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Job At A Dairy Company by danoskyy(m): 10:41am On Mar 10, 2008
Hi guys,
i just stumbled at a job vacancy at one of Nigeria's biggest Dairy Coy
But they would want to know transparent feedback on "WHY PEOPLE USE MILK ?"
you are supposed to drop the lines here in the forum and drop ur mail address,so they contact you.
please note you have to be as transparent as possible,don't sound nice or modest,they have a way of knowing if you are genuine
and lastly drop yr favorite milk in the dairy category.
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by juli4mo(m): 12:40pm On Mar 10, 2008
People use milk for different reasons but i must say here that personally i use milk for different purpose when i want to take one thing or the other.For instance if i want to take pap (the one yoruba people call ogi) i dont like to take it ordinarily without the use of milk.When i take pap with milk it makes me enjoy the pap i am taking,it gives me a different taste of sweetness from the ordinary pap i take,it norishes my body and sometimes gives me energy when i am weak.When i want to take tea maybe with bonvita, milo sometimes i take it without milk when i dont have money with me to buy milk but when i have enough money with me, i add milk to the tea to give me the norishment i derserve from it.
I will like to state here that, some people use milk mostly because of the sweetness and norishment they deserve from it.

I love using PEAK MILK.

this is my email address rcfsecgen2003@yahoo.com
Julius David
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by kamsi(f): 10:20am On Mar 11, 2008
Why do I like milk? I would answer that question by first stating that I was introduced to milk by my mother and I guess so was everybody. As I grew older I drank more, with cereals, beverage, porridge etc. First milk is pleasant tasting that why I take it, second milk is a complete food that contains all food group. Then finally am not lactose intolerant so I do take milk.

My favourite or rather the milk I take has changed. Few years ago I drank any brand and they were all full cream but now i take only Dano slim this is because it is skimmed. Another brand which is Milex though I dont really like it because it is semi-skimmed, I prefer skimmed and only dano caters for That my need so my milk is Dano slim.
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by danoskyy(m): 11:22am On Mar 11, 2008
in the Nigerian Milk catergory,which of the brands would you prefer?
peak,dano,three crown, etc.
and please kindly state why?"
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by Agbo2(m): 12:10pm On Mar 11, 2008
@ danosky,

Why didnt you come out plain and let people know why you need their opinon?
why come up with such dry trick as "stumbling on a job vacancy"?
You seem to work in an advert agency and u need people's opinion for marketing strategy!!!
Why ask for people's e-mail?
Dont raise people's hopes for nothing, it's unfair!!!
angry angry angry
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by kanyi: 12:37pm On Mar 11, 2008
Hi, i hear that VLA is recruiting OND
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by chi101: 1:23pm On Mar 11, 2008
People use milk because of its protein contents, and some milk products nowadays are fortified with calcium and other important nutrients. So I will say people use milk to stay strong and healthy.
cbk4real@yahoo.com, 08056964342 08068030182
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by Nobody: 1:56pm On Mar 12, 2008
to be factual, how many people that takes milk knows what it contains? most illiterates take it because they just think they have to and it makes them fresh. now, few people knows the freshness is as a result of the high vitamin and protein plus thew lactose inside it.
more so, milk is so delectable if one is not allergic to it, that any mad man on the street can take it just because of that. and peak milk remains the best in history,
its creamier and tastes better.
i'm a food technologist and i'll like to work for the dairy company
bolo2online@yahoo.com is my email.
07031001670 is my phone line.
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by roven(m): 3:39pm On Mar 13, 2008
Please wat is the pay like?
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by jaydude(f): 5:47pm On Jul 09, 2008
milk was the first thing i took as a baby,so mama told me, since then,think ive been addicted to milk.for me,what is tea without milk, what is pap,quaker oat and even corn flakes without milk? what is my golden morn without milk? tasteless,under nourished and uninviting! milk is packed with a natural load of vitamins,no wonder it is essential for the sustenance of humans and even animals. peak milk is my brand.i think its un comparable and i love it just the way it is!
Re: Job At A Dairy Company by MyPeace(f): 1:58pm On Jul 15, 2008
l don't want to write too much grammar, just to name my preferred milk.

l like JAGO milk.  Reason is that it dissolves easily with cold/hot water unlike others.  Jago Mayonnaise is also sweeter than Burma abi na Barma (cant remeber actual spelling pls) , if you want to know hahaha.

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