeding just to mention a few.
So think before embarking on the project.
Re: Fish Farming by naijacutee(f): 8:45pm On Aug 10, 2009
Please see this thread, it is saturated with the information you want - You don't need to pay anyone! https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-20394.64.html


71 Year Old Billionaire Bags 150 Years Imprisonment For Fraud. / What I Do Online With #3,000 Starting Capital / Lets Help You

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