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The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States - Travel (3) - Nairaland

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by razznaija(f): 11:39pm On Mar 09, 2013
GEJ should form a committee to look into this.

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by omniwater007: 11:47pm On Mar 09, 2013
bright007: Some peeps will blame GEJ for this!
you no BRIGHT at all,infact you dull so tey u come lyk Jonathan tongue
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by victorazy(m): 11:49pm On Mar 09, 2013
All these things are lies, someone is trying to portray our beloved embassy.
I've been there before and haven't been disappointed but only truth I can figure out is that some staff there always yanning apata Yoruba language and it alway disturb my ears as they talk gibberish.
Let's stop diminishing and criticising every aspect of our country.


Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by SELFWORTH: 11:50pm On Mar 09, 2013
razznaija: GEJ should form a committee to look into this.


When will we start taking responsibility for our actions and stop blaming everyone for our own mistakes.

Why can't the embassy staff be professional. No amount of training can make you diligent in your job. YOU have to be one who makes up your mind to be diligent.

If you are looking for change anywhere, please abeg just look in the mirror.

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by HezronLorraine(m): 12:20am On Mar 10, 2013
Kamsy10: BUSH MAN: same here in london,infact i am embarrased to call myself a nigerian some times,even the british embassy treat me with more respect than my own country embassy, infact why dont we sell this mess of a country called nigeria to the chinese and we all share the money and every body go their way with their share

They don't even have customer service training for them so some of them don't even know what the expectation is on customer service. It's very sad indeed.

But embassy abi ambassador means u are representing your country so why do we expect Nigeria to behave differently in America.
The above are problems faced in Nigeria everyday so if we need improvement in Nigerian embassy in America, we have to Fix Nigeria first.

the front is bad,back is also bad.NAIJA I HAIL,EVEN THOUGH WE WAIL,WE STILL SAIL.imagine the jaw-dropper,notebook as database,so they can't afford computers but they can give our senators new ipads every year.even back home,no database.we launch satelites we can't even maximise its potential,nigsat would at times just want to be on soil rather than hang up there doing nothing but greeting foreign astronauts in the ISC and chatting with stars and asteroids.i'm dead sick of still putting ds nation in my prayers cause its like pouring water into a basket.truthfully,if ds nation doesn't change in ten years,i may consider going to live in space.am sure we don't even have marines to watch the place.if yot see us embassy,d individuals at the gate is enough to tell you this place isn't gonna get u headache.everything govt owned is always malamdministrated in ds country,maybe private individuals should be included in d 3 legislative list.

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by dabrake(m): 12:21am On Mar 10, 2013
. . .they do not
have a database, oh am sorry
their database is a NOTEBOOK!! . . .
Jehovah Elohim!
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by ogbonoeba: 12:29am On Mar 10, 2013
The New York branch of the Nigerian diplomatic missions is the same. Just because the embassies are in america does not mean anything. Once you enter the embassy in nyc, you have entered naija.

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by BlueMagic2(m): 12:29am On Mar 10, 2013
This is why i discarded my Nigerian passport. & gave up my Nigerian citizenship. I don't associate with failures.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by DSB(m): 12:56am On Mar 10, 2013
My close friend went to the 'DC embassy' to renew her passport during one of their visits to a midwest state. Guess what, one of the guys at the embassy went through her data and called her the same evening asking if she wanted to hang out with him. She bluntly refused. Lo and behold, when the passport came in her mail, her name was misspelt. She then called the DC office to complain. They took her details and promised to call her back. Few minutes later, our guy (he probably picked the phone initially) called back and told my friend that she's got to come over to DC and also pay another 35 or 50dols for their own mistake. This is just ridiculous. And I am suspecting he might have misspelt her name intentionally.

*I am ashamed to say that the guy is yoruba cos I am one too.

If anyone knows somebody else who works at the DC embassy that can help, pls let me know. NB:The person must not be a yoruba guy (if you know what I mean)

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Asemo11(m): 1:05am On Mar 10, 2013
BUSH MAN: same here in london,infact i am embarrased to call myself a nigerian some times,even the british embassy treat me with more respect than my own country embassy, infact why dont we sell this mess of a country called nigeria to the chinese and we all share the money and every body go their way with their share
lol nice user name
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Lucasbalo(m): 1:15am On Mar 10, 2013
BUSH MAN: same here in london,infact i am embarrased to call myself a nigerian some times,even the british embassy treat me with more respect than my own country embassy, infact why dont we sell this mess of a country called nigeria to the chinese and we all share the money and every body go their way with their share
. I am all for that as long as they send my share to me in Chitown.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by pato405(m): 1:32am On Mar 10, 2013
..But that's what makes them NIGERIANS. hate it or leave it...NIGERIA will ALWAYS be NIGERIA...anytime, anyday and anywhere
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 1:40am On Mar 10, 2013
victorazy: All these things are lies, someone is trying to portray our beloved embassy.
I've been there before and haven't been disappointed but only truth I can figure out is that some staff there always yanning apata Yoruba language and it alway disturb my ears as they talk gibberish.
Let's stop diminishing and criticising every aspect of our country.
In what country's Nigerian embassy did you visit?If out of 10 persons 8 are complaining then you know the system has an issue.Perhaps those that helped you and made things easy for you was also based on people you know in the embassy.Proove me wrong
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by redsun(m): 1:50am On Mar 10, 2013
Nigerian spirit tend to follow nigerians everywhere. That spirit of wanton selfdestruction,cheating one another by all means,gross incompetence and complete moral decadence never seem to go away. Coupled with outright delusions,seeing it all,yet can't see a thing.

Even though they are in the heart if modern civilization,they still act as if they in some down trodden slum in lagos or PH. Still primitive in the face of modernity.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 2:18am On Mar 10, 2013
Krucifax: It’s something Nigerians should really hang their heads in shame about. @ OP it’s even worse here in London at the Nigerian High Commission at Embankment!.The only words to describe it is “Market Place”. Come and see chaos! What you’ll hear is;

“Mr Man why are you jumping queue?”

“Mr Man do you know who i am?”

“I know you are closed and the sign said closed but please help me now!!!”

“Ogbeni she Yoruba ni?”

“Nna biko nyem aka”

“Bros help your brother now”

Gra gra gra, disorderliness of the highest order! You’ll need paracetamol after every visit to that place. Anybody who lives in the U.K and has been there can bear me witness!!

See as I just dey scatter laugh for here. cheesy cheesy choi

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 2:22am On Mar 10, 2013

This story is either the same or worse everywhere you go. I was in Canada and was invited by the High Commissioner (not the current one)for a speech by the former US ambassador to Nigeria in one of the Canadian Universities. He asked me and one other to join him to the venue in his official car. We got there ahead of schedule but were kept outside on a bitterly cold winter morning. While waiting,there was this youngman who had driven all the way from Toronto to the High Commission in Ottawa just to go apply for his passport. He narrated his experience and I felt really sorry for him. The entire environment was an eye sore. The disposition of the staff to duty was shameful. He eventually sent for us after being reminded because he had forgotten he invited us and we were out in the cold for a while. It was not funny. High Commissioner without events diary.

That is the norm at the Nigerian High Commission in Canada, they are a disgrace. Toronto is close to Ottawa, so the youngman probably had a 'better' ordeal than me, and many other Nigerians who had to travel to Ottawa from Western Provinces of Canada only to become victims of embassy staff ineptitudes. Last year, a friend of mine who booked for passport appointment flew from Calgary to Ottawa (almost 6 hrs flight) only to be told at the embassy that the "passport machine" isnt working, and that he should come another time. The embassy staff didnt deem it prudent to inform Nigerians (ahead of time) who had booked appointments to reschedule their appointments since the embassy "machine" is not working.

Those staff at the embassy are very condescending and disrespectful. Nigeria has only one embassy in Canada which is in Ottawa, eventhough few Nigerians reside there. Most Nigerians reside in Toronto and other bigger cities in Western Canada. Canada is a very Large country, Nigerians living especially in the Western part of Canada spend about a $1000 just to travel to the Nigerian embassy in Ottawa, only to meet incompetent people who happened to be working there only because they knew someone or are related to someone. The phone number on their website doesnt work at all, I had to get it from someone. Lots of the info on their website is outdated. Even the staff at the embassy acknowledged this, and were making fun of it, as if its not there responsibility...this is the sort of mentality of people we have working at our embassies.

I was at the Nigerian High Commission, Ottawa last month to apply for my new passport; I had to call them some days prior to my appointment just to make sure their "machine" is working this time, b4 I embark on my trip to ottawa. I flew from Calgary to Ottawa. It took me almost 6hours by flight just to get there and have my photo and fingerprinting taken. And then took another 6hr flight back thesame day. After all the hazzles and expenses, I got my passport after a week mailed to me only to see that my name was printed incorrectly. I called the embassy staff to lament my case, only for him to tell me that I have to come to Ottawa again b4 they can rectify that, imagine? Why would I have to spend another $1000 dollar to travel to ottawa again, afterall they should have my data already, hence I suggested that why dont I send the passport instead, he said no way, that I have to come over to Ottawa again, that its their protocol. Why do I have to be the one to suffer for their incompetency and stupidity, for God's sake?

During my first visit to the embassy, I felt so ashamed of my country that day. The place was dirty and overcrowded with Nigerians from every nooks and cranny of Canada who came just to get the new passports. A lot of us had to stand for hours, as there were no enough seats. Most of the staff there were Ibos (no surprise here, considering the Ambassador is an Ibo, Mr Ojo Maduekwe). The Ibo lady in charge was very condescending and disrespectful, talking to people as if they were kids.I was 'lucky,' I got my photo and fingerprints taken that day,but only to get my passport 2 weeks later with my name printed incorrectly on the passport.

To get the Ecowas passport, they said one must appear in Ottawa to have his/her photo and fingerprinting taken. There are alot of Nigerians in Canada who need to get the new passport, but still dont have the time nor money to travel to the Eastern part Canada (Ottawa) to get it. So many times, the Nigerian community in western Canada have requested that Nigerian High Commission in Canada send their staff (together with their kits) to cities like Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton etc for few days so that thousands of Nigerians and their families would have the opportunity to get the new passport. Business-wise, this would add more money to the 'govt' coffers, considering the exorbitant cost of applying for new passports in Canada. Unfortunately they(embassy) kept giving excuses "they'll come today, they'll come tmoro," and its been almost 2 years now. People whose old passports have expired or about to expire have no choice but to make the expensive and tiring trip to Ottawa.

Like someone said, Just because Nigerian embassy is located in US, Canada, UK or some developed country doesnt mean a pooh. Once you step foot in any of the Nigerian embassies abroad, know that you're already in Nigeria, hence you'll 'literally' experience all thats wrong with Nigeria.


Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 2:35am On Mar 10, 2013
The issue and common denominator are the staff.

The Nigerian staff at the US Embassy in Nigeria are equally inept and on a criminal level. They write the book on bad customer service.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by bornosheikh: 2:37am On Mar 10, 2013
Naija is Naija... how many of you complaining have de-Nigerianised yourself from tribalism, nepotism and gra-gra?

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Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by CyberG: 3:16am On Mar 10, 2013
bright007: Some peeps will blame GEJ for this!

So if not GEJ, who should be blamed? Buhari? Your dim bulb self? I think most Nigerians especially in Nigeria are getting dumber by the day!
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by juman(m): 3:26am On Mar 10, 2013
This government of goodluck jonathan is too bad. There are many heart broken stories on this thread.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 3:26am On Mar 10, 2013
Where is ROSSIKE to explain the reason why Nigeria Embassy in the US is backward?
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Godogwu: 4:10am On Mar 10, 2013
phoneport: Here you are still talking of the shamble Embassy , when GEJ still TROW Short Put in ASO Rock Latrine.

A mad man can be cured,
But a fool will always remain a fool,
And Nigeria Is A Fool!!!

Your father is a standard bastard
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by oderemo(m): 4:16am On Mar 10, 2013
rick ross still deydesign skyscraper for lekki phase 10.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 4:18am On Mar 10, 2013
all4naija: Where is ROSSIKE to explain the reason why Nigeria Embassy in the US is backward?
grin grin grin
Bros, take it easy. Naija will surely reach the promised land.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by phoneport(m): 4:35am On Mar 10, 2013

Your father is a standard bastard
GOD-OGWU OR what you call yourself I can see from the way you have rubbished Gods name that you do not even respect your creator nor to talk of my very Humble father, a fellow human begin like you.
An advise for you, except you change this God-Rubished name of yours.
Start fearing God.
And respecting man
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 4:39am On Mar 10, 2013
Well said, Uncle Jona and his Cabinet heard your voice and something will be done in the nearest decade... embarassedgrin
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by benlay(m): 4:44am On Mar 10, 2013
The OP got it all right, even in a civilized country like US, we still exhibit out mediocrity.
I experienced everything mentioned by the OP, Nigeria is a pathetic nation.


Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by KayDee4: 5:07am On Mar 10, 2013
. . . . and while we're on this issue, can the Nigerian consulates and NIS update their websites pls.
They have some procedural information on these websites and when you call for more details or even waste your time and money traveling to a consulate location, they tell you the info is wrong and you should disregard what you saw on their website. undecided undecided

For faster response, please direct all email regarding passports & visas to the related department at consgen@nigeria-consulate-atl.org
After about 3 months, I'm still waiting for a reply to an e-mail I sent; fast indeed.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Nobody: 5:08am On Mar 10, 2013
For me I had no problems getting the new ECOWAS passport, because the Embassy deployed some of its staff over here in California to take our bio data.

I received my passport about 6 weeks after that exercise.
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Godogwu: 5:13am On Mar 10, 2013
GOD-OGWU OR what you call yourself I can see from the way you have rubbished Gods name that you do not even respect your creator nor to talk of my very Humble father, a fellow human begin like you.
An advise for you, except you change this God-Rubished name of yours.
Start fearing God.
And respecting man

Smh... I'll ignore the rubbish you said

I don't take it likely when nonentities like yourself insult my country. You don't like it? Then stay the bloody hell out!!! Christ!
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by Godogwu: 5:15am On Mar 10, 2013
benlay: The OP got it all right, even in a civilized country like US, we still exhibit out mediocrity.
I experienced everything mentioned by the OP, Nigeria is a pathetic nation.

You are quite pathetic yourself.....
Re: The State Of The Nigerian Embassy In The United States by calcal: 6:56am On Mar 10, 2013


4. 419 WE GO SLOW


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